[computer-go] Seeking literature.

2007-01-11 Thread Joshua Shriver
Anyone recommend a good website or book that describes the fundamentals of Go programming. Particularly what Monte Carlo is and how to implent it in C. Also what is a common language around here? I know C, C++, and Java. -Josh ___ computer-go mailing l

Re: [computer-go] Can Go be solved???... PLEASE help!

2007-01-12 Thread Joshua Shriver
White in 42 moves ;) Have a good weekend everyone. -Josh that, a perfectly fair komi could be calculated. From what I know, even chess is still unsolved conserning this matter - noone knows if white (or even black) can force a win. ___ computer-go m

Re: [computer-go] Can Go be solved???... PLEASE help!

2007-01-12 Thread Joshua Shriver
I agree, anyone play othello/Reversi? From my understanding it has been solved. Yet when I try to find info on reversi computer tournaments they all seemed to die out several years ago. -Josh On 1/12/07, Chrilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Besides the technical question if it is possible, the

Re: [computer-go] State of the art of pattern matching

2008-04-01 Thread Joshua Shriver
Do you have a link to those papers? -Josh > My go-programming efforts are very much concentrated on patterns. > (maybe I have been influenced by the Kojima-papers) ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@computer-go.org http://www.computer-go.org/mail

[computer-go] Computer Go Forum

2008-05-02 Thread Joshua Shriver
Is there a computer go forum? This mailing list has been great, and may and the most powerful people are here. While email is nice, it would be nice to have a website to post questions, and an easy way to search responses. I really like talkchess.com for chess material, just wish there as a compari

[computer-go] Go programming and CUDA

2008-06-01 Thread Joshua Shriver
Anyone doing any research into using NVidia's CUDA sdk for Go programming? -Josh ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@computer-go.org http://www.computer-go.org/mailman/listinfo/computer-go/

Re: [computer-go] Computer Olympiad registration reminder: 11 days left

2008-06-05 Thread Joshua Shriver
Wish I could go, maybe next year. Amazed that the WCCC is being held at the same place just 3 days after. :) -Josh On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 4:08 AM, Rémi Coulom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dear Go programmers, > > I remind you that the deadline for early registration to the ICGA Computer > Olymp

Re: [computer-go] Perl Pattern Matching Go Program

2008-06-06 Thread Joshua Shriver
Nifty engine :) and supporting scripts. I've been doing a lot of my prototyping and experimentation using Perl so this is definitely fun to read. Anxious to see how it progresses. -Josh On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 8:25 PM, D Gilder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi, > > I have been working on a Go pla

[computer-go] Comprehensive List of Docs

2008-10-10 Thread Joshua Shriver
Let this list, and all replies be a comprehensive list of websites and docs publically availble concerning Go dev. -Josh ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@computer-go.org http://www.computer-go.org/mailman/listinfo/computer-go/

Re: [computer-go] java reference bot

2008-10-13 Thread Joshua Shriver
Is the source available would be neat to see. -Josh On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 7:14 PM, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I made a reference bot and I want someone(s) to help me check it out > with equivalent data from their own program. There are no guarantees > that I have this correct of

Re: [computer-go] reference bots java and C

2008-10-20 Thread Joshua Shriver
Where is the C version for download? -Josh On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 8:39 AM, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > The C reference bot indeed had a simple bug. Everything was fine except > for when the final move choice was made, I forgot to check for eye. > > I am surprised it played as stro

[computer-go] Newbie

2008-11-18 Thread Joshua Shriver
I'm writing my engine from scratch and have a curious question. When my best friend an American 1dan lvl player (who has played in Japan) taught me the game. I love it. :) Though as I get more in depth, and programming wise, have no idea what "rule set" to follow. Not sure what I was "taught" g

Re: [computer-go] Newbie

2008-11-18 Thread Joshua Shriver
> You've been on this list a long time, haven't you? > Yes :) I started by tinkering with Monte Carlo in VRML for a hardware solution, but aiming for a pure C, aimed at x86 engine. > > Anyway, I don't think there is much of a question that Chinese rules > are much better for getting started w

