ITP: cobertura -- tool that calculates the percentage of code accessed by tests

2009-12-14 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Owner: Miguel Landaeta Severity: wishlist * Package name: cobertura Version : 1.9.3 Upstream Author : Mark Doliner * URL : * License : GPL 2.0, ASL 1.1 Programming Lang: Java Description : tool that

ITP: graphy -- chart generation library for Python

2010-01-05 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Owner: Miguel Landaeta Severity: wishlist * Package name: graphy Version : 1.0 Upstream Author : Google Inc. * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Python Description : chart generation library

Bug#568602: ITP: libgpars-groovy-java -- open-source concurrency library for Groovy

2010-02-05 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: libgpars-groovy-java Version : 0.9 Upstream Author : Vaclav Pech * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Groovy, Java Description : open-source

Bug#570867: ITP: svnkit -- pure Java Subversion client library

2010-02-21 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Owner: Miguel Landaeta Severity: wishlist * Package name: svnkit Version : 1.3.2 Upstream Author : TMate Software * URL : * License : TMate Open Source License (see Programming Lang: Java

Bug#573804: ITP: jets3t -- free, open-source Java toolkit and application suite for the Amazon Web Services

2010-03-13 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: jets3t Version : 0.7.2 Upstream Author : James Murty * URL : * License : Apache 2.0 Programming Lang: Java Description : free, open

Bug#574910: ITP: libbccrypto-java -- Java cryptography APIs

2010-03-21 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: libbccrypto-java Version : 1.45 Upstream Author : Legion of the Bouncy Castle, * URL : * License : An adaptation of the

Bug#575667: ITP: mojarra -- JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.0 Java API classes

2010-03-27 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: mojarra Version : 2.0.2 Upstream Author : Sun Microsystems Inc. * URL : * License : GPL2+, CDDL-1.0 Programming Lang: Java Description

Bug#575850: ITP: libspring-webflow-2.0-java -- Java MVC framework focused in View and Controller layers

2010-03-29 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: libspring-webflow-2.0-java Version : 2.0.8.RELEASE Upstream Author : SpringSource, Inc. * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Java

Bug#576311: ITP: springpython -- Python extension of Java-based Spring and Spring Security frameworks

2010-04-02 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: springpython Version : 1.1.0.M2 Upstream Author : Greg L. Turnquist * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 and others Programming

Bug#576622: ITP: libspring-ldap-java -- Java library for simpler LDAP programming

2010-04-05 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: libspring-ldap-java Version : 1.3.0.RELEASE Upstream Author : SpringSource Inc. * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang

Bug#577469: ITP: libspring-security-2.0-java -- Java libraries that provide security services for the Spring Framework

2010-04-11 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: libspring-security-2.0-java Version : 2.0.5 Upstream Author : SpringSource Inc. * URL : * License : Apache-2.0

Bug#582181: ITP: libspring-security-3.0-java -- modular Java/J2EE application security framework

2010-05-18 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: libspring-security-3.0-java Version : 3.0.2.RELEASE Upstream Author : SpringSource Inc. * URL : * License

Bug#582782: ITP: serp -- Java Virtual Machine bytecode manipulation framework

2010-05-23 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: serp Version : 1.14.1 Upstream Author : A. Abram White * URL : * License : BSD Programming Lang: Java Description : Java Virtual Machine bytecode

Bug#582950: ITP: geronimo-osgi-support -- Java libraries providing OSGi lookup support for Geronimo projects

2010-05-24 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: geronimo-osgi-support Version : 1.0 Upstream Author : Apache Software Foundation (ASF) * URL : * License

Bug#583151: ITP: geronimo-jpa-2.0-spec -- Geronimo JSR-317 Java Persistence (JPA) 2.0 Spec API

2010-05-25 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: geronimo-jpa-2.0-spec Version : 1.1 Upstream Author : Apache Software Foundation (ASF) * URL : * License

Bug#584159: ITP: sdo-api-java -- Service Data Objects Java API spec

2010-06-01 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: sdo-api-java Version : 1.1.1 Upstream Author : Apache Software Foundation (ASF) * URL : * License : Apache-2.0

Bug#585439: ITP: spring-roo -- lightweight and rapid Java application development tool

