
I would like to share a feedback about the meeting at FOSDEM.

We talked about the safety concerns related to Brazil and DC19 at
FOSDEM and it was nice!
I told them we have a LGBTQ+ group that it had offered support for
DC19 organisation team.
I'm talking with them about how they could help us, they will keep us
informed about LGBT news in Brazil and about potential concerns for
this community. They will be a partner for DC19.

In general, the elections campaign was the tense period here. After
that we don't have special issues related to foreign people or special
security recommendations (until now).

During the meeting some people asked me about if it will be a problem
wearing specific things as: colorful hair, dark clothes, beard, long
hair, and so on. It's not a problem in Brazil, in fact, it's pretty
common here.

About the next steps:
- To send a message inviting people to ask any questions about Brazil
and create a FAQ on the DC19 website with the questions and answers
without identify the person who sent the question (I sent yesterday in
different discuss lists).
- Meeting the LGBT group from Curitiba to start working with them (I
will talk to them personally next week).
- To think about a list of recommendations for people in general (I
think that the questions that people will send could help us in that

Best regards,

Em ter, 29 de jan de 2019 às 13:19, Adriana Cássia
<adriana....@gmail.com> escreveu:
> Hi all!
> We will stay on Sunday morning at 10pm at Debian booth.
> I hope to see you there :-)
> Best regards,
> Em ter, 29 de jan de 2019 às 12:57, Zlatan Todoric <zla...@riseup.net> 
> escreveu:
> >
> > Hi Rhonda,
> >
> > On 1/28/19 12:01 PM, Rhonda D'Vine wrote:
> > >         Hi,
> > >
> > >   this might come a bit short of a notice, but Adriana and I did discuss
> > > a bit which made me consider coming to FOSDEM, to have some in-person
> > > discussion about how to proceed with respect to safety concerns in
> > > Brazil, especially for (visible) LGBTIQA+ people.  We haven't defined a
> > > time or place yet when to sit down and talk about it, but it might be
> > > nice if other people who are around and interested in the topic might
> > > join in, to potentially share ideas.
> > >
> > I can't promise I will be able to join it (due to heavy schedule I have
> > this time) but I would like to know time and date if this happens as I
> > am interested in topic also.
> >
> > Z
> >
> --
> Adriana C. da Costa
> http://www.mulheres.eti.br

Adriana C. da Costa

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