Re: Stus-List Sail Shackle

2019-06-11 Thread John Irvin via CnC-List
In a pinch white plastic plumbing elbows can do. Sent from my iPhone On Jun 10, 2019, at 11:13 PM, John Conklin via CnC-List>> wrote: Few Maint. Items I Looked through several catalogs and no luck Think this is called a sail shackle from Track slide ( Is OK ) to s

Re: Stus-List Sail Shackle

2019-06-11 Thread CHARLES SCHEAFFER via CnC-List
You need to measure the size of the sail shackle as there are many different sizes and styles. It doesn't need to match exactly, just the length is important so the sail remains the same distance from the mast track. The vent fitting is shot. I'd replace the whole fitting as you can see corrosi

Re: Stus-List 30 MK I PHRF Rating

2019-06-11 Thread Hoyt, Mike via CnC-List
Hi Randy When comparing boats across different areas make sure you look at other boats in those areas as well. Pacific NW tends to rate most of their fleet 9 – 12 sec/mile slower than most other areas … not just the C&C 30. Also look at the prevailing wind conditions in the areas. Northern Ca

Re: Stus-List 30 MK I PHRF Rating

2019-06-11 Thread dwight veinot via CnC-List
Most of our best racing fun happens whenever we see another mast on a boat with similar rating to Alianna. These “races” usually take less than 15 min to decide who has the edge on any particular tack then we break away to have fun going wherever we want to go. That said we have done hundreds of ha

Re: Stus-List 30 MK I PHRF Rating

2019-06-11 Thread Matthew L. Wolford via CnC-List
Different PHRF organizations in different parts of the country assign ratings based on performance (the P in PHRF). If the boat does better in heavy weather, for example, its racing results will be better in regions where there is more wind (and thus a lower base rating). If it’s a light air b

Re: Stus-List 30 MK I PHRF Rating

2019-06-11 Thread Matthew L. Wolford via CnC-List
What Edd refers to as “corruption” I referred to in my earlier note as “local politics.” In my view Edd is correct – corrupt local politics is probably the biggest factor in rating anomalies. From: Edd Schillay via CnC-List Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 4:42 PM To: Cc: Edd

Re: Stus-List 30 MK I PHRF Rating

2019-06-11 Thread David Risch via CnC-List
Well my 1981 40-2 is definitely a light air screamer. Yet she rates faster in Buzzards Bay (home of the Smokin’ Southwester), than Narragansett Bay which has lighter winds. Go figure. I stick to long distance races now where those anomalies iron out (hopefully). David F. Risch Gulf Stream A

Re: Stus-List 30 MK I PHRF Rating

2019-06-11 Thread Richard Bush via CnC-List
Matt and Edd; I agree, that's why I quit racing... Richard s/v Bushmark4: 1985 C&C 37 CB: Ohio River, Mile 584.4 Richard N. Bush  2950 Breckenridge Lane, Suite Nine Louisville, Kentucky 40220-1462 502-584-7255 -Original Message- From: Matthew L. Wolford via CnC-List To: cnc-list

Re: Stus-List 30 MK I PHRF Rating

2019-06-11 Thread Dennis C. via CnC-List
The imperfections of handicap systems have been discussed a lot. You just have to accept them with all their warts. One protection against local politics is to race a boat which has several sisterboats. If your boat is the only one like it in the fleet and you win a lot, you probably will be hit

Re: Stus-List 30 MK I PHRF Rating

2019-06-11 Thread Matthew L. Wolford via CnC-List
Correct (as usual) about sport boats. It’s hard to beat a boat capable of doing sport-boat speeds in moderate to heavy air. From: Dennis C. via CnC-List Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 10:18 AM To: CnClist Cc: Dennis C. Subject: Re: Stus-List 30 MK I PHRF Rating The imperfections of handicap sy

Re: Stus-List 30 MK I PHRF Rating

2019-06-11 Thread CHARLES SCHEAFFER via CnC-List
FWIW, stating what I learned. The PHRF is a rating based on projected boat speeds in multiple wind speeds on every angle of the wind. They use one number for a typical boat in all wind and sea conditions. This works OK for triangle races which provide upwind, reaching, downwind legs and if a

Re: Stus-List Spreader boots.

2019-06-11 Thread Daniel Cormier via CnC-List
Has anyone tried using fire hose or Something similar? I have triple spreaders and some of mine have three holes and are needing replacement. Dan Cormier Breakaweigh C&c44 Halifax, NS Sent from my iPhone > On Jun 10, 2019, at 4:53 PM, Thomas Perison via CnC-List > wrote: > > I bought from We

Re: Stus-List Spreader boots.

2019-06-11 Thread Bill Coleman via CnC-List
It seems like I got some from a small Canadian site on EBay once, they were Clam-Style, White Plastisol. You could trim them to fit. Kind of like Taylor Made style. Bill Coleman Erie, PAanimated_favicon1 From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Daniel Cormier vi

Stus-List PHRF Racing

2019-06-11 Thread Charlie Nelson via CnC-List
I have felt your pain Chuck!  I used to race regularly in a non-spin fleet of racer-cruisers with ratings similar to mine out of Oriental, NC albeit with a crew of 4+. When we started racing my 36XL/kcb with a 7.25 ' draft would usually be the first to the weather mark on round the buoy races. 

Re: Stus-List Spreader boots.

2019-06-11 Thread Marek Dziedzic via CnC-List
Have you tried using rigging tape? It works quite well. Marek 1994 C270 Legato Ottawa, ON From: Bill Coleman via CnC-List Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 12:50 To: Cc: Bill Coleman Subject: Re: Stus-List Spreader boots. It seems like I got some from a small Canadian site on EB

Re: Stus-List Spreader boots.

