sorry for bringing this old topic up again.
I tested java in trixie and found no usable jre with atkwrapper.
Could the old patch be reintegrated so blind people can use swing based
java apps in trixie?
This is a relly show stopper for me because I need a working java at work.
I am now confused.
Samuel wrote that ubuntu has removed a patch which is needed to load
atk-wrapper into jre.
openjdk-17 has the mentioned issue
openjdk-19-jre:amd64 works as expected regarding atk-wrapper.
tested on a machine running ubuntu 22.04.
Was the patch only removed for jre-17?
Hi Folks,
a few months ago I've tested a beta or rc of bookworm with
java-atk-wrapper and it worked.
After bookworm was released something is wrong on my machine or in bookworm.
When I enable
in accessibility.properties
My Application d
Am 13.04.22 um 23:47 schrieb Samuel Thibault:
I have improved the choice selection in the speech-enabled Debian
installer, please give it a try:
The idea is that one can now not only type the number followed by enter,
but also select the
Hi Samuel,
I am sorry I was not able to build java-atk-wrapper in debian sid as well.
How did you build java-atk-wrapper on you machine?
Am 31.08.21 um 10:30 schrieb Samuel Thibault:
Hello Halim,
Samuel Thibault wrote:
Samuel Thibault, le jeu. 26 août 2021 01:09:46 +0200, a ecrit:
> - jaw still relying on the AT_SPI_BUS X property (but possibly some
> other toolkits do that as well, but on wayland it'll have to go
> through
when a running desktop crashs or a user does
sudo systemctl lightdm restart
a11y including orca etc works as expected.
Only java apps which use atk-wrapper is completely inaccessible.
Then removing all files in /run/user/1000/* works or a full reboot.
My Question is: which files are needed
pi support.
Am 10.10.20 um 17:15 schrieb Samuel Thibault:
Halim Sahin, le ven. 09 oct. 2020 19:30:06 +0200, a ecrit:
well updated qemu to 5.0 from ppa on ubuntu 20.04.
running brltty inside qemu-kvm displays nothing on the braille display.
As I mentioned previously, please send the who
Am 10.10.20 um 17:15 schrieb Samuel Thibault:
Halim Sahin, le ven. 09 oct. 2020 19:30:06 +0200, a ecrit:
well updated qemu to 5.0 from ppa on ubuntu 20.04.
running brltty inside qemu-kvm displays nothing on the braille display.
As I mentioned previously, please send the whole content from
well updated qemu to 5.0 from ppa on ubuntu 20.04.
running brltty inside qemu-kvm displays nothing on the braille display.
My guest operating system was debian buster.
Hi Samuel,
I.ll try that setup again with a fresh ubuntu 20.04 setup.
My machine was updated from 18.04.
Alls seems working well and there is a log entry when qemu start in
brltty.log but I can't get any output on the host.
I se nothing wrong in the log except
2020-09-16@10:43:09.908 [brltty] U
yes, orca works fine.
what about xbrlapi?
Does qemu use it?
Am 16.09.20 um 09:40 schrieb Samuel Thibault:
Halim Sahin, le mer. 16 sept. 2020 08:13:37 +0200, a ecrit:
Am 15.09.20 um 10:38 schrieb Samuel Thibault:
> Halim Sahin, le mar. 15 sept. 2020 10:17:57 +0200, a ecrit:
> > $WINDOWSID is not set on my machine :-(, who sets it?
Hi Samuel,
Am 15.09.20 um 10:38 schrieb Samuel Thibault:
Halim Sahin, le mar. 15 sept. 2020 10:17:57 +0200, a ecrit:
How does this work $WINDOWID is this an environment variable?
It should be when you are running under X.
$WINDOWSID is not set on my machine :-(, who sets it?
my misstake sorry now I have a terminal where windowid is set.
Will test and report (thx).
Hi Samuel,
I am confused a bit.
How does this work $WINDOWID is this an environment variable?
$WINDOWSID is not set on my machine :-(, who sets it?
Should your mentioned bug reported to upstream?
