Re: Stus-List C&C 38 mk1 vs mk2

2014-06-18 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Jim and Steve My 1976 hull# 99 has old perf papers that call it a mk I. I have been trying to find out the difference for years. At the Mystic rendezvous I asked Rob Ball and he didn't know said it might have been a marketing thing. .Gary Kolc.."Liberty"

Re: Stus-List C&C 38 mk1 vs mk2

2014-06-19 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
ow the difference I don't feel so bad. Also, it means the > older boats are worth considering. I'm also reading mixed reports of cored vs > non-cored hulls. Anyone care to comment on that one?? Mostly I read that they > are cored all the way down. > > > > Thanks,

Re: Stus-List C&C 38 mk1 vs mk2

2014-06-25 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Jim The original paperwork on Liberty says nothing about it being a MKII so I figure it to is a MKI. The hull # is 99 so I think the break off point is changing from double digits to triple digits. That's my story and I'm sticking to it !! :-)) ...Gary Kolc Rick

Re: Stus-List Seized SS Nut & Bolt

2015-10-06 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
I would drill into the head until it was gone using cobalt or carbide, this has always worked for me. Easier to do on a bench in a vise if possible. A small drill press would be ideal. Gary Kolc

Re: Stus-List Seized SS Nut & Bolt

2015-10-06 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” ― Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows

Re: Stus-List Changing oil filter Yanmar 3gmf

2015-10-31 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
I take a trash bag and push the opening onto the engine below the filter. When the filter is removed I just let the whole mess drop into the bag. I have a shop rag handy to wipe off any oil that escapes the bag. I have found that a large trash bag that is also thick works best and I take the fir

Re: Stus-List Boom Furling complications

2015-10-31 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
I spent about 10 boat bucks there having keel work done and at the end of the project I felt that I was taken advantage of and I would never do business with them again. Just my opinion. Gary K

Re: Stus-List Keel attachment issues on a C&C 25

2015-11-08 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Ahmet I have a 1976 38' MKII and the aft keelbolt looked like your picture #3 only worse the washer was actually curved as well as not sitting flat. I eventually replaced the washer with a machined backing plate made of stainless. I am sure they came from the factory that way.

Stus-List keel

2015-11-24 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
I have a 16 part word log with pictures showing the replacement of my keel and keel bolts. How can I send this to Stu for possible posting. Gary Kolc Liberty _

Re: Stus-List keel

2015-11-24 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
ection on the C&C group site, otherwise, temporarily you > can email it to me ( and I can add it to my images > website. > Ahmet > > On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 6:39 PM, ahycrace--- via CnC-List < >> wrote: > > > I have a

Re: Stus-List Update: Re: Keel attachment issues on a C&C 25

2015-11-24 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Ahmet If there is oil or grease on the threads of the bolt you should reduce the torque by aprox 10%. Torque numbers are given assuming threads are dry. Using lube would cause an over tightened condition.

Re: Stus-List Folding prop for 30-1 with A4

2015-12-22 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
I agree I have a max prop 2 blade and reverse is just incredible it's like a tug boat is backing you up. Gary Kolc 1976 38' MKII Liberty Indigo via CnC-List wrote: > "No two blade prop will do very well in reverse although I would get a > geared one so that you can be sure that it opened

Re: Stus-List Proper Blower Installation - 30 mki NOWFUEL CHARACTERISTICS

2015-12-30 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
We had the dink flip over in buzzards bay and we were lucky to get most of the contents back so now (for the last 20 yrs) we never keep anything in it when we are underway. Gary Kolc "Liberty" -

Re: Stus-List Proper Blower Installation - 30 mki NOWFUEL CHARACTERISTICS

2015-12-31 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
h water flush. > > Joe > > Coquina > > > > > > -Original Message- > > From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of > > ahycrace--- via CnC-List > > Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 4:19 PM > > To:

Stus-List Keel Project

2016-03-19 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
I see that Stu has just posted some information about my keel repair project of a few years ago. I have just finished a small site with all my photos of the project along with a running log of the explanation of the process, the link for that site is here. Stu can now add this site to our list a

Re: Stus-List C&C Smile

2016-03-22 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Al See the C&C photo album story of "Liberty" repair same thing as Jason but more complicated. Gary Alan Bergen via CnC-List wrote: > Jason: > > In 2004 I noticed the smile on my boat, when I

Re: Stus-List Email List or Forum

2015-03-14 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
list Gark Kolc Liberty Apponaug Harbor Warwick RI Neil Gallagher via CnC-List wrote: > Vote: List > > Stu, if the costs are not covered routinely by donations, I suggest you > let us know that too. > > Neil Gallagher > Weatherly, 35-1 > Glen Cove, NY > > > On 3/13/2015 5:32 PM, Stu v

Re: Stus-List Raymarine wind mast unit. ..