2010-06-10 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: spring-roo Version : 1.0.2.RELEASE Upstream Author : SpringSource Inc. * URL : * License : GPL-3 Programming Lang: Java Description : lightweight

Bug#585579: ITP: castor-maven-plugin -- Maven plugin to generate Java beans from XML Schema files

2010-06-11 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: castor-maven-plugin Version : 1.5 Upstream Author : Castor Development Team * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Java

Bug#586153: ITP: jcsp -- Java library providing Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) features

2010-06-16 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: jcsp Version : 1.1-rc4 Upstream Author : Peter Welch, Paul Austin * URL : * License : LGPL-2.1 Programming Lang: Java Description : Java

Bug#586732: ITP: geronimo-commonj-spec -- API for concurrent programming of EJBs and Servlets within a J2EE application

2010-06-21 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: geronimo-commonj-spec Version : 1.1.1 Upstream Author : Apache Software Foundation * URL : * License

Bug#586734: ITP: libjsr166y-java -- parallel computation framework for Java

2010-06-21 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: libjsr166y-java Version : 1.72 Upstream Author : Doug Lea * URL : * License : Public Domain Programming Lang: Java Description

Bug#589598: ITP: libhibernate-jbosscache -- Java library that provides integration of Hibernate with JBossCache

2010-07-18 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: libhibernate-jbosscache Version : 3.3.2.GA Upstream Author : Red Hat Middleware LLC * URL : * License

Bug#590629: ITP: mongrel2 -- a small fast web server agnostic to applications and languages

2010-07-27 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: mongrel2 Version : 0.9.20100727 Upstream Author : Zed A. Shaw and Mongrel2 Project Contributors. * URL : * License : BSD Programming Lang: C, Python

Bug#591727: ITP: jansi-native -- Java library that allows to use ANSI escape sequences - Native impl

2010-08-04 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: jansi-native Version : 1.0 Upstream Author : Progress Software, Inc. * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Java Description : Java library

Bug#591728: ITP: jansi -- Java library that allows to use ANSI escape sequences

2010-08-04 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: jansi Version : 1.4 Upstream Author : Progress Software, Inc. * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Java Description : Java library for

Bug#591729: ITP: hawtjni -- Java library that provide JNI code generation

2010-08-04 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: hawtjni Version : 1.0-SNAPSHOT Upstream Author : Progress Software, Inc. * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Java Description

Bug#592091: ITP: groovyserv -- Groovy library that makes Groovy's startup time much faster

2010-08-07 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: groovyserv Version : 0.4 Upstream Author : Yasuharu NAKANO * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Groovy Description : Groovy library

Bug#593796: ITP: gmetrics -- Groovy library that provides reports and metrics for Groovy source code

2010-08-20 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: gmetrics Version : 0.3 Upstream Author : Chris Mair * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Groovy Description : Groovy library that

Bug#593797: ITP: codenarc -- Groovy library that provides static analysis features for Groovy code

2010-08-20 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: codenarc Version : 0.9 Upstream Author : Chris Mair * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Groovy Description : Groovy library that

Bug#607388: ITP: spock -- testing and specification framework for Java and Groovy applications

2010-12-17 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: spock Version : 0.5 Upstream Author : Peter Niederwieser * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Groovy, Java Description : testing and

Bug#608284: ITP: xhtmlrenderer -- An XML/XHTML/CSS 2.1 Renderer written in Java

2010-12-29 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: xhtmlrenderer Version : R8 Upstream Author : Joshua Marinacci * URL : * License : LGPL-2.1 Programming Lang: Java Description : An XML/XHTML

Bug#608285: ITP: libconcurrentlinkedhashmap-java -- A high performance version of java.util.LinkedHashMap for use as a software cache

2010-12-29 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: libconcurrentlinkedhashmap-java Version : 1.1 Upstream Author : Ben Manes * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Java

Bug#611148: ITP: urlrewritefilter -- Java Web Filter J2EE compliant based on mod_rewrite which allows to rewrite URLs

2011-01-25 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: urlrewritefilter Version : 3.2.0 Upstream Author : Paul Tuckey * URL : * License : BSD Programming Lang: Java Description : Java Web Filter J2EE

Bug#613209: O: jabberd14 -- Instant messaging server using the Jabber/XMPP protocol

2011-02-13 Thread Miguel Landaeta
d I'm not really interested. In fact I'm wondering if I should ask its removal from the archive. If nobody adopt it soon I'll ask for removal. Cheers, -- Miguel Landaeta, miguel at secure email with PGP 0x7D8967E9 available at "Faith means

Re: Bug#617533: ITP: jets3t -- Java toolkit for Amazon S3, CloudFront, and Google Storage Service

2011-03-09 Thread Miguel Landaeta
ble in the archive. Please take a look at: Expect an update to 0.8.0 soon. Cheers, -- Miguel Landaeta, miguel at secure email with PGP 0x7D8967E9 available at "Faith means not wanting to know what is true.

