Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Miguel Landaeta <>

* Package name    : geronimo-osgi-support
  Version         : 1.0
  Upstream Author : Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
* URL             :
* License         : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description     : Java libraries providing OSGi lookup support for Geronimo 

 These Java libraries allow the use of OSGi framework with Geronimo existing
 projects. They allow lookup and registration of components.
 - geronimo-osgi-locator.jar: Allow performing class and components lookups
   with OSGi support.
 - geronimo-osgi-registry.jar: Facilitate the use of Geronimo specs providers
   (components typically plugged in to the JRE through META-INF/services
   resources) like geronimo-validation-1.0-spec (Geronimo JSR-303 Bean
   Validation Spec API).
   The service created by this library will maintain a registry of factory
   class that can be used by the spec bundles to locate factory classes that
   reside in other bundles.

This package is needed to package geronimo-validation-1.0-spec,
which in turn, it is needed to package OpenJPA library and
Spring Framework 3.0.

Miguel Landaeta, miguel at
secure email with PGP 0x7D8967E9 available at
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." -- Nietzsche

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