Dear maintainers
eapol_test would be very welcome here as well as we would like to keep an eye on
freeradius authentication with nagios.
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Dear maintainers
We have to same problem and would like to see this fixed soon, thanks!
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Package: freeradius
Version: 2.1.12+dfsg-1.2
Dear maintainers
Freeradius only rotates the main logfile. Other logfiles (present in the
configfiles shipped by Debian) are not rotated and can grow quite fast,
especially files in the /var/log/freeradius/radacct/ directory.
Also, these logfiles
49 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+Author: Tom Jampen
+ This patch modifies the default freeradius configuration and thus allows
+ logrotate to rotate all logfile. It specifically removes dates and times from
+ logfile names.
+diff -Naurp a/raddb/modules/detail b/raddb/modules/detail
+--- a/raddb
An upgrade to 1.5.2 would be very much appreciated as I suffer from the
previously mentioned bug as well. I can't encrypt/sign messages anymore since
updating to icedove 24. And I also get the specified error message when trying
to send unencrypted/unsigned mails.
On 30.10.2013 20:04, Josip Rodin wrote:
On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 02:38:39PM +0100, Tom Jampen wrote:
+--- a/raddb/modules/detail 2013-10-30 11:55:01.600274413 +0100
b/raddb/modules/detail 2013-10-30 12:07:34.703092048 +0100
+@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ detail {
+ # be ONE "l
Package: pgf
Version: 2.10
Severity: wishlist
There is a new upstream release of pgf with 100+ bug fixes according to
the upstream README.
I would appreciate an updated pgf package in Debian as pgf 2.10 does not
seem to be compatible anymore with the context version currently
available in unstabl
On 30.12.2013 09:31, Javier Domingo Cansino wrote:
> I will start using texstudio once again for a couple of months, so I
> expect to catch whether if it's fixed or not =)
> Javier Domingo Cansino
Hi Javier
Are you using texstudio 2.6.6? Are you still having these crashes with
2.6.6 or can I c
I hope my explanations helped to clarify these tiny, but for the user
experience enormously helpful patches.
How do you plan to proceed with this?
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by unnecessary
* Adding patch to disable the riddle asked when accessing advanced
configuration options.
-- Tom Jampen Sat, 20 Oct 2012 12:21:07 +0200
diff -Nru texstudio-2.3+debian/debian/changelog
--- texstudio-2.3+debian/debian
Thomas Sibley to redirect
correctly on RT 4.0.8, 3.8.15, and the 2012-10-25 security patches
(Closes: #691783).
* Adding postinst script for clearing the mason cache after configuring
the package.
* Fixing incorrect line wrap in previous changelog entry.
-- Tom Jampen Thu, 08 Nov
On 13.11.2012 12:12, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> Control: tags -1 + moreinfo
> On Tue, 2012-11-13 at 12:06 +0100, Tom Jampen wrote:
>> rt-authen-externalauth (0.10-3) unstable; urgency=low
>> * Adding patch from Thomas Sibley to redirect
>> correctly on RT
> -4 unblocked.
> Regards,
> Adam
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Hi Rene
Attached you find a patch that IMHO fixes the two issues mentioned in my first
1. Add the global modifier 'g' to the sed statement in the rules file in order
to replace all occurences of 'ß' and not just one per line.
2. Change the encoding of 'ß' in rules from iso-8859-1 to utf-8
Are there any issues? Anything I can clarify to successfully unblock texstudio?
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> Please clarify why these changes are needed, the changelog only lists one
> 'normal' severity bug and a number of changes with no bug referenced.
Ok, sure:
* Adding patch to prevent needless latex run when no bib-files are referenced
(Closes: #688558).
TeXstudio executes an additional 'l
Hi Mark
Thanks for reporting this issue.
It's a bug in the upstream code which seems to be fixable with a small
patch. I will upload a fixed version next week when I'm back from holidays.
Meanwhile you can avoid this unwanted behavior by disabling the
following option in the texstudio configurat
On 17.11.2012 18:00, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> [Was your mail intentionally not CCed to the bug report?]
Sorry, that wasn't intended.