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-14 Thread Joshua Shriver
When I was big into Chess programming this was a sore topic for me as well. I felt it was unfair for people competing in the WCCC to win if they had a cluster of of 100 PCs, a Cray, etc, when another person was using a P200mhz. I believe it was Dr. Hyatt that said this and it made a lot of sense

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-14 Thread Joshua Shriver
I must be out of touch, didnt know Rybka could run on a cluster :) last I checked he was about to release a smp version. Lots to catch up on. -Josh > In chess, one team is firmly dominating (Rybka), and they have since > last year also managed to acquire the best hardware (40 core cluster). > Th

Re: [computer-go] AI at MUST

2009-03-30 Thread Joshua Shriver
Things like this is why I miss college. It would be really nice if they'd give the source for free. Know several of my friends would enjoy a good AI match locally. -Josh 2009/3/30 Robin Kramer > I thought I would pass this along for my Alma mater. > > http://acm.mst.edu/~mstai/

[computer-go] Go + code + environment

2009-05-23 Thread Joshua Shriver
I know with the Chess community, it's looked down upon to use others code w/ respect to competing in tournaments. I'm curious, how is it with Go? >From my understanding, many projects are inter-linked, and even some of the highest programs are derivatives of other engines. In the chess world that

Re: [computer-go] matching 2 engines with sanity checks

2009-08-04 Thread Joshua Shriver
What do you mean by sanity checks? Such as legal moves? I wrote a chess engine vs engine app, could gut and reuse it for go and possible add legal move checking to it. -Josh On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 4:39 AM, Folkert van Heusden wrote: > Hi, > > CGOS does sanity checks on the moves played by the e

Re: [computer-go] matching 2 engines with sanity checks

2009-08-04 Thread Joshua Shriver
, that's it. Checks if an engine does an illegal ko, puts a piece > where already is a piece, etc. > > On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 04:15:18PM -0400, Joshua Shriver wrote: > > What do you mean by sanity checks? Such as legal moves? > > > > I wrote a chess engine vs engin

[computer-go] OT: AI article I found interesting

2009-10-24 Thread Joshua Shriver
Came across this today, and since this is also an AI oriented list thought some of you might enjoy it too. http://www.techradar.com/news/world-of-tech/future-tech/the-past-present-and-future-of-ai-643838 -Josh ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@co

Re: [computer-go] OT: AI article I found interesting

2009-10-24 Thread Joshua Shriver
Aye, though I hope they announce when it'll be on TV so I can record it. -Josh 2009/10/24 Dave Dyer > At 10:12 AM 10/24/2009, Joshua Shriver wrote: > > Came across this today, and since this is also an AI oriented list thought > some of you might enjoy it too. > > h

Re: [computer-go] Can a computer beat a human?

2007-01-23 Thread Joshua Shriver
My 500mhz computer beats me fairly easy ;) with Gnugo so depends on the person you're comparing. -Josh On 1/23/07, Nick Apperson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: This is something I have been wrestling with. It is kind of a theoretical question. Assuming a program that utilizes all avaliable resour

Re: [computer-go] Why not forums?

2007-02-05 Thread Joshua Shriver
Sounds good to me. -josh On 2/5/07, the Robot Vegetable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > At 04:17 PM 2/4/2007, you wrote: > > Why can't we use proper forums instead of this outdated list? > >Forums are easier to keep track of and search for messages. As a > >start we can use Yahoo groups. What

Re: [computer-go] Why not forums?

2007-02-07 Thread Joshua Shriver
I've had a computer go forum running for a while but has low traffic. http://www.olympuschess.com/phpBB2 -josh On 2/4/07, Dmitry Kamenetsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello everyone, Why can't we use proper forums instead of this outdated list? Forums are easier to keep track of and search fo

Re: [computer-go] Go hardware?

2007-03-06 Thread Joshua Shriver
I've always been fascinated with things like this, especially FPGA boards. Though from every article or post I've read concerning (at least chess) and things like FPGA, video cards... the bug speed is to slow to really be effective. -Josh On 3/5/07, Chris Fant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Maybe t

Re: [computer-go] Go hardware?

