I was wondering who "owned" the tzcode package and if they
could include an install script to check for the existance
of "bash" OR "ksh", and create a link at install time to
the installed substitute or just patch tzselect so the
dependency on pdksh could be removed.
The documentation in "tzcode"
Do you have a directory named "cygdrive" in your root?
Normally, you shouldn't. For example, if I type
"ls /proc*", I get:
ls: /proc*: No such file or directory
But if I type:
"ls /proc", I see:
1024 cpuinfo meminfo registry statversion
608 loadavg partitions self uptime
Mea culpa...*irk*...it wasn't _intentional_...
It's a Tbird extension that's supposed to pick *my* address
out of headers that just put cygwin@cygwin.com on the From
addr instead of my domain. *Irk*...Haven't seen that behavior
I wouldn't have noticed it except that this time the email
Baksik, Frederick (NM75) wrote:
the info pages state for these tools:
If none of the above environment variables are set, the block size
currently defaults to 1024 bytes in most contexts, but this number may
change in the future. For `ls' file sizes, the block size defaults to
1 byte.
Bashdb doesn't work very well (many things don't work) on
Cygwin, -- figured out that Bashdb is from 2012, while bash is from 2017.
If bashdb was upgraded to a compatible version
it might run a bit better.
Table from page @
cygcheck -p bashdb
Found 2 matches for bashdb
bashdb-3.1_0.09-1-src - bashdb-src: Debugger for bash scripts (source)
bashdb-3.1_0.09-1 - bashdb: debugger for bash scripts (installed
binaries and support files)
Current version of bash on Cygwin download site is
So for bashdb, a
On 2019/12/12 13:40, Eliot Moss wrote:
Ah! I think what you want is a tmpfs or ramfs.
Not sure if cygwin supports that ...
Easiest thing might be to use /dev/shm. I used it during
development to store intermediate data that was later to be
transfered via a fifo...
Basically check fo
On 2019/12/11 23:36, Bernd Eggen wrote:
Some time ago I found that the Cygwin-64 "factor" command did not seem to
terminate with certain numbers, eg try:
-> echo '3401347*3861211*12099721' | bc | factor
The developers provided a fix (in GNU coreutils 8.29), however, after some two
On 2019/12/12 22:26, Brian Inglis wrote:
I've been using /run, with /var/run as a symlink to that, created in a permanent
postinstall script /etc/postinstall/zp_mk_run_var_links.dash (with some others),
for some time. It's currently using ~28KB.
Is it feasible to mount /run on say /dev/shm/run
On 2020/01/26 13:56, Jason Pyeron wrote:
I have an issue with git in Cygwin on windows shares - this is recent (worked
months ago).
Just to be clear, you are running 'git' on Cygwin and not on linux
or some other OS? There is a 'git' that runs on window natively. Have
you thought
On 2020/01/28 14:56, Jason Pyeron wrote:
Two short details,
ll is an alias commonly used on unix/linux/cygwin
most often standing for "ls -l" in its simplest form.
Mine does a few other things
alias llg='ls -l' #long listing
alias ll='llg -gG'# same with user+group turned o
On 2020/01/08 08:43, Frank-Ulrich Sommer wrote:
but rsync did not get faster.
I'm sorry to admit that the ultimate solution does not use Cygwin any more. I'm
now using a Windows share and connect to that share from my Linux server with
cifs and autofs. rsync then runs on the linux machine and
On 2020/02/28 04:38, Fergus Daly wrote:
I am almost certain that the command
$ rename "anything" "AnyThing" *.ext
would alter the string from lc to uc as shown, anywhere it occurred in any
filename in *.ext in the current directory.
isn't that they same as "mv anything.xxx Anything.xxx" ?
On 2020/03/03 15:45, Hans-Bernhard Bröker wrote:
Am 04.03.2020 um 00:25 schrieb L A Walsh:
On 2020/02/28 04:38, Fergus Daly wrote:
I am almost certain that the command
$ rename "anything" "AnyThing" *.ext
would alter the string from lc to uc as shown, anywhere
On 2020/02/27 14:30, Brian Inglis wrote:
No, you must backport all sources to the current and all previous versions
What all previous versions? Going back to year 2000 or before?
That sounds a bit onerous.
Problem reports: https://cygwin.com/problems.html
On 2020/03/24 00:18, Jay Libove via Cygwin wrote:
Under certain circumstances (see Steps to Reproduce, below) Cygwin programs'
built-in argv[] globbing will produce unexpected:
"{programName}: cannot access '{glob pattern}: No such file or directory"
"ls: cannot access '*.pdf': No
On 2020/04/02 06:43, Andrey Repin wrote:
That's not what actually happens.
