On 01/14/2017 08:35 AM, lianzhang030...@gmail.com wrote:

My problem comes from step-46, which couples two different domains. Now, I
want to get the values of a given point on the interface, so I
use VectorTools::point_value. However, the point on interface has two sets of
dofs, the one of which is corresponding to  stokes_fe (velocity_x, velocity_y,
pressure, nothing, nothing) and the other one is corresponding to
elasticity_fe(nothing, nothing, nothing, displacement_x, displacement_y). When
using VectorTools::point_value, the function seems to choose one set of the
values. How can I get (velocity_x, velocity_y, pressure, displacement_x,
displacement_y) of a given point on the interface?

Is it a point whose coordinates you can easily express in terms of the reference coordinate system of the cell or face? E.g., the midpoint of a face? In that case, you can use FEFaceValues which you would initialize with the cell on the side you are interested in.

If it really is an arbitrary point, then maybe shifting it by an epsilon away from the interface will work. If you choose epsilon small enough, then the error introduced that way will be negligible.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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