2007-03-06 Thread Joshua Shriver
-letter word "map" hides a good bit of intellectual heavy lifting. Terry McIntyre - Original Message From: Joshua Shriver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: computer-go Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2007 6:15:32 AM Subject: Re: [computer-go] Go hardware? I've always been fasc

Re: [computer-go] Go hardware?

2007-03-06 Thread Joshua Shriver
Nye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: > Has anyone tried writing code for Go what would work > in parallel? > Would something like NVIDIA CUDA be useful? > > http://developer.nvidia.com/object/cuda.html > > --josh > > > On 3/6/07, Joshua Shriver <[EMAIL PROTECT

[computer-go] Neat article about object identification

2007-03-07 Thread Joshua Shriver
I came across this on slashdot today. Could this be used in Go programming for identifying strong structures. Quote from slashdot: "Jeff Hawkins is best known for founding Palm Computing and Handspring, but for the last eighteen months he's been working on his third company, Numenta. In his 2005

Re: [computer-go] Grid Cosmos

2007-03-13 Thread Joshua Shriver
I'll host it for you here in the US. -Josh On 3/9/07, 吉井裕人 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: sorry... I forgot to add some important information. As you wrote, the program needs .NET framework 2.0 and has a big size. The big size (over 150MB) is due to a big pattern dictionary size. A week ago, I an

Re: [computer-go] cgos viewer

2007-04-10 Thread Joshua Shriver
Sweet program! Was taking a look at one of the games. Very nice interface for linux. -Josh On 4/10/07, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: So you got it from the wrong place! Good - we can solve your problem then! Go here: http://cgos.boardspace.net/9x9/index.html and I think you will

Re: [computer-go] GTP3 should be UGI

2007-04-11 Thread Joshua Shriver
Sounds good, but the xboard protocol is also very nice. Though a UGI sounds like a good step. -Josh On 4/11/07, Chrilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I am implementing currently for the Suzie-GUI GTP-2. I think this protocoll has a number of shortcomings. a) There is only a very strange way to set

Re: [computer-go] KGS hoover perl script and related bash scripts

2007-04-26 Thread Joshua Shriver
I enjoy perl so it would be nice to see your program. Can you email me a URL or attach the source once you release it? -Josh On 4/17/07, dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi, I have written a perl program that plays Go (poorly). It uses pattern matching. Patterns are automatically read into a dat

[computer-go] CGOS

2007-05-04 Thread Joshua Shriver
I grabbed the CGOS viewer today to watch some games, really nifty :) Though I was wondering, what does W+Resign mean? White resigned or that white won by resignation? One game in particular with that designation White could have easily won so not sure what it meant. Also, there seems to be many

Re: [computer-go] CGOS

2007-05-04 Thread Joshua Shriver
ey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Fri, 2007-05-04 at 13:16 -0400, Joshua Shriver wrote: > I grabbed the CGOS viewer today to watch some games, really nifty :) > > Though I was wondering, what does W+Resign mean? White resigned or > that white won by resignation? One game in partic

Re: [computer-go] 9x9 vs 19x19 (was: computer-go Digest)

2007-05-21 Thread Joshua Shriver
I agree 9x9 is wonderful, but a 19x19 for deep testing would be nice. To many variations and you risk the threat of diluting the engine pool. -Josh On 5/21/07, Heikki Levanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Mon, May 21, 2007 at 03:13:09PM -0400, Chris Fant wrote: > Why not 13x13 before 19x19? B

Re: [computer-go] CGOS 19x19 almost ready.

2007-05-22 Thread Joshua Shriver
I can run one. Let me know I can set it up tonight. -Josh On 5/22/07, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Ok the 19x19 server is almost ready. I would like to get 3 or 4 volunteers to run a copy of the Anchor. The Anchor will be GnuGo 3.7.10 with these parameters: gnugo --mode gtp --score

Re: [computer-go] 19x19 CGOS

2007-06-07 Thread Joshua Shriver
I'll run Dog if you send me the binary. I have a 3ghz P4 w/ HT online 24/7 -Josh On 6/7/07, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I noticed there is almost no activity on the 19x19 server. I don't have the computing power to run bots on both servers, but I remember there were some volunteers.