...\Documents> ls -1 *.pdf
'Stars! Universe Map.pdf'
Thank you for your update.
Problem reports: https://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: https://cygwin.com/faq/
If you look in the registry editor, entry permissions similar to those
found on files -- complete access control lists for permissions,
auditing and integrity levels (MEDIUM, HIGH, SYSTEM 'Mandatory
Levels') are shown. Also, a creation or last-mod time is stored that
may be the timestamp shown in
In directory
I wanted to list all the ".dll"s that handled various types of
I tried
/bin/grep -Pr '\.dll'
but got a load of bogus error messages:
/bin/grep: Group: Is a directory
/bin/grep: ImagePath: Is a direc
On 9/7/2020 12:05 AM, Brian Inglis wrote:
>> /bin/grep -Pr '\.dll'
>> /bin/grep: Group: Is a directory
>> /bin/grep: ImagePath: Is a directory
ImagePath is a expandable string value under the Eventlog
key. 'ls -l' shows ImagePath has having 65 bytes.
> ll ImagePath
-r--r- 1 65 S
> I uploaded new snapshots for testing to https://cygwin.com/snapshots/
> Please give them a try.
"The procedure entry point uname_x could not be located in the dynamic
link library cygwin1.dll"
Problem reports: https://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: h
On 9/8/2020 12:18 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Sep 7 14:34, L A Walsh wrote:
>>> I uploaded new snapshots for testing to https://cygwin.com/snapshots/
>>> Please give them a try.
>> ---
>> Got:
>> "The procedure entry point
What are you complaining about? What erroneous behavior?
We can't read your mind, but it isn't clear what you think
is going wrong -- so how are we supposed to figure out what
the erroneous behavior is?
Please give an example of what you think is wrong and what
you expected instead. Please be cl
I was trying to edit files in
/etc/ssh> gvim sshd_config
Error: Current working directory has restricted permissions which render it
inaccessible as Win32 working directory.
I'm using perl 5.26.
The following perl-lib function fails.
perl -e 'use charnames qw{:full};'
Undefined subroutine utf8::SWASHNEW called at /usr/share/perl5/5.26/_charnames.p
m line 176.
e point to /Users/joe/home, and the domain should get
joe.dom so /home/joe.dom => /Users/joe.dom/home.
I started with my /home dir pointed at my the same dir as my /users dir, so
by default, windows separated them.
Both my userid and username are different -- have 2 entries in /etc/passwd:
On 2020/10/31 03:56, David Balažic wrote:
I don't have any of /user /users /User /Users folders on my setup.
Do you mean C:\Users ?
Sorry, yeah.
Even if I symlink it, won't that just change the location, but not the
used usernames?
You have one user in the Domain a
On 2020/11/05 13:41, Michael Soegtrop via Cygwin wrote:
I wonder if the path "/mnt/c/Windows/Fonts/wingding.ttf" is something
which should be written into a NTFS reparse point by cygwin setup.
Probably not - it looks like a cygwin path and it is understandable that
this confuses NTFS.
d volumes. Some will work with network, some not.
If they are all Microsoft windows symlinks, you might
look at the fsutil settings -- as well as open files.
You maybe said, but don't remember -- is there any error
message when you can't delete those files?
@ L A Walsh: you
On 2020/11/12 02:42, Marco Atzeri via Cygwin copied the whole note:
On 12.11.2020 09:42, Antonio Sidoti via Cygwin wrote:
I was looking into using Cygwin for commercial use...
[27 lines of duplicate text]
in general there is no restriction on usage.
If you are going to bottom post,
On 2020/11/12 08:10, Ilya Basin via Cygwin wrote:
When I launch a Cygwin program from a native Windows program and an argument in
the command line string is quoted and contains national characters then the
Cygwin program behaves as if double quotes were part of the program argument.
This ha
On 2020/11/17 15:41, tealhill via Cygwin wrote:
### Summary
Why should Cygwin add Sysnative to $PATH? As a workaround for
Microsoft's failure to add Sysnative to %PATH%.
### Full explanation
Cygwin imports the Windows %PATH% variable at startup.
It would be ideal if Microsoft would add Sysn
On 2020/12/02 12:29, Achim Gratz wrote:
This release uses the Python3 interpreter as Python2 is now EOL...