2015-03-30 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Monty I have the ST60 as well and my unit always spins slower than the other units in the marina and when things get real light it won't turn at all. I tried lubing it with a dry lube product and that helped a little but not much. Did you notice that issue with your setup when you wer

Re: Stus-List Raymarine wind mast unit. ..

2015-03-30 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
ahycrace--- via CnC-List wrote: > Monty >I have the ST60 as well and my unit always spins slower than the > other units in the marina and when things get real light it won't turn at > all. I tried lubing it with a dry lube product and that helped a little but &g

Re: Stus-List Cabin Top traveller on 38Mk II

2015-03-30 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Petar My boat Liberty has 2 travelers, one on the cabin top. If you would like to you could stop by Apponaug and I'll pull the headliner off so you can see how it was installed. Gary Kolc Petar Horvatic via CnC-List wrote: > Hi everyone, > > Has a

Re: Stus-List Cabin Top traveller on 38Mk II

2015-04-17 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Petar We will be at the boatyard all day Sat. (4/18) stop by after 12 and check out my traveler set up. Gary"Liberty" Petar Horvatic via CnC-List wrote: > Hi everyone, > > Has anyone (DIY) installed a second mainsheet traveler

Re: Stus-List Overheating as high RPM only

2015-05-05 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Tom I had the same problem and it turned out to be the crossover elbow, changed it and the problem went away. You can get a kit with all new bolts and gaskets from oldport marine in Newport RI. (Yanmar 3gm30) I hear it is a common thing. It was easy to do.

Re: Stus-List Overheating as high RPM only

2015-05-06 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
. Gary K Josh Muckley via CnC-List wrote: > "What's a cross over elbow?" I was wondering the same thing... > On May 5, 2015 6:29 PM, "Richard Bush via CnC-List" > wrote: > > > OK, what's a crossover elbow? > > >

Re: Stus-List Cored Hull

2015-06-14 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Gary Ron solved the vibration problem with a new prop last year smooth as silk now. He also had the backstay area reinforced and the hull was addressed as well, it should fly through a survey no problem. The boat is in better shape than Ron is !

Re: Stus-List Cored Hull

2015-06-17 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Brian I'll ask Ron what the old prop/problem was and get back to you on that. Gary K Gary Russell via CnC-List wrote: > Hi Brian, > I know the new prop is a Gori folding prop, but I don't know what the > problematic problem was

Re: Stus-List thread reply and rod rigging

2014-10-14 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Burt I use the same rigger as Petar and I must say he is top shelf. I had the mast taken down at a marina near Fall River and He took the whole mast and all the rigging to his shop to inspect and replace what was needed. Best money I ever spent knowing that the rig is in good shape.

Re: Stus-List Exhaust hose replacement for 33-1

2014-11-12 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Guys I Have A 38' MK II with the same problem I want to replace that hose but no way am I going in there. Thinking of going to Brewer yard around here or oldport marine in Newport and hoping I don't have to take out a second mortgage to pay for it.

Re: Stus-List Exhaust hose replacement for 33-1

2014-11-13 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
in the bottom of the space inside the transom and have storage space for spare dock lines, the floats for my anchor trip line, and some other infrequently used items that were in the cockpit lazarettes. Rick Brass Sent from my iPad > On Nov 12, 2014, at 17:51, ahycrace--- via CnC-List > wro

Re: Stus-List C&C 33-I Spreaders?

2014-12-04 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
I have a 38 MK II and the past owner let the wire on the main halyard rub on the trailing edge of the spreader. It looked just like a crack but it was just the material that had worn away. We had a piece welded on the back of the worn out area. It looks a little weird so we just don't look at

Re: Stus-List C&C 33-I Spreaders?

