Re: Stus-List Zebra muscles

2014-05-01 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
When they first came to Lake Erie, they multiplied exponentially, and at their peak the water cleared up dramatically. Then they leveled off, and declined somewhat, I think the Gobies may control them now, but not sure. Gobies are disgusting little creatures as well, and not something to look forwa

Re: Stus-List Mast Partner Construction on 1984 C&C 41

2014-05-13 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
When I refurbished the area around my mast collar it was Balsa Bill Coleman C&C 39 From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Joel Aronson via CnC-List Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 3:45 PM To: Steve Anderson; Subject: Re: Stus-List Mast Partner


2014-05-13 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I would use the same thing I use for storing my mast in the winter, a 6 X 6 Pressure treated post which (now) supports the bulk of the mast and is high enough to the ends clear both the pulpits. I have 1 ½” plywood bolted onto the top with a cutout for the mast. If I was traveling with this, I wou

Re: Stus-List Oregon Offshore Race

2014-05-14 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
<< SC 27 Blade Runner, overall winners of the Oregon Offshore , Are you kidding me, this little 27 footer survived all that slop, and won!?!? Bill Coleman C&C 39 From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Alan Bergen Sent: Tuesda

Re: Stus-List Luxury yacht sinks on launch

2014-05-22 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
That’s what I have always felt about every Carnival Cruise ship I have seen! <> Bill Coleman C&C 39 From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Jim Watts via CnC-List Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2014 4:02 PM To: Brent Driedger; 1 CnC List Subject: Re: Stus-List Luxury y

Re: Stus-List River cruise

2014-05-27 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I find your situation very interesting. You are a very rare sailor. For some reason, I often have dreams where I am sailing down city streets, which happen to have water in them. Somehow my spar never catches any wires. I have talked to other sailors who have similar dreams. I must secretly wan

Re: Stus-List Skanky hot water

2014-06-03 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
>From my archives, I think this was Roger Spence's remedy. We clean the water tanks twice a year with a solution of lemon juice and baking soda in the water (lots of foaming up and hissing), bounce around for about 1/2 hour, and empty the tanks. Keeps everything sweet, without the Clorox taste Ass

Re: Stus-List Repositioning Mast

2014-06-04 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
You really should use spartite or some other type urethane like Wally showed, it makes this all so simple. If you make the right form B$ you pour, you can make a drip edge and it will keep the water out. (I will do this next time 8^) ) Regarding your mast step, that is no problem, as long as it i

Re: Stus-List Repositioning Mast - now compass oil

2014-06-05 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I used baby oil in my depthsounder when it was in a chamber. Also used it to coat maple cutting board Bill Coleman C&C 39 From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Stevan Plavsa via CnC-List Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2014 1:42 PM To: C&C List Subject: Re: Stus-Lis

Stus-List hydrophobic coatings - again

2014-06-11 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I know there has been some talk here about the new nano-technology concerning the water repellent which comes in a spray can, which apparently doesn't last too long. Looks like eventually this may actually come into the mainstream. This would be a really slippery hull with this paint if it could

Re: Stus-List Windows

2014-06-11 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List Or McMaster Carr, use Cast Acrylic. Or Tempered Glass! Bill Coleman C&C 39 From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Burt Stratton via CnC-List Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 10:47 AM To: Subject: Stus-Li

Re: Stus-List Black mold spots on teak interior

2014-06-17 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I did this in a wooden bathroom with detergent and a bit of bleach. ( and ventilation) Do not mix bleach and ammonia N After you clean it spray it with wet and forget, that should help keep it away. Good ventilation is the best way to avoid it. Shortly after I bought my boat, I took everything

Re: Stus-List getting seasick

2014-06-23 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Thank you Veddy Veddy Much for that PSA on STD’s (Sea Transmitted Disease) I have forwarded that to all my Mal de Mar friends. Bill Coleman C&C 39 From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Andrew Burton via CnC-List Sent: Monday, June 23, 2014 12:58 PM To: cnc-l

Stus-List Beneteau

2014-06-24 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Going over to the dark side. The Beneteau Group announced it bought Rec Boat Holdings, a group of U.S. brands owned by Platinum Equity Group, which includes Michigan-based Four Winns, Glastron, Wellcraft and Scarab. Beneteau says the acquisition is in line with the group's development strat