When I look at the binary on linux (ldd), I see no reference to any
of any version. I haven't seen the 6.4.14 package for my distro yet,
but the
On 2020/12/04 12:18, Achim Gratz wrote:
L A Walsh writes:
I see no reference to any python of any version.
Yes, the package does depend on it, and as noted in the announcement it depends
specifically on python36.
So, people who configure fetchmail with the man page and
On 2020/12/06 14:41, Johnathan Schneider via Cygwin wrote:
Hi all,
I'm setting up a cross platform development environment using Cygwin. Upon
attempting to use Cygwin's CMake that is natively bundled, I discovered that
Cygwin goes looking for the gcc in /usr/bin/cc,
If you go into 'ba
dapiot holmp wrote:
the version of bc that comes with cygwin, is bc 1.06.95 it works
fine from within the cygwin environment, but from cmd it doesn't
process \r
C:\cygwin\bin>echo 5+4|.\bc
(standard_in) 1: illegal character: ^M
It's not about "bc" not working with cmd. The proble
Andrew Schulman wrote:
Does whoever made the windows port e.g. for the gow one or for the
cygwin one, make their windows ports open source, and if so, then
does anybody have a link to those?
The Cygwin bc package uses the bc 1.06.95 source that I linked to, plus some
patches. You can download
Evgeny Grin wrote:
A lot of?
I don't know many... correction.. any GNU/Linux tools that works badly
with \n newlines.
All the tools in linux and current MacOS use
1 character to indicate end of line. It is only windows that has
a problem.
Is Cygwin still better for something?
Hans-Bernhard Bröker wrote:
Am 03.11.2016 um 07:06 schrieb Gerry Reno:
What is needed is for Cygwin itself to detect and manage the situation.
That is technically impossible. The DLL rebasing procedure can only be
done from _outside_ Cygwin.
The Dll rebasing needs to
I thought I remember an announcement about 32-bit support
going away in cygwin and that cygwin would only be built for
64-bit? Am I imagining this or was this reversed?
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/
Tydus wrote:
Dear list,
I use Cygwin64 for a long time and everything went well. However, after
one setup.exe update, the command substitution (`foo`) is broken on
You didn't specify what version of bash you are running.
Since here:
$ ssh a-linux-server
$ A=`echo 123 | cat`;
Gerrit Haase wrote:
2016-11-24 17:25 GMT+01:00 L. A. Walsh says:
Tydus wrote:
You didn't specify what version of bash you are running.
Therefore he attached the cygcheck output which says:
bash 4.3.46-7
Is that the same version as he's runnin
Ben Altman wrote:
When I log in to my account at work I get access to a network location
accessed as a drive dedicated to me. I log in from 2 locations - my
laptop and desktop.
Were both setup by your company's IT department, or
if not, who? Are they both running the same version of
I noticed my local terminals were not opening w/a shell prompt, but
would timeout if I waited long enough...(1-2 minutes? maybe?).
Turns out, one of my mounted net-drives was a down-system, so
if I was trying to access the drive (or content on it), I can see
it hanging.
But what about "cat /proc
Corinna Vinschen wrote:
I know why this happens but I don't see an easy way around that.
Basically the problem is that Cygwin has no control over the OS mount
points (i. e., drive letter mapping and volume ireparse points). Given
that, apart from C: maybe, the drive letter mapping can change any
Masamichi Hosoda wrote:
I've found that rename() cannot replace the file
which is opened with writable access on Cygwin.
On Linux, it works.
If I understand correctly, it should work under POSIX.
Here's sample code for reproduce.
#define OLDPATH "oldpath"
#define NEWPATH "newpath"
Andrey Repin wrote:
Accessing drive letters directly from inside Cygwin is often
considered a grey area.
How is it grey?
Too much may happen on this border. You have to clearly understand, how Cygwin
interact with other system, to avoid issues.
I.e. if you think you may have
Matt D. wrote:
On Windows you can create symbolic links which point to volume UUIDs
as a way of mounting and unmounting them without having to use the
administrative disk management tools.
For example, in cmd:
Corinna Vinschen wrote:
This type of directory symlink to a GUID volume path isn't supported
at all yet in Cygwin.
As I mentioned, symlinks don't support volume destinations
under windows, but Junctions should be used instead. They
half-way work under Cygwin (junctions to volumes look like
Corinna Vinschen wrote:
half-way work under Cygwin (junctions to volumes look like
mounted file systems look under linux, but junctions to
pathnames get converted by cygwin to symlinks -- losing
information when such junctions are restored.
