I just ran into a need for using gen-class, and need some help getting
I upgraded to the latest Clojure version using
svn co https://clojure.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/clojure clojure
and I run the REPL using
java -jar clojure.jar
However when I type:
user=> (compile)
I get the f
Tried "ant clean",
it's still giving me the same error.
Unable to resolve symbol: compile in this context.
Is there a way to check my Clojure version from the REPL?
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I checked with SVN.
It says I checked out revision number 1160?
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I tried "ant clean" followed by "ant"
which built a clojure.jar which is exactly 488,904 bytes.
And i get the message "Unable to resolve symbol: compile in this
context" when i type "(compile)" at the REPL.
Thanks very much for your help
I'm running the REPL by typing
"java -jar clojure.jar"
in the directory "C:\clojure"
which contains the "clojure.jar" file.
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Hi everyone,
thanks for your help. I figured out what I was doing wrong.
In my clojure directory there is a subfolder clojure/trunk
I was supposed to run "ant" inside "clojure/trunk" and not "clojure".
The correct generated "clojure.jar" is 1389436 bytes
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to get clojure-mode working under XEmacs and am having
I managed to get it working under GNU Emacs with the following .emacs
(setq inferior-lisp-program "java -cp C:/clojure/trunk/clojure.jar
(add-to-list 'load-path "C:/program files/xe
Syntax highlighting doesn't seem to work when I open .clj files.
And I cannot open the REPL using C-c C-z.
I'm not sure if there's an error log that I can show you. I don't know
how to access it.
Thanks for your help
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I'm learning how to use Agents and I need some help getting started
with the following code. Some tips and hints would be greatly
I want to start a thread that counts upward, printing a number once
every second.
Here's what I have so far:
The agent state will be a simple integer
Ahh I see. Thank you for explaining it.
I'm a little confused about the (send-off *agent* update) line though.
So as I understand it, *agent* is identical to my-agent, while running
inside update. Is that correct?
And is there any guarantee that the second send-off (send-off *agent*
update) won
Thank you for the explanation. It's much clearer now.
As an aside: do you know how to import all classes of a package in
Again, Thanks for your help
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Yes that's precisely what I'm looking for. When I was still writing
Java code, I had the habit of importing complete packages so I didn't
have to waste time individually importing the classes I needed. When
it's close to release time, I would use an IDE feature to strip down
the imports to the nec
The clojure.jar that comes with Enclojure is extremely out-dated.
Until the next version of Enclojure comes out, here's what you can do:
Download the official clojure.jar from the Clojure website. (From the
website, Not SVN)
And replace all of the clojure.jar packaged with Enclojure with your
I've hit a stumbling block using Clojure's gen-class facility for
Is there anyway to access "this" inside Clojure's constructor/init
ie. The following type of code is quite common in Java. How would you
do the same in Clojure?
public class MyDerivedClass extends Super
I'm just getting started myself, and I found Stuart Halloway's blog of
great use. Perhaps it'll be of some help to you also.
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I found that I can use another factory method to workaround this
limitation. I can first instantialize the object to get a reference,
and then initialize all it's settings. This works only if I don't
expect this class to be derived from. Any subclass would expect the
class to be fully initialized
Here's my stab at it.
I'm having problems with the setDescription() line.
Thanks for your help
(ns test)
:name test.MyDerivedClass
:extends [SuperClass]
:init init
:constructors {[] [String]})
(defn -init []
;The following line doesn't work.
;I need to call setDescr
I believe the first parameter must be "this", only in the case of
methods .
The init function doesn't take a "this" parameter.
Here's an example of my problem, MyDerivedClass is a subclass of
This doesn't work, because "this" actually refers to the first
argument passed to the constructo
Thanks for the reply Chouser,
Yeah, I figured it would be like that. No "this" value actually exists
until after the init function is called.
The reason I'm asking about this is that it's quite standard practice
to set up some parameters inside the constructor of a class.
ie. A use-case like th
Ah sorry I missed that.
However, you accomplished this only because there exists a constructor
in Thread that takes a String name argument.
As a general case, it's not usually that convenient...
public class MyThread extends Thread{
public MyThread(){
setName("This is my thread");
Haha yeah... it's a rather poor API.