Re: Stus-List Teak

2014-06-25 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Teak Substitutes ia_127689818.html#sthash.JIoJAKiL.dpbs Ipe 43.html#sthash.R8YZBOB8.dpbs Bill Coleman C&C 39 From: CnC

Re: Stus-List Crab pot free / tow lane - Columbia River to Victoria

2014-06-27 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I will be in Rockaway Beach towards the end of July, but I will be looking FOR Crab Pots! 8^ ) Bill Coleman C&C 39 From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Kevin Driscoll via CnC-List Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 12:57 AM To: Subject: Stus-Lis

Re: Stus-List Aluminum coating

2014-06-30 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I am guessing they stripped the old ones with an acidic process, and it left the surface rough. I would have been better off sanding them all down instead of having them strip them. People in the plating business don't recommend black anodizing, because it does not last near as long as the natural

Re: Stus-List C&C 40 Aft Cabin?

2014-07-02 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Wouldn’t AC mean Aft Cabin? Bill Coleman C&C 39 From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Stevan Plavsa via CnC-List Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2014 3:45 PM To: Subject: Stus-List C&C 40 Aft Cabin? Hi All, Still learning about the diffe

Re: Stus-List About bigger boats

2014-07-07 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
For two days difference, I would get one of those water bags. Or they may be lift bags that they put water in to Lay it over a little like the popular video of the ketch going under the ICW Bridges. Bill Coleman C&C 39 -Original Message- From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list

Re: Stus-List Gear shift

2014-07-07 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
With all due respect, having watched a power boat blow up, that is and was the primary reason I always wanted diesel. Followed by better mileage, and longer life. And probably more dependable. Unless you have a newer fuel injected gas engine. On the down side, noisier, heavier, and more expe

Re: Stus-List E7 chartplotter reboots when I start the engine

2014-07-07 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
A friend of mine had that problem, and he bought a little widget to isolate the chartplotter and maintain voltage, kind of like a little voltage conditioner. Search on defender or West. Bill Coleman C&C 39 -Original Message- From: CnC-List [] On Behalf

Re: Stus-List Gear shift

2014-07-07 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
ella Barba Coquina From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Bill Coleman via CnC-List Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 1:53 PM To: Subject: Re: Stus-List Gear shift With all due respect, having watched a power boat blow up, that is and was

Re: Stus-List gas explosions marine engines

2014-07-07 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Only problem, you usually don’t know it is leaking into the bilge, , (My case) and then float kicks the pump on. I have one of those See Witch electronic switches, and it WON’T pump oil. I don’t know about gas. But it didn’t pump a drop of my diesel overboard. Never mind, it is a Water Witch,

Re: Stus-List Long Term effects of Easy-Off

2014-07-14 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I used both types of Easy-Off in 97 and like someone just said, a little yellow tinge for a while, but it went away on it's own, and no effects. Bill Coleman C&C 39 -Original Message- From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Wally Bryant via CnC-List Sent: Sunda

Re: Stus-List velcro

2014-07-16 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Naphtha, I think like lighter fluid will be quicker. Bill Coleman C&C 39 From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Bev Parslow via CnC-List Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 3:04 PM To: Subject: Stus-List velcro Just taken some old velcro off

Re: Stus-List follow-up on outboards

2014-08-05 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
This fellow wished he had ANY kind of engine. Bill Coleman C&C 39 Marek, "In your emails, I hear some of the sentiments I had before we changed boats. Our outboard became somewhat unreliable (I think that I eventually trac

Re: Stus-List Alcohol stove

2014-08-14 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I recall having all these symptoms except death one night at the tender age of 16 after an unfortunate altercation with a large amount of Ripple. Just nearly dead. Wished I was dead. Bill Coleman C&C 39 -Original Message- From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of

Re: Stus-List Raymarine plotter upgrade

2015-09-29 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I am REALLY looking forward to dynamic laylines – Just installed an e series, (Thanks Fred!) but I can’t get all the slick stuff yet, till I install the Raymarine Depth/Speed Transducer and Anemometer – NMEA 0183 from my old B&G won’t cut it. Am waiting to be hauled out for that. I am impressed w