[computer-go] cgosviewer and 19x19

2007-06-09 Thread Joshua Shriver
I am running dogbot now for 19x19. However I can't figure out how to view the games on 19x19 using the cgosviewer. I tried digging threw past emails but can't find the answer. Can someone repost? -Josh ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@computer

[computer-go] OSS or Free Engines

2007-06-09 Thread Joshua Shriver
Anyone have a list and URL's for all of the open source and/or free engines? -Josh ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@computer-go.org http://www.computer-go.org/mailman/listinfo/computer-go/

[computer-go] 19x19

2007-06-09 Thread Joshua Shriver
I have some hardware I'd like to use to put some engines on the 19x19 server. So far I have dog and gnugo running. If there are any others I have a constant connection and some more CPU power I'd like to use. -Josh ___ computer-go mailing list computer

Re: [computer-go] Java hounds salivate over this:

2007-06-15 Thread Joshua Shriver
e masters. -- Daniel Webster - Original Message From: Joshua Shriver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: computer-go Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 10:03:46 AM Subject: Re: [computer-go] Java hounds salivate over this: Interesting machine, but something about it seems odd. First it says it's t

Re: [computer-go] Java hounds salivate over this:

2007-06-15 Thread Joshua Shriver
Interesting machine, but something about it seems odd. First it says it's tuned for Java. Does that mean you can't use non-java on it? Run Linux? Or is it a glorified cluster of chips like the old hardware chips Sun made a decade ago for their defunct Java Station? What are the specs of the actua

[computer-go] CGOS 19x19

2007-06-28 Thread Joshua Shriver
Is the 19 cgos server down? Haven't been able to get dog logged into the system. -Josh ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@computer-go.org http://www.computer-go.org/mailman/listinfo/computer-go/

Re: [computer-go] Interviews of Participants in the Computer Olympiad on YouTube.

2007-06-30 Thread Joshua Shriver
Nifty, watching them now. At least one is for Go :) anyone there now? -Josh On 6/30/07, Rémi Coulom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi, Here are some interviews from the Computer Olympiad in Amsterdam: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=computer+olympiade+amsterdam&search= Maybe they had

Re: [computer-go] Re: 9x9 games wanted

2007-07-06 Thread Joshua Shriver
I believe the cgos server keeps all of it's games. Though those are all computer games. Might help -Josh On 7/6/07, Tom Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: It might be worth asking the administrators of some go servers if they would be prepared to give you copies of some games. At 17:09 06/07/20

Re: [computer-go] CGOS game records

2007-07-07 Thread Joshua Shriver
Greetings, I tried grabbing the cgos game db's but they don't appear to be valid. Is it down or have the files been moved? -Josh On 5/21/06, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I have provided a way for anyone to retrieve all the CGOS game records due to many requests for all or part of the

[computer-go] seeking definition explanation

2007-07-07 Thread Joshua Shriver
What are and what is the difference in a fuseki and a joseki? To my understanding they are both, what in chess we call opening move libraries. So not sure why the double term or if there is a difference between the two. Also anyone know where I can find a good database (any open format) for both

[computer-go] SGF parsing

2007-07-09 Thread Joshua Shriver
Besides the original specification at http://www.red-bean.com/sgf/ anyone recommend an easier to read and go specific document for parsing sgf files? I really like the pgn format, just viewing it you can get a feel for what is going on. I tried to figure out the SGF format by looking at it, and h

Re: [computer-go] SGF parsing

2007-07-09 Thread Joshua Shriver
Like strip comments, etc. All I really want from a program perspective is move lists and user ranking. -Josh On 7/9/07, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Mon, 2007-07-09 at 11:49 -0400, Joshua Shriver wrote: > I really like the pgn format, just viewing it you can get a feel for >

Re: [computer-go] SGF parsing

2007-07-09 Thread Joshua Shriver
A..x 1..y notation. Perhaps I'm wrong. -Josh On 7/9/07, Joshua Shriver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Do you have a good example of a regular Go game in sgf? A lot of the examples I found on the SGF spec site seem confusing, and not sure if they're even for Go or backgammon, etc. Also

[computer-go] IGS servers

2007-07-09 Thread Joshua Shriver
What are some popular IGS servers? Right now I use (pandanet?) igs.joyjoy.net not sure if that is the same as KDS or not. What other servers do you all use? -Josh ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@computer-go.org http://www.computer-go.org/mailm

[computer-go] Go programming as a profession.