> On Thu, 2012-11-15 at 10:05 +0100, Tom Jampen wrote:
>> An rt-authen-externalauth maintainer pointed out that apache2 needs to
>> be r
tag 678583 pending
On 22.06.2012 23:53, Pino Toscano wrote:
> as a followup of #675497: when doing my rebuilds for the drop of
> libfontconfig1-dev from libpoppler-dev, apparently I noted only
> pkg-config (already fixed, thanks!) as missing for texstudio... while
> there's also zlib1g-dev
Package: mythes-de-ch
Version: 20120516-1
Severity: normal
I've just installed mythes-de-ch in an up-to-date wheezy and saw lots of 'ß'
instead of 'ss' (swiss version) in libreoffice thesaurus.
I've investigated the files and found, that in the two packages
mythes-de and mythes-de-ch
tag 683288 pending
On 30.07.2012 16:55, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
> For Wheezy, please fix this with an isolated fix instead of updating to a
> new upstream release (since the freeze is in effect)
Fixed in git.
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Are there any issues with this version?
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Hi Adam
On 20.11.2012 19:56, Tom Jampen wrote:
>> On Thu, 2012-11-15 at 10:05 +0100, Tom Jampen wrote:
>>> An rt-authen-externalauth maintainer pointed out that apache2 needs to
>>> be restarted after clearing the cache. Do you want me to create a
>>> debco
On 05.12.2012 23:49, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 05, 2012 at 07:10:11PM +, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
>> [rt maintainers added to CC]
>> On Wed, 2012-12-05 at 07:17 +0100, Tom Jampen wrote:
>>> On 20.11.2012 19:56, Tom Jampen wrote:
tags 705820 + fixed-upstream pending
Hi Adam
I filed an upstream bug when I saw the build logs. The bug has already been
fixed and I'm waiting for the next upstream release.
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Hi Javier
Thanks for your info. The error reported by the self-test page can be ignored.
Self-tests are actually not meant for endusers and upstream has just this month
added the possibility to disable them in the upcoming release. It's probably
because you have your own autocompletions defined.
Hi Javier
> I mean that the editor is frozen, I move with the mouse wheel and doesn't
> happen
> anything, neither the cursor moves.
Strange, I can't see this behavior on my machine. Even in a separate wheezy-vm I
don't get the freezes.
Anyway, as I cannot reproduce these crashes/freezes and
tags 702999 + unreproducible
Hi Javier
I haven't been able to reproduce this bug with the tex documents I'm
using/writing. Can you provide a sample tex file showing this behavior?
The F-Keys are assigned to different commands (pdftex, dvips, ps2pdf, ...).
Which one(s) of these commands i
On 21.03.2013 19:07, Javier Domingo wrote:
> Well, this is something that happens randomly, there is no sample tex
> file I can provide, but I can reproduce it, and provided a backtrace,
> is there anything else I can/should provide to help you fix the bug?
I've contacted upstream, let's see wha
Hi Javier
Upstream pointed me to patches fixing some texstudio crashes. I have applied
these patches and built texstudio for you to test. I've uploaded the debs to
the following location:
Feel free to test with this version and report your experience.
Package: bsh
Version: 2.0b4-12
Severity: wishlist
There's a beanshell fork available on google code:
Please consider using these newer version as beanshell (from
hasn't received an update since 2005.
Hash: SHA512
Package: debian-maintainers
Severity: normal
Please add my key to the Debian Maintainers keyring. The jetring
changeset is attached.
Tom Jampen
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with
Package: texlive-bin
Version: 2013.20130729.30972-2
Severity: minor
I've just tried to backport the new texlive packages to wheezy for my personal
usage. All packages built, but not texlive-bin:
make[1]: Leaving directory
Package: nagios-plugins-contrib
Version: 1.20120228
Severity: wishlist
please include check_git:
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Package: nagios-plugins-contrib
Version: 1.20120228
Severity: normal
Calling /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_email_delivery as specified in the manual
page results in the following error:
$ /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_email_delivery -H --mailto --mailfrom
Package: nagios-plugins-contrib
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
I think the attached patch resolves this bug.
Author: Tom Jampen
Patches check_email_delivery and check_email_delivery_epn to use debian
specific paths.
diff -Naurp a/check_email_delivery/src
Package: openthesaurus
Version: 20110119-5
Severity: normal
Tags: upstream
Deutscher-Thesaurus.oxt in the source package seems to be faulty. The contained
files th_de_DE_v2.* do not contain german umlauts but '?' (hex 3f) instead for
every umlaut).
