I have a couple of int* arrays I'm using as instance variables - they're
declared in my @interface section, and inited using malloc when I init the
object (and free()'d in the dealloc). I can set them, using standard array
notation (i.e., number[i] = 7) while I'm in a given method, but the value
hat the
reply to isn't the list itself!)
On 2009-11-24, at 4:30 PM, Michael Babin wrote:
> On Nov 24, 2009, at 6:20 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> I have a couple of int* arrays I'm using as instance variables - they're
>> declared in my @interface section, and
a warning, actually... Is there any build setting that
will protect me from a similar bought of blindness in the future?)
On 2009-11-24, at 6:40 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
> Hey Folks,
> Thanks for the responses. I'm doing some testing to specifically isolate the
> in
> Luke
> On Nov 24, 2009, at 8:35 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> how do you spell total frustration and stupidity?
>> how about writing:
>> if(_state[i] = 0)
>> when you really mean:
>> if(_state[i] == 0)
>> how ma
Thanks again, folks. Will definitely enable those checks.
On 2009-11-24, at 9:44 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:
> On Nov 24, 2009, at 8:56 PM, Graham Cox wrote:
>> The warning you want is 'possible unwanted assignment', and I think it comes
>> with the -Wall flag.
> Yup. I vehement
Hi Folks,
I've had problems with recursive functions before, but this one's making me
I have a trie (tree) data structure and I'm trying to find a sequence of ints
in the trie.
- (HSMM_TrieNode*) getTrieNodeFromContextSequence:(NSMutableArray *)aSequence
withNode:(HSMM_TrieNode*) aNode
> }
> - h
> On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 09:45, James Maxwell
> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I've had problems with recursive functions before, but this one's making me
> crazy.
> I have a trie (tree) data structure and I'm t
I have a couple of node-based classes, one to build a Lempel-Ziv tree
(Incremental Parsing) and one to build a Trie. Both of these classes have an
-initWithParent: method. Should be fine, I would think, but I'm getting a
compiler error that a Trie node's initWithParent is expecting the Lempel-Zi
Thanks folks,
I actually did wind up type casting the alloc, as recommended. Sorry I didn't
post when I found the solution.
I guess I've just never come across this before, which seems kind of strange...
but true.
On 2010-04-17, at 12:42 PM, Paul Sanders wrote:
> > It's not part
yes, good point. That would certainly make things simpler.
On 2010-04-17, at 1:31 PM, Uli Kusterer wrote:
> On 17.04.10 22:24, James Maxwell wrote:
>> I actually did wind up type casting the alloc, as recommended. Sorry I
>> didn't post when I found the solution.
I'm having a crash when trying to remove the last item in an NSMutableArray.
The app is a pretty complex system, and runs its two main processes in
consecutively executed blocks.
The blocks are run using dispatch_apply, on the global queue. The operation
that's trying to
access the NSArray is, I
if([aNode nodeLevel] == 1)
[[aNode sequencer]
On 2010-05-01, at 5:17 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
> On May 1, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Jame
dline, so that's all that matters!
On 2010-05-01, at 5:54 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
> Okay, so let me give a little more info.
> Here's the stack trace.
> #00x7fff8578693c in __CFTypeCollectionRelease
> #10x7fff85783e43 in __CFArrayReleaseValues
s I'm assuming that's the
one that's probably causing the problems, yes?
On 2010-05-01, at 7:19 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
> just to call off the dogs, in case there are any, I solved the crash by
> re-working the logic a little.
> It's cleaner the new way anyw
ways** 5, because this is set elsewhere, and is never
changed -- it's accessed by [[self sequencer] memoryDepth]. But I'm looking at
the array right now, and it has 7 objects in it. How is that even possible?
Getting very confused... Help appreciated.
On 2010-05-01, at 8:42 PM, J
> This strongly suggests a memory management problem -- something is
> over-releasing the items in the array.
okay, this is what I figured, but I can't see anywhere where this could be
> On May 1, 2010, at 21:22, James Maxwell wrote:
2010 at 1:50 AM, James Maxwell
> wrote:
>>> On May 1, 2010, at 21:22, James Maxwell wrote:
>>>> If I drop into the debugger arbitrarily, before the crash, and check this
>>>> same array, I noticed that it is nicely filled with NSCFNumbers. But,
Hello All,
I'm working on MIDI set-up customization for my music app. I have a main
controller object, called Central_MIDI_Controller, that uses the VVMIDI
framework to detect MIDI ports, and handle low-level MIDI stuff. I have an
object called MIDIInstrument, which is a simple wrapper-type ob
connected in IB.