I'm making do with a temporary post-constructor hook that I manually
call after instantiating the object right now. But it's tedious and
Thanks for the help Chouser
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Is there anyway to access a static protected field from within
I've tried using :exposes in gen-class, however that gives me the
following error:
java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Expected non-static field
Thanks for your replies
Ah okay.
I'll dig through the clojure source today and see if I'm able to make
a patch myself.
Thanks for the reply Rich
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I'm just noticing some subtle threading problems when running a Jme
application from the REPL within inferior-lisp mode Emacs.
For instance this works:
(. jmetest.renderer.TestArrow main nil)
But this doesn't: (attempting to execute from a separate thread)
(def thread (proxy [Thread] []
Thanks Matt,
I was actually hoping for you to reply. I found one of your earlier
posts mentioning that you got JME working properly interactively with
the REPL.
Unfortunately, your solution didn't seem to work. I seem to be having
the same problem as the guy in this post:
Haha, I'm now seriously considering getting a Mac...
Anyway thanks for your help. I think I'll try installing Slime and
Swank and see if that helps at all.
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I want to add that it's not confined to just Swing applications.
I have the exact same problem using JME on an Emacs *inferior-lisp*
The program hangs, until I enter subsequent commands on the REPL.
The SwingUtilities trick, and updating to the latest Java runtime
doesn't help.
I'm going
I would like to add that nope... installing SLIME didn't seem to help.
I'm on Clojure rev. 1160, and the latest SLIME and Swank sources as of
December 30 2008.
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After some more tinkering, I think the problem lies somewhere in the
way Emacs handles IO from the buffers.
1) The System command prompt works perfectly.
2) Inferior-Lisp mode hangs
3) Slime hangs
4) Running a windows shell from within Emacs, and running Java from
within the shell also hangs.
And Xemacs has the same problem... so it might be a problem with
Windows then =(
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For some reason the Classname/staticField macro is not working
properly for me.
graphics=> (AudioSystem/getSystem)
graphics=> AudioSystem/getSystem
java.lang.Exception: No such namespace: AudioSystem (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
I'll try and demonstrate the problem using one of the standard
Ah I see. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I didn't realize that
functions and fields are resolved differently by that macro.
Randall, that function is actually not part of the JDK, it's part of
JME, a third-party graphics package. But thank you for helping.
I just noticed that Clojure is reacting strangely to overloaded
methods which take a primitive argument.
I'm trying to use ArrayList#remove which is overloaded to both take an
integer and an Object argument. Clojure behaves differently in a let
binding compared to a def.
Correct Behavior:
(let [
After more experimenting, it seems like a potentially difficult bug to
resolve. Clojure attempts to treat all numbers as objects, but in this
case, the choice of whether a number is an object or a primitive
affects which method is called.
(let [temp [(java.util.ArrayList. ["foo"])]]
(.remove (f
Thanks Chouser,
That workaround works nicely for now. I think though that this problem
can potentially be the source of many hard-to-find bugs though. ie..
like in my second example, the vector of ArrayLists.
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Hi gammelgedden,
I've also just recently figured out the reasoning behind Clojure's
(Class/staticMethod) notation.
(.newInstance TransformerFactory)
This notation always expects the second argument to be an object of
some sort. This means that TransformerFactory is actually being
resolved as a C
After a bit more experimenting, I found the following workaround to be
suitable for the time-being in case anyone else is having similar
(defn arraylist_remove [#^ArrayList list index]
(.remove list (int index)))
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I'm stumped as to how I create a mutually referential data structure
in Clojure. My compsci is fuzzy. I don't know if what I'm trying to do
is possible. Any insight would be helpful.
I have a function that creates a Person, given his name and a list of
(defn new_person [name & fr
Thank you for the replies.
My actual problem is a bit more convoluted, so I can't separate the
issue like in Mark's solution very easily.
Stuart's solution is more general, and I think I can apply that in a
straight-forward way. Thanks.
ps: I'm doing a bit of reading about mutually-recursive data
I'm just wondering if there's a clever way of creating a new map from
an existing map of map of maps.. with a key deep inside altered.
ie. given this map: {:a {:b {:c {:d 3
i want to create a new map, with the value at :d increased by 5.
