I like rewarding the winner of the most competitive class. Use the differences 
of scores of the top 3 boats in each class.  Or use the difference in times of 
the top 3 in each class.  Winner of the tightest class is overall winner. 

This will usually eliminate rewarding a strong boat in a weak class. 

Dennis C.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 9, 2013, at 2:05 PM, "patricia barkley-higginbottom" 
> <patrici...@cogeco.ca> wrote:
> Would like to ask the list about scoring. In a fleet the winner of a series 
> is the low point boat based on corrected times for each race. We have three 
> fleets who compete for an overall trophy. The winner has been determined by 
> the lowest overall time for the race series. Each fleet sails the same 
> course, but using three different start times. This year an anomaly occurred 
> in that the low point boat of the three fleets, which usually equates to the 
> lowest overall time, did not win, and indeed a boat that did not win its 
> fleet, coming second, won overall because it had a shorter accumulated time.
> To rationalize it I have been told that this is like a boat beats another in 
> each of ten races by 5 seconds. For the next two races the previously second 
> place boat wins each by 5 minutes. On overall time he is now the overall 
> winner.
> Is this not bizarre.
> Comments would be welcome, particularly from persons knowing how other clubs 
> deal with similar situations.
> C&C 35-3
> Celtic Spirit
> Hamilton, ON
> Harold.
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