After using La Clojure a bit more, I noticed a few minor issues with
the indentation system.

Inside a let form binding, the next line should be indented to one
character past the opening bracket.

eg. should be like:
(let [i "hi"
      j "hi"])
where j lines up with i.

current behavior:
(let [i "hi"
     j "hi"])
where j lines up with [

Nested forms, IMO, should be indented to be two spaces past the last
opening parenthesis.

eg. should be like:
(let [i (fn [a]
            (println a))]

current behavior:
(let [i (fn [a]
   (fn [a]
      (println a)))]

Those are the only two issues I've noticed so far. Everything else is
working perfectly.
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