Corinna -- could you _please_ re-look at suppor
Didn't see a response to this, so reposting, as this
would provide a needed vol and subdir mount facility as
exists on linux...
Especially, since there was a misunderstanding of what
was needed or wanted w/regards to the JUNCTION file-system
mounts in Windows. Didn't need mount table updated, j
Andrey Repin wrote:
I would argue against all junctions being treated blindly.
The difference with bind mounts in Linux is that in Linux
you don't have the
information available within the filesystem itself, and have
no other option,
than to treat them as regular directories.
Only direct volum
Corinna Vinschen wrote:
He's right. The mount point handling in Cygwin is based on the
in-memory mount table.
I'm not wanting a mount point fake. Just wanting it to look
like a normal dir just like the mountvol-junctions.
There's no reasonable way to fake some
reparse point to look
Andrey Repin wrote:
Greetings, L A Walsh!
> Andrey Repin wrote:
>> I would argue against all junctions being treated blindly.
>> The difference with bind mounts in Linux is that in Linux
>> you don't have the
>> information available within the filesystem its
Andrey Repin wrote:
Greetings, L A Walsh!
You say that throwing out the MS-designed ability
to mount a filesystem subtree and treat them the same as another
feature they added, "symlinks", is a benefit?
Where did I said that?
Are you not suggesting treating JUNCTION
cyg Simple wrote:
On 3/10/2017 4:01 PM, L A Walsh wrote:
I want to be able to mount other areas of other file
systems onto directories. Symlinks are destroyed by Cygwin's
SETUP.EXE and the install process For example. I have
a smallish "/usr" partition, but a large &qu
Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Mar 11 15:57, L A Walsh wrote:
I'm, talking parallel features and parallel problems.
Installing products on Linux or cygwin may check for and
complain about symlinks leading to their installation directory.
The cure in both is to use bind
Going by subj and talk below, this is a bit confusing...
But it looks like you are testing 'free' for a value?
Isn't standard 'free' declared to take 1 arg and
return void?
If you aren't talking standard 'free()', then
Hans-Bernhard Bröker wrote:
[Sorry, forgot to reply-all...]
Andrew Schulman wrote:
But when I log into that same host by sshd, bash starts...
Have you tried changing your shell
(chsh if it is on your system, otherwise edit /etc/passwd
and change the shell for your username).
Felipe Vieira wrote:
Dear cygwin mailing list,
For the second time this week my /bin/ folder gets obliterated on an
error during normal usage. It is equivalent of doing the infamous "rm
-rf /bin" .
That's different. I take it trying to restore previous copies
from the windows menu
I am trying to update my cygwin installation --
I seem to be missing some files, but am not sure, as cygcheck
seems to be broken.
I generated a dump using cygcheck -vs, and it claims
may files are missing:
Missing directory: /usr/share/doc/ from package afio
Missing directory: /usr/share/doc/af
Andrey Repin wrote:
Greetings, L A Walsh!
Hi Andrey Repin! ;-)
Any idea how to figure out what cygcheck is doing?
How did you invoke cygcheck?
I've seen similar behavior when invoking it as /usr/bin/cygcheck outside the
Cygwin environment.
I invoked it from bash at the same pl
The new version of ssh is not likely my "/var/empty", which it
var/empty must be owned by root and not group or world-writable.
It doesn't seems to like this:
llg -a /var/empty
total 4
drwx--+ 1 root Administrators 0 Oct 11 2014 ./
llg -an /var/empty
total 4
drwx--+ 1 0
Marco Atzeri wrote:
How am I supposed to make ssh happy?
user separation ?
$ ls -ld /var/empty
drwxr-xr-x+ 1 cyg_server Administrators 0 Jan 7 2015 /var/empty
Um, could elaborate? I mean do I just create a user called
cyg_server, and that makes it sshd happy? Or how is us
Lee wrote:
So... keep it simple, set
and use vi or something else that comes with cygwin to create the file
and I'll have a file with UTF-8 character encoding - correct?
The first 127 characters of UTF-8 are identical to the
first 127 characters of ASCII, and latin
OMG! When were junctions changed to no longer behave like symlinks?
I wanted that for years because it was apparent to me that MS
intended them to function more as mount-points than symlinks and
event referred to them as mountpoints in some of their earlier
literature on them.
Anyway -- outstan
Michael Crawford wrote:
then somehow determine whether that domain is owned by the trademark
holder. I'll send you my bill in the mail.