From the MIDIInstrument init, I can run [[NSApp delegate] midiController] and
get the instance of Central_MIDI_Controller loaded in the nib. As I say, it
feels a bit hackish. Though it does work, and advice is still welcome.
On 2010-05-18, at 4:28 PM
s? I was under the impression that the instance in IB was just a
single instance, and that it wouldn't have any effect on future instances.
thanks a lot.
On 2010-05-18, at 5:06 PM, Mark Ritchie wrote:
> On 18/May/2010, at 4:28 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> What I'm not u
Yes, this is basically what I've done, and it does seem to work...
On 2010-05-18, at 4:49 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:
> On May 18, 2010, at 4:28 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> I know this is probably really simple, but how do I grab a reference to a
>> controller
these connections? As I mentioned, I need an arbitrary number of
Kind of confused about this...
thanks in advance.
On 2010-05-18, at 5:26 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
> Yes, this is basically what I've done, and it does seem to work...
> On 2010-05-18, at 4:49
ument itself. I'm
going to poke away at this for a bit. Sorry for the spam.
On 2010-05-18, at 5:42 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
> ugh...
> Okay, getting a bit deeper into this, I realize I'm still "in the woods", so
> to speak. I'm going to have to hook up my
m. I tried cleaning, and reloading classes in IB, to no
avail. Has anyone seen this? Any solutions?
On 2010-05-18, at 6:27 PM, Mark Ritchie wrote:
> Hey James!
> On 18/May/2010, at 5:42 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> Okay, getting a bit deeper into this, I realize I'm s
of) why "count" would be
called on a MIDIInstrument object... whassup?
On 2010-05-19, at 8:20 AM, Mark Ritchie wrote:
> On 18/May/2010, at 8:49 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> Yes, this is absolutely right, as my last post suggests -- MIDIInstrument
>> was getting
mberWithInt:tc dataCell] selectedItem] title] integerValue]]];
Any help very much appreciated.
On 2010-05-19, at 2:19 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
> okay, going slightly nuts. I've implemented my MIDI_Instrument_Con
I thought I'd change the topic on this, since the content really has changed.
I have an table for setting up MIDI instruments with a name, port, and channel.
I've got the initial display of options for the table row displaying correctly,
and when I make changes to the name, port, and channel, th
ah, that makes sense. I'll make the change and see if that fixes it.
thanks, Peter.
On 2010-05-20, at 1:28 PM, Peter Ammon wrote:
> On May 20, 2010, at 1:14 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> I thought I'd change the topic on this, since the content really has
On 2010-05-20, at 2:04 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
> ah, that makes sense. I'll make the change and see if that fixes it.
> thanks, Peter.
> J.
> On 2010-05-20, at 1:28 PM, Peter Ammon wrote:
>> On May 20, 2010, at 1:14 PM, James Maxwell wrot
Looking over the type of model I want to build for my music app, I realized
that perhaps Core Data would be a good way to manage it. The reason being that
I want an arbitrary number of "Instruments", each of which has a MIDI port,
channel, and an arbitrary number of "Articulations." The total se
This shouldn't be a difficult problem, but how do I make a NSPopUpButtonCell
load a list of numbers, and return the value of the number when selected?
Originally I used a ComboBox, with pre-programmed values from IB, but it
returned strings, not NSNumbers. This really should be simple, and maybe
ct for the NSArrayController to the desired object (in
my case, it was the "channel" key in the NSArrayController for my Core Data
Not certain that this is right, but it works. Hope it saves someone else the
trouble later on.
On 2010-05-23, at 10:11 AM, James Maxwell wrote:
y 2010, at 12:11 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> This shouldn't be a difficult problem, but how do I make a NSPopUpButtonCell
>> load a list of numbers, and return the value of the number when selected?
>> Originally I used a ComboBox, with pre-programmed values from IB, but
I'm having a problem where fonts are mapping differently on different hardware.
I have a Mac Pro (early 2008) and a Core i5 Macbook Pro. The Mac Pro handles
fonts as expected (it's my main development computer) but the Macbook Pro maps
differently. My app doesn't give any errors about missing fo
an init routine, so
no big deal.
