Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Miguel Landaeta <>

* Package name    : urlrewritefilter
  Version         : 3.2.0
  Upstream Author : Paul Tuckey <>
* URL             :
* License         : BSD
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description     : Java Web Filter J2EE compliant based on mod_rewrite which 
allows to rewrite URLs

 Based on the popular and very useful mod_rewrite for Apache,
 UrlRewriteFilter is a Java Web Filter for any J2EE compliant web
 application server (such as Resin, Orion or Tomcat), which allows
 you to rewrite URLs before they get to your code. It is a very
 powerful tool just like Apache's mod_rewrite.
 The main things UrlRewriteFilter is used for are:
 - URL tidyness and/or URL abstraction.
 - Browser detection.
 - Date based rewriting.
 - Moved content.
 - Tiny/friendly URLs.
 - A Servlet mapping engine (see Method Invocation).
 UrlRewriteFilter uses an XML file, called urlrewrite.xml (it goes
 into the WEB-INF directory), for configuration. Most parameters can
 be Perl5 style regular expressions or wildcard expressions.

Miguel Landaeta, miguel at
secure email with PGP 0x7D8967E9 available at
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." -- Nietzsche

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