Bug#618936: ITP: sec-wall -- high-performance HTTP security proxy

2011-03-19 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: sec-wall Version : 1.0.0 Upstream Author : Dariusz Suchojad * URL : * License : GPL-3+ Programming Lang: Python Description : high-performance HTTP

Re: Java 9 dropping support for source/target level 1.5

2014-07-16 Thread Miguel Landaeta
genda" in a technical discussion. Cheers, -- Miguel Landaeta, nomadium at secure email with PGP 0x6E608B637D8967E9 available at "Faith means not wanting to know what is true." -- Nietzsche signature.asc Description: Digital signature

Bug#756131: ITP: ruby-nio4r -- Ruby library providing a selector API for monitoring IO objects

2014-07-26 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: ruby-nio4r Version : 1.0.0 Upstream Author : Tony Arcieri * URL : * License : MIT/X Programming Lang: Ruby Description : Ruby library providing

Bug#756148: ITP: ruby-celluloid-io -- Ruby library providing an event-driven IO system for Celluloid actors

2014-07-26 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: ruby-celluloid-io Version : 0.15.0 Upstream Author : Tony Arcieri * URL : * License : MIT/X Programming Lang: Ruby Description : Ruby

Bug#756157: ITP: ruby-semverse -- Ruby library for representing and comparing SemVer versions and constraints

2014-07-26 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: ruby-semverse Version : 1.1.0 Upstream Author : Jamie Winsor * URL : * License : MIT/X Programming Lang: Ruby Description : Ruby library for

Bug#756168: ITP: ruby-ridley -- Ruby library providing a reliable Chef API client with a clean syntax

2014-07-26 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: ruby-ridley Version : 4.0.0 Upstream Author : Riot Games * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Ruby Description : Ruby library

Bug#756667: ITP: ruby-json-spec -- Ruby library that provides JSON helpers for RSpec and Cucumber

2014-07-31 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: ruby-json-spec Version : 1.1.2 Upstream Author : Steve Richert * URL : * License : MIT/X Programming Lang: Ruby Description : Ruby

Bug#756789: ITP: spork -- DRb (Distributed Ruby) server for testing frameworks

2014-08-01 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: spork Version : 0.9.2 Upstream Author : Tim Harper * URL : * License : MIT/X Programming Lang: Ruby Description : DRb (Distributed Ruby) server

Bug#759131: ITP: libjavaee7-api-java -- JavaEE 7.0 Full API

2014-08-24 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: libjavaee7-api-java Version : 7.0 Upstream Author : Oracle * URL : * License : GPLv2, CDDL Programming Lang: Java Description : JavaEE 7.0 Full

Bug#759168: ITP: libjavamail-api-java -- JavaMail API provides Java classes that model a mail system

2014-08-24 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: libjavamail-api-java Version : 1.5.2 Upstream Author : Oracle * URL : * License : GPLv2, CDDL Programming Lang: Java Description

Bug#677942: ITP: xz-java -- Java library with a complete implementation of XZ data compression

2012-06-17 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: xz-java Version : 1.0 Upstream Author : Lasse Collin * URL : * License : public-domain Programming Lang: Java Description : Java library with a

Re: Bug#677942: ITP: xz-java -- Java library with a complete implementation of XZ data compression

2012-06-18 Thread Miguel Landaeta
t; some BSDs lack even that). There is a decompressor designed for embedded systems: -- Miguel Landaeta, miguel at secure email with PGP 0x6E608B637D8967E9 available at "Faith means not wanting to know what is true.