You didn't prove it belongs to the TM holder. In fact, you
did nothing. The important part is proving the domain is owned by
the trademark holder
I've had about 2-3 degradations regarding auto-window placement over the
past few months, though with 1, possibly > than a year.
The oldest prob with is the least problematic and that regards
the default x,y positioning of a new program or window coming up.
It used to be very convenient in tha
L A Walsh wrote:
latest one:
But now have a new degradation: the windows pop-under existing windows,
and trigger the task bar sliding open from the left -- both obscuring
and often preventing access to the wanted window!
***maybe*** have this one solved...my alert count on my desktop had
Ran in to this trying to use tar to store acls and xattrs:
tar caf lawbins.tar scripts scripts- bin
tar: miner.js: Warning: Cannot acl_to_text: Invalid argument
tar: run-crons.sys: Warning: Cannot acl_to_text: Invalid argument
tar: smallprof.out: Warning: Cannot acl_to_text: Invalid argument
On 8/23/2018 1:11 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
No, that's a wrong assumption. Think about it. The ACL given to
acl_to_text is the binary form, so it doesn't contain user or group
names, only uids and gids. The usernames are only generated in the
Rats. Of course, you're right.
On 8/27/2018 10:26 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On 8/27/2018 3:50 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
The only sane way to handle unknown SIDs in file ACLs is to ignore them
entirely. The result will be that you never see them in getfacl, nor
will they be stored by tar or rsync. They are just not there
Thanks for your reply, it's not so much a problem for me,
just that when I have some email problem, I often need someone else
to point it out to me, as from my perspective, everything is working
fine! :-)
On 9/5/2018 4:30 AM, Andrey Repin wrote:
Greetings, L A Walsh!
p.s. -- some
On 9/5/2018 1:03 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
No, I deliberately removed it from the released version to tease you.
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
I'm now getting errors where I never got errors before --
this may be for the 'Trusted installer' user, or possibly
domain users that I
I tried copying files using tar|tar...I have a script
that I've tried to run daily (but only do it manually),
called 'daily_maint.sh'
Tries to recycle old archi
On 9/7/2018 2:26 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:
Greetings, L A Walsh!
In all of these cases it appears that the problem is with directories.
At first thought it was related to presence of 'TRUSTED USER'
But I saw some 'flakeyness' on domain ID's,
where I saw it dis
On 9/25/2018 9:53 AM, Hans-Bernhard Bröker wrote:
Am 25.09.2018 um 17:16 schrieb Fergus:
Unintentionally I have confounded the discussion. The directory named
"consoleX" is my home-grown Cygwin root directory.
(Others' preferred locationname might be "cygwin" or "mycygwin" or
Referring to the below paragraph,
I would not be against you providing a patch to fix it. I
doubt any working on the tools or cygwin in their spare time would
mind either and would probably appreciate the help.
When do you plan to submit a fix?
p.s. - just another cygwin
Something I can use on my /tmp files on linux is a find command:
find /tmp -size 0 -delete
to delete zero-len-files or empty-directories in /tmp.
Unfortunately, due to directories really not being in the user
disk data space, but in the MFT(zone) (I think), the size
comes back as zero ('0') for
On 10/31/2018 9:39 PM, Mark Geisert wrote:
I shouldn't have blindly trusted the Subject:.
You did and gave the right answer. I had forgotten about
empty -- though not sure why. I guess I usually only use it for file
normally. For empty directories under /tmp, I usually use 'rm
cygcheck pulseaudio
cygcheck: track_down: could not find cygspeexdsp-1.dll
When I reinstalled the package, it didn't want any extra
I made sure the speex package was loaded, but that didn't have
it either.
Well this is odd:
cygcheck -c libspeexdsp1
Cygwin Package Informatio
Thanks, *sigh*. Unfortunately, that also implies that no one
is using pulseaudio ?
On 11/3/2018 12:26 AM, Marco Atzeri wrote:
Well this is odd: 'cygcheck -c libspeexdsp1'
libspeexdsp1 1.2-0.1.rc3 OK
cygcheck -l libspeexdsp1
#nothing listed.
Did a reinstall on package an
On 11/25/2018 9:08 AM, Hans-Bernhard Bröker wrote:
Am 25.11.2018 um 15:38 schrieb Lester Ingber:
I'd like to simply transfer my cygwin64/ directory from my old Thinkpad
to my new Thinkpad, both running Win 10 x64 Pro. E.g., I would put my
old c:/cygwin64/ onto a flash SSD USB drive e:/ .