On 2010-05-31, at 12:44 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
> I'm having a problem where fonts are mapping differently on different
> hardware. I have a Mac Pro (early 2008) and a Core i5 Macbook Pro. The Mac
> Pro handles fonts as expected (it'
f font corruption?
If looking up the Glyph ID and using it directly is supposed to be safe across
machines, I'll just go back to that, as this glyphWithName business is way too
On 2010-05-31, at 1:44 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
> I'm sure many here know all this, b
Ah, sorry I didn't see these posts until now.
Sound like good recommendations. For the time being, I don't mind relying on a
specific font, but I'll look over the SpeedometerView example, and see about
implementing this at a higher level.
Thanks for the tips.
On 2010-06-01, at 9:10 AM, Do
I have a NSTextView that's displaying MIDI info from my app's current MIDI
input device. I show this info in a couple of places - one is in a "MIDI Setup"
type window, and the other is in an Inspector window. I want the Inspector
window to show this data in light grey text against a dark backgro
, at the moment.
If anyone has any thoughts, let me know.
On 2010-06-06, at 3:50 PM, Graham Cox wrote:
> On 07/06/2010, at 3:21 AM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> Do I have to have the controller hold a reference to the text view, rather
>> than just using an outlet?
2010-06-06, at 5:29 PM, Ross Carter wrote:
> On Jun 6, 2010, at 1:21 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> I have a NSTextView that's displaying MIDI info from my app's current MIDI
>> input device. I show this info in a couple of places - one is in a "MIDI
I'm using GCDrawKit, which has been an amazing help in getting my app's
interface together. However, I've run into a problem that's making me slightly
My main view is a zooming scroll view. Thanks to drawKit, I generally have no
problems at all; it handles the zooming beautifully, so I
Holy smokes!
Okay, just used the wrong Rect. Needed to use documentVisibleRect instead of
the contentView's bounds. Ugh... Working fine now.
On 2011-10-12, at 12:24 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
> I'm using GCDrawKit, which has been an amazing help in getting my app's
I have a method that's crashing with EXC_BAD_ACCESS. I'm running a fairly
lengthy, iterative process in a distpatch_async block and at the end of it
saving a file. Originally, I had included the file save in the block...
[myObject doSomeHorrificCrunching];
This may have a simple answer, but I can't seem to find it.
I want my document's scroll view to restore the scroll position when opening
from a file. The default behaviour seems to be to set it back to {0, 0} (i.e.,
so that my document's view always returns to the upper-left corner). Is there a
Thanks for the detailed reply, Conrad.
I may reconsider my plan of restoring the scroll position. It seemed like a
nice function for my app, but maybe not essential.
On 2011-12-03, at 11:26 AM, Conrad Shultz wrote:
> On 12/3/11 10:31 AM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> This may have a simp
Okay, so I'm officially confused.
I have an object with isEqual set up to help me limit the number of "unique"
objects I can put in a Dictionary. Basically, the object has a few properties
which account for "equality", and some properties that don't matter. For
example, propA and propB are used
want, without touching the original.)
On 2012-02-12, at 4:25 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
> Okay, so I'm officially confused.
> I have an object with isEqual set up to help me limit the number of "unique"
> objects I can put in a Dictionary. Basically, the object ha
ur original post, neither -isEqual: nor -hash has
> any influence on copying, unless you deliberately inject such concerns into
> your own implementation of copying. On the other hand, it would be quite
> common for a copy to compare equal to the original and thus have the same
> hash,
okay, that's getting to the root of the problem. Never knew about %p... yikes!
Good to know. Thanks!
On 2012-02-12, at 6:22 PM, Graham Cox wrote:
> On 13/02/2012, at 12:54 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> But it does beg the question: is there an easy way to test the **
oops, yes. typo (0x%X)
On 2012-02-13, at 1:21 AM, Uli Kusterer wrote:
> On 13.02.2012, at 02:54, James Maxwell wrote:
>> NSLog(@"%@", [obj hash])
> I hope this is a typo. %@ expects an object, while -hash returns an integer.