Bug#683666: RFH: gradle -- Groovy based build system

2012-08-02 Thread Miguel Landaeta
ntion integration for Ivy. It gives you always the choice between the flexibility of Ant and the convenience of a build-by-convention behavior. -- Miguel Landaeta, miguel at secure email with PGP 0x6E608B637D8967E9 available at "Faith means not wanting to kn

Bug#717083: ITP: pychef -- Python library to interact with the Chef server API

2013-07-16 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: pychef Version : 0.2.2 Upstream Author : Noah Kantrowitz * URL : * License : BSD Programming Lang: Python Description : Python library to

Bug#646071: ITP: multiverse-core -- Java based Software Transactional Memory (STM) implementation

2011-10-20 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: multiverse-core Version : 0.7 Upstream Author : Peter Veentjer * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Java Description : Java based

Bug#730350: ITP: libturpial -- Python library that handles multiple microblogging protocols

2013-11-24 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: libturpial Version : 1.0 Upstream Author : Wil Alvarez * URL : * License : GPL-3 Programming Lang: Python Description : Python library that

Bug#730357: ITP: turpial -- Light, fast, and fully functional Twitter client written in Python

2013-11-24 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: turpial Version : 2.9.6~a1 Upstream Author : Wil Alvarez * URL : * License : GPL-3 Programming Lang: Python Description : Light, fast, and fully functional

Bug#740011: ITP: ruby-rugged -- Ruby bindings to libgit2

2014-02-24 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: ruby-rugged Version : 0.19.0 Upstream Author : Scott Chacon , Vicent Marti * URL : * License : MIT/X Programming Lang: Ruby

Bug#740735: ITP: ruby-docker-api -- Ruby gem to interact with remote API

2014-03-04 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: ruby-docker-api Version : 1.8.2 Upstream Author : Swipely, Inc. * URL : * License : MIT/X Programming Lang: Ruby Description : Ruby gem to

Bug#740736: ITP: ruby-octokit -- Ruby toolkit for the GitHub API

2014-03-04 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: ruby-octokit Version : 2.7.0 Upstream Author : Wynn Netherland , Erik Michaels-Ober , Clint Shryock * URL : * License

Bug#740768: ITP: ruby-sawyer -- HTTP/REST API client Ruby library

2014-03-04 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: ruby-sawyer Version : 0.5.3 Upstream Author : Rick Olson * URL : * License : MIT/X Programming Lang: Ruby Description : HTTP/REST API client

Bug#740779: ITP: ruby-coveralls -- Ruby implementation of the Coveralls API

2014-03-04 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: ruby-coveralls Version : 0.7.0 Upstream Author : Nick Merwin , Wil Gieseler * URL : * License : MIT/X Programming Lang

Bug#743556: ITP: ruby-scrypt -- Ruby gem with native C extension for the scrypt password hashing algorithm

2014-04-03 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: ruby-scrypt Version : 1.2.1 Upstream Author : Patrick Hogan * URL : * License : BSD Programming Lang: Ruby Description : Ruby gem with native C

Bug#620897: ITP: sshuttle -- Transparent proxy server that works as a poor man's VPN

2011-04-04 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: sshuttle Version : 0.52 Upstream Author : Avery Pennarun * URL : * License : GPL-2+ Programming Lang: Python Description : Transparent proxy

Re: Looking for seconds to add the Amazon EC2 public certificate in ca-certificates.

2011-08-23 Thread Miguel Landaeta
on. In this way only you and Amazon know about the content of your AMI, Amazon needs this in order to launch your AMIs in their cloud. -- Miguel Landaeta, miguel at secure email with PGP 0x7D8967E9 available at "Faith means not wanting to know what is tru

Re: Looking for seconds to add the Amazon EC2 public certificate in ca-certificates.

2011-08-23 Thread Miguel Landaeta
include this certificate in ca-certificates maybe it could belong to a cloud computing generic utils package. I'm a little bit off-topic already but IMO, there is a need for that in Debian. #592550 is another example of that. -- Miguel Landaeta, miguel at secure email with PGP 0x7D8967E9

Bug#639420: ITP: xpra -- tool to detach/reattach running X programs

2011-08-26 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: xpra Version : Upstream Author : Nathaniel Smith * URL : * License : GPL-2+ Programming Lang: C, Python Description

Re: Bug#639420: ITP: xpra -- tool to detach/reattach running X programs

2011-08-27 Thread Miguel Landaeta
available in sid was due to parti brokenness, not due to xpra issues. I'm waiting for release since is expected to include more fixes for keyboard issues to get xpra again in the archive. I'll get in touch with upstream developers. Cheers, -- Miguel Landaeta, miguel at