2007-07-10 Thread Joshua Shriver
Was looking up engines when I came across the Go++ website. Is it still the #1 engine in the world? Most of the titles on the page seem to refer to the late 90's and early 2000's. Anyway, the one thing that shocked me the most was "Over 400,000 copies sold in Japan!" At $39.95 that's just shy of

Re: [computer-go] Go programming as a profession.

2007-07-10 Thread Joshua Shriver
Really know a place hiring over 30k US? :) that doesn't require moving to California lol -Josh On 7/10/07, Darren Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > At $39.95 that's just shy of $16 million. Wow Even at $1 a copy that's > almost 1/2 a million dollars. I'm reminded of a post this list about 10 y

Re: [computer-go] Go programming as a profession.

2007-07-11 Thread Joshua Shriver
I have been a programmer for about 11 years professionally. Though I dont have a degree, dropped out my senior year due to the horrible cost of tuition and materials. -Josh On 7/11/07, Chris Fant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 7/11/07, Joshua Shriver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >

Re: [computer-go] Go programming as a profession.

2007-07-11 Thread Joshua Shriver
Igo is the best, based on Gifu results. David > -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of > Joshua Shriver > Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 8:53 PM > To: computer-go > Subject: [computer-go] Go programming as a profession. >

Re: [computer-go] Explanation to MoGo paper wanted.

2007-07-11 Thread Joshua Shriver
Perhaps some day a mad Dr. Frankenstein will implement massively parallel supercomputing using an array of brains in petri dishes. But it will still be the meat that is intelligent. It's the only substance capable of that. I read an article several months back where a researcher used mice neu

Re: [computer-go] Re: Why are different rule sets?

2007-07-12 Thread Joshua Shriver
Been following this tread and it has me concerned both as a beginning player and engine developer. I thought the rules for Go were rather simplistic when it came to scoring: Count all eyes, and spaces owned by each player and each captured stone counted as a point. Whoever had the most points win

Re: [computer-go] Re: Why are different rule sets?

2007-07-12 Thread Joshua Shriver
Does Chrilly have anything to do with this project? -Josh On 7/12/07, Richard Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 7/12/07, Chris Fant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > No, gomputers are real: > > http://www.google.com/search?q=gomputer Maybe you were joking, but did you notice that one of the hits

Re: [computer-go] Meeting at US Go Congress

2007-07-16 Thread Joshua Shriver
I'm kind of a newbie do you have a URL for the event? What is it like? -Josh On 7/16/07, Jason House <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: The US Go Congress begins in less than two weeks. I have two questions: 1. If you plan to attend, which days will you be there? 2. Will you be competing? (Not with a

Re: [computer-go] Meeting at US Go Congress

2007-07-16 Thread Joshua Shriver
; > They had some kind of daily rate in the FAQ at one point in time > (after I e-mailed asking about it). I don't see it anymore. > > On 7/16/07, Joshua Shriver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I'm kind of a newbie do you have a URL for the event? What is &g

Re: [computer-go] Meeting at US Go Congress

2007-07-16 Thread Joshua Shriver
gt; They had some kind of daily rate in the FAQ at one point in time > (after I e-mailed asking about it). I don't see it anymore. > > On 7/16/07, Joshua Shriver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I'm kind of a newbie do you have a URL for the event? What is >

Re: [computer-go] Meeting at US Go Congress

2007-07-16 Thread Joshua Shriver
t;[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: It's tempting for me, I'm only 5 1/2 hours away by car. I may be in Richmond that weekend which is only 4 hours away! - Don On Mon, 2007-07-16 at 15:53 +0100, Nick Wedd wrote: > In message > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Joshua > Shriver <[EM