2019-06-11 Thread Dan via CnC-List
Thanks, yes, rigging tape is my backup - especially the rubber-y stuff. Dan On Tue, Jun 11, 2019 at 2:49 PM Marek Dziedzic via CnC-List <> wrote: > Have you tried using rigging tape? It works quite well. > > Marek > 1994 C270 Legato > Ottawa, ON > > *From:* Bill Coleman via

Stus-List Fwd: Offshore Trip to South Puget Sound

2019-06-11 Thread Kevin Driscoll via CnC-List
C&C Owners, Below is an email I sent to friends and sailors about my recent single handed trip from Hood River, Oregon to Olympia, Washington. As the crow flies it is less than 200 miles, but on the water it is up around 550 nautical miles. Read below and see the link to my custom lee clothes on th

Re: Stus-List 30 MK I PHRF Rating

2019-06-11 Thread Randy Stafford via CnC-List
Thanks y’all for your interesting comments on this. I got my new rating yesterday and it came back 180. The handicapper wrote in the “notes and clarifications” section of my RSA’s PHRF certificate form the following: "There are no comparables listed in US Sailing for this model of boat in the

Re: Stus-List PHRF Racing

2019-06-11 Thread John Conklin via CnC-List
Charlie, Sounds as though I have moved into your slot in Oriental. Oh yes The etchells and j24 are still here! :) I don't have the rating you do with my 37, but yes we are generally always first to the weather Mark! Last week on the down wind leg same thing you mention in 4-knots and Mr Tartan

Re: Stus-List 30 MK I PHRF Rating

2019-06-11 Thread dwight veinot via CnC-List
As i know the C&C 30 MKI your phrf at 180 is fair. Don’t know about the other boats you typically race against but 180 is good and especially if it includes spin and folding prop. Max headsail use LP150 for this but in light air the boat can easily handle a 160/170 probably with a corresponding rat

Re: Stus-List Spreader boots.

2019-06-11 Thread bwhitmore via CnC-List
Ok, being the frugal *ahem* I am, I can think of  a number of solutions including cutting your own leather, cutting thick but flexible highly UV resistant plastic or even cutting and taping the highly abrasion resistant white ribbed hose like West Marine sells for through hulls and waste hose. 

Re: Stus-List PHRF Racing

2019-06-11 Thread james via CnC-List
John, You are tempting me to come out of retirement! With you, Charlie, Mark and maybe get Rick Brass to come down from Washington, we could have a 5 boat C&C class. Except for Charlie, we all have very similar PHRF ratings! I won't make any promises, "life" is giving us some challenges these

Re: Stus-List Fwd: Offshore Trip to South Puget Sound

2019-06-11 Thread Jim Watts via CnC-List
Thanks for sharing, Kevin. Sounds like you had a good trip, and excellent experience. Jim Watts Paradigm Shift C&C 35 Mk III Victoria, BC On Tue, 11 Jun 2019 at 11:21, Kevin Driscoll via CnC-List <> wrote: > C&C Owners, > Below is an email I sent to friends and sailors abo

Re: Stus-List Fwd: Offshore Trip to South Puget Sound

2019-06-11 Thread David Castor via CnC-List
Kevin, Were you able to (or choose to) sail while headed up WA coast? Wind is generally out of the north. Also how far off the coast did you go and any issues with crab pots? Recommendation that we got was to follow the 50 fathom line. But still saw pot floats. Congrats on your voyage. Dave C

Re: Stus-List PHRF Racing

2019-06-11 Thread John Conklin via CnC-List
James That would be amazing !! There are several others C&Cs local in Oriental as well that I know prob would not race However…. We could have us a mini Rendezvous! I have a land base home I am willing to share as well, and to make it worth while and to go with the beer ! How’s about some W

Re: Stus-List PHRF Racing

2019-06-11 Thread detroito91 via CnC-List
What ratings do ya'll carry?Rick and I are planning to sail the dragon's breath regatta. That gives 2 more c&c'sJim Schwartz SEA YA!38 landfall Washington nc  Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone Original message From: james via CnC-List Date: 6/11/19 5:13 PM (GMT-0

Re: Stus-List PHRF Racing

2019-06-11 Thread Rick Brass via CnC-List
Unfortunately, Jim Schwartz (Sea Ya, LF38) and I - and maybe Tex Melton (35’ Edge) - will be doing a delivery during the Dragon’s Breath. But I would definitely be interested in doing a mid-Atlantic Rendezvous for the Oriental Cup in September. Rick Brass Imzadi C&C 38 mk2 #47 la Be

Re: Stus-List PHRF Racing

2019-06-11 Thread detroito91 via CnC-List
Glad you told me rick.I'll scratch that one off.Tex is sailing with me this weekend in the ocracoke HAPPY  B'DAY  RICKJim Schwartz SEA YA !38 landfall  Washington nc Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone Original message From: Rick Brass via CnC-List Date: 6/11/19 10:

Re: Stus-List PHRF Racing

2019-06-11 Thread John Conklin via CnC-List
Bummer ! Good luck out there this weekend Jim !! You doing Spin Class? Lets go with the Oriental Cup plan and see who we can round up ! I know of room free dockage for at least 2 CB boats 32-37 w 5ft draft and right next to my house!! Rick, I know it’s a long shot but I could use 1 crew

Re: Stus-List PHRF Racing

2019-06-11 Thread detroito91 via CnC-List
Still learning the big boat.  Non - spin.We'll be there for oriental cup in September Jim SchwartzSEA YA!38 landfall Washington nc Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone Original message From: John Conklin Date: 6/11/19 10:51 PM (GMT-05:00) To: