On 2019/12/11 23:36, Bernd Eggen wrote:
Some time ago I found that the Cygwin-64 "factor" command did not seem to 
terminate with certain numbers, eg try:
  -> echo '3401347*3861211*12099721' | bc | factor
The developers provided a fix (in GNU coreutils 8.29), however, after some two 
years I still find the faulty factor command in the current Cygwin distribution.
When are you planning to upgrade ?
Cheers, Bernd
PS I think this only affects 64bit version
Wow...  The source for factor should be easy to build .. like grab from
gnu's website...(goog) tells me this link should work:

untar it and run configure in the dir where it was
extracted, then run "make" in the same dir.

You'll find factor in "src/factor".

Or you could also get the cygwin source package (in setup
checkmark the src package) and substitute in the new
coreutils package, and adjust any
needed paths in the cygwin make package, then you'd have
an installable cygwin package rather than just a binary of

Just thinking out-loud, mostly, if I really needed it
that is...
But dunnow how complicated their packaging is...


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