> If you're lucky, this w
I'm getting a crash in initWithCoder, which seems related to decoding a
property called "value", which is of type id. Sometimes this object is an
NSString, sometimes it's an NSNumber, and sometimes it's an NSArray. The crash
only occurs in cases where "value" is an NSArray. The last few lines in
Thanks Greg. The initWithCoder is indeed at launch, so Guard Malloc shouldn't
be a huge problem. I'll give it a try.
On 2011-03-15, at 6:45 PM, Greg Parker wrote:
> On Mar 15, 2011, at 4:10 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> I'm getting a crash in initWithCoder
oops... How do I enable Guard Malloc in Xcode 4?
On 2011-03-15, at 6:45 PM, Greg Parker wrote:
> On Mar 15, 2011, at 4:10 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> I'm getting a crash in initWithCoder, which seems related to decoding a
>> property called "value", which
h back to debug boom.
Any thoughts on what this might mean?
On 2011-03-16, at 10:00 AM, James Maxwell wrote:
> oops... How do I enable Guard Malloc in Xcode 4?
> J.
> On 2011-03-15, at 6:45 PM, Greg Parker wrote:
>> On Mar 15, 2011, at 4:10 PM, James
Test Build/ManuScore/CbCM_Node.m:552
On 2011-03-16, at 10:43 AM, Alex Kac wrote:
> Edit your Scheme and go to the "Run" section. Then go to the Diagnostics tab.
> On Mar 16, 2011, at 12:35 PM, Sean McBride wrote:
>> On Wed, 16 Mar 2
I'm trying to save the state of my app. It chews up a lot of memory, most of
which is in large float* matrices. I'm getting an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error in
-encodeBytes:length:forKey: and I'm just wondering what might be happening. The
float* "coincidences" is a malloced array.
NSUInteger coincsSize
AM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 1:47 PM, James Maxwell
> wrote:
>> I'm trying to save the state of my app. It chews up a lot of memory, most of
>> which is in large float* matrices. I'm getting an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error in
>> -encodeBytes:le
when I try to actually *use* the app
> after loading from a saved file! ugh... ;-)
> thanks all,
> J.
> On 2009-12-01, at 11:40 AM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 1:47 PM, James Maxwell
>> wrote:
>>> I'm trying to save the
ence came from MaxMSP, to Java, to
Objective-C, and now to this basic C stuff. In other words, totally backwards!
But I can make stuff work most of the time (really, I swear!).
thanks again.
On 2009-12-01, at 12:25 PM, Greg Guerin wrote:
> James Maxwell wrote:
Hello All,
I've got a potentially tricky problem here. My app is backed by a network-like
data structure based on three objects: a Network_Controller, a Network, and a
set of Nodes. The network is arranged in a hierarchy of levels, with each level
having at least one node. The Network object st
Brilliant. Thanks!
On 2009-12-13, at 11:50 AM, A.M. wrote:
> On Dec 13, 2009, at 12:29 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> I've got a potentially tricky problem here. My app is backed by a
>> network-like data structure based on
Thanks Graham. Good info to have.
On 2009-12-13, at 3:02 PM, Graham Cox wrote:
> On 14/12/2009, at 4:29 AM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> I've got a potentially tricky problem here. My app is backed by a
>> network-like data structure based on three obj
Hello All,
I have an NSMutableDictionary I'm trying to read from, but it's giving me
valueForUndefinedKey errors. I can NSLog the key successfully, so I'm very
confused as to what's going on.
NSLog(@"Total number of components in work: %i", [AllComponents count]);
for(NSString* cKey in AllCompo
10-02-15, at 2:09 PM, Graham Cox wrote:
> On 16/02/2010, at 8:56 AM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> I have an NSMutableDictionary I'm trying to read from, but it's giving me
>> valueForUndefinedKey errors. I can NSLog the key successfully, so I'm very
Hello All,
I have a strange crash happening while trying load an open file window/sheet
I've got a simple AppController class, which is set as the Application's
delegate. This is all there is to the controller, at this point:
#import "AppController.h"
@implementation AppContro
okay, thanks Greg. Good to know that assistive devices isn't supposed to gate
crash just any old cocoa party!
I'll look for the memory bug.
On 2010-02-19, at 10:53 AM, Greg Parker wrote:
> On Feb 19, 2010, at 10:41 AM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> I have a strange cr
Hello All,
I have a strange problem with NSKeyedArchiver/Unarchiver. I have a very complex
object graph that I want to be persistent, independently of my document
objects, so I'm archiving it into the user's application support folder. The
root object for the archive is a class called Network,
sure to type cast objects when adding them to mutable arrays?