This leads to faulty binary packages and resul
tag 675497 pending
On 01.06.2012 17:05, Pino Toscano wrote:
> Can you please explicitly build depend on pkg-config?
Fixed in git.
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tags 790675 - unreproducible
Hi epros
I've investigated this again and I see that indeed in the very first
run, TeXstudio replaces the asy command with the pdflatex command:
Process started: pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "test".tex
Process exited normally
Process started:
On 01.03.2017 21:20, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Jan 2017 07:51:04 +0100 Tom Jampen wrote:
>> request-tracker as of version 4.4 includes rt-authen-externalauth's
>> functionality. So let's see whether rt 4.4 makes it into stretch.
> That mad
Severity: normal
Please remove the source package rt-authen-externalauth from unstable as
its functionality is included in request-tracker4 (>= 4.4). The bug
report #852258 contains more details.
The package has already been removed from testing.
Kind regards,
Package: live-config
Version: 5.20151121
Tags: patch
On our laptops the hardware clock is set to local time and not to utc.
We use the kernel command line parameter "utc=no" to indicate that, but
the hardware clock is nonetheless interpreted as being set to UTC and as
a consequence the system time
tag 752269 pending
On 22.06.2014 01:20, Pino Toscano wrote:
> texstudio seems to build fine with multiple build jobs when building.
> Thus, my suggestion is to enable the parallel build (with the
> --parallel option of dh) to speed up the compilation when requested
> (see also Policy §4.9.1
tag 753806 pending
On 05.07.2014 12:23, Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
> texstudio currently contains a copy of synctex parser from texlive-bin.
> This code is now provided as shared library by
> libsynctex1/libsynctex-dev. Please consider the attached patch to use
> the shared library instead o
Hi Ralf
Thanks for pointing out the qt-bug. I was suspecting qt for being the
cause but haven't found the time to investigate, yet.
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severity 770721 grave
Changing severity to grave as the bug causes data loss.
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* Adding 06-fix-silent-file-saving.patch in order to prevent data loss
(Closes: #770721).
-- Tom Jampen Wed, 03 Dec 2014 14:05:12 +0200
diff -Nru texstudio-2.8.4+debian/debian/changelog
--- texstudio-2.8.4+debian/debian/
Control: tags -1 - moreinfo
Hi Ivo
On 03.12.2014 16:02, Ivo De Decker wrote:
> Please go ahead, and remove the moreinfo tag from this bug once the upload is
> in unstable.
Thanks, 2.8.4+debian-3 has just been accepted into sid.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ..
severity -1 wishlist
Hi Andreas
I know, thanks. Unfortunately, new upstream versions won't make it to
Debian testing (aka jessie) as jessie is frozen since Nov 5th (only RC
bugs can be fixed). As the release team prefers that RC bugs are fixed
in unstable (and then unblocked for the migrat
tags 790675 + unreproducible
Hi epros
Sorry for the late response. I've been on holidays for quite a while and
then the pile on my desk was huge.
I cannot reproduce your problem, although I'm not using asymptote on a
regular basis. I've just created a simple testfile, but it worked ok.
Hi Javier
On 10.06.2014 09:38, Javier Domingo Cansino wrote:
> I have been using for some months the version now in wheezy, and I
> haven't been able to reproduce.
Have you already used the version in jessie? Did you encounter any
crashes related to this bug? Unless you did, I'd like to close thi
close 702999
Hi Javier
On 19.06.2015 09:10, Javier Domingo Cansino wrote:
> Hi Tom, you can close it as I haven't have this problem any more. Sorry
> for not telling!!
Thanks for replying so quickly.
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Hi Lisandro
On 10.06.2015 16:10, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer wrote:
> Can you try this one with Qt in experimental?
On a laptop with Debian unstable I've upgraded the qt and poppler
packages to the experimental version and rebuilt texstudio with qt 5.4.2.
After installing the freshly bu
ting to standards version 3.9.6, no changes needed.
* Switching to default xz compression in source/options.