Regards Halim
Am 14.09.20 um 21:53 schrieb Samuel Thibault:
Halim Sahin, le lun. 14
my host pc is running ubuntu 20.04 with brltty 6.0.
Now I tried to use kvm to install a debian buster vm.
qemu-system-x86_64 -m 4G -usb -usbdevice braille -cdrom
debian...netinst.iso .
qemu starts up and info usb in qemu console displays a braille device
but nothing was displayed on t
Hi Samuel,
Seems you've looked into this in the past :-).
It might be useful for some remote sessions for my daily work but can't
implement this myself.
Thx for your answer!
Halim Sahin
Any one who got this working?
In some cases it might be useful to run an app (in ssh) and get feedback
from local running orca.
Thx in Advance.
Ok,, it was my fault sorry.
Installed lxqt again on my buster vm.
sudo update-alternatives --config x-session-manager
There select lxqt.
Orca libatk ... are from buster-backports.
Now the desktop seems accessible :-).
To run orca use simply alt+f2 and type orca.
Like in other enviroments :-).
Is lxqt accessible in debian Buster?
On Sa, Jul 28, 2018 at 10:51:59 +0200, Samuel Thibault wrote:
Halim Sahin, le sam. 28 juil. 2018 10:10:23 +0200, a ecrit:
On Fr, Jul 27, 2018 at 03:17:30 +0200, Ali Gürler wrote:
> is there any chance to use the mbrola voices with BRLTTY?
Yes if you write a speech-dispatcher g
On Sa, Jul 28, 2018 at 12:24:20 +0200, Sebastian Humenda wrote:
Halim Sahin schrieb am 28.07.2018, 10:10 +0200:
On Fr, Jul 27, 2018 at 03:17:30 +0200, Ali Gürler wrote:
is there any chance to use the mbrola voices with BRLTTY?
Yes if you write a speech-dispatcher generic module for txt2pho
Hi Ali,
On Fr, Jul 27, 2018 at 03:17:30 +0200, Ali Gürler wrote:
is there any chance to use the mbrola voices with BRLTTY?
Yes if you write a speech-dispatcher generic module for txt2pho and
mbrola and add it to speechd.conf
I would like to do so, but I don't find any documentation.
On So, Okt 04, 2015 at 11:59:14 +0200, Christian Schoepplein wrote:
> @Halim: Would you describe more detailed your setup with alsa please?
> Wich steps did you perform after a fresh installation of Debian?
First follow these stes described here:
On Di, Okt 27, 2015 at 01:59:14 +0100, Mario Lang wrote:
> I ended up deinstalling pulseaudio, so that I can at least have music in
> X11. But I dont have any speech output at all.
You can change audio output method from pulse to libao in speechd.conf
like this:
AudioOutputMethod "libao"
I don't think that what Mario wrote has something to do with
He wrote that orca running in gdm session talks so it must be an other
issue here.
On So, Okt 25, 2015 at 12:23:27 +0100, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Hello,
> I have just uploaded the newer release of speech-dispa
Which audiooutputmethod are you using?
If you use pulseaudio
it might be interesting to find out if speech-dispatcher was crashed or
On Di, Okt 06, 2015 at 08:49:07 +1100, Luke Yelavich wrote:
> Currently work is ongoing to refactor the audio code in Speech
> Dispatcher. However, this probably could be done even now, and is likely
> the way to go given that the new code in Speech DIspatcher has no ETA on
> release, as there
On Fr, Okt 02, 2015 at 03:41:59 +, Sam Hartman wrote:
> the latency you're talking about there is very close to what you'd see
> if you restart the streat between speech-dispatcher and pulseaudio and
> that restarts the alsa stream within pulseaudio.
My prefered setup doesn't restart alsa
I am not sure if I got it right.
If you want to shutdown connection to pa every time after speechoutput
this will produce latency and would reduce responsiveness of speechd.
Responsiveness is an important thing for a11y Applications.