I wrote a macro to do this, but it's quite ugly.
That's exactly what I was looking for.
Thank you Brian.
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I'm still getting used to the primitive support in Clojure, and I want
to confirm my understanding.
As far as I know, primitive support is only supported in local let
bindings, right?
So in designing a vector math library,
To translate from Java, one would write a class with primitive field
Do you know Java? It'll be easier to explain if you do.
In Java, everything is an Object. Object's are treated as references
to a specific memory location which holds the actual data. So when you
pass an Object to a method, you're only passing the method the memory
location of that Object.
For p
Do struct-maps also have boxing and unboxing overhead? Or does the JVM
optimize that away?
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I'm also very interested in this topic.
The only reason to write "and" as a macro is for performance reasons.
It's much more convenient, programming-wise, if and is a function.
Is there anyway to write a macro/function that acts as a function when
necessary (so it can be passed as an argument),
Just wondering if this behavior is by design:
(Math/min 0 0.2)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching method found: min
(Math/min 0.0 0.2)
Coming from Java, it just stuck out to me, since Java has automatic
I'm unused to managing file dependencies myself, and I'm lost as to
how to load two namespaces that reference each other.
I'm treating the (use) command as analagous to java's import command.
But I've run into problems trying to load this namespace:
Do I have to resort to manually separating
Mmm, I could create a third namespace that contained the common
functionality. But it is an artificial separation. If a user read
through the source code, he would think "why is this code separated
into two files, when it's dealing with the same thing?"
Anyway, here's my use-case:
I wrote a sprit
Personally I find that the clearest way to think about macros, is to
treat them like a *very* advanced search-and-replace feature.
Just keep in mind that macros expand into code, and check to make sure
that your generated code is indeed valid code.
I'm trying to write a macro that outputs a symbol without attempting
to resolve it and would appreciate some pointers.
eg. I wrote a function that accepts a symbol as an argument
(defn print_symbol [a]
(println a))
which can be called like this: (print_symbol 'mysymbol)
But I want to writ
Ah thank you that works perfectly!
I actually have a reading list i'm about to set out upon, and Paul
Graham's OnLisp is on it.
I'm just wondering from your perspective which book do you think I
should start on? For someone with many years of experience in Java,
but none in Lisp.
That sounds good, I do plan on purchasing Stuart's book as soon as it
reaches an official version. I don't like reading on a computer.
And Haskell has always been one of my fascinations. If it had better
connectivity to everything else and performance, I would have been
very happy to learn that a
I just wrote a library that creates an un-initialized global variable,
and requires the user to create his own thread-local binding in order
to run it.
(def *my_environment*)
and the user would use it like so:
(binding [*my_environment* (new_environment)]
I'm also in support of the optimal names. Clojure is not too widely
used in production code yet, and it would be a shame to start
compromising design decisions for backwards compatibility already.
This is actually one of my (and many other people's) favorite parts
about Clojure, the beauty of Lis
One thing I did find confusing though was in regards to the doc.
Is there a way to more clearly differentiate between a seq and a
sequence? Up until now, I've always thought of "seq" as just being
shorthand for "sequence" which isn't the case apparently.
I've just recently attached JSwat to Clojure and while it provides the
functionality that I'm used to back when I was still writing Java
code, it's not as streamlined to Clojure as I would like.
I'm wondering if anything like this exists yet:
A simple breakpoint and stepper, which halts the p
> is that they're not implemented in swank-clojure yet -- although I'll
> admit I haven't tried too hard.
> -Jason
> On Feb 16, 11:38 pm, CuppoJava wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I've just recently attached JSwat to Clojure and while it provides the
I'm wondering if there's a terser more idiomatic way to write the
following. I want to get a new vector with the specified indexes
removed. I found myself doing this often enough to warrant writing my
own function for this but I would be much happier if there's some
terse way of expressing thi
Mmm, subvec doesn't quite seem to do the same thing.
I want a function that removes certain indexes of a vector:
eg. (remove_at [1 2 3 4 5 6] 0 3) => [2 3 5 6]
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I've noticed that I'm creating a lot of maps of functions, and I'm
wondering if there's a performance penalty for this.
