Re: Stus-List C&C Nameplate

2016-01-06 Thread Gary Russell via CnC-List
Hi Tom, Wow, your nameplates are in really good shape. They don't look like acrylic. It's obviously a material that stands up better. I have made some improvements to my model since yesterday and now includes the "R". See:

Re: Stus-List Jib sheet

2016-01-06 Thread Dennis C. via CnC-List
I also have double sheets with eyes and soft shackles. Sail zips through the foretriangle with no hanging up on the shrouds. Highly recommended. Dennis C. Touche' 35-1 #83 Mandeville, LA On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 8:56 PM, William Walker via CnC-List <> wrote: > I went with t

Re: Stus-List Jib sheet

2016-01-06 Thread Chuck Gilchrest via CnC-List
Mike, As a sheet material for cruising, you're not going to go wrong with a polyester double braid. Higher tech ropes (Technora, Spectra, Dyneema, Vectran) tend to have lower stretch, but will be stiffer and tend to take a "set" around a winch which can lead to tangles and twists in the rope when

Re: Stus-List Wally back

2016-01-06 Thread Chuck S via CnC-List
Wally, You have been silent for too long yet, living your dream in Mexico/Baja, you remain a legend and are missed like Harrison Ford from a Star Wars movie. Bit of advice if you have a son; don't give him a hug if he carries a "Light Saber" Just sayin. Welcome back. Happy holidays all

Re: Stus-List Jib sheet

2016-01-06 Thread William Walker via CnC-List
I went with two sheets, each with an eye splice secured with soft shackles to Clew of sail. Absolutely nothing to get hung up on babystay. Love the arrangement. Bill Walker CnC 36 Pentwater, Mi Sent from AOL Mobile Mail On Wednesday, January 6, 2016 Chuck Gilchrest via CnC-List wrote: Mik

Re: Stus-List Jib sheet

2016-01-06 Thread Michael Crombie via CnC-List
Thanks all!! Always a good call to double check with this list. I'll stick with separate sheets. Mike Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network. Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell. ___ Email a

Re: Stus-List Jib sheet

2016-01-06 Thread jhnelson via CnC-List
Well stated. Sent from my Samsung device Original message From: Chuck Gilchrest via CnC-List Date: 2016-01-06 22:40 (GMT-04:00) To: Cc: Chuck Gilchrest Subject: Re: Stus-List Jib sheet Mike, If you ever need to cut free a jib sheet, (to dea

Re: Stus-List Jib sheet

2016-01-06 Thread Chuck Gilchrest via CnC-List
Mike, If you ever need to cut free a jib sheet, (to deal with a winch override or other calamity) it is better to have two sheets tied to the clew than just one continuous sheet with a cow hitch in the middle (or even luggage tagged to the sail). If you tie your bowlines with small eyes and long t

Re: Stus-List Jib sheet

2016-01-06 Thread Jeffrey Nelson via CnC-List
The ring hitch might be extremely difficult to remove at year end...but a bowline in a bight might be a better choice if you are going to take the sheets off at end of season. Could also use a soft shackle. If you really tighten up your bowlines I can't see why they would bind on the baby stay

Re: Stus-List C&C Nameplate

2016-01-06 Thread Chuck S via CnC-List
Ken, I like the last version, best because it looks the cleanest and easiest to read. My 2 cents. - Original Message - From: "Ken Heaton via CnC-List" To: "cnc-list" Cc: "Ken Heaton" Sent: Wednesday, January 6, 2016 5:28:00 AM Subject: Re: Stus-List C&C Nameplate Here are a t

Re: Stus-List winter condensation

2016-01-06 Thread Chuck S via CnC-List
Agree with you about higher moisture this year on the Chesapeake. Once the temps stay below 40, it should be less of a problem? But for now, the sun warms the air and the moisture condenses on cold surfaces of the boat interior. I'm reading the other responses, but I'm not sure that DampRid is

Stus-List Jib sheet

2016-01-06 Thread Michael Crombie via CnC-List
The Toronto Boat show is approaching and i'm putting together my list. My jib sheets have seen better days so I need to replace them. Am thinking of going with a single sheet with a ring hitch at the clew because my bowlines tend to snag on the baby stay. Is there any reason NOT to do this??