* Adding needed Replaces and Breaks fields for texstudio-doc and
texstudio-l10n in order to allow upgrading from wheezy due to
splitting the texstudio binary package (Closes: #768
On 07.11.2014 12:35, Jonathan Wiltshire wrote:
> Control: tag -1 confirmed
> On 2014-11-07 11:28, Tom Jampen wrote:
>> * Updating to standards version 3.9.6 without any changes
>> * No longer specifying xz 'compression-level = 9' in source/options as a
On 07.11.2014 13:36, Jonathan Wiltshire wrote:
> On 2014-11-07 12:34, Tom Jampen wrote:
>> On 07.11.2014 12:35, Jonathan Wiltshire wrote:
>>> Control: tag -1 confirmed
>>> On 2014-11-07 11:28, Tom Jampen wrote:
>>>> * Updating to standards ve
severity 790675 minor
Hi epros
Upstream's response so far:
The issue is that it decides which programs to run, before running any.
It sees "run pdflatex then asy for all asy file, then pdflatex", in the
first run there are no asy files, so it becomes "run pdflatex, then
pdflatex". On
Hi Toby
Thanks for reporting this bug.
I've tested the new TeXstudio upstream version. There, this bug no
longer exists. But as Jessie is frozen, I cannot upload this new version.
That's why I've contacted upstream for the patch. Maybe this can be
fixed in version 2.8.4 for Jessie.
Package: request-tracker4
Version: 4.4.1-2
rt4 version 4.4.1-2 contains a conflicts/replaces entry for
This is correct, but the package name is wrong, it should be
The extension's source package:
Hi Chris
Thanks for reporting this bug.
request-tracker as of version 4.4 includes rt-authen-externalauth's
functionality. So let's see whether rt 4.4 makes it into stretch.
Hi Marc
Thanks for your interest in texstudio. I'm already in the middle of
packaging the latest version. Upgrading from 4.3.1 is a bit more
time-consuming as upstream has changed the build system and the
documentation system. But I hope that I'll be satisfied enough to make
an upload next week.
tags 1040841 + unreproducible
Hi Axel
I remember your email and I've found it in my archive, it's from Oct
2021. I checked my git commits and found that I've activated the
terminal with the upload of version 3.0.4+ds-2 in Oct 2021[1]. The
internal terminal is still working for me with the
close 1040841
Hi Axel
On 7/17/23 13:58, Axel Kittenberger wrote:
> I'm very sorry, I overlooked that on this machine "which texstudio"
> resulted in "/usr/local/bin/texstudio".
Thanks for clearing up the issue, I'm glad it works for you now.
Package: webext-dav4tbsync
Version: 1.23-1
Thank you very much for maintaining and updating the tbsync packages in
Debian. The current version of webext-dav4tbsync is now compatible with
thunderbird 78 but it cannot be used as it seems to be out of sync with
When I try to add
Thanks, Mechtilde for your fast reply and sorry for my delayed answer. I
didn't realize I had to subscribe to "my own" bugs...
Thanks, Carl for providing the necessary information in the meantime.
I'm using Backports of your tbsync-packages for Buster (with the latest
But of co
Hi Boyuan
Thanks for pointing this out. I'm just preparing the next upload (new
upstream version) and I've fixed this issue in git. There is no need to
add texlive-latex-recommended to suggests as it is already listed in
Kind regards
ebian/changelog2017-10-03 09:17:23.0
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+texstudio (2.11.2+debian-1+deb9u1) stretch; urgency=medium
+ * Moving back to using qt4 instead of qt5 (Closes: #869359).
+ -- Tom Jampen Tue, 03 Oct 2017 09:17:23 +0200
texstudio (2.11.2+debian-1) unstable; urgency=m
Package: aseba
Version: 1.6.0-4
Dear maintainer
There are several important binaries missing in aseba: asebastudio and
The desktop files are present and point to these non-present executables:
close 1060373 4.7.2+ds-2
Hi Marc
Thanks for pointing this out. Rebuilding the package under sid (which
happened with the new latest upload) has resolved the issue.
Severity: normal
TeXstudio heavily depends on poppler. After the qtermwidget transition
from qt5 to qt6, TeXstudio no longer builds on i386 as the build
dependecy libpoppler-qt6-dev is not unavailable anymore on i386. Thus,
texstudio needs to be removed from i386.
70 matches
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