Would like to ask the list about scoring. In a fleet the winner of a series is 
the low point boat based on corrected times for each race. We have three fleets 
who compete for an overall trophy. The winner has been determined by the lowest 
overall time for the race series. Each fleet sails the same course, but using 
three different start times. This year an anomaly occurred in that the low 
point boat of the three fleets, which usually equates to the lowest overall 
time, did not win, and indeed a boat that did not win its fleet, coming second, 
won overall because it had a shorter accumulated time.
To rationalize it I have been told that this is like a boat beats another in 
each of ten races by 5 seconds. For the next two races the previously second 
place boat wins each by 5 minutes. On overall time he is now the overall winner.
Is this not bizarre.
Comments would be welcome, particularly from persons knowing how other clubs 
deal with similar situations.
C&C 35-3
Celtic Spirit
Hamilton, ON

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