Re: Stus-List Bulkhead mounted drop down table

2016-01-06 Thread Eric Baumes via CnC-List
You should make the suggestion to follow the lead of YRALIS! On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 6:01 PM, William Walker via CnC-List <> wrote: > Eric, > Interesting. Lake Michigan phrf regs do not contain such an exception > and state that base handicap "assumes standard hull AND i

Re: Stus-List winter condensation

2016-01-06 Thread Patrick Davin via CnC-List
One thing to keep in mind is that at some point the surface area of calcium chloride exposed becomes more important than how much volume/weight of it you have. I've found a big tub of Damprid will eventually form a solid layer at the top. At that point all the bulk dry salt under there is doing you

Re: Stus-List C&C Nameplate

2016-01-06 Thread Tom Buscaglia via CnC-List
Beautiful day here on Vashon Island. High 40's and sunny! Great excuse for a walk down to Alera, for sure! As promised. Looks like the paint on the raised portion is all wore off. But aside from that they are in pretty good shape. Dimensions are 19 3/8" X 2." Also the bottom edge appears

Re: Stus-List Headsail

2016-01-06 Thread Dennis C. via CnC-List
It could be an old Hood Seafoil. Basically a rod with twin grooves. Dennis C. Sent from my iPhone > On Jan 6, 2016, at 12:20 PM, James Nichols via CnC-List > wrote: > > I am trying to figure out my head sail arrangement. I don't have self > furling, I do have rod rigging (probably original

Re: Stus-List Headsail

2016-01-06 Thread Gary Nylander via CnC-List
I have a Head Foil on my forestay – twin grooves to handle two sails (put the new one up while the old one is up and then dump the old one). It fit pretty tightly on the forestay, but I guess it would spin if forced. No furling. The sails have rope luffs. James, if your sails have hanks on

Re: Stus-List Headsail

2016-01-06 Thread Josh Muckley via CnC-List
You could have what is called a "tough-luff". Every one I've seen spins. You're fine. Yours probably slides up and down a little too. Josh Muckley S/V Sea Hawk 1989 C&C 37+ Solomons, MD On Jan 6, 2016 1:21 PM, "James Nichols via CnC-List" wrote: > I am trying to figure out my head sail arrange

Re: Stus-List C&C Nameplate

2016-01-06 Thread Gary Russell via CnC-List
Chuck, After taking closer measurements, I have concluded that the ratio of blade to handle on the sword is closer to 4 to 1 than the 3 to 1 in my model. I will adjust accordingly. Thanks, Gary ~~~_/)~~ On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 4:16 AM, Gary W. Russell wrote: > Chuck, > Does

Re: Stus-List C&C Nameplate

2016-01-06 Thread Gary Russell via CnC-List
Cool! Gary ~~~_/)~~ On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 2:36 PM, Tom Buscaglia via CnC-List <> wrote: > I'll be heading down to Alera this afternoon to drop off my dehumidifier > and will take the time to undo the dodger and take some pictures of the > Nameplate. Since it has

Re: Stus-List winter condensation

2016-01-06 Thread Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List
I am down there every other day or maybe third day, so I should catch it before it overflows. Good point though – have to watch where the bucket sits. BTW – this is a new issue for us here on the Chesapeake. The amount of moisture below is like 10-20 times what I usually deal with. Joe Coquina

Re: Stus-List Headsail

2016-01-06 Thread Martin DeYoung via CnC-List
>… the track that I have on the front stay… James, Do you have pictures of Kristy’s forestay available online? Your description makes me think you may have a 70’s era StreamStay type headsail luff rope system. Do your headsails have hanks attached or a luff tape/rope? If you do have the orig

Re: Stus-List C&C Nameplate

2016-01-06 Thread Tom Buscaglia via CnC-List
I'll be heading down to Alera this afternoon to drop off my dehumidifier and will take the time to undo the dodger and take some pictures of the Nameplate. Since it has been under a dodger or winter cover for most of the time, it's in fairly pristine condition. Tom B Tom Buscaglia SV Alera 1