On 2010-08-01, at 1:19 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:
> On Aug 1, 2010, at 12:30, James Maxwell wrote:
>> What I don't understand is how the Hierarchy can be fine at the end of the
>> Network's initWithC
tions" returnedLength:&size];
return self;
Thanks in advance,
On 2010-08-01, at 8:34 PM, Michael Ash wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 3:30 PM, James Maxwell
> wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> I have a strange problem with NSKeyedArchiv
Graham Cox wrote:
> On 03/08/2010, at 3:46 AM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> continuations = (float*)[aDecoder
>> decodeBytesForKey:@"continuations" returnedLength:&size];
> I expect the returned bytes are autoreleased. The docs
I have a problem with Core Data and bindings that I can't work out.
Here's the data model:
It's a music app, and I'm trying to set up MIDI instrument customization for
the user. The interface let's the user create new Instruments (MnS_Instrument
entities) which map a name to a port and chann
I'm getting a crash with this trace:
#0 0x99535ed7 in objc_msgSend
#1 0xa0bf5224 in PropertyLocks
#2 0x0001b792 in -[HSMM_Sequencer inputMemory] at HSMM_Sequencer.m:664
#3 0x0001903b in -[HSMM_Sequencer predictForward:] at HSMM_Sequencer.m:262
#4 0x00010253 in __-[HSMM_Net
check everything again, but I'm pretty sure all the initWithCoders
should be retaining.
On 2010-08-09, at 10:20 AM, Graham Cox wrote:
> On 10/08/2010, at 3:07 AM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> What's strange, to me, is that if this is a threading problem, why does it
tion by name.
Seems reasonable...
On 2010-08-09, at 10:05 AM, Quincey Morris wrote:
> On Aug 9, 2010, at 08:52, James Maxwell wrote:
>> I have a window with two tables: one showing the available instruments, and
>> one for adding articulations to the selecte
o the line in the code
where inputMemory is accessed. It just takes me to the end of HSMM_Sequencer's
implementation section. I'm guessing the memory's banjaxed enough that it just
doesn't know where to put me, but maybe that's significant?
On 2010-08-09, at 11:03 A
valueUndefinedForKey "name", which seemed a bit weird.
So, I haven't been binding the cell itself. I've been under the impression that
it's the column that gets bound, not the cell -- so, yes, I meant "Selected
On 2010-08-09, at 12:16 PM, Quin
ah, good to know. Thanks.
On 2010-08-09, at 11:04 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 10:42 AM, James Maxwell
> wrote:
>> Yes, so I always use accessors in my initWithCoder routines. Is that a bad
>> idea?
> Yes, this is a bad idea. You should a
> As to the rest of it, I'm lost as to what you're talking about. What does
> "ran the assignment in the app" mean?
Yeah, I just mean when I try to access the data programmatically from another
part of the app -- when I iterate over the object hierarchy.
> What's the exact text of the rep
#x27;s name.
Thanks again for your help.
On 2010-08-09, at 2:00 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> As to the rest of it, I'm lost as to what you're talking about. What does
>> "ran the assignment in the app" mean?
> Yeah, I just mean
No, not the reversed scrolling which is really great, now that I'm used to it.
I have a graphical music interface, created using DrawKit. I use
command-shift-click (then drag) as a special command to export a MIDI file from
the selected object (it's a musical staff object). It behaved properly i
Ah, found it in DrawKit -- DKViewController, [view stopAutoScrolling].
Thanks Graham! ;-)
(weird that I didn't need this before…)
On 2012-04-03, at 4:21 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
> No, not the reversed scrolling which is really great, now that I'm used to it.
> I hav
I've been having problems with my app crashing with an EXC_BAD_ACCESS while
unarchiving a saved data file. The file is a graph representation of musical
structure, created by a machine learning algorithm. When the file/graph is
small there are no problems, but as I add more training material, an
and the graph is
being built. It seems to be the unarchiving process in particular that's a
problem. Is there some other way of periodically draining the pool during the
unarchiving process?
On 2012-05-09, at 12:55 PM, Fritz Anderson wrote:
> On 9 May 2012, at 1:58 PM, James Max
it looks like it's
> repeating itself, if it does and goes through any of your code then that
> gives you a place to look.