2014-12-04 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
The past owner of our boat would clip the main halyard to the base of the mast and let it flop around and that is how our spreader was damaged by the wire. Gary ahycrace--- via CnC-List wrote: > I have a 38 MK II and the past owner let

Re: Stus-List Diving your own boat

2014-12-23 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Gary I have been using a dri-diver for years now and the pad is shot. I can't find anyplace that will replace it I was wondering if we could by the stuff by the sq ft or sq yd hope someone can help on this. I think it is a 3m product I will keep looking for now.

Re: Stus-List C&C 37+ engine size

2015-01-12 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Ron I have a 38 foot Mk II with a 3gm30 engine (27 hp). We have a 2 blade feathering max prop and at 3000 rpm we get about 6.5 to 6.75 kts. You should check what your pitch is set to and possibly re-adjust it. It is not that hard to do.

Re: Stus-List Subject: Re: Hull color inquiry: Mike Hoyt Photos

2016-03-28 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
My boat "Liberty" 38' Mk II was done in flag blue 15 years ago and now up close it looks like crap from scratches and a few dings from the anchor. We also have some cracking in the paint long lines of it near the bow. I have been told it is from the hull heating up at different rates ( the pain

Stus-List leak

2016-04-28 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
gary Kolc via CnC-List wrote: I put Liberty in the water today and while doing my check of all thru hulls I noticed that the knot meter was leaking In between the large nut of the fixture and the wooden backing plate. Not much of a leak but noticeable more like a weep. The inside of the

Re: Stus-List leak

2016-04-28 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
get some teflon > tape around it and re-tighten) > > Mike > Atacama 33mkii > > > Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network. > Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell. > > -Original Message- > From: ah

Re: Stus-List Removing Polyglow

2016-05-17 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Does Poly Glow go bad after a while how long does it last why should you have to take it off? Gary Kolc "Liberty"

Re: Stus-List Removing Polyglow

2016-05-18 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
So bottom line is poly Glow good or not so much? Friend of mine has a badly chalked Santana and received for free an almost full kit of Polyglow he asked me if it was worth using. Gary Kolc Joseph Bognar via CnC-List wrote: > I found that if your fenders rub the hull in the same spot . I

Re: Stus-List Throttle Cable Adjustment

2016-05-24 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
I put a small clam cleat on the pedestal and use a small pc of rope. It always stays put. Gary Kolc mike amirault via CnC-List wrote: > There should be a saddle clamp on the throttle cable inside the STBD cockpit > locker, near the companionway. Tighten it down to provide more resistan

Stus-List Anchor

2016-06-03 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
I was at the consignment store today and I picked up a Danforth 20lb hi tensile anchor. When I got it home and looked at it more closely I discovered that the the rail along the top was shortened by 3" on each side (6" total). I think this was done so it would fit in someone's anchor locker. T

Re: Stus-List Keel bolt weeping

2016-09-19 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Barbara I have been down the worst case scenario road and the whole story is on the cnc photoalbum. ( ). This really was the worst case and I agree with the others that you should start with tightening the keel bolt first to see what happens. I thin

Re: Stus-List Keel bolt weeping

2016-09-19 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Don On my boat they drilled the holes in the right place but never used any calking around the bolts, that was swell wasn't it !! Gary K Don Wagner via CnC-List wrote: > I have experienced keel

Re: Stus-List Yanmar 3QM30 Water Pump Rebuild

2017-07-10 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
I just did this on my pump 3gm30. The problem was the rear seal. I just replaced it no problem. Clean off the shaft with 600 wet paper as well as the other surface. Probably just the seal easy fix.                           Gary  Liberty 38' mk ll Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

Re: Stus-List Raymarine Autopilot Question

2017-07-16 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
Mine does that every few years i remove the pin connections and clean off with alcohol and coat with wd 40 or dialectical  grease  and problem went away. It did it this week on the way to cuttyhunk and i slaped the head it has worked since then. The salt gets on the connections i think Sent fr

Re: Stus-List Tranny

2017-07-19 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
Just replaced mine last week yanmar 3gm30. Clean off the spline and put fresh grease on it slide it into the engine. Mine had 6 bolts tighten them up in an opposing  pattern. Reconnect everything as it was.                             Gary.   "Liberty"                                            

Re: Stus-List Water pump for Yanmar 3GMF

2017-07-25 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
Fix the pump if possible  Gary Kolc "Liberty" Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone Original message From: Matthew Schlanger via CnC-List Date: 7/25/17 11:45 AM (GMT-05:00) To: Cc: Matthew Schlanger Subject: Stus-List Water pump for Yanmar 3GM

