On 2019/12/12 22:26, Brian Inglis wrote:

I've been using /run, with /var/run as a symlink to that, created in a permanent
postinstall script /etc/postinstall/zp_mk_run_var_links.dash (with some others),
for some time. It's currently using ~28KB.

Is it feasible to mount /run on say /dev/shm/run and create and use files there?
I don't see why you would need to change what you are doing unless your application
whines about the symlink.  I.e. VirtualBox didn't like me using a symlink
in /opt to /home/opt on linux, so I mounted it w/a line in fstab.

/home/opt /opt  none  rbind 0 0

Or would it be more feasible to use say Cyg/WinFUSE to provide that function?
I don't know the state of cyg's support in those areas, so if you were forced
to change, you'd get to do your own testing to see what worked, etc.

I went one further under 'run' and 'tmp' -- I left those as public directories
and put my UID or login name as my own directory under the common name.

yeah 28k is nothing. I was using files measured in MBytes though the [server] system has over 100GB mem. The communication goes through unix-sockets, which also goes through /dev/shm, but its cleanup is technically the responsibility of the OS, so, if lucky -- it cleans it up, if not, no worse off than before.

I don't run many OS progs on my Win machine cuz Win tended to flake out in running
tasks and wouldn't say anything when it went wrong.

So now, I just have a cronjobs on my linux server that use ssh to login to run
jobs on windows...

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