Hi Meike, On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 11:43:02PM +0200, Meike Reichle wrote: > For your information
thanks for bringing this up! I'm not a DD (yet). Are there any objections to me preparing a booth for this event? I just talked to 'devil' on #debian.de -- he's going to have a sidux booth there. After LinuxTag2009 in Berlin together with sidux I think it's worth the idea working together with them again. I'm not experienced in doing stuff like this and I didn't even check my calendar properly yet (I wouldn't know my next semester's duties already anyways), but I think with a little help we can be present there. If noone objects I'll try to bring this topic up at our next DebConf11-Berlin meeting. What do you think? Hauke
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