Re: Stus-List Electrical panel

2017-08-10 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
Chuck still going to newport next week for the J class races?Gary Kolc   "Liberty" Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone Original message From: Chuck Gilchrest via CnC-List Date: 8/10/17 3:39 PM (GMT-05:00) To: Cc: Chuck Gilchrest Subject: R

Re: Stus-List Electrical panel

2017-08-11 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
few nights before heading to Block Island.  Hope to catch some racing en route to Block Chuck Gilchrest S/V Half Magic1983 35 LandfallPadanaram,MA Sent from my iPhone On Aug 10, 2017, at 6:02 PM, ahycrace via CnC-List wrote: Chuck still going to newportv next week for the J class races?Gary Kolc

Re: Stus-List wheel squeak

2017-08-25 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
Sailing down Narragansett bay a few years ago broad reach 7kts we hear a loud BANG and no steering. Get the sails down and anchor. We look under the cockpit and see that the idler plate is so rusted that one of the pullys has pulled right off. Get the emergency tiller out and attach it motor hom

Re: Stus-List Keel backing plates and washers replacement 35-1

2017-10-03 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Should use 300 series its more corrosion resistant. I used 316. Gary Kolc 38' mk ll "liberty" Liz Mather via CnC-List wrote: > Good Morning! > > I have a question actually looking for opinion and experiences replacing the > keel backing plates, washers complete. > Thinking of replacing

Re: Stus-List Keel backing plates and washers replacement 35-1

2017-10-03 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
appreciate the input. Any lubricant going forward as a preventative? > On Oct 3, 2017, at 12:53 PM, ahycrace--- via CnC-List > wrote: > > Should use 300 series its more corrosion resistant. I used 316. > > Gary Kolc 38' mk ll "liberty" > > > Liz Mathe

Re: Stus-List insurance

2018-02-22 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
check them out.  A neighbor is an agent. Virus-free. On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 6:05 PM, ahycrace ahycrace via CnC-List wrote: Well I just got some information from the broker that I talked to at the boat show. He said

Re: Stus-List depth sounder

2018-05-04 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
y to check it out is to borrow a transducer from someone else and plug it in.  See you tomorrow.GaryS/V Kaylarah'90 C&C 37+East Greenwich, RI, USA ~~~_/)~~ On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 8:07 PM, ahycrace ahycrace via CnC-List wrote: Well we went in the water today and everyt

Re: Stus-List depth sounder

2018-05-05 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
just the connection (cable)?   Marek   Sent from Mail for Windows 10   From: CnC-List on behalf of ahycrace ahycrace via CnC-List Sent: Friday, May 4, 2018 8:07:32 PM To: Cc: ahycrace ahycrace Subject: Stus-List depth sounder   Well we went in the water today and

Re: Stus-List problem getting the raw water flowing

2018-05-30 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
I once replaced the impeller on my yanmar 3gm30 and when I put the plate back on the pump it was not seated properly and the pump kept losing its prime. With enough rpm s it would start pumping again only to lose its prime again on start up. Might be worth checking. The plate must be air/water t

Re: Stus-List Rob - C&C long time question

2018-09-30 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
Gary Kolc. "Liberty"38 foot c&c 1976Hull #99Purchased 2002 Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone Original message From: james via CnC-List Date: 9/30/18 8:08 PM (GMT-05:00) To: Don Kern via CnC-List Cc: james Subject: Re: Stus-List Rob - C&C long time question

Re: Stus-List [EXTERNAL] inexpensive chartplotter

2018-10-20 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
I have a 10 inch samsung with Opencpn and have opencpn on my sam phone. I would like to get ais as well , can I do that with my tablet? I have an old green screen Raytheon radar and would like something newer but this unit is working ok so that is on the back burner. I also have  a Dell laptop t

Re: Stus-List Deteriorated mast step (LF38 replacement)

2017-02-13 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
The maststep on liberty is cast stainless heavy yes but very strong why would any of them be made of anything else?  1976 mk ll Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone Original message From: Dreuge via CnC-List Date: 2/13/17 11:01 AM (GMT-05:00) To: cnc-list@cnc-lis

Re: Stus-List Deteriorated mast step (LF38 replacement)