Re: Stus-List Trucking to Georgian Bay

2015-10-01 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Ditto on removing the Instruments AND any part they sticks up over 13' The worlds smartest man had the presence of mind to remove his chartplotter from the pod above the binnacle, but not the Pedestal Guard with the custom made Pod. To paraphrase Richard, "It's really something to see your boat g

Stus-List Darwins List

2015-10-02 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Who in their right mind would take a Container Ship, of all things, into a known, sitting Cat 4 Hurricane? Container ship hit by Hurricane Joaquin lost, Coast Guard searching

Re: Stus-List Darwin’s List

2015-10-02 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
the container ship either couldn’t turn around in time or that it was not safe in port? Any merchant mariners on the list? Steve Staten Langley, OK, USA “C’est La Vie” C&C 27 From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Bill Coleman via CnC-List Sent: Friday, Oc

Re: Stus-List IPad Question...

2015-10-03 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I just installed a GX2200 VHF with GPS, belowdeck, works perfectly.  As Fred mentioned,  the receivers on these are not your father's receivers.  OK, maybe l'm paraphrasing a little .One fellow on cruising forum  said he had one functioning in a pilot house of aluminum. But my note 4 still

Stus-List Pair of Barlow 32ST

2015-10-05 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Currently at 1,000 , I think these have the same bolt pattern as the Barient? &viewitem=&vxp=mtr Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PAanimated_favicon1 __

Re: Stus-List Autopilot Recommendations

2015-10-11 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
To Rick's question, I have no idea why the old ones worked, they may have been designed to simply follow a compass course, but I think that from the four thousand on they were designed to have feedback from the runner position sensor. I know mine was worthless until I put it in. A salesman

Re: Stus-List Diesel Fuel Additives?

2015-10-12 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
No, it's all low sulfur. Green just tells the cops that you paid the road tax. Surprising , Truck diesel here is 2.69, and at our club (Red Boat Diesel) is $2.03. Put Bio-Bore additive in always. Or it will turn Black! Bill Coleman C&C 39, Erie From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc

Stus-List Commercial Foul Weather Gear

2015-10-14 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I have a Gill jacket that I am less than pleased with, the arms soak right through. I sprayed it with some waterproofing, but still not too happy with it. Fisheries Supply is running a sale this week, does anyone have any experience with this brand? Or maybe it would be too hard to be flexib

Re: Stus-List Commercial Foul Weather Gear

2015-10-15 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
new jacket. Joel On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 10:44 AM, Bill Coleman via CnC-List wrote: I have a Gill jacket that I am less than pleased with, the arms soak right through. I sprayed it with some waterproofing, but still not too happy with it. Â Fisheries Supply is running a sale this week,

Re: Stus-List rebedding hatch

2015-10-15 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
When I re-bedded mine, (twice) I used 5200. Right now a pack of angry wolves want to jump all over me for saying this, (BUT DON’T!) because it works for me. The reason I used 5200 is the rails get stepped on sideways quite often, and I want it to be a structural part of the cabintop, not just h

Re: Stus-List stainless polish

2015-10-16 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Joe – If you heated your pulpit up to the temperatures that parts of the grill get to, it too would likely stain. Elevated temperatures in SS lead to Chromium Carbide Precipitation – the chrome has an affinity for carbon, which then becomes chromium carbide, and that leaves much less chrome to

Re: Stus-List Sale Tools

2015-10-19 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
If is sounds too good to be true, it usually is! Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PAanimated_favicon1 From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Paul Fountain via CnC-List Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 10:07 AM To: Cc: Paul Fountain Subject: Re: Stu

Re: Stus-List Pump out fitting

2015-10-21 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I bought mine through a place that sells hoses to equipment operators and belts, etc. Glass filled Nylon, I think. Tractor supply sells them also for 5 bucks. art-f?cm_vc=-10005 Also R/V Supply places. Not sure if my d

Re: Stus-List Hydrolocked!

2015-10-21 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
That sounds seriously bad. I would be worried if the water was in there 10 minutes. I know I am not making you feel any better. Could you remove the injectors and crank it to blow it out? Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PA From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of

Re: Stus-List Replacing Windows

2015-10-22 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I had also read of SCS2000 being used as a structural adhesive for skyscraper windows, and also I am pretty sure Lexan. So, As an experiment I glued two pieces of Polycarbonate together with SCS2000, let it sit for a month, and pulled them apart. Unfortunately, it didn’t take a whole lot of ef

Re: Stus-List Hydrolocked!

