On 2020/01/28 14:56, Jason Pyeron wrote:

Two short details,
ll is an alias commonly used on unix/linux/cygwin
most often standing for "ls -l" in its simplest form.
Mine does a few other things

alias llg='ls -l'         #long listing

alias ll='llg -gG'        # same with user+group turned off

lsacl is a shell script I use to get a more convenient and
compact form of acl's on linux; laster ported it to cygwin to do the same:

Here it is -- feel free to pass it along:
 cat ~/bin/lsacl

## $Id: lsacl,v 1.5 2015-08-02 10:29:25-07 law Exp $
# Version 2 -- try to work with getfacl on cygwin

shopt -s expand_aliases
alias int=declare\ -i   sub=function  string=declare

gfacl=$(type -P getfacl)

#add cygwin function to return true/false
if ! type -f cygwin 2>/dev/null ; then
 _un_=$(type -P uname)
 if    [[ $_un_ ]] ; then _os_=$($_un_ -o);
 elif  [[ -e /proc/sys/kernel ]]; then _os_=Linux;
 else  _os_=Cygwin;
 if    [[ $_os_ =~ Cygwin ]]; then function cygwin () { return 0; }
 else  function cygwin () { return 1; }
 unset _un_ _os_
 export -f cygwin

if cygwin 2>/dev/null ;then
 [[ $gfacl ]] || { printf "FATAL: Cannot find getfacl in path\n"; exit 1; }
 sub gfacl () { "$gfacl" "$@"; }
else                    ## linux version has broken semantics requiring "-p"
 sub gfacl () { "$gfacl" -p "$@" ; }

export -f gfacl

sub facl2str {
 string fn=${1:?"Need pathname"}
string s1='/^\#.*$/d; /^\s*$/d; s/\s*#.*$//; s/^(.)(ser|roup|ask|ther):/\1:/; y/\n/,/'
 string facl=$(gfacl -a "$fn"|sed -r "$s1"|tr "\n" ",")
 string dacl=$(gfacl -d "$fn"|sed -r "s/^default://; $s1"|tr "\n" ",")
 printf "[%s/%s]\n" "$facl" "$dacl"

int acllen=0 maxfnln=0
#for fn in "$@" ; do if ((maxfnln<${#fn})); then maxfnln=${#fn}; fi ; done

sub acl_str () {
 if cygwin ;then
   perm=$(facl2str "$fn")
   qfn=$(printf "%q " "$fn")
   out="$(chacl -l "$fn")"
 printf "%s\n" "$perm"

for fn in "$@"; do
 int max=40
 perm=$(acl_str "$fn")
 int len=${#perm}
 if ((len>_acl_len_)); then acllen=len; fi
 if ((acllen>max));    then acllen=max; fi
 printf "%-${acllen}s %s\n" "$perm" "$fn"

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