2017-02-13 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
, Mark I) > "Corsair" > White Lake, Michigan > > On 2/13/2017 5:39 PM, ahycrace via CnC-List wrote: > > The maststep on liberty is cast stainless heavy yes but very strong > > why would any of them be made of anything else? 1976 mk ll > > > > > &

Re: Stus-List Deteriorated mast step (LF38 replacement)

2017-02-14 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
box. > > Dennis C. > > On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 5:17 PM, Neil Schiller via CnC-List < >> wrote: > > > Galvanic corrosion? > > > > Neil Schiller > > 1970 Redwing 35, Hull #7 > > (C&C 35, Mark I) > > "Cors

Re: Stus-List Input on inflatable dinghy purchase

2017-03-01 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Achillies 9.6 had one that lasted over 20 yrs bought it used !! Just got a new one great boat. Tows very good. nothing but good things to say about it. Gary Kolc "Liberty" Apponaug Harbor (East Greenwich Ba

Re: Stus-List Input on inflatable dinghy purchase

2017-03-01 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Hypalon WILL last much longer that's why I went with an achilles. Be carefull to stay away from cheap boats made in China big problems. I have an 8hp nisson that I take off with a removeable crane. I think its called a little boy crane when you are done with it it can be removed in about 2 min.

Stus-List Boat Show

2017-04-13 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
There is a boat show in Annapolis on the 28th to the 30th we were thinking of making it a road trip. Can anybody tell me if it is a worthwhile event to go to? Spring, boat show, fresh crabs, cold beer sounds like its worth the trip from Rhode Island to me. Has anybody from the area attended in

Re: Stus-List C&C 37+ Keel Bolt Torqueing & Rust Stains

2017-04-26 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
What is the theory behind loosening the bolts before re-tightening? Gary "liberty" Ken Heaton via CnC-List wrote: > Hello Ron, > > > 1. What are the torque values that you’ve used? > > > 3/4" Keel Bol

Re: Stus-List Keel Bolt Inspection

2017-05-03 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Ron A few years ago I took my keel off because of weeping at the keel to hull seam. I ended up replacing all of my bolts ans a bunch of other glass work. Where in Bristol is your boat? Looks like you have very good backing plates but some other issues. I've been a machinist for 40 yr

Stus-List furling line

2017-05-29 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Looks line I have to replace the furling line on Liberty"s furling drum. What was the name of that mail order company that sells reasonable priced quality line I just cant remember it. ( Old timers syndrome. ) Gary

Re: Stus-List furling line

2017-05-29 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
Weatherly 35-1 > > Glen Cove, NY > > > > On 5/29/2017 11:28 AM, ahycrace--- via CnC-List wrote: > >> Looks line I have to replace the furling line on Liberty"s furling drum. > >> What was the name of that mail o

Re: Stus-List furling line

2017-05-29 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
> Fred Street -- Minneapolis > S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- Bayfield, WI > > > On May 29, 2017, at 10:49 AM, Neil Gallagher via CnC-List > > wrote: > > > > Are you thinking of Cajun Rope? > > > > Neil Gallagher > > Weatherly 35

Re: Stus-List 33-2 question where does the hose in the bottom of the ice box drain to?

2017-06-05 Thread ahycrace--- via CnC-List
I have small square plastic container located under the engine. That hose is connected to that container which has a small bilge pump in it. The pump has a hose that ends under the sink where there is a switch. I take the hose put it in the sink and flip the switch let the water pump into the si

Re: Stus-List 33-2 question where does the hose in the bottom of the ice box drain to?

2017-06-05 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
The outbound hose is coiled below the sink and the end hangs on a small hook. I just grab it and put it in the sink.                                                   Gary Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone Original message From: Dave via CnC-List Date: 6/5/17 7

Stus-List Refinishing cabin floor

2020-07-07 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
Sorry for bringing this up again I know it was discussed before but I can't  find the old discussions. I have just about finished stripping the floor in Liberty using that non toxic orange stuff from home depot it worked pretty good. I want to coat it with something not to slippery that looks go

Re: Stus-List Refinishing cabin floor

2020-07-08 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
hing cabin floor   I did mine last winter and used a standard floor polyurethane: Minwax Fast Drying Polyurethane Satin.  So far, so good.  Dave S/V Aries 1990 C&C 34+ New London, CT On Jul 7, 2020, at 7:44 AM, ahycrace via CnC-List wrote: Sorry for bringing this up again

