Depends.  If you are doing short, around the cans windward – Leeward races in 
the bay, In our case the A sail would not be a winner. However, having said 
that, if I had this setup, we would be likely use it unless we had a crew of 7 
or 8, which rarely happens. 

Longer triangles, beautiful, and long races you can’t beat it. The sailmaker 
that made mine asked me how I did a horizon job on him in a 41 mile race.  I 
told him I put the spinnaker pole on it!  He also has an asymmetric, and  said 
that thought had never occurred to him! Well, a month later he has a beast of a 
spinnaker pole, and he uses it regularly.  Except for dead down wind, the a 
sail is actually faster than a symmetrical because of the flatter luff.  It is 
a little more trouble, as you have to re-attach the tack, gybe the sail in 
front of the headstay,  re-attach to the pole. . . however, being able to roll 
this up seems like it will make life a lot easier.




Bill Coleman


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Charlie 
Nelson via CnC-List
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List ProFurl Spinex


I understood, mostly from comments on this list, that using an A-sail on a 
displacement hull and sail plan rigged for a mast head spinnaker was not 
recommended, except perhaps for short-handed racing. 


Is this incorrect, out-of date or still true?


Charlie Nelson

C&C 36XL

New Bern, NC



-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Coleman via CnC-List <>
To: cnc-list <>
Cc: Bill Coleman <>
Sent: Thu, Feb 11, 2016 4:06 pm
Subject: Stus-List ProFurl Spinex

Well, PHRF-LE just allowed a foot extension for A-Sails with no penalty, so, I 
see a new stemhead fitting with a foot long bow roller in the future for the 


Has anyone had any experience with these Profurl Spinex spinnaker furlers with 
the roller balls on the torsion rope? 

And Defender just happens to have some of these on sale . .. 





Bill Coleman

C&C 39 Erie, PA


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