Re: Bug#639420: ITP: xpra -- tool to detach/reattach running X programs

2011-08-28 Thread Miguel Landaeta
On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 3:28 PM, Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote: > Miguel Landaeta writes: >> You could check at, > > should I ask Antoine (from upstream) to link to these packages or is it > too early? They work

Bug#776016: ITP: libcoro-mock-java -- Mock library for compiling JVM coroutine-utilizing code on JVMs without coroutines

2015-01-22 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: libcoro-mock-java Version : 1.1-SNAPSHOT Upstream Author : Charles Oliver Nutter * URL : * License : Public domain Programming Lang: Java

Bug#776020: ITP: invokebinder -- Java DSL for binding method handles

2015-01-22 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: invokebinder Version : 1.5 Upstream Author : Charles Oliver Nutter * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Java Description : Java

Bug#776122: ITP: truffle -- multi-language framework for executing dynamic languages

2015-01-23 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: truffle Version : 0.6 Upstream Author : Oracle, Inc. * URL : * License : GPL-2, with the Classpath Exception Programming Lang: Java Description

Bug#776123: ITP: truffle-dsl-processor -- Java library that helps writing Truffle nodes in a concise and efficient way

2015-01-23 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: truffle-dsl-processor Version : 0.6 Upstream Author : Oracle, Inc. * URL : * License : GPL-2, with the Classpath Exception Programming Lang: Java

Bug#778731: ITP: statsite -- C implementation of statsd

2015-02-18 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: statsite Version : 0.7.0 Upstream Author : Armon Dadgar * URL : * License : BSD-3-clause Programming Lang: C Description : metrics aggregation

Bug#779239: ITP: headius-options -- Java library that manages sets of JVM properties to configure an app or library

2015-02-25 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: headius-options Version : 1.2 Upstream Author : Charles Oliver Nutter * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Java Description : Java

Bug#779261: ITP: unsafe-mock -- Java library providing a mock of sun.misc.Unsafe class with support for fences Java 8 API

2015-02-25 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: unsafe-mock Version : 8.0 Upstream Author : Oracle and/or its affiliates * URL : * License : GPL-2 Programming Lang: Java Description : Java

Bug#779853: ITP: plexus-compiler-1.0 -- Plexus compiler system

2015-03-05 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: plexus-compiler-1.0 Version : 1.9.2 Upstream Author : The Apache Software Foundation * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Java

Bug#779852: ITP: maven-compiler-plugin-2.5 -- Maven Compiler plugin

2015-03-05 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: maven-compiler-plugin-2.5 Version : 2.5.1 Upstream Author : The Apache Software Foundation. * URL : * License : Apache-2.0

Bug#787027: ITP: jruby-openssl -- gem for JRuby that emulates the Ruby OpenSSL native library

2015-05-27 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: jruby-openssl Version : 0.9.7 Upstream Author : The JRuby Team * URL : * License : EPL-1.0/GPL-2/LGPL-2.1 Programming Lang: Java/Ruby

Bug#787143: ITP: ruby-minitest-excludes -- Ruby library that provides MiniTest extensions and unit tests helpers

2015-05-28 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: ruby-minitest-excludes Version : 2.0.0 Upstream Author : Ryan Davis * URL : * License : MIT Programming Lang: Ruby Description : Ruby

Bug#789877: ITP: ruby-maven -- ruby wrapper around maven

2015-06-24 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: ruby-maven Version : 3.3.3 Upstream Author : Christian Meier * URL : * License : EPL-1.0 Programming Lang: Java/Ruby Description : Ruby gem

Bug#793047: ITP: ruby-maven-libs -- Ruby library that provides access to a maven installation

2015-07-20 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: ruby-maven-libs Version : 3.3.3 Upstream Author : Christian Meier * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Java/Ruby Description

Bug#796002: ITP: jruby-maven-plugins -- maven plugins to handle ruby gems in a maven way

2015-08-18 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: jruby-maven-plugins Version : 1.0.10 Upstream Author : Christian Meier * URL : * License : Expat Programming Lang: Java/Ruby Description

Bug#1058645: ITP: hare -- Hare is a systems programming language designed to be simple, stable, and robust.