2015-10-26 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Well you are indeed a lucky duck - Congrats on dodging a expensive bullet! Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PAanimated_favicon1 From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of davepulaski via CnC-List Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 3:41 AM To: Cc: davep

Re: Stus-List Inflatable Cleaning

2015-10-26 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Barnacle Buster? It might just be hydrochloric acid anyways . . . .|10918|2303285|2303287 &id=750298 Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PAanimated_favicon1 From: CnC

Re: Stus-List Changing oil filter Yanmar 3gmf

2015-10-31 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
One neat trick I learned at a diesel clinic is, slide a gallon zip lock up around the filter & then unscrew it letting it drip into the bag, then drop the filter into the bag and seal. Bill Coleman C&C39 Original message From: Indigo via CnC-List Date: 10/31/2015 8:1

Re: Stus-List Winterizing the Holding Tank

2015-11-20 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Absolutely. Plus, once that smell permeates your boat, it will be obnoxious I even try to keep mine as empty as possible during the year. Regards, Bill Coleman From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of David Knecht via CnC-List Sent: Friday, November 20, 20

Re: Stus-List Update: Re: Keel attachment issues on a C&C 25

2015-11-24 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
<<) please feel free to scold me :)>> OK, with that license, Ahmet, for chrissakes, quit pussyfooting around and just buy the right washer for the job! 91122A140 Just get some of these washers that McMaster has kindly put in stock for you, and b

Re: Stus-List Vacation Options -- Not C&C Related, But Sailing Related

2015-11-25 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Look for a place that rents Hobies or similar. My Girls / Husbands and I rented some at the Bitter End, had a few races, it was a blast. Little squall came through, flipped them over, they had fun flipping them back– One of the many highlights . . .. Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PA From

Stus-List Barient 32ST

2015-12-01 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Another pair of Barients on EBay. &viewitem=&vxp=mtr Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PA ___ Email address: CnC-Lis

Re: Stus-List Jumper Batteries

2015-12-02 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Does anyone know if these are Lithium ion or Lithium Polmer, and if there is any advantage of one over the other? I know from my RC Plane that the LiPo batteries can catch on fire! A friend brought one of these around once when my Jetta Diesel battery went stone cold, and it didn’t give it even

Re: Stus-List Wabasto furness

2015-12-15 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Look at all those knock off hoverboards, blowing up like Pintos! Personally, I would get the Wasbasto. If, when you get it, it sez, ‘Made in China’, then I don’t know what to say . . . Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PA From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Fred H

Stus-List 2 Cyl Yanmar

2015-12-16 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Here is a cute little Yanmar that just popped up on my screen. Maybe it would have similar feature/dimensions as some marinized engines. Was probably for off road equipment. . . Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PA

Re: Stus-List Folding prop for 30-1 with A4

2015-12-22 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I am surprised you don't have ten different suggestions already. So I will just tell you to get yourself a nice 2 blade Flex-O-Fold and don't look back. Hard to go wrong there. Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PA -Original Message- From: CnC-List [] On Behal

Re: Stus-List Lines led forward

2015-12-22 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
MY layout – SB, Spinnaker and Jib halyard on mast, Main and Cunningham led back to clutches. Port, Spinnaker led back to clutch, also a cam cleat on mast. Mostly bear away sets. Jib halyard at mast, rarely used. Main Outhaul, Vang, & first reef also led back to cockpit. As someone mentioned,

Re: Stus-List To one and all

2015-12-24 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Um, thanks for all that Stu - but we're running around here by Lake Erie with no coats too! It's  gorgeous!   You didn't have to go all the way down  there -Just wish I hadn't taken my boat out. . . . Bill Coleman  Original message From: Stu via CnC-List Date: 12/24/2

Re: Stus-List New beer can Genoa

2015-12-25 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Actually,  that can end up being much more expensive.  I know.  Bill Coleman  Original message From: Rick Rohwer via CnC-List Date: 12/25/2015 3:24 PM (GMT-05:00) To: Cc: Rick Rohwer Subject: Re: Stus-List New beer can Genoa Jon, You could