Re: Stus-List winter condensation

2016-01-06 Thread Bruce Pope via CnC-List
I hang the CaCl in nylon stockings over big buckets in the v-berth, head, and salon. Cut nylon in half, fill each leg 1/2 way, lasts about a month and no worries about overflow. Plus my girlfriend loves it when I use her nylons for stuff like that. Someone mentioned mold/mildew formation. I

Re: Stus-List Acoustic Insulation

2016-01-06 Thread jim schwartz via CnC-List
is this insulation meant to be attached to the inside of the engine compartment for sound dampening? jim sea ya! c&c 38 lf -Original Message- From: James Nichols via CnC-List To: cnc-list Cc: James Nichols Sent: Wed, Jan 6, 2016 1:32 pm Subject: Stus-List Acoustic Insulation You mi

Re: Stus-List winter condensation

2016-01-06 Thread S Thomas via CnC-List
Makes sense to save money, but I would want to find out how to estimate the pounds of CaCl to size of bucket ratio. Nothing like an overflowing bucket of salty water in an untended boat. Steve Thomas Port Stanley, ON - Original Message - From: Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List To:

Stus-List Acoustic Insulation

2016-01-06 Thread James Nichols via CnC-List
You might look into Mineral Wool insulation.  It is dense and works great as a mass based sound dampener,  it is fire proof,   so engine heat will have no effect on it.  Non-toxic,  fairly rigid,  easy to shape with a serrated blade.  Tons of benefits and I can't think of any drawbacks.  You shoul

Re: Stus-List winter condensation

2016-01-06 Thread Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List
Note that Damp-Rid is actually calcium chloride. I am going to buy a big bag of it at Home Depot and leave a bucket sitting out. We will see how well that works. Joe Coquina From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Hoyt, Mike via CnC-List Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 20

Stus-List Headsail

2016-01-06 Thread James Nichols via CnC-List
I am trying to figure out my head sail arrangement.  I don't have self furling, I do have rod rigging (probably original, will be thoroughly inspected before I put it under stress).  I am guessing that the track that I have on the front stay is there because you can't hank directly onto the rod.

Re: Stus-List Engine Room Original Paint

2016-01-06 Thread Ronald B. Frerker via CnC-List
Definitely wear a proper mask when sanding.  Scrape first to minimize the dust in the air.Collect the dust as best you can (you don't want it in the boat) and double bag for disposal.  Remember it is considered a hazardous waste and the RCRA rules apply.RonWild CheriC&C30-1STL From: Ru

Stus-List Acoustic insulation in Canada

2016-01-06 Thread Mitchell's via CnC-List
Quite often Holland Marine has acoustic insulation on a big discount at the Toronto Boat Show. (Next week!) Your timing may be perfect. Len Sent from my mobile device. ___ Email address: To change your list preferences, includ

Stus-List Wheel replacement C&C35 mk3

2016-01-06 Thread Chuck Saur via CnC-List
Thanks all for info and perspectives on the retro-wheel-fit. Chuck G, thanks for the Edson help. The ebay pic showed the wheel on an Edson ped but you may be right on with the metric possibility. I will not modify the hub shaft. I will toy around with the wheel. I have an additional Edson shaf

Re: Stus-List CnC-List Digest, Acoustic Insulation in Toronto

2016-01-06 Thread Alex Giannelia via CnC-List
s the third. Everyone is pretty convinced that >> Ken has the best nameplate. All of the 37+'ers seem up for a bulk >> order of nameplates. If you figure out a solution let us know. >> >> Josh Muckley >> S/V Sea Hawk >> 1989 C&C 37+ >> Solomons,

Re: Stus-List winter condensation

2016-01-06 Thread Marek Dziedzic via CnC-List
I bet that even a small (battery powered) fan would help. The more permanent option is one of the solar powered fans, but even a 12 V computer chassis fan would do (and they use hardly any current). Marek From: Chuck S via CnC-List Sent: Wednesday, January 6, 2016 00:17 To: CNC boat owners, cn