> On May 10, 2012, at 8:40 AM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> Thanks All,
>> I'm just using retain-release, so I'll look
Okay, so I'm back to trying to tackle this annoying unarchiving crash…
Just to recap the problem: I get a exc_bad_access crash when unarchiving
certain files from disk. The file is a keyed archive, which contains a fairly
complex custom object graph, with plenty of circular references (i.e.,
ple times
> as this would only, at this time, be a test).
> I have no credentials to validate this approach other than 35 years of
> professional programming experience.
> On May 28, 2012, at 6:14 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> Okay, so I'm back to trying to ta
xperience, or has any further thoughts,
any help would be appreciated.
On 2012-05-28, at 7:58 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:
> On May 28, 2012, at 15:14 , James Maxwell wrote:
>> Just to recap the problem: I get a exc_bad_access crash when unarchiving
>> certain files from dis
> I think I was referring to that inner voice that *tempts* you to blame, not
> any actual blaming. :)
Sure, understood.
> We're probably at the point where you need to start showing code, at least in
> a reduced version, for encodeWithCoder and initWithCoder.
- (void)enco
> That sounds like it could be a big clue, to me.
> encodeConditionalObject only encodes the object reference if it has been
> seen by the archiver already. If it hasn't, nil is encoded. So if things are
> breaking when you use it, it means that parts of the object graph you think
> you e
re out a way of
encoding/decoding it that works.
Thanks for your help, everybody.
On 2012-05-28, at 11:39 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:
> On May 28, 2012, at 22:08 , James Maxwell wrote:
>> Well, yes, that's what happens. In fact, it's much hairier than that!
>> T
I have a situation where I've created a subclass that overrides a number of
synthesized property accessors in its superclass. What I'm wondering is whether
the overridden methods will get called when using dot syntax, or if this will
just return the (inherited) synthesized properties?
So the "T
(operative word
being "method"), was never really explained! ;-)
Thanks again.
On 2012-07-05, at 8:40 AM, Jens Alfke wrote:
> On Jul 5, 2012, at 8:25 AM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> I have a situation where I've created a subclass that overrides a numb
Hello All,
I'm finding that the first time I ask for a context menu (i.e., control-click
or two-finger tap) it takes several seconds to come up. After that it responds
normally. Has anybody seen this and, if so, do you recall what the problem was?
(It only happens on my laptop, not my desktop..
Ah, thanks for the tip. I'll take a loot at that tomorrow.
On 2012-07-07, at 6:00 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:
> On Jul 7, 2012, at 5:40 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> I'm finding that the first time I ask for a context menu (i.e.,
>> control-click or two-finge
Hi All,
I'm using NSPointerArrays to store references for a complex object graph. The
nodes themselves are stored in an NSDictionary for archiving, and the pointer
arrays are just used to record the interconnectivity of the nodes (it's loopy
and complex, which has been causing problems with NSK
Hello All,
Has anyone had problems compiling drawkit on 10.8? I can't seem to build it. I
tried downloading a fresh copy from apptree.net, but I still get errors. I'm
using "Latest" base sdk and the "default" LLVM compiler. I'm trying to build
the 32-bit version, for now, and getting these 4 er
Hello All,
I've created a framework to pull together a bunch of code I'm using regularly.
When I include this framework in another project the project builds, and the
methods do appear to get called, but I get "instance method <…> not found"
warnings all over the place. The headers are all impo
amework is being
On 2013-02-06, at 10:09 AM, Fritz Anderson wrote:
> On 6 Feb 2013, at 10:46 AM, James Maxwell wrote:
>> I've created a framework to pull together a bunch of code I'm using
>> regularly. When I include this framework in another projec
I've run into a situation where I really need a deep copy of an object. I've
implemented this using Apple's recommended approach with
NSKeyedArchiver/Unarchiver, and it's nice, simple, and functional. But it's
also pretty darn slow -- as in a clear, subjectively apparent performance hit.
Has any
ing to the wholesale NSKeyedArchiver approach of grabbing the
entire object graph.
So, problem solved. If I ever feel inclined to discover a deeper fix I will,
but it won't be any time soon!
On 2013-02-14, at 4:01 PM, Graham Cox wrote:
> On 14/02/2013, at 1:07 PM, James Maxwell wrote
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