Re: Stus-List Sydney Hobart Race

2015-12-27 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
True,  several years ago a Benetau 47 next to me almost sank out in the Lake due to a recent faulty bow thruster install.  Bill Coleman  Original message From: "Dennis C. via CnC-List" Date: 12/27/2015 12:44 PM (GMT-05:00) To: CnClist Cc: "Dennis C." Subject: Re

Re: Stus-List Automatic bilge pump switch help

2016-01-02 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Don't know how big the hose is, but smaller would leave less to drain.  I also   have an electronic switch,  - it is pumped through a Whale diaphragm pump,   which doesn't seem to allow much drain  back. It is also not high volume,  so an additional centrifugal pump is also helpful.  Bill

Re: Stus-List Bilge pump switch

2016-01-03 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I have the water witch, & my primary water is from the mast also and I have never had a problem - Bill Coleman  Original message From: Ted Drossos via CnC-List Date: 01/02/2016 11:15 PM (GMT-05:00) To: Cc: Ted Drossos Subject: Stus-List Bilg

Re: Stus-List C&C Nameplate

2016-01-05 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Beautiful ! You may have a future there - ! Seems like you should have the + on there, as the 37 is a completely different boat. Regards, Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie PA From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Gary Russell via CnC-List Sent: Tuesday, Janua

Re: Stus-List What's a Loud Hailer?

2016-01-07 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Yes,  like a hailing horn.  If it is like those from the 60's , you can also listen through it.  I actually have one,  just never installed it.  Couldn't see something to tacky on a boat I raced. I got my first SH in 2000 after returning from an ICW trip to FLA with a power boater neighbor

Re: Stus-List Source for Sturgeron?

2016-01-08 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Thanks for that link Rick, I didn’t realise you could game the system like that, the last time I tried that it didn’t work. Maybe it is because, as someone mentioned, that they actually source it out of UK. Interesting. One other note, even tho I want the Sturgeron for variety, I regularly

Re: Stus-List winter condensation

2016-01-08 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
BTW, compressed air dryers like those made by Van-Air use salt pellets over which the air passes. The water drips down and is drained out the bottom. I believe there is also calcium chloride in it too, and maybe some secret ingredients, but if you had a bucket with holes in the bottom and a muf

Re: Stus-List VHF / AIS

2016-01-08 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Just hang in there, I am sure next year they will have it in 2000 NMEA. Heaven forbid they do all this at one time. When I bought my 2150, I was cursing them for not putting the gps in it, and of course, why do that when they can put it in a couple years later and push everyone into an upgrade,

Re: Stus-List Engine Room Original Paint

2016-01-08 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
It wasn’t outlawred until ’78, so there is probably a good chance, unfortunately. Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PAanimated_favicon1 From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of bobmor99 . via CnC-List Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2016 8:56 PM To: Cc:

Re: Stus-List Name plates

2016-01-14 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Check With Vanna, I am sure she can help! Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PA From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Gary Russell via CnC-List Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2016 4:46 PM To: C&C List Cc: Gary Russell Subject: Re: Stus-List Name plates OK, so now I'm

Re: Stus-List Source for Sturgeron?

2016-01-14 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
but you are just a crew; much worse if you are the skipper (or you are single handling). I guess this is getting more important as many of us are getting “wiser” (read: older) and we start taking certain drugs on a regular basis (high pressure, cholesterol, etc.). Just my $0.02 Marek

Re: Stus-List Raymarine e-Series Chartplotters/MFDs

2016-01-15 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Mike, what is this auto dimming of which you speak? I have the e series, and must adjust manually. I cannot find anything in the manual about an auto dimming feature, and it is quite annoying, as when turning on in the morning after being dimmed at nite you cannot see anything on the screen, an

Re: Stus-List Looking for Hatch Hinge for A&H C&C 24 '77 model

2016-01-19 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Take the hinge off and have a weld shop build up the missing aluminum, then cut/grind/sand to original shape, and drill new holes. Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PA From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Alex Wolfe via CnC-List Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 2:09

Re: Stus-List DC distribution panels

2016-01-25 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Not sure what your panel looks like, but it can look good to just get a blank sheet black starboard or delrin and mount the Blue Sea onto that. That ‘s what I did, looks great. They make great stuff. Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PAanimated_favicon1 From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@c

Re: Stus-List 1980 C&C36 Headliner Panels

2016-01-25 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Are you talking about the cover panels that you remove to get at bolts? Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PA -Original Message- From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of sthoma20--- via CnC-List Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 9:22 AM To: Cc: sthom...

