Re: [deal.II] Re: interpolate_to_different_mesh produces strange results

2017-01-12 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/for

Re: [deal.II] Values of a given point on the interface of two different domain

2017-01-14 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum

Re: [deal.II] Examples makefile

2017-01-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
VERBOSE=ON and it should tell you the command lines being used. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- T

Re: [deal.II] Assembly of material forces

2017-01-24 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
at Extra question: Would my work be of interest for your code gallery maybe in the near future? If you have good questions, always! Best W. -- ---- Wolfgan

Re: [deal.II] Re: Add heterogeneous parameters controlled by function on cells

2017-01-25 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
the Laplace equation, but if you see it happen there, you will know how it works for the elasticity equation as well.) Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Re: Assembly of material forces

2017-01-25 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ing the local right hand side you may want to see steps 3 and 4, as well as 8. For how exactly this interacts with hanging nodes, you may want to see step-6. The point is that you need to expect to see similar mathematics, but different terms than you are used to. Best W. -- -

Re: [deal.II] Re: Add heterogeneous parameters controlled by function on cells

2017-01-26 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ere is truth to that. So, *unless you have measured that it is a problem*, then the simplest approach is the way to go. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Re: Assembly of material forces

2017-01-29 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
iner mesh -- maybe a triangular mesh, whereas the other one is computed on a quadrilateral mesh. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: http://ww

Re: [deal.II] cannot call member function ‘void tbb::task::spawn(tbb::task&)’ without object

2017-01-31 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
tion. What version of the TBB are you using? And can you look up the declaration of the spawn() function in task.h in your version of the TBB? Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: b

Re: [deal.II] Fully distributed triangulation (level 0)

2017-01-31 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
refine. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at http

Re: [deal.II] Possible Mistake and improvement in QMRS implementation

2017-01-31 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
uch appreciated! Best Wolfgang -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.

Re: [deal.II] cannot call member function ‘void tbb::task::spawn(tbb::task&)’ without object

2017-01-31 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
:-) W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/

Re: [deal.II] cannot call member function ‘void tbb::task::spawn(tbb::task&)’ without object

2017-01-31 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Or wait for the patch I'm going to submit in a minute :-) Specifically, I would appreciate if you could see whether this helps: Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth

Re: [deal.II] Fully distributed triangulation (level 0)

2017-01-31 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Is this in debug mode? Best Wolfgang -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options

Re: [deal.II] using VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values :Simple verification of Stokes system with zero velocity (using step-22)

2017-02-01 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
never impose any pressure boundary conditions. There is a description of boundary conditions for the Stokes equations in the introduction of step-22. Take a look there to see what you can and cannot impose for the Stokes equations. Best W. -- ---

Re: [deal.II] Shape function derivatives

2017-02-01 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ve to multiply it by invJ again. This is the source of your factor of two. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: http://www.math.colostate.ed

Re: [deal.II] Re: Shape function derivatives

2017-02-01 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
columns of that operator. W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is locat

Re: [deal.II] using VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values :Simple verification of Stokes system with zero velocity (using step-22)

2017-02-01 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
aside, both the x and y components of the velocity are 0.0 ON the boundaries and 1.0 everywhere else. Are you calling constraints.distribute on the solution vector after solving your linear system? Best W. -- Wolfgang

Re: [deal.II] internal compiler error: Bus error

2017-02-01 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
appen if you compile with -j1? The kind of internal compiler error you have here seems to happen most often if you run out of memory. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@colostat

Re: [deal.II] Re: Re_Error during installation of dealii.8.4.1

2017-02-02 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
er than its source files) but can't read successfully. The solution is to do 'make clean' or just to blow away the build directory and start again. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email

Re: [deal.II] Re: Re_Error during installation of dealii.8.4.1

2017-02-04 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
/dir/, which is a path you want to replace by the one where you want to install deal.II in :-) Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: http

Re: [deal.II] Fully distributed triangulation (level 0)

2017-02-07 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
mesh plus one layer of ghosts, and the derived class is responsible for the communication? And then derive another class from DoFHandlerPolicy to deal with this triangulation? Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth

Re: [deal.II] Fully distributed triangulation (level 0)

2017-02-07 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
0sec output, and 80 sec create_tria, and 45 sec assembly. Each core requires 9GB memory. This is why I want to reduce memory usage. Yes, I can see why the reorder step is annoying then. Best Wolfgang -- ---- Wolfgang