2023-12-13 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta X-Debbugs-Cc: * Package name: hare Version : 2023.12.02 Upstream Contact: Drew DeVault * URL : * License : MPL/GPL-3 Programming Lang: Hare

Bug#1058646: ITP: qbe -- Small embeddable C compiler backend

2023-12-13 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta X-Debbugs-Cc: * Package name: qbe Version : 1.1 Upstream Contact: Quentin Carbonneaux * URL : * License : MIT Programming Lang: C Description

Bug#849497: ITP: ruby-whitequark-parser -- Ruby parser written in pure Ruby

2016-12-27 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: ruby-whitequark-parser Version : Upstream Author : Peter Zotov * URL : * License : Expat Programming Lang: Ruby Description : Ruby

Bug#849496: ITP: ruby-ast -- Ruby library for working with abstract syntax trees

2016-12-27 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: ruby-ast Version : 2.3.0 Upstream Author : Peter Zotov * URL : * License : Expat Programming Lang: Ruby Description : Ruby library for working

Bug#851197: ITP: dirgra -- Java library providing simple directed graph implementation

2017-01-12 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: dirgra Version : 0.3 Upstream Author : Thomas E Enebo * URL : * License : EPL-1.0 Programming Lang: Java Description : Java library providing

Bug#851350: ITP: jitescript -- Java API for generating JVM bytecode

2017-01-14 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: jitescript Version : 0.4.1 Upstream Author : Douglas Campos * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Java Description : Java API for

Bug#851392: ITP: truffleruby -- high performance Java implementation of the Ruby programming language

2017-01-14 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: truffleruby Version : TBD Upstream Author : Chris Seaton * URL : * License : EPL-1.0/GPL-2.0/LGPL-2.1 Programming Lang: Java/Ruby Description

Bug#855086: ITP: ruby-jar-dependencies -- manage jar dependencies for gems

2017-02-13 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: ruby-jar-dependencies Version : 0.3.10 Upstream Author : Christian Meier * URL : * License : MIT/X Programming Lang: Ruby Description

Bug#900515: ITP: ruby-fileutils -- Ruby gem providing a namespace for several file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc.

2018-05-31 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: ruby-fileutils Version : 1.1.0 Upstream Author : Minero Aoki * URL : * License : BSD Programming Lang: Ruby Description : Ruby gem providing a

Bug#900842: ITP: rake-ant -- Ant tasks and integration for Rake under JRuby

2018-06-05 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: rake-ant Version : 1.0.4 Upstream Author : Charles Oliver Nutter * URL : * License : EPL-2.0 Programming Lang: Ruby Description : Ant tasks and

Bug#856674: ITP: unsafe-fences -- Wrapper library around the Java 8 fences API

2017-03-03 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: unsafe-fences Version : 1.0 Upstream Author : Charles Oliver Nutter * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Java Description

Bug#857197: ITP: ruby-psych -- A libyaml wrapper for Ruby

2017-03-08 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: ruby-psych Version : 2.2.4 Upstream Author : Aaron Patterson * URL : * License : Expat Programming Lang: Ruby, C, Java Description : A libyaml

Bug#880265: ITP: ruby-rubocop-rspec -- Code style checking for RSpec files

2017-10-30 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: ruby-rubocop-rspec Version : 1.19.0 Upstream Author : Ian MacLeod * URL : * License : Expat Programming Lang: Ruby Description : Code style

Bug#881412: ITP: modulator -- Java light shim library that wraps Java 9 APIs and expose them to recent JDKs

2017-11-11 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta * Package name: modulator Version : 1.0 Upstream Author : Charles Oliver Nutter * URL : * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: Java Description : Java light

Bug#1085046: ITP: harec -- Hare compiler for POSIX-compatible systems

2024-10-13 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta X-Debbugs-Cc:, * Package name: harec Version : 0.24.2 Upstream Contact: Drew DeVault * URL : * License : MPL-2.0 Programming Lang

Bug#1100361: ITP: ec2-instance-connect -- Configures ssh daemon to accept EC2 Instance Connect ssh keys

2025-03-12 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Miguel Landaeta X-Debbugs-Cc: * Package name: ec2-instance-connect Version : 1.1.19 Upstream Contact: Daniel Anderson * URL : * License