On 11/26/2018 6:38 AM, Andrey Repin wrote:
Greetings, Sridhar Ayengar!
I am trying to use a network
shared drive mapped to I: for the download directory, I:\cygwindownload.
setup-x86_64 shows a dialog box with "Directory I:\cygwindownload does not
exist, would you like me to create it?". ..
On 11/25/2018 11:58 AM, Andrey Repin wrote:
Greetings, L A Walsh!
Hmm...can't tar it, but he could drag&drop from Explorer
like he was moving the image (but do a copy instead).
It would screw permissions on Cygwin files/directories.
Perhaps, I haven
On 11/26/2018 12:20 PM, David Dombrowsky wrote:
mintty is the only non-X11 terminal emulator in the stack, correct?
I find best results hosting the GUI (the window of
the TTY) on the local machine, and only transfering the data
(the txt of the ssh session).
On of the feat
Got a program that starts under cygstart, but I'd
like to be able to start it without starting up the program
in a new window..so was trying cmd /c.
I compared env's and noted both PATH and TMP had been
converted back to the backslash using case, so I
did that manually:
if ((usecmd)); then
On 12/21/2018 5:15 AM, Brian Inglis wrote:
Will have to read it in more detail...look like alot of neat things
to try out (not sure how useful relating to my question, but
maybe...so much there).
This is being run on cygwin w/bash, version 4.4.12(3)-release.
Have a table of windows files, sample line (it's all 1 line):
cat test
D,"c:\windows\system32\FMS.DLL",2010-11-20 19:24:33,2010-11-20
I've always used "^\s+keyword\s" as a way to search for some
keyword starting a section.
On linux it still works, but on cygin it doesn't like '\s' as
symbol for white space.
Any idea why there might be a difference?
I note an option that could do similar in less -- '&pattern'
turns OFF single
Can we have an older perl, say, perl-5.0.16? works for my stuff mostly
I can't get many cpan things to work with current perl.
Things like
Term::Size::chars no longer works as it says chars isn't exported.
but it is 'EXPORT_OK', and it used to work.
Too many things break on cpan on n
On 2/4/2019 4:18 PM, Wayne Davison wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 4, 2019 at 2:33 PM L A Walsh wrote:
>> Things like
>> Term::Size::chars no longer works as it says chars isn't exported.
>> but it is 'EXPORT_OK', and it used to work.
> Remem
On 2/1/2019 11:34 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> - Cygwin PIDs have been decoupled from Windows PID. Cygwin PIDs are
> now incrementally dealt in the range from 2 up to 65535, POSIX-like.
Posix like? Posix starts from '1' (usually for init), but
never heard it limited to 65535 ---
On 2/5/2019 4:25 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:
>> Yes...it worked for me up till the latest perl. I was surprised.
> STC ?
>> The man page documents usage as:
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/
On 2/4/2019 3:09 PM, Peter A. Castro wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 04, 2019 at 02:32:35PM -0800, L A Walsh wrote:
> Greetings,
>> Can we have an older perl, say, perl-5.0.16? works for my stuff mostly
>> unchanged,
> You sure you mean 5.0.16? Tha
On 2/5/2019 5:43 PM, Mark Geisert wrote:
> Please provide a Simple Test Case that shows exactly what you're
> trying and
> exactly what happens that's incorrect.
My simple test case was referencing
some old copy that didn't get deleted/updated when I last
updated the module.
Fixing that it w
Coud you reconsider that, otherwise someone posting a README would
violate the rules, (for exampe) which has most recent changes
at the top and you can read down as far as you want, going back in
Also, like your sentence, below, you put the category of your
"PS-no top posting" with the categ
On 2/9/2019 11:06 AM, Vince Rice wrote:
>> On Feb 9, 2019, at 8:46 AM, L A Walsh wrote:
> What you think about this is irrelevant.
Not really.
> What I think about this is
> irrelevant. The only thoughts that matter are the ones of those who
> manage the list,
On 2/9/2019 10:26 AM, Brian Inglis wrote:
> On 2019-02-09 07:46, L A Walsh wrote:
>> That's why it is very surprising to see computer people treat
>> 'email' as a "log" instead of like a chat w/history...
> Logs can be display
On 2/9/2019 3:02 PM, b...@theworld.com wrote:
> For the record I tend to prefer top posting.
I only prefer it because most readers display the first
snippet of something. I'd prefer full editing of quotes, but
if they can't do that, having the old stuff down off the bottom
of my wind
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