[computer-go] cgos: game rules

2007-07-16 Thread Joshua Shriver
Curious what game rules does CGOS use? I noticed when viewing some engines will pass pass and end, while some will play all the way till everything is pretty much filled in which I believe is Chinese rules. I'm a little confused over the rules so perhaps I'm not stating it correctly or not interpr

Re: [computer-go] Draughts / Checkers solved

2007-07-19 Thread Joshua Shriver
Aye this sounds less like a checkers engine w/ AI and more like a checkers egtb generator to root position. Which is still impressive. I wonder how large the dataset is. Also fascinating is that it took 18 years of solid computation on ~50 computers. I've never heard of a sustained computation li

[computer-go] Go datastructures

2007-07-19 Thread Joshua Shriver
Greetings, What kind of data structures do you all use for your engines, in respect to board representation and move generation. I know in chess bitboard, mailbox board[8][8], 0x88 exist all with their pro's and cons. Are there similar concepts for Go? -Josh _

[computer-go] Neural Networks

2007-07-20 Thread Joshua Shriver
Anyone recommend a good book on programming Neural Networks in C or C++? Been digging around the net for while and haven't come up with anything other than an encyclopedia-like definition/writeup. No examples or tutorials. Thanks! -Josh ___ computer-go

Re: [computer-go] Gifu Challenge was cancelled

2007-07-20 Thread Joshua Shriver
Wasn't Gifu to most prominent computer go tournament in the world? If so that's very sad news. From a chess guy that's like hearing there wont be a WCCC, Paderborn, or Mainz. Hopefully funding can be raised for next year. -Josh On 7/21/07, Hiroshi Yamashita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Unfortu

[computer-go] Parallelism and Intel

2007-07-25 Thread Joshua Shriver
Intel just released a threading library under the GPL2 license. http://threadingbuildingblocks.org/ Thought it could be useful for people here who may want to utilize a multi CPU or multi core system. -Josh ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@com

[computer-go] Differences..

2007-07-26 Thread Joshua Shriver
What is the difference in Go and Mathematical Go? http://brooklyngoclub.org/jc/rulesgo.html Is Mathamatical Go a subset of Go as the rules look the same to me as regular go. -Josh ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@computer-go.org http://www.com

[computer-go] Engine development for beginners

2007-07-27 Thread Joshua Shriver
Are there any really simple engines out there that know just enough to play a legal game of Go? Preferably C, Perl or Java? Some of the open source engines I've looked at are rather complex and not to friendly to a beginner. Kinda looking for the tscp of chess for go :) -Josh ___

Re: [computer-go] Engine development for beginners

2007-08-06 Thread Joshua Shriver
e link from his site - otherwise I can > email you a copy. > > > > > > On 7/28/07, Jeff Nowakowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On Fri, 2007-07-27 at 18:03 -0700, Joshua Shriver wrote: > > > Are there any really simple engines out there that know just enoug

Re: [computer-go] Binary release of MoGo

2007-09-10 Thread Joshua Shriver
Good luck in your future endeavors, sad to see you leaving the scene. I've greatly enjoyed reading your posts and MoGo seems like a wonderful engine. Take care, Josh > I would also take this occasion to say "goodbye" to you all, and thank > you for all the discussions. I now finished (and almost

[computer-go] Tesuji

2007-09-10 Thread Joshua Shriver
Was reading a page about Go and came across this term. Anyone know what it means? Some googling yielded that it's some kind of tactic position. Though I might have misinterpreted it. -Josh ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@computer-go.org http://

Re: [computer-go] Tesuji

2007-09-11 Thread Joshua Shriver
t;[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 9/11/07, Joshua Shriver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Was reading a page about Go and came across this term. Anyone know > > what it means? > > With no disrespect intended, it seems like there are a fair number of > go programmers wh

[computer-go] GoGUI v 1.0.1

2007-09-22 Thread Joshua Shriver
Was looking in my links and noticed a new version of GoGUI was released recently. Sept 11, 2007. http://gogui.sourceforge.net/ -Josh ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@computer-go.org http://www.computer-go.org/mailman/listinfo/computer-go/