(defn create_fn []
(fn [] (println "hi")))
((create_fn)) <--- Does this "create" a new function every-time it's
called? Or is the function code cached somewhere? Ho
Thanks for the replies. I have no qualms about creating functions now.
On Feb 18, 3:15 am, Michael Wood wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 8:50 AM, David Nolen wrote:
> > new MBP 2.53ghz
> > (defn create-fn []
> > (fn [] (println "hi")))
> > (time (dotimes [x 4000]
> > (create-fn
Hi Ilya,
I also just started using the plugin and it's very good. Thank you for
this great plugin.
I have a few questions about how to use it though:
How to I start a REPL without loading a script? Just a blank slate
Is there a shortcut for Sending current sexp, or selected text to
Hello Ilya,
Thanks for the workaround.
I'm glad to hear you're working on a "surround with" feature. Some
other parenthesis commands that I most commonly use is:
1) Delete next Sexp.
2) Splice Sexp. (Remove the parenthesis around the current sexp).
3) Move cursor to next/previous sexp.
After having used Clojure for a few months now, I'm still having lots
of trouble separating my mutable code from my immutable code. My use-
case is pretty typical I think, so I'm wondering what sort of
structure everyone else is using.
Here's my current structure.
I have an engine that manag
Thanks very much Itay,
I'm reading through your post very carefully. I sounds like it's the
answer to all my problems.
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Hi Itay,
I'm a little confused about one aspect of the context pattern.
If I understand this write, a listener is a function that takes an old
context, and returns a new context, BUT it also calls the appropriate
GUI functions (setText, setSize) to ensure that the gui state is
consistent with the
Wow it's incredible how fast your progressing on the plugin. It's
already a joy to use. Thank you very much.
Is there a way to automatically indent when I press Enter?
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Oh I'm sorry, I was still accidentally running the previous version.
Indentation works perfectly.
Thank you very much for this plugin. Debugging support is so
invaluable to me.
May I ask how long you think the Surround-With feature will take?
PS: I found your profile on the IntelliJ t
After using La Clojure a bit more, I noticed a few minor issues with
the indentation system.
Inside a let form binding, the next line should be indented to one
character past the opening bracket.
eg. should be like:
(let [i "hi"
j "hi"])
where j lines up with i.
current behavior:
(let [i
Ticket submitted.
Thanks a lot
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The lack of a debugger seriously hindered my development process in
the beginning. You should look into the IntelliJ plugin. It's very
well done, and debugging works flawlessly out of the box. It's sped up
my productivity by a factor of three at the very least.
I have given Emacs+Slime a fair cha
I just jumped on Clojure five months ago, and I was a little lost
without types at first also. Then I've come to realize that types is
not as essential to bug-less software as I previously thought it was.
For the following reasons:
1) There's less "types" to begin with. I was a Java programmer, a
The IntelliJ plugin supports debugging.
And using JSwat is also possible, but a little less streamlined.
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Have you updated to the latest version?
If it's setup properly, you should be able to set breakpoints by
clicking on the grey column on the left side of your code.
Also, not every line can be breakpointed. Try breakpointing some
different lines if you're having problems there.
That's what I was going to say. (some pred col) is what I use so far.
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Hi Anatoly,
Unfortunately I don't know of a nice way of expressing an event-driven
architecture in Clojure, but I'm very interested in what you said
about accomplishing it in Haskell.
Would you mind explaining that in some more detail? Perhaps if I
understood it, I can even help come up with a Cl
Hi Ilya,
I'm just wondering if it's possible for you to release a quick version
update with the latest changes incorporated. I'm interested in the
fixes to the namespace-qualified keywords, and the keyword indentation
rules specifically.
Thanks a lot
Ah thank you for those instructions. That's very helpful.
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Hi Mark,
The classpaths for the IntelliJ plugin are not quite setup properly.
This is how I'm working around this.
Clojure requires the folder that contains the clojure source code to
be in the classpath.
I did this in IntelliJ, by attaching a new library to the current
project which points to th
Everything I've learned about Java, I got out of
"Beginning Java 2" by Ivor Horton.