Maybe there is an easy fix for accessible installations of d
On Mo, Aug 31, 2015 at 05:11:27 +0200, Mario Lang wrote:
> We need to identify common use cases which currently have problems in
> any of these areas. If you know of any, speak up.
Common usecase?
It should be possible to use a console screenreader with braille and
speech running on the same
if [ "x$RUN" != "xyes" ...
will not allow to enable speechd in /etc/default/speech-dispatcher
when setting RUN=yes
I am aware that running speechd in system mode is not recommended but
I see no reliable working setup for using plain text consoles.
Using pulseaudio for speechd will not work wit
The Problem seems the stop action in the systemd service file.
systemctl stop brltty
The service file was not modified!
On Do, Jul 09, 2015 at 10:29:08 +0200, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Hello,
> Halim Sahin, le Tue 30 Jun 2015 14:23:31 +0200, a écrit :
> > Whe
When I try to
systemctl restart brltty
The shell freezes.
I must reconnect my brailledisplay (el80s) to get brltty running again.
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Hallo Mario,
I used Brltty from jessie and my Display is a braillestar 40.
It is connected via usb.
On Di, Jun 02, 2015 at 12:22:35 +0200, Mario Lang wrote:
> Halim Sahin writes:
> > Hi,
> > Brltty doesn't accept any key on the brailledisplay if it displ
Brltty doesn't accept any key on the brailledisplay if it displayed a
chaning content.
EG.: start playing a file in mplayer with the std status line on the bottom of
the display turned on.
After some time the handytech braille keys don't work any more.
restarting brltty helps.
When I open a text in EG. vim and start to read it with the arrowkeys on the
keyboard, brltty stops speech when the bottom of the screen is reached and
brltty start to scroll the screen.
I am using brltty-speechd with espeak but it's not related to the speechdriver
because brlty-espeak pr
Currently orca doesn't work very well with currently shipped iceweasel
31 version in debian stable.
I was told that a mapping should be added to orca for loading the
correct firefox script.
I did some testing and found that some tracesbacks in orca don't happen.
The mentioned addition doesn't f
I would prefer to fix it in debian's directory structure and not in
iceweasel package.
It should be possible to use an upstream firefox without recompiling it
under debian when using xfce etc.
Just my two cents.
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On Di, Dez 03, 2013 at 06:59:13 +0100, Sebastian Humenda wrote:
> Halim Sahin schrieb am 03.12.2013, 18:17 +0100:
> >Last week I've read about a rfc in systemd which tries to implement vt
> >in userspace.
> >In that case config_vt in kernel don't need to be set
Hi all,
Last week I've read about a rfc in systemd which tries to implement vt
in userspace.
In that case config_vt in kernel don't need to be set.
If someone tries to remove vt support from kernel completely we.ll loose
a great, stable environment.
Afaik sbl and brltty depend on /dev/vcs* /dev/tty
Hi all,
In my point of view debian should really change it's default desktop to
xfce because of the systemd requirement of gnome.
I am not happy with current situation but debian support other os's as
well and systemd is only available for Linux.
At this time I.ll whant to say thx to all people wh
Ok it seems gnome-3.4 is not much usable in wheezy due to posted
stability problems.
Unfortunately xfce
is at 4.8.
so I installed lxde and got a11y working except iceweasel.
What I did:
export GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge
Now iceweasel
x27;s really hard to configure
because of pulseaudio.
Endusers maybe don't want to use plain textconsole but currently it
would be hard to get speech in console and orca working at the same
Halim Sahin
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It's an known bug:
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Why ask in orca list?
with orca-3.4.2 running on my gentoo machine it works as expected.
Only my wheezy installation has this problem.
Could you please try to verify it?
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i don't know if this is my fault or changed keybinding.
Afaik a backslash "\" should toggle through advanced politeness live
region settings in orca.
In my wheezy test system I see no change when typing \.
I've also tested with a binary firefox from mozilla.org.
Can you help?
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When I run
gnome-control-center sound
orca becomes sluggish.
speech can't be interupted any more.
Tab brings the focus to next object but speech announces it after finish
of previous selected object.