Re: Stus-List HilleRange stove parts

2020-07-10 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
BrianI have a stainless steel hillerange not sure of the model. The control wingback of the oven knob is frozen I need that control assembly.  Is your stove a stainless steel model and could I send you a picture of the part I need. I would be happy to send Stu a contribution as payment.Sent from

Re: Stus-List HilleRange stove parts

2020-07-10 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
The control in backSent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy Tablet Original message From: ahycrace via CnC-List Date: 7/10/20 8:47 AM (GMT-05:00) To: Cc: ahycrace Subject: Re: Stus-List HilleRange stove parts BrianI have a stainless steel hillerange not

Re: Stus-List HilleRange stove parts

2020-07-10 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
Ok thanks anywaySent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy Tablet Original message From: ahycrace via CnC-List Date: 7/10/20 8:47 AM (GMT-05:00) To: Cc: ahycrace Subject: Re: Stus-List HilleRange stove parts BrianI have a stainless steel hillerange not sure

Stus-List Oops

2019-02-25 Thread ahycrace via CnC-List
I just accidentally sent a few pics of my owners manual to the list please disregard my posting.Thank you ..Gary KolcSent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy Tablet___ Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions. Each and eve

Re: Stus-List Keel bolt torque

2018-01-03 Thread ahycrace ahycrace via CnC-List
I also use tef-gel to protect against galling however I never have backed off when redoing the torque on my bolts. I always go 10% less on the accepted engineering values. Its been 10 years since I redid my keel, backing plates are 5/16 stainless perhaps this year I will back off bolts and add m

Stus-List insurance

2018-02-03 Thread ahycrace ahycrace via CnC-List
Hello all Well I just got my insurance bill from boat US and it went up 238$ a pretty big increase. I called to ask why and they said it was nothing on my end rates just went up. I am wondering if everybody else got raised as well? I tried to increase my deductible which is

Re: Stus-List Boat Insurance

2018-02-05 Thread ahycrace ahycrace via CnC-List
I called back again and they went from 1125$ to 1092$ for 40k still way to much. I talked to an agent at the providence boat show (maritime insurance int.) and he agreed that boat US was unusually high. I will talk to him next week and he will have quotes for me maybe an agent is the way to go.

Stus-List insurance

2018-02-21 Thread ahycrace ahycrace via CnC-List
Well I just got some information from the broker that I talked to at the boat show. He said that most of the quotes he got were the same or more than boat US. He did find one company that had a good rating named Berkley Recreational Marine and they came in at 924$ with a 3% deductible. Boat US

Re: Stus-List Yanmar 3GM30F parts

2018-04-15 Thread ahycrace ahycrace via CnC-List
Al I might be interested in the injectors are they rebuilt and unused if so how much is 50%, 15$ a piece? Gary Kolc "Liberty" > On April 15, 2018 at 2:02 PM Allan Hester via CnC-List > wrote: > > > > Hi, > > > I am new to the list although I have been enjoying

Re: Stus-List Yanmar 3GM30F parts

2018-04-15 Thread ahycrace ahycrace via CnC-List
Al After checking looks like 15$ is a little low sorry Gary > On April 15, 2018 at 4:30 PM ahycrace ahycrace wrote: > > > Al > I might be interested in the injectors are they rebuilt and unused if so how > much is 50%, 15$ a piece? > > Gary Kolc "Liberty" > > > > On April 15, 2018 at 2:02 PM Al

Stus-List depth sounder

2018-05-04 Thread ahycrace ahycrace via CnC-List
Well we went in the water today and everything was good except the depth sounder. The only thing that shows up on the readout is three dashes thinking the transducer is probably bad anyone been down this path before. Raymarine st60s. Gary K Liberty

Stus-List rudder

2018-09-24 Thread ahycrace ahycrace via CnC-List
Gary I've had my rudder off 3 times now (don't ask!). The first time I was able to get the bolts out with a little struggle but they came apart with no damage. I put some wood blocks under the rudder so when I took the top collar off it only dropped down an inch or so . We dropped it

Re: Stus-List Prepping for 35-1 Keel Bolts/Smile Fix

2019-02-06 Thread ahycrace ahycrace via CnC-List
Matt when I did my backing plates I used colloidal silica and used wax paper to allow the plates to be removed after everything set up. You must protect the threads from the silica as well. > On February 6, 2019 at 12:22 PM Thomas Delaney via CnC-List > w