Re: Stus-List Furler system

2016-01-06 Thread Marek Dziedzic via CnC-List
+1 for the Furlex. I had Furlex on my C&C 24 and now I have a Harken A00. Night and day. Furlex is substantially easier to attach (and detach) when you take the mast down or step the mast back (and we do it twice a year). I think both (Harken and Furlex) are designed for DIY installation (the i

Re: Stus-List winter condensation

2016-01-06 Thread Hoyt, Mike via CnC-List
A few years back I purchase an Eva Dry condensorless dehumidifier (I am not sure if condensorless is a word but I think it works in this case) This is a 12v unit that weights approx. 4 lbs and removes up to one cup of water

Re: Stus-List Engine acoustic insulation, incl. sources in Canada?

2016-01-06 Thread Dave Syer via CnC-List
Thanks Joel and others who have responded. I have asked Holland Marine for a Datasheet on their product (will try to get a sample also) and I am going to briefly compare that with the Barymat stuff, Soundown, and will look at Fat Mat as well. Will summarize and post results for posterity. Dave

Re: Stus-List Furler system

2016-01-06 Thread Hoyt, Mike via CnC-List
Curtis I the sails are that old and you do plan to enter some club races consider going 135% and tossing the old sails into a storage bin and throw away the key. Find your area phrf adjustments to ensure the sail is not just over a threshold and go from there. In our area the standard boat co

Re: Stus-List Engine acoustic insulation, incl. sources in

2016-01-06 Thread Sophia Weber via CnC-List
I'd be interested in getting some engine acousting insulation as well (also in Toronto) as I don't think my boat has any in it. At least it doesn't sound like it does! Can barely hear crew if they are not immediately in front of me over all of the noise. Crewed a few races on a C&C30 this year (al

Re: Stus-List C&C Nameplate

2016-01-06 Thread Ken Heaton via CnC-List
After 1992 C&C Yachts marketed the *C&C 37/40* *+*, *XL* & *R* as the *C&C 40* so they learned that lesson. Ken H. On 6 January 2016 at 07:49, Gary Russell via CnC-List wrote: > Josh, > I'm going to change the nameplates to "say

Re: Stus-List C&C Nameplate

2016-01-06 Thread Gary Russell via CnC-List
Josh, I'm going to change the nameplates to "say" C&C 50 and see if I can sell the boat for more money. 😀 Gary ~~~_/)~~ On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 5:45 PM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List <> wrote: > Looks awesome! > > It is completely authentic to the original. Very

Re: Stus-List C&C Nameplate

2016-01-06 Thread Gary Russell via CnC-List
Chuck, I think I have discovered the problem. The sword on my nameplates has the "blade" 3 times the length of the other points of the star. But I measured the sword on other pictures where the "blade" is over 4 times the length of the other points. So, apparently, the C&C sword/dagger/star

Re: Stus-List C&C Nameplate

2016-01-06 Thread Ken Heaton via CnC-List
Here are a three different versions I've found online over the years. Sorry about the massive links: C&C 37+ Elindil - C&C 37 XL - La

Re: Stus-List Engine Room Original Paint

2016-01-06 Thread Bill Bina via CnC-List
If it does have lead in it, there are precautions for sanding it safely. The sanding dust will contain lead. You can find out easily if it has lead by purchasing a simple lead test kit at any hardware or home improvement store. It's basically a pen that you run along the surface and then see if

Re: Stus-List C&C Nameplate

2016-01-06 Thread Josh Muckley via CnC-List
I can't see any evidence on mine of having had a "+" or anything else... I think you did a phenomenal job of replicating what was there. I was just suggesting that since you're so good then making the name plate match would be nice. Josh On Jan 6, 2016 4:17 AM, "Gary W. Russell via CnC-List" < c

Re: Stus-List C&C Nameplate

2016-01-06 Thread Gary W. Russell via CnC-List
Chuck, Does your nameplate have an "R" on it? I can't see any evidence that mine had a "+" on it. I will check the dimensions on the sword. Thanks, Gary Sent from my iPhone. ~~~_/)~~~ > On Jan 6, 2016, at 12:01 AM, Chuck S via CnC-List > wrote: > > Nice image. Since you asked, the sw