On 04/12/2017 05:03 PM, RAJAT ARORA wrote:

I am not sure why such an error is occurring. This shows that sparsity pattern
was generated that such a position (2249, 6) will not be filled, so no space
was allocated while declaring the
Petsc sparse matrix. However, constraints.distribute() function is trying to
put data in that position.

Moreover, the dof 6 and the dof 2249 donot belong to the same element. And the
dof 6 is for the x component and dof 2249 is for z component.

Can you please guide me as to what is wrong and how should I proceed?

Is this something that happens already with one processor? Either way, you will need to debug why constraints.distribute() tries to write into this entry. For this, you ought to look at what DoF indices you have on the cell where this happens, whether one of those has index 6, what constraints exist on DoF 6, etc.

Also relevant is: do you have *additional* constraints? Hanging nodes? Did you take all of those constraints into account when you built the sparsity pattern? When you build the local matrix, are all DoF indices you use only from the current cell? Etc.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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