Yes that's precisely what I'm looking for. When I was still writing
Java code, I had the habit of importing complete packages so I didn't
have to waste time individually importing the classes I needed. When
it's close to release time, I would use an IDE feature to strip down
the imports to the necessary classes. Working in Clojure feels much
more productive on a whole, except in the odd cases where I have to
check up the package of a class, and then import it individually.

The documentation for Clojure is really awesome, and I can easily
check up the nuances of every function. But as someone new to lisp,
and functional programming, I'm sometimes lost on finding out the
Clojure Way of doing things.

As another idiom question:
I'm translating over a Server class that I wrote previously in Java.
It's quite clean, but contains many mutable fields that change
periodically (such as is_server_running, server_address, client_list,

When translating this over the Clojure, is it more idiomatic to use a
Ref to an immutable Struct-Map? Or a Struct-Map of Refs?

Thanks again
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