Re: Stus-List 1980 C&C36 Headliner Panels

2016-01-25 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
bject: Re: Stus-List 1980 C&C36 Headliner Panels Yes. Bill Coleman via CnC-List wrote: > Are you talking about the cover panels that you remove to get at bolts? > > Bill Coleman > C&C 39 Erie, PA > > -Original Message- > From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-l

Stus-List Barient 28ST on EBay

2016-01-25 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List &viewitem=&vxp=mtr Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PAanimated_favicon1 ___ Email address: To

Re: Stus-List Old C&C factories on Google Street View

2016-02-01 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
The saying goes, “ If you want to make a small fortune, take a large fortune and start a boat Shop.” Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PA From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Ryan Doyle via CnC-List Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 7:24 PM To: cnc-list@cnc-list.

Re: Stus-List ab inflatables

2016-02-04 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Is it valuable enough to take on the boat with you? I watched the fellow from Sailrite demo that at Annapolis, and I was so spellbound watching him make upholstery piping and such I was getting my credit card out, but then some woman started talking at him, and she seemed more interested, so I

Stus-List ProFurl Spinex

2016-02-11 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Well, PHRF-LE just allowed a foot extension for A-Sails with no penalty, so, I see a new stemhead fitting with a foot long bow roller in the future for the Coltrek. Has anyone had any experience with these Profurl Spinex spinnaker furlers with the roller balls on the torsion rope? And Defe

Re: Stus-List ProFurl Spinex

2016-02-11 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
New Bern, NC -Original Message- From: Bill Coleman via CnC-List To: cnc-list Cc: Bill Coleman Sent: Thu, Feb 11, 2016 4:06 pm Subject: Stus-List ProFurl Spinex Well, PHRF-LE just allowed a foot extension for A-Sails with no penalty, so, I see a new stemhead fit

Re: Stus-List Nav Station Panel and Volt Meter Recommendations

2016-02-15 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I used Starboard with that kind of pebbled finish. Not like your setup, tho. Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PA From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Jake Brodersen via CnC-List Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 1:30 PM To: Cc: Jake Brodersen Subje

Re: Stus-List Landfall 38 Atkins & Hoyle hatch seals

2016-02-17 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I have a roll of 3/8, I could send you some for shipping. I have the larger Atkins Hatch, the cord for that seems to be around 10 mm. I don’t have a roll of that. Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PAanimated_favicon1 From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Dreuge via

Re: Stus-List Landfall 38 Atkins & Hoyle hatch seals

2016-02-17 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Measure twice cut once. And yes I do mean half inch, and I think it was a CH more. Or less. Now I'll have to pull that out and measure it again because I know it was around a half an inch, certainly not 3/8. Bill Coleman  Original message From: Dreuge Date: 2/17/2016

Re: Stus-List Stus list Soft shackle

2016-02-17 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I put some of that white vinyl over my baby stay to get it to pass over.Bill Coleman  Original message From: David Knecht via CnC-List Date: 2/17/2016 8:43 PM (GMT-05:00) To: CnC CnC discussion list Cc: David Knecht Subject: Re: Stus-List Stus list Soft shackle I am inter

Re: Stus-List paragon v-drive transmission

2016-02-22 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
One of the times I changed trannies, I had to modify the lever on the tranny. I had to drill a hole closer to the axis, as It didn’t have enough throw to completely engage reverse. This shortened the length you had to move the lever. I have to agree, no one would design a shift wherein you had

Re: Stus-List Sale alert automatic inflatable harness

2016-02-22 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I thought Sospenders came up with these first, but maybe they were just the first in the USA. Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PA From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Russ & Melody via CnC-List Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 12:07 PM To: Cc:

Re: Stus-List New sail for the roller furler?

