Hi All,
There is a group from UTFPR named Emilias (
http://emilias.dainf.ct.utfpr.edu.br/) interested in be a part of welcome
Emilias is a project from UTFPR to support women in technology.
So, they would like to know which are the plans for welcome team in DC19,
exchange some ideas about it
> Em 31-03-2019 13:34, Adriana Cássia escreveu:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I visited the LGBTI+ group from Curitiba (Grupo Dignidade) and we
> > talked about how they can help us for DC19. They suggested a lot of
> > options below.
> >
> > 1. People can se
I visited the LGBTI+ group from Curitiba (Grupo Dignidade) and we
talked about how they can help us for DC19. They suggested a lot of
options below.
1. People can send questions direct to them using the form availabe on
the website:
2. People can a
them personally next week).
- To think about a list of recommendations for people in general (I
think that the questions that people will send could help us in that
Best regards,
Em ter, 29 de jan de 2019 às 13:19, Adriana Cássia
> Hi all!
> We will stay on Sunday
We would like to clarify some issues related to Brazil and DebConf19.
So, if you have any concern about Brazil (food, security, immigration,
people, and so on) please don't be shy and send to us.
If you don't feel comfortable to send to the list, please, send to me
in private.
We will provid
Hi all!
We will stay on Sunday morning at 10pm at Debian booth.
I hope to see you there :-)
Best regards,
Em ter, 29 de jan de 2019 às 12:57, Zlatan Todoric escreveu:
> Hi Rhonda,
> On 1/28/19 12:01 PM, Rhonda D'Vine wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > this might come a bit short of a notice,
Hi Shirish!
Thanks for the tip, I will see this movie. I just watched the trailer.
Best regards,
Em sáb, 12 de jan de 2019 às 11:37, shirish शिरीष
> Dear all,
> Came across http://hibridos.cc/en/themovie/ . It is a creative commons
> feature-length documentary which explores brazi
Hi Rhonda!
I was thinking about your concerns and how we could clarify some points.
I'm aware that it's is hard try to understand Bolsonaro election (and
I'm not able to explain that), It was the worst election campaign that
I have seen.
Some people were arguing with family, coworkers, friends, I
> Hi Adriana,
Hi Nicolas,
> First off I'd like to apologize for my lack of response to your previous
> email;
> My month of september ended up getting a bit more hectic than I'd have liked
> (I'll be moving this weekend) and I've fallen behind on Debian mail.
Ok! I would like to clarify, I sent
Hi Nicolas,
Em seg, 10 de set de 2018 14:58, Adriana Cássia
> Hi Nicolas,
> Thanks a lot for the information. May I join in the bursaries team?
> It's very likely that during the process I will ask some "newbie
> questions", but I will tr
> OK. I propose Monday Sep 24th, at 15:00 UTC. That's noon for us in
> Brazil, all kinds of morning for North America, early evening for
> Europe, and late night for Asia.
> I don't think we will be able to find a more suitable hour, but let me
> know if the date doesn't work.
I'm not able to
Hi Nicolas,
> * Adriana Cássia [2018-08-30 16:30:52 -0300]:
> > [...]
> > I would like to know what is required to join in the bursaries team.
> Thanks for your interest!
> I will be answering to the debconf-team list, as this is all things that
> shoul
> However I would like to make it clearer at future DebConfs that this is
> not okay. It seems like people don't read the code of conduct before
> entering the conference. At IETF, because of a similar issue, a photo
> policy was introduced which gives everybody the possibility to show
> their will
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