Hi Rhonda!

I was thinking about your concerns and how we could clarify some points.

I'm aware that it's is hard try to understand Bolsonaro election (and
I'm not able to explain that), It was the worst election campaign that
I have seen.
Some people were arguing with family, coworkers, friends, I have heard
about people have broken off their relationship with their relatives.
There were also people that made a big effort to fight against fake
news. A lot of people is still dealing with these questions. It is new
situation for us and I hope that people from countries that have been
living similar experience help us to deal with this question.

I contacted LGBTQ+ groups from Curitiba and another cities to collect
information to help us.
In my opinion they can provide reliable information and they have a
better point of view about these issues than me or any person who is
not part of LGBTQ+ community.

I asked them about how the Bolsonaro election could increase the
violence against LGBTQ+ people and if they believe that we should
consider cancel the conference here.
I contacted 6 groups and 4 of them answered me, I provided to them all
information about the DC19. There are some points below:
-Since the end of election they don't have specific information about
the increase of violence against LGBTQ+ group related to Bolsonaro
election and his supporters.
- The two groups from Curitiba told me that they believe that it is
not necessary cancel the conference. The groups from another cities
they said the same.
- About the conference venue both of them believe that the location is
not in a dangerous neighborhood.
- Until now there's no security recommendation specify for LGBTQ+.

Groups from Curitiba
Marcela Prado Transgrupo
The goal is to promote citizenship, health, education, public
security, culture and defense of human rights for transgender people
in Paraná state.

Grupo Dignidade
Encourage the free sexual orientation, identity and gender expression,
as well human rights and citizenship for lesbians, gays, bisexuals,
transgender, transvestite, transsexual and interesex

Groups from another cities
Brazilian association of lesbians, gays, bisexual, transvestite,
trangender and intersex is an brazilian organization for promote
action to ensure citizenship and human rights for LGBTs, contribuitint
to build a democratic society, to fith against discrimination,
coercion and violence about gender identity and sexual orientation.

Grupo Pagu
It is a study group about gender and gender violence from University
of Campinas - UNICAMP.

I'm talking with the groups from Curitiba to know if they could
provide news until the date of the conference and about how we can
work together for DC19. For sure, we will to keep in touch with them
on the progress of this question.

I would like to add one more subject, some weeks ago I sent a e-mail
to Debian Women List and Diversity members with a pad link to collect
some ideias. I proposed a meeting at FOSDEM to talk about how we can
improve the activities for underrepresented groups in Debian
I think  that we are living some changes and hard process in the world
and we need to join efforts to work togheter to build a better place
to live. I didn't received any answer yet, but I have faith people
will help me.

Best regards,

Em qua, 12 de dez de 2018 às 21:36, Paulo Henrique Santana
<pa...@phls.com.br> escreveu:
>  ---- On Wed, 12 Dec 2018 16:31:18 -0200 Paulo Henrique Santana 
> <pa...@phls.com.br> wrote ----
>  >
>  > I think we missed the opportunity to show our empty...
> our empathy...
> :-)
> -----
> Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls)
> Curitiba - Brasil
> Debian Maintainer
> Diretor do Instituto para Conservação de Tecnologias Livres
> Membro da Comunidade Curitiba Livre
> Site: http://www.phls.com.br
> GNU/Linux user: 228719  GPG ID: 0443C450
> Organizador da DebConf19 - Conferência Mundial de Desenvolvedores(as) Debian
> Curitiba - 21 a 28 de julho de 2019
> http://debconf19.debconf.org

Adriana C. da Costa

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