
I am updating my mesh after every time-increment. So, cell->vertex(v)
contains the current coordinates of the mesh. I know the coordinates of
the cell (and whole mesh) at t = 0, I wanted
to know how I can initialize the fe_values object wrt to the coordinates
of the cell at t = 0.

If possible, this will enable me to use
fe_values->get_function_gradients() and fe_values->shape_grad() to get
the gradients wrt to reference mesh.

You can't. The FEValues classes only consider the mesh as it is right now, not how it was a while ago.

But you could consider leaving the mesh as it is (i.e., in reference coordinates) and using MappingQEulerian to describe the displacement. Then, if you use an FEValues without a mapping, you get everything with regard to the original (reference) configuration. If you use an FEValues with the mapping, you get the current configuration.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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