It covers the base Java language in the first ten chapters, and the
rest are dealing with the libraries. I think it pretty much sums up
the entire Java platform, as well as a clear perspective on the "Java
way" o
I'm making some heavy use of multi-methods and proxies in my code, and
I'm wondering if there's a convenient way of calling "superclass"
methods, both for multi-methods and for proxies.
For multi-methods, I'm currently doing:
(mymethod (assoc object :tag :super-class))
which is a little clum
Just a few months ago I had never heard of LISP, and already Clojure
is so simple and elegant that I'm more productive now than I ever was
in Java.
Rich is a shining example of keeping practicality, and community in
mind, when designing a new language.
Thanks a lot Rich
Thanks for the responses:
I read into proxy-super, and it fulfills my needs.
But I'm worried about my current approach for multi-methods now:
As Mark put it:
"Not only is it clumsy, but if mymethod returns a fresh object that
based off of this object in some way (e.g., a non-destructive
Just letting people know that this is still an important and
unresolved issue for me.
Calling super multi-methods?
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Thanks a lot for that David,
It works perfectly for me.
Are there any circumstances where it doesn't work? I haven't run into
any yet, but if there are, I'll design my program around it.
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+1 to Stuart's answer.
Clojure is very tightly integrated with Java. And knowing Java well
helps a great deal.
Personally I like learning from a more formal, comprehensive, book
rather than from spread-out individual tutorials. It gives you the
advantage of learning the workflow, and approaches i
>From a quick glance, I think the lack of type hints is what's slowing
down your Clojure code.
You can set the global variable *warn-on-reflection* to true, to get a
sense of where to add your type hints.
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I'm just wondering if anyone who's tried this and the IntelliJ plugin
can comment on how they compare.
I'm wondering if Enclojure has some basic s-exp functions, like
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Thanks for that very informative comparison. I'll give it a try
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Hi Stuart,
Thanks very much for writing this book. Do you think the release of
the completed book is pretty close? I'm very excited about it.
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Hi everyone,
I was browsing through webpages and the language Forth caught my eye.
Reading through it's supposed advantages it sounded very interesting,
and I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with it, and can
I'm asking on the Clojure forum instead of the Forth forum becau
Factor sounds very interesting. But I'm concerned about Slava's
decision to run it off his own VM and write his own set of standard
libraries. Have you guys ever run into any problems with the lack of
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Thanks for all your replies. I was most interested in whether stack
languages provided any easier abstraction capabilities beyond that of
lisp/clojure. I read about the Factor implementation, and about how
continuations, coroutines, and generators were almost trivial to
implement and only required
I just wrote a very small combinatorics utility for myself. Choose. It
is given a vector of elements, followed by a number that indicates how
many elements to "choose" out of the vector. It returns all possible
combinations of choosing elements out of while retaining the
correct order.
I hi
Wow, that works great. Thanks a lot for your help Laurent.
Can you think of any reason why mapcat isn't lazy by default though?
I'm wondering if this is by design, or simply because we haven't had
the time to update all the library functions to be fully lazy yet.
#(%1 %2) is equivalent to writing (fn [a b] (a b))
The #() macro is really designed just for single line functions. You
can work around this using do.
#(do %1 %2) will do what you want.
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I'm trying to accomplish the following:
Create a lazy sequence of calls to f() while pred() is true.
And an elegant way to do this seems to be:
(for [:while (pred)] (f))
which doesn't work because (for) requires a binding.
This can be worked around with:
(for [i (constantly 0) :while (pred)] (f
Yeah (pred) is not supposed to depend on any items inside f.
This is why (take-while pred (repeatedly f)))
won't work in this situation.
(take-while) will always take an element out of f, so that it can be
tested using (pred). I don't want any elements of (f) to be looked at
if (pred) is false.
Thanks Meikel.
That certainly works. But don't you find:
(for [:while (Mouse/hasEvent)] (Mouse/getEvent))
much shorter and easier to understand?
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To po
Thanks for your replies.
I've always thought of "for" as a generator. Basically just a loop
that produces a lazy collection. So it actually seems very natural to
But anyway, I think I shall just write my own generator function using
lazy-seq and be done with it then.
Again, thanks for offer
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