Orca works fine again after closing gcs.
Can you confirm this?
I've only tested gcs sound. Ma
Well I've no idea why this doesn't work in wheezy.
My other machine runs gentoo with orca-3.4.2 which doesn't have any
problems with capslock when using laptop keyboard layout.
Sorry I've no idea what's wrong here.
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On So, Feb 10, 2013 at 06:01:11 +0100, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Halim Sahin, le Sun 10 Feb 2013 17:40:16 +0100, a écrit :
> > 2. orca: capslock issue: in laptop layout
> > When using laptop keyboard layout caps can be used with orca but
> > unfortunately the key goes
Hi Samuel,
About 1. issue:
We were able to use gnome's mixer to bring up the volume.
Afaik that applet controls only pulse not alsa :-(.
BTW.: I am using gnome classic mode.
Don't know if this makes a difference in the audiosettings.
See attachment for alsa controls.
about 2: I.ll ask in orca list
Hi folks,
So I've installed wheezy from scratch and found following critical
1. audiovolume in gnome
Was muted or set to 0%
No chance for me without sighted assistance
2. orca: capslock issue: in laptop layout
When using laptop keyboard layout caps can be used with orca but
Hi Jason,
On So, Dez 16, 2012 at 04:49:55 +1100, Jason White wrote:
> Do you still need it if you're running PulseAudio 2.1-2 from experimental?
Yes I see no difference.
I've tested in in my wheezy vm.
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On So, Dez 16, 2012 at 04:41:46 +1100, Daniel Dalton wrote:
> Are you just using speechd-up with speakup, so that it can use
> speech-dispatcher? Or should espeakup actually work as well?
I use sbl at the textconsole.
Espeakup should work as well if it uses alsa in espeak (not sure). I am
On So, Dez 16, 2012 at 04:49:55 +1100, Jason White wrote:
> I'm trying to work out why PulseAudio is not blocking the audio device on my
> laptop, even though I haven't changed the configuration from its defaults.
Maybe your audio hardware can mix several audiostreams in hardware?
Or they have
Unfortunately next stable debian' graphical desktop
will highly depend on pulseaudio.
aptitude show gnome-core
So here are some hints how to deal with this situation:
- place the attached default.pa in ~/.pulse
The changes are that pulseaudio can't block the audio device.
- sudo rm /usr/
On Do, Nov 22, 2012 at 06:33:09 +1100, Daniel Dalton wrote:
> To use alsa you should be able to just disable pulseaudio in rcconf and
> change speech-dispatcher to use alsa in
> /etc/speech-dispatcher/speech-dispatcher.conf
Well, I am not aware that the frequently segfaults with alsa driver w
I've asked and hoped you are all aware that this desktop environment has
many a11y related bugs.
Many of these bugs were fixed in xfce 4.10 but that version will not be
part of wheezy.
One of the big problems is to start at-spi-registryd before first gtk
application comes up.
Any way thx fo
According to:
gnome will may be not the default Desktop any more.
What's the current a11y status of xfce in wheezy?
Does it come with orca installed!!!
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Another problem I've experienced yesterday is:
booting netinst using my pc (no VM)
seems to detect my display but the
language selection was not displayed.
I can only read brltty 4.3 ...
The Display is a Papenmeier el80s.
Due to this Problem I.ll not able to install it currently on my machine.
Yesterday 2012.06.26 I installed a debian-wheezy (all updates) into a
kvm virtual machine.
Orca seems to work but iceweasel isn't accessible.
Orca reads only window-title and say inaccessible!
Is this problem allready known?
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On Mi, Aug 03, 2011 at 12:51:56 +, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Halim Sahin, le Wed 03 Aug 2011 05:42:08 +0200, a écrit :
> > I wrote brailcom asked for a backport ppackage for squeeze.
> Brailcom is not the maintainer for the Debian speech-dispatcher package
> either
Using a stable distro should be possible without doing unusual things.
Using a screenreader on plain tty without running a desktop with
pulseaudio should be possible as well.