[computer-go] CGOS down 09/23/07

2007-09-23 Thread Joshua Shriver
Can anyone connect to the CGOS server? Trying to run Dog on the 19x19 and it wont connect. -Josh ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@computer-go.org http://www.computer-go.org/mailman/listinfo/computer-go/

Re: [computer-go] CGOS down 09/23/07

2007-09-23 Thread Joshua Shriver
disk space for 19x19. > > I restarted the 9x9. > > - - Don > > > Jason House wrote: > > 9x9 has been down all afternoon. I don't know about 19x19. > > > > On Sun, 2007-09-23 at 15:57 -0400, Joshua Shriver wrote: > >> Can anyone connect t

[computer-go] Games Database

2007-09-29 Thread Joshua Shriver
Good Evening, Sorry, I think this may have been asked but can't find it anywhere in the list archives. Anyone know of a good place to get a large sgf game database? Preferably master games or at least 1dan level or higher? -Josh ___ computer-go

[computer-go] Former Deep Blue Research working on Go

2007-10-07 Thread Joshua Shriver
Found this link and thought you all might find it interesting. http://www.spectrum.ieee.org/oct07/5552 Interesting part for me so far: " At my lab at Microsoft Research Asia, in Beijing, I am organizing a graduate student project to design the hardware and software elements that will test the id

Re: [computer-go] Former Deep Blue Research working on Go

2007-10-07 Thread Joshua Shriver
tion function out of this > > Benjamin > > Joshua Shriver schrieb: > > Found this link and thought you all might find it interesting. > > > > http://www.spectrum.ieee.org/oct07/5552 > > > > Interesting part for me so far: > > > > " At my lab at

Re: [computer-go] Former Deep Blue Research working on Go

2007-10-07 Thread Joshua Shriver
Oops sorry didnt realise. On 10/7/07, Jeff Nowakowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Sun, 2007-10-07 at 17:33 -0400, Joshua Shriver wrote: > > Found this link and thought you all might find it interesting. > > > > http://www.spectrum.ieee.org/oct07/5552 > > Um

Re: [computer-go] 19x19 CGOS

2007-10-13 Thread Joshua Shriver
What kind of bandwidth would be required and can the webserver be different from the cgos host? If anything I can dedicated free webspace, subdomain, whatever. -Josh On 10/13/07, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- > Hash: SHA1 > > We are having some troubl

Re: [computer-go] 19x19 CGOS

2007-10-14 Thread Joshua Shriver
could even > write via a networked file system - perhaps something like FUSE mounted > via ssh (ssh filesystem) > > However, I might have a solution now. I'm talking right now to David > Doshay about using one his university machines for this. > > Can I get back to you o

Re: [computer-go] 19x19 CGOS

2007-10-14 Thread Joshua Shriver
I'd be willing to manage it as well. Just need an IP , ssh and l/p heh. -Josh On 10/13/07, Lavergne Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > If needed I can also offer an account on a server with space, webserver > and an account for you to manage the CGOS server, but I don't have the > time to manage

Re: [computer-go] 19x19 CGOS

2007-10-23 Thread Joshua Shriver
There was some chatter a while back concerning it. I offered to admin it, and possibly to host it. Though there was another taker so not sure what it's current status is. -Josh On 10/22/07, Christoph Birk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > What happened to the 19x19 CGOS revival? > > Christoph > > _

[computer-go] MoGo

2007-10-25 Thread Joshua Shriver
Is MoGo a commercial or free program? Open or closed source? Linux version available? Thanks in advance :) -Josh ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@computer-go.org http://www.computer-go.org/mailman/listinfo/computer-go/

Re: [computer-go] 19x19 CGOS

2007-10-26 Thread Joshua Shriver
I'm not able to connect to the 19x19 server either. I even tried telnet'ing to it. Cgosviewer keeps telling me could not execute, but I dont believe it's a binary problem since if I just run the viewer it comes up (just doesnt connect to anything) Here is the tail of a traceroute. 8 nri-a-g1-0-

