Guilty as charged.  Maybe Infamously would be more appropriate.

I think we tend to feel that we have to fix these boats to factory standards 
when we get them, but in reality as they get older, they get more customized, 
which is not a bad thing. I don’t think anyone would want to replace  their 
traveler with an original Schaffer Traveler when you could have a nice Harken 
instead – 
Back in the early eighties I was re-doing C&C rudders locally for a number of 
models, as it became widely understood that more control was needed, and they 
were modified to be less wide but deeper. By that, I mean just taking the 
original rudders, and cutting the framework off and welding new foils on, 
narrower and deeper, nothing else on my part. Interestingly, my father was 
sailing on a C&C 39 at the time, owned by an even older curmudgeon (my dad was 
NOT a curmudgeon)  who was in the market for a new rudder.  I offered to my dad 
that I would do Mearl’s  for free, and he declined, saying that “if anything at 
all was not right, he would never hear the end of it.”   Fast forward 18 years, 
I am now the owner of that very same 39, hauling it out in October to find I 
was missing nearly half that rudder that had been rebuilt at Bruckman’s.  I 
rebuilt it in 14 Gauge SS skin and moved the shaft back 2 ½” for better 
balance. A few years later I removed it and cut the corners off and made it 
elliptical, just because in my mind it seemed a less turbulent shape.  It is 
completely neutral in weight.  On  high to low reaches I can take my hands off 
and it sails itself.  And sorry,  no, I am not interested in making any, just 
mentioning this as another option. In my mind, an epoxy (or Polyester) to SS 
joint is eventually going to leak, they just do not stick to each other very 

Another on/off lister from Toronto/BC had Bob Perry do him a design for a 39 
which looked sweet.  That rudder snapped off at the exit point,  (no reflection 
on Perry) so there is no need in my mentioning who fabricated that one.


Bill Coleman

C&C 39 Erie, PA


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Della Barba, 
Joe via CnC-List
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2016 2:27 PM
To: ''
Cc: Della Barba, Joe
Subject: Re: Stus-List Rudder replacement


I friend of mine took his rudder home over the winter, cut a skin off, scooped 
all the rotten foam out, refilled it with an epoxy-microballon mix, and glued 
the skin back on. YMMV, no idea if this is the best way, but it was cheap.

Also someone famously made an all-stainless rudder.






From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of John Pennie 
via CnC-List
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2016 2:22 PM
Cc: John Pennie
Subject: Re: Stus-List Rudder replacement


When I was working with Rob on the 51, he freely admitted that rudder design 
back then was more art than science.  That's not to say slap anything on but I 
wouldn't feel obliged to duplicate your existing rudder to perfection if the 
mold isn't available.


On the post and structure inside the rudder you really won't know until the 
skins are removed and you get to see it.  Hopefully all is fine but given your 
comments...  Who knows, maybe you get to have the fun of deciding on a 
stainless vs. Carbon post! Is there a local designer you can speak with or a 
yard that frequently handles such work?


Good luck and sorry to hear of the problem.







Sent from my iPad

On Mar 18, 2016, at 1:30 PM, Brian Fry via CnC-List <> 

Rudder is in need of major repair. Got a quote for a replacement for less than 
a repair, but not an exact copy (they don't have a mold). Also 2/3 the cost of 
having a mold made and then a replacement made from that.

I had drilled a dozen  holes to drain water over the winter to avoid freeze 
expansion causing more damage. Found many of the holes drilled had just voids 
behind them, no foam, others had a gritty white material that was saturated 
with water. Saw pictures here and elsewhere of same rudder repair needed.


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2016 12:21:42 -0400
From: John Pennie <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List Rudder replacement
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I seriously considered this on my 51.  Even had Rob design the new rudder.  In 
the end I decided that I couldn't justify the cost.

Why are you looking to change?



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