Re: [deal.II] Assemble Righthand Side for vector-valued problem

2017-02-08 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
want to multiply with. (Hint: The correct component is fe.system_to_component_index(i).first). Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: http

Re: [deal.II] Assemble Righthand Side for vector-valued problem

2017-02-08 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
s why that is so -- is your rhs correct, for example? Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- T

Re: [deal.II] Assemble Righthand Side for vector-valued problem

2017-02-09 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see

Re: [deal.II] Nonhomogeneous Dirichlet Boundary conditions using a Dirichlet lift

2017-02-09 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ed, but take a look at lectures 21.6 and 21.65 here: Best Wolfgang -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] second derivatives of solution

2017-02-12 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
e purposes, but you need to know what you are doing. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.I

Re: [deal.II] second derivatives of solution

2017-02-12 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
set of delta functions). I also attach the plot for d^2(solution)/dx^2 that look weird to me... I think it is plausible. It is at least not obviously wrong in my mind. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email

Re: [deal.II] Re: Recommendation: BCs in config

2017-02-14 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
read. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum opti

Re: [deal.II] Parameter map default value

2017-02-14 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
a default value), or indeed a positive integer. I'm going to note that figuring out that a string is indeed a positive integer (and nothing else) is not trivial. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Query using hdf5 with deal.ii

2017-02-14 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
that's where I would look things up.) Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II projec

Re: [deal.II] hp and SolutionTransfer -- ExcInterpolationNotImplemented ?!

2017-02-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
imately (and caught), and in those cases just `continue` in gdb, until gdb stops in the place you care about in, line 859. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] hp and SolutionTransfer -- ExcInterpolationNotImplemented ?!

2017-02-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
By adding catches on assertion, It took me a few years until I learned this trick (the `catch throw` thing) but it turns out to be really useful. Cheers W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange

Re: [deal.II] Re: Approximate Derivative Tensor functionality

2017-02-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ument you provide. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at http://ww

Re: [deal.II] Solver convergence failure with L2 residual diverging for SolverBicgstab

2017-02-17 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
invertible. This, as well, can be tested with a direct solver. Go through this list of ideas and you'll be closer to finding the root cause! Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange..

Re: [deal.II] Example of using MeshWorker::Assembler::MGMatrixLocalBlocksToGlobalBlocks?

2017-02-17 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
et this to work. Can you open an issue on the github forum at It would be great to have a minimal example that shows the problem. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth em

Re: [deal.II] 8.4.1 Installation failure

2017-02-19 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ate the 'build' directory? Parallel to the directory into which you unpacked deal.II? You will also want to replace /path/to/install/dir by a directory of your choice. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth

Re: [deal.II] InternalError in VectorTools::compute_nonzero_normal_flux_constraints

2017-02-20 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing

Re: [deal.II] InternalError in VectorTools::compute_nonzero_normal_flux_constraints

2017-02-20 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
n be a second bug that it doesn't use the generalized support points. We'd take a (separate) patch for that as well. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] InternalError in VectorTools::compute_nonzero_normal_flux_constraints

2017-02-21 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ve elements. But the patch is definitely not going to make anything worse. Give it a try (in a separate pull request). Cheers W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] A bug of visualization with VISIT

2017-02-21 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
plot (neither of which are equal to the P2 function in deal.II). You can probably get a better picture by providing a positive argument to the build_patches() function. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth

Re: [deal.II] A bug of visualization with VISIT

2017-02-22 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
is used internally in deal.II, and (ii) what Visit plots is not what you output. But with higher arguments to build_patches, you get closer in both regards. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email

Re: [deal.II] FE_Q constructor

2017-02-22 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
d 1d things? Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at

Re: [deal.II] bug in program only with adaptive mesh refinement

2017-02-22 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
of unknowns? Best W. PS: I do like this approach to testing. It shows great maturity in designing code and testing numerical methods to think this way. Well done! -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Re: FE_Q constructor

2017-02-23 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
or a penalty term) to force one function to be constant in y-direction. But why care? 2d computations are so cheap these days. Can't you just assume that everything depends on x and y? Best W. -- ----

Re: [deal.II] bug in program only with adaptive mesh refinement

2017-02-23 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
n your equation. And how do the two meshes differ? Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal

Re: [deal.II] bug in program only with adaptive mesh refinement

2017-02-23 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
gy norm error of the respective solutions should be better, but we don't know whether that's true for the L2 norm. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Reading user_indices from a vtk file.