Re: [computer-go] 19x19 CGOS

2007-10-26 Thread Joshua Shriver
Olivier used a different port for some reason. > > - Don > > > > Joshua Shriver wrote: > > I'm not able to connect to the 19x19 server either. > > > > I even tried telnet'ing to it. Cgosviewer keeps telling me could not > > execute, but I dont believe it&#

Re: [computer-go] 19x19 CGOS

2007-10-26 Thread Joshua Shriver
Alrighty figured it out ./cgosviewer cgos.lri.fr 6919 Sorry was going from various emails, but it works now :) yuppy -Josh ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@computer-go.org http://www.computer-go.org/mailman/listinfo/computer-go/

[computer-go] SGF Viewer for Linux

2007-10-27 Thread Joshua Shriver
Anyone recommend a free SGF viewer for Linux? I'd really like to find something like SCID but for Go. -Josh ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@computer-go.org http://www.computer-go.org/mailman/listinfo/computer-go/

[computer-go] CGOS 19 TC

2007-10-28 Thread Joshua Shriver
There is a lot of talk about time controls, and would like to add my input. I agree we should have longer time controls. I'm in the very early stages of my Go engine. With my current time line I dont anticipate having a running engine for at least a year. My design is a good bit different than the

Re: [computer-go] BOINC

2007-10-29 Thread Joshua Shriver
Not that I'm aware, but the engine I'm working on will be parallelized. Depending on time and finances I'm even considering going down the route of custom fpga based boards but that's on the dream list so far, and isn't planned for RC1. -Josh On 10/29/07, Ben Lambrechts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[computer-go] Definition for monte carlo

2007-10-30 Thread Joshua Shriver
There has been a lot of talk about monte carlo and while I have the jist not sure exactly what it is? Would someone explain it? What I've read online is just to play a bunch of random games and pick the best one. Is there now real evaluation between the games or sorted method for generating moveme

[computer-go] SGF naming convention.

2007-11-01 Thread Joshua Shriver
I'm writing a SGF parse and was wondering, the moves are listed as [pd] [dd], instead of a1 m10. Does the letters correspond to the number equivalent, taking into account you skip I? So I = 9 or J=9? -Josh ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@compu

Re: [computer-go] SGF naming convention.

2007-11-01 Thread Joshua Shriver
g threads recently. a1 notation > starts in the lower left and skips "i". pd notation starts in the upper > left. > > > On 11/1/07, Joshua Shriver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > I'm writing a SGF parse and was wondering, the moves are listed as &

Re: [computer-go] super-ko

2007-11-01 Thread Joshua Shriver
What is a super-ko? -Josh On 11/1/07, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > About once every month or two someone sends me a private email that they > have found a ko bug in CGOS and they point me to a game they lost due to > superko. > > So far it's never happened that there was bug - they jus

Re: [computer-go] CGOS on sourceforge

2007-11-01 Thread Joshua Shriver
I have my own webserver and would be willing to host an OSS project like cgos. Sourceforge is nice, but I thought one of the funky rules was that you had to assign the copyrights to the FSF or something. Either way, if CGOS was put under some kind of FOSS license it would be nice, and would allow

Re: [computer-go] CGOS on sourceforge

2007-11-01 Thread Joshua Shriver
01 at 20:38 -0400, Joshua Shriver wrote: > > I have my own webserver and would be willing to host an OSS project like > > cgos. > > Sourceforge is nice, but I thought one of the funky rules was that you > > had to assign the copyrights to the FSF or something. > >

Re: [computer-go] FW: Microsoft Research Lectures: Akihiro Kishimoto, Future University-Hakodate

2007-11-06 Thread Joshua Shriver
Great work Dave! Look forward to seeing it. -Josh On 11/6/07, David Stern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > Akihiro has kindly agreed for us to film his talk and make it available. I > should be able to put it online somewhere – I will let you know when this is > done. > > > > Best, > > David

Re: [computer-go] Solving Go

2007-11-07 Thread Joshua Shriver
You could go the route chess does with egtbs. First permutate every possible board with both stones, and start removing pieces one at a time. I wrote a permutation tool, but even with 3 and 4 size board the end data file was huge. -Josh On 11/7/07, Ben Lambrechts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >

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