Hi Daniel,

Thanks for answered!

After about  one month I think it possible to close this issue.
I will send a message to them requesting the items 3 and 7 and
inviting them to attend DC19.

Best regards,

Em ter, 2 de abr de 2019 às 14:37, Daniel Lenharo de Souza
<lenh...@debian.org> escreveu:
> Hi Adriana,
> Em 31-03-2019 13:34, Adriana Cássia escreveu:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I visited the LGBTI+ group from Curitiba (Grupo Dignidade) and we
> > talked about how they can help us for DC19. They suggested a lot of
> > options below.
> >
> > 1. People can send questions direct to them using the form availabe on
> > the website:
> >  http://www.grupodignidade.org.br/contato/
> >
> > 2.  People can also send the questions to us (DC19 local team) and we
> > will forward to them.
> >
> > 3. In general, when they organise events/meeting here (like Diversity
> > Parade LBGTI,in 2018 was 40k attendees) they warn to the City Guard
> > and Emergency Care Units (ECUs). Both are previously knowing and if
> > something bad happens and you need help in a hurry, they can help
> > faster. They can do that for DC19.
> >
> > 4. They offered organise a day for DC19 attendees visit the Grupo
> > Dignidade Office, we need to confirm if people would like to visit the
> > place (It is near the venue).
> >
> > 5. They are available visit the venue to meet the Debian Diversity
> > group during DC19.
> >
> > 6. They can wait to close the office later during the DC19, and
> > release the phone number in case of emergency they can help.
> >
> > 7. They have a LGBTI+ communication manual and we can distribute it
> > during DC19, they are working on the translation to English. The
> > Portuguese version in available here:
> > http://www.grupodignidade.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/manual-comunicacao-LGBTI.pdf
> >
> > So, we need to define how we would like to work with them. What do you
> > (all) think is the better approach?
> I thought that #7 and #3 will be essential. #2 and #5 i see that could
> help a lot.
> Cheers
> --
> Daniel Lenharo de Souza
> DebConf19 - Curitiba-BR
> http://www.lenharo.eti.br
> GPG: 31D8 0509 460E FB31 DF4B
>       9629 FB0E 132D DB0A A5B1

Adriana C. da Costa

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