2017-02-24 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
read user indices. We do read material_ids, however. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal

Re: [deal.II] Re: Access specific element within a distributed triangulation

2017-02-24 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
h should not be such a big "deal" in deal.II. Because it's *not* easy. It's only easy if you consider simple situation like yours. But if you want to do complicated things, they generally turn out to be complicated. Best W. -- --

Re: [deal.II] Re: Access specific element within a distributed triangulation

2017-02-26 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ximum among all processors, for example using Utilities::MPI::max(). Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at

Re: [deal.II] how to draw 1D plot

2017-02-26 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
for (l=0...) { ... output << w << ' ' << val << std::endl; } and then visualize the resulting data using gnuplot's "plot" command. Best W. -- Wolfgang

Re: [deal.II] write_vtk fail when using hp functionality

2017-02-27 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
gested here, and see if you can get a backtrace? Alternatively, can you create a small, self-contained testcase that shows the problem? Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@co

Re: [deal.II] InternalError in VectorTools::compute_nonzero_normal_flux_constraints

2017-02-27 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
rce the constraint, due to time constraints. But there is an H-div conforming projection function in the same namespace that should work for your case. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@

Re: [deal.II] Configuring deal.ii error - can't pinpoint what the issue is

2017-02-28 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
the wrong place. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at http:/

Re: [deal.II] Configuring deal.ii error - can't pinpoint what the issue is

2017-03-01 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
id, do you end up with a Makefile file in your build directory? If so, I suspect you can just ignore the error. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] ZeroBoundaryCondition when FESystem is used

2017-03-01 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
are weak, you can just omit the term in the assembly. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at

Re: [deal.II] Configuring deal.ii error - can't pinpoint what the issue is

2017-03-01 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
not there. I would suggest to go the route that Uwe suggested: use candi. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www:

Re: [deal.II] ZeroBoundaryCondition when FESystem is used

2017-03-01 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
at you are trying to do here may or may not make sense for the equations you are considering. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: http://www.m

[deal.II] Publications based on deal.II

2017-03-02 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
thing else that may seem appropriate. Thanks! Wolfgang -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II proje

Re: [deal.II] Re: Announcing the deal.II Code Gallery

2017-03-06 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
st W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see

Re: [deal.II] Re: Lecture 31.65(Picard iteration)

2017-03-06 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
, the resizing is unnecessary because the system has the same size. But you could try to just set matrices and vectors to zero, and see whether that makes a difference. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth

Re: [deal.II] Re: Announcing the deal.II Code Gallery

2017-03-06 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
That doesn't trigger anything for me :-( Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II projec

Re: [deal.II] Isoparametric testing

2017-03-06 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
polynomial arc. A similar effect is mentioned in one of the tutorial programs that deal with mappings (9 and 10? or 10 and 11?). Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Re: Question regarding P:D:Tria

2017-03-06 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
m is going to consume at least as much memory as the 450k artificial cells. So I think that 500k coarse cells is sort of the limit of what makes sense, but it's not in itself a death sentence yet that derails the whole approach. Best W. -- ---

Re: [deal.II] Re: Access specific element within a distributed triangulation

2017-03-07 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
27;t understand what it computes. Learning strategies to debug software is the only way you can learn to write good software. Best WB -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Re: Access specific element within a distributed triangulation

2017-03-07 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
reduce. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing lis

Re: [deal.II] Re: Access specific element within a distributed triangulation

2017-03-07 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
e to set it up once, but that is again a skill that you will need one way or the other at one point as your programs become more complicated. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Re: Announcing the deal.II Code Gallery

2017-03-07 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
this happens to work, please submit this as a patch in general -- we should try to preserve error messages. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] bug in program only with adaptive mesh refinement

2017-03-07 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
know that I'm going to spend an afternoon writing stuff on a piece of paper and comparing with what I get, but it's also often helped me debug things with which I've banged my head against the wall for too long already. Best W. -- ----

Re: [deal.II] Can't build deal ii tutorials or program which uses deal ii libraries due to unresolved external symbol _compress2 and _compressBound errors

2017-03-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
may go wrong in the process. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is loca

Re: [deal.II] fixing one component of solution to the same value

2017-03-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
question and set u_i = u_42 This is a straightforward constraint to add to the ConstraintMatrix class. Take a look at step-11 to see how constraints are added. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email

Re: [deal.II] AMR , how to pass solution vector to refined mesh

2017-03-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ution might different when mesh is refined is there anyone who has idea on this ? Take a look at step-15 -- it does exactly this, using the SolutionTransfer class. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth

Re: [deal.II] Re: AMR , how to pass solution vector to refined mesh

2017-03-17 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
does not exist. Did you re-initialize the sparsity pattern and matrix after you refined the mesh? Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: http

Re: [deal.II] Evaluate solution of face elements

2017-03-17 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ure on as coarse a mesh as you can use to demonstrate the error? Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www:

Re: [deal.II] Dealing with conflicting constraints without using VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values()

2017-03-19 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
a 2x2 or 3x3 mesh, to make sure it really is because of the constraints? For small problems, you can often figure out on a piece of paper what the matrix should be, and compare with what you get from your program. Best W. -- -

Re: [deal.II] How to make G vector in lecture 21.65

2017-03-19 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ry. And I solved AU_0=F-AG_tilt by... Vector tmp; tmp.reinit(solution.size()); system_matrix.vmult(tmp,G_tilt); system_rhs -= tmp; solve (); solution += G_tilt; This looks correct. Best W. -- ---

Re: [deal.II] Re: AMR , how to pass solution vector to refined mesh

2017-03-19 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options,

Re: [deal.II] Transfer local cell data to global cell vector

2017-03-19 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
taOut output this. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see

Re: [deal.II] Re: AMR , how to pass solution vector to refined mesh

2017-03-20 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
node constraints? Take a look how that is done in step-6, for example. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www:

Re: [deal.II] How to make G vector in lecture 21.65

2017-03-20 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
hen convert the result of that function into a vector. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The dea

[deal.II] Timo Heister and I on a podcast, talking about deal.II

2017-03-20 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
. It's a well done podcast I'm happy to recommend if any of you have long commutes during which you like to listen to something. Cheers W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: ba

Re: [deal.II] How to make G vector in lecture 21.65

2017-03-21 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see

Re: [deal.II] Error using project_boundary_values_div_conforming with Raviart_Thomas FE

2017-03-22 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
uot;. Can you elaborate? Cheers W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum optio

Re: [deal.II] Error using project_boundary_values_div_conforming with Raviart_Thomas FE

2017-03-22 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
his is issue 4092 now. Great, thanks. I can reproduce this, but I don't know when I (or anyone else) may be able to get around to fixing this :-( Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] imposing symmetric boundary conditions on the axis of symmetry of a 2D domain

2017-03-27 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
h you only want to simulate in r-z space? Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II proje

Re: [deal.II] possible Error of compute_no_normal_flux_constraints? Also: Manifolds vs. Boundaries

2017-03-28 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
edges via the boundary_id tag. The function you call only works with the latter. But you use the former. You will want to use the HyperBallBoundary class for the boundary. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Re: is there a way to refine mesh only in one direction

2017-03-29 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
o.h:293:7: /**/note: /* / 'RefinementCase' declared here/ /class RefinementCase : public RefinementPossibilities/ You should read through step-30 to see how this is done. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Fe_values->shape_grad() wrt to reference mesh

2017-03-30 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ration. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.or

Re: [deal.II] Re: is there a way to refine mesh only in one direction

2017-03-31 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/for

Re: [deal.II] Fe_values->shape_grad() wrt to reference mesh

2017-04-01 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ingQEulerian Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing li

Re: [deal.II] New nonzero at (3,3) caused a malloc when changing area of triangulation

2017-04-01 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
, and why that entry has not been allocated before. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II

Re: [deal.II] Fe_values->shape_grad() wrt to reference mesh

2017-04-01 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
others that are also good. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is

Re: [deal.II] block_write and block_read in dealii::LinearAlgebraTrilinos::MPI::BlockVector

2017-04-05 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
LinearAlgebraTrilinos::MPI::BlockVector class. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II

Re: [deal.II] Distribute constraints when using Workstream class

2017-04-06 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
see how this function is supposed to look. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II

Re: [deal.II] Re: fe_enriched and step-47

2017-04-06 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
sh step-47. Since Thomas Carraro essentially finished the program in the ANS article, I may even propose removing step-47: it's never going to be finished as far as I know, and a completed version exists. Best W. -- ---- W

Re: [deal.II] Re: Arbitrary mapping or Manifold?

2017-04-07 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
where this would fit? For the ellipse, maybe as an example in the documentation of the ChartManifold class? We'd be happy to add it there or somewhere else! Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Calculating gradients at arbitrary points

2017-04-12 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
mance. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mai

Re: [deal.II] Bug? - FETools::extrapolate changes behavior in 8.5

2017-04-12 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ks W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing

Re: [deal.II] fixing one component of solution to the same value

2017-04-12 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see

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