Re: Stus-List Race scoring

2013-11-10 Thread Gary Nylander
: Dennis C. To: Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2013 7:10 PM Subject: Re: Stus-List Race scoring I like rewarding the winner of the most competitive class. Use the differences of scores of the top 3 boats in each class. Or use the difference in times of the top 3 in

Re: Stus-List Race scoring

2013-11-10 Thread dwight
: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of patricia barkley-higginbottom Sent: November 9, 2013 3:05 PM To: Subject: Stus-List Race scoring Would like to ask the list about scoring. In a fleet the winner of a series is the low point boat based on corrected

Re: Stus-List Race scoring

2013-11-09 Thread Edd Schillay
Harold, The issue, IMHO, is the low-point scoring system and I would suggest moving to high point or cox-sprague. With high point, a boat who beat more boats would get a higher score -- then the boat with the highest score overall will win the overall award. Again, this may not be the fastest

Re: Stus-List Race scoring

2013-11-09 Thread Dennis C.
I like rewarding the winner of the most competitive class. Use the differences of scores of the top 3 boats in each class. Or use the difference in times of the top 3 in each class. Winner of the tightest class is overall winner. This will usually eliminate rewarding a strong boat in a weak c

Stus-List Race scoring

2013-11-09 Thread patricia barkley-higginbottom
Would like to ask the list about scoring. In a fleet the winner of a series is the low point boat based on corrected times for each race. We have three fleets who compete for an overall trophy. The winner has been determined by the lowest overall time for the race series. Each fleet sails the sa