Hi Rene

Attached you find a patch that IMHO fixes the two issues mentioned in my first 

1. Add the global modifier 'g' to the sed statement in the rules file in order
to replace all occurences of 'ß' and not just one per line.

2. Change the encoding of 'ß' in rules from iso-8859-1 to utf-8 as the upstream
files are now utf-8 encoded.

Hope this helps, regards
diff -Naurp a/rules b/rules
--- a/rules	2012-12-18 09:12:12.563860586 +0100
+++ b/rules	2012-12-18 09:11:48.711770214 +0100
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ build-indep-stamp: configure-stamp
 	unzip -o ooo3/Deutscher-Thesaurus.oxt && \
 		/usr/share/mythes/th_gen_idx.pl -o th_de_DE_v2.idx \
 			< th_de_DE_v2.dat && \
-		LANG=C cat th_de_DE_v2.dat | sed -e 's/\ß/ss/' > th_de_CH_v2.dat; \
+		LANG=C cat th_de_DE_v2.dat | sed -e 's/ß/ss/g' > th_de_CH_v2.dat; \
 		/usr/share/mythes/th_gen_idx.pl -o th_de_CH_v2.idx \
 			< th_de_CH_v2.dat

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