The alsa bug is really old and was reported in 2009 upstream.
Hi Samuel,
Is it possible to apply the provided patch to speechd which was shipped
with squeeze?
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discused many times in the past without useful
In my opinion squeeze's freeze time was really bad for a11y!!!
Orca and Speech-dispatcher have both issues wich needs much fine tuning.
Halim Sahin
halim.sahin (at) t-online.de
On Mo, Aug 01, 2011 at 12:20:12 +0200, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL wrote:
> Is there a bug opened for this? It's the best way to ask to the
> maintainer directly and allow us to do if he doesn't (except if he
> doesn't do because he doesn't want for some reasons he probably would
I was able to rebuild speech-dispatcher with libao support in squeeze (patch
It would be great if one of you debian packagers can apply the patch to
speech-dispatcher and push it to squeeze-backports.
--- ./speech-dispatcher-0.7/debian/control 2010-11-26 10:4
If this is a orca from the x-desktop git-branch it works under
In this case you don't need to update to at-spi2.
PS.: orca-xdesktop runs well under Squeeze :-).
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Hi Samuel and Mario,
Here is the log.
Jul 26 11:23:57 brltty[4062]: checking braille device: usb:
Jul 26 11:23:57 brltty[4062]: checking for braille driver: pm
Jul 26 11:23:57 brltty[4062]: initializing braille driver: pm -> usb:
Jul 26 11:23:57 brltty[4062]: Probing Papenmeier display
On Mi, Jul 20, 2011 at 08:44:45 +0200, Mario Lang wrote:
> Halim Sahin writes:
> > This week I tried to Install squeeze (amd64) using a Papenmeier el80s
> > Brailledisplay.
> > The netinst-cd boots but no braille output comes up :-(.
> Just to verify, can y
I was able to install orca-2.32 from sources on debian squeeze.
Well it has some problems with messenger gajim so I upgrade to orca from
git which now runs well under squeeze.
If you want to use a git version you need the orca-xdesktop branch.
That version can be used with gnome2.x :-).
It wou
Hi Samuel
The el80s displays it's name and firmware version.
Nothing changes when the cd boots.
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This week I tried to Install squeeze (amd64) using a Papenmeier el80s
The netinst-cd boots but no braille output comes up :-(.
Today I did the following:
1. Started my machine with grml64 live-cd which has a working brltty
(also amd64).
2. I used kvm and the debian squeeze
Hi Mario @all,
I have switched away from at-spi 1 on my gentoo machine few months ago
because of issues with gsettings and gnome-panel from the
gnome 2.32 version.
The current status of at-spi2 and orca isn't so bad in my opinion.
Most of the bugs are there due to caching in at-spi which were add
On Do, Jul 07, 2011 at 02:55:10 +0200, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL wrote:
> Debian works fine with alsa.
yes, but speech-dispatcher doesn't :-(.
I you switch to alsa in speechd, you have to restart speech-dispatcher
about 10 times a day because of segfaults in speechd's alsa code.
This happens with
Hi List,
I wanted to share my thoughts and problems regarding a11y in squeeze.
Yesterday I've installed with a netinst iso and run into several
Installing with braille using brltty worked but brltty was not started
correctly after restart because of used braillex Tiny which is not
There is currently no native driver in speechd for dectalk or swift.
the soft dectalk and swift are only support through the generic driver
of speechd.
That driver has many limitations but it should talk :-).
The latest source (unstable) from git has also a svox pico driver.
The big question
Take the debian packages which were uploaded to debian ?unstable?.
This should give you an easy way to install it.
Halim Sahin
halim.sahin (at) t-online.de
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On Fr, Jun 03, 2011 at 08:01:50 +0200, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Have you also set the following environment variable for your
> applications?
> export GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge
The registry comes up _after_ some gtk-applications like lxpanel.
This makes those unaccessible :-(.
When I
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Which is the prefered way to run the at-spi-registryd in lxde?
My dirty hacks didn't work here :-(.
The daemon was started but lx* apps were not accessible.
restarting lxpanel helps but I don't want to restart core applications
of the running desktop.