2016-02-23 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I’ve never heard of a marina getting discounted pricing on a sail – is that common? Seems like that would complicate their life, what with adjustments, measurements, etc. Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PA From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Jack Fitzgerald via

Re: Stus-List Handicap questions for JAM racers

2016-02-23 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I think the sport boats get screwed in the Jam Races, at least on L Erie, Their overall rating incorporates their sprit, which they get no use from in a JAM, not to mention their small jibs. Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PAanimated_favicon1 From: CnC-List [

Re: Stus-List Handicap questions for JAM racers

2016-02-23 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I see a little difference, but not a lot. And I am not sure where that comes from. I just know that they are still rated kind of high (in JAM), which makes them not as competitive, and they get discouraged. Of course in certain spinnaker races they kick ass. Regards, Bill Coleman Fro

Re: Stus-List Cushions smell

2016-02-26 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Another thing that is helpful, is putting it out in the sunlight and breeze. UV light kills lots of spores and other problems Bill Coleman  Original message From: Pete Shelquist via CnC-List Date: 2/25/2016 7:30 PM (GMT-05:00) To:, cnc-list@cnc

Re: Stus-List Window Replacement

2016-03-04 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I discovered, much to my chagrin, that diesel softens 5200. Also a heated putty knife or wire. Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PAanimated_favicon1 From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Rick Brass via CnC-List Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2016 1:31 PM To: cnc-list@cnc

Re: Stus-List FM antenna?

2016-03-07 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
I have one of those and it works fine. Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PAanimated_favicon1 From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Chuck Saur via CnC-List Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2016 6:56 PM To: Cc: Chuck Saur Subject: Stus-List FM antenna?

Re: Stus-List Birth of a Mega Putt Putt

2016-03-07 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
A friend of mine was interning in the early 70’s at C&C, and the Mega was one of his projects. I forwarded to him this post by Stu, and this was his comment below - Cracks me up! Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PA Subject: Re: Stus-List Birth of a Mega Putt Putt This damn boat will

Re: Stus-List filling old screw holes in the cabin ceiling liner

2016-03-10 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Another alternative are white hole plugs available at hardware’s and Home Depot, etc, Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PA From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Bill Bina - gmail via CnC-List Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2016 12:36 PM To: Cc: Bill

Re: Stus-List Gooseneck fitting

2016-03-13 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
If I am understanding you correctly, I would think you could bore those holes slightly oversize, and squeeze in either a stainless tube bushing, or Nylon of Delrin bushing, which would make a much nicer bearing surface. Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PA -Original Message- From: CnC-L

Re: Stus-List Wiring an inverter

2016-03-13 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Just a note here, I notice Del City is now handling a lot of Blue Sea inventory. %20sea&mpp=72 Don't know how their prices compare. Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PA -Original Message- From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-l

Stus-List Irgarol

2016-03-14 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List Just in case someone hasn’t gotten the whole scoop. Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PA ___ Email address:

Re: Stus-List Irgarol

2016-03-14 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
aint--P014131809> Bill Bina On 3/14/2016 8:47 AM, Bill Coleman via CnC-List wrote: ggle-with-the-loss-of-herbicide-irgarol/ Just in case someone hasn't gotten the whol

Re: Stus-List Irgarol - reply from Interlux

2016-03-14 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
My best guess is, that they switched suppliers. That’s the problem of using a House Brand, they pick the lowest cost provider and keep selling it as their own. They probably offshored it. Pettit is Pettit. Interlux is Interlux. Just my opinion, of course. Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PA

Re: Stus-List Rudder replacement

2016-03-18 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Guilty as charged. Maybe Infamously would be more appropriate. I think we tend to feel that we have to fix these boats to factory standards when we get them, but in reality as they get older, they get more customized, which is not a bad thing. I don’t think anyone would want to replace their

Re: Stus-List Fire blankets

2016-03-19 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Viola - Joe just gave me a reason to leave my CO2 bottle on the boat - 3 reasons.  1st, (what I got it for ) to blow a big ship horn, 2nd, to push my favorite craft beer , ( I may have to get a large cooler ), and 3rd, put out fires! Bill Coleman  Original message From

Re: Stus-List Fire blankets, beer & wool

2016-03-21 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Not sure what you mean by 'Welding Head', but it has a high volume regulator, the typical regulator that would handle welding gasses or pushing beer did not have the volume to handle a ships horn. No dip tube, but I suspect that If I turned it upside down it may come out liquid, I have never expe

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