I tried starting it in startlxde script an
On Mi, Mär 02, 2011 at 10:54:19 -0600, Kenny Hitt wrote:
> Hi. Have you filed these as bugs yet? Remember, a bug report is more useful
> and likely to get
> results than just posting to a mailing list. I didn't see them when I looked
> at speech-dispatcher bugs earlier this morning.
Maybe y
Hi Kenny,
It would be nice to know which synth you are using with libao.
it works stable here using ibmtts and espeak.
Another question would be if the synthdriver crashs or the core server.
Have you also installed pulseaudio?
Which soundcard are you using.?
Halim Sahin
halim.sahin (at) t-online.de
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Hi Samuel and Mario,
I can talk to Milan but he didn't respond to my mails during freeze
period of squeeze. I have already reported many of the bugs regarding
speechd-0.7 eg. missing libao support etc.
I know of the newer version of speechd in experimental.
I don't ask to get an easy wor
Hi Trev,
I know the mentioned bug report. However I am not sure if my problem is
the same here.
Keyring is not accessible only for networkmanager and keyring.
The messenger empathy uses keyring as well and does not freeze orca.
I did more testing with the speechd package of squeeze.
No libao was c
I want to report some issues on my squeeze installation.
1. The squeeze version of speech-dispatcher is really not usable.
I wasn't able to get it talking in console and gnome.
autospawn worked only for one user at the same time.
Running it as systemservice had other problems etc.
I have now u
Hi Samuel,
I feel that it would be the best for us to have a11y turned on for all
users but this would produce a lot of complains from users who don't
need it.
So my suggestion is to enable a11y for all people (only) when a11y was
enabled during installation of the system.
In this case no other peo
Ok I filed
Bug#598628 for squeeze which describes the muted audio in pulse.
If this can be fixed, speechd should deppend (not recomment) pulseaudio.
If we don't want this then we should change audio output to something
different than pulse.
Libao support is also missing which would make things
On Do, Sep 30, 2010 at 01:57:49 +0200, Hynek Hanke wrote:
> On 30.9.2010 11:49, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> > I think you mentioned that the libao output doesn't have such blocking
> > issue, Hynek, can you confirm this?
> No, using ALSA directly and using ALSA through libao
> is still using AL
sure that defauult audio
output is set to alsa instead pulse for speechd.
These points shows where we are by changing well working setups.
I don't know if these point can be solved in squeeze but we should try
Halim Sahin
halim.sahin (
Hi Kenny,
can you play sounds using paplay?
You can find some wav files in /usr/share/sounds
Try to play these with paplay.
In my kvm machine, pulseaudio output was muted.
I have created a custom .asoundrc file and used alsamixe to unmute it.
contents of the ~/.Asoundrc file is:
pcm.pulse {
chine all seems work. I have already tested with orca.
Halim Sahin
halim.sahin (at) t-online.de
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Well the screenreader is an application which get the information from
your system and uses some kind of outputdevices like braille and speech
for it's output.
If you are using brltty that's your screenreader :-).
I don't use it so I can't tell you if there is a way of handling such
attribute c
only gnomespeech and one ugly traceback for emacs speech server.
Is speech-dispatcher listed together with gnomespeech on your system?
Halim Sahin
halim.sahin (at) t-online.de
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Patching upstream apps for accessibility is is fine in many cases.
However the described problem can only happen if your screenreader
doesn't track attribute currsors.
This should be fixed in the Screenreaders not in in mc.
The sbl screenreader (which isn't in Debian) can handle attribute
Hi Mario and Samuel,
Can you please test with these two lines in ~/.orbitrc?
@Mario: you mentioned only the first line in your first mail in this
thread :-).
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On So, Sep 26, 2010 at 07:12:15 +0200, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Halim Sahin, le Sun 26 Sep 2010 18:45:29 +0200, a écrit :
> > > If you have multi seats, you do _not_
> > > want a system-wide process, just one per seat.
> >
> > Right and this part does only
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