What about multimethod style programming, would that not see a large
On Thursday, April 19, 2018 at 1:55:25 PM UTC-4, tbc++ wrote:
> GraalVM does a lot of things, and I think it's important to separate these
> terms.
> GraalVM - most often this is used to refer to a project that wa
Now that clojure 1.9 is out, will future releases be 1.91, 1.92, etc?
Or, are talks in place for a clojure 2.0?
If there is discussion of clojure 2.0, what would that look like?
Clojure running on graal, clojure (the people behind it) doing some other
fantastically amazing thing?
Just curious
It says that a number cannot be cast to a function.
(3 4)
The number 3 is not a function, thus the reason for the error.
On Monday, December 28, 2015 at 3:47:39 AM UTC-5, Mian Pao wrote:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34448773/is-function-print-has-bug-in-clojure
You received th
One more thing, is it cheap to hash immutable maps vs mutable ones?
On Saturday, June 27, 2015 at 10:44:44 AM UTC-4, Jacob Goodson wrote:
> Thanks.
> What about the perf of something like this...
> ({{:x 1 :y 2} :point} {:x 1 :y 2})
> vs
> ({1 2} 1)
If you take one persistent map m1 and remove a few keys and/or add a few
> keys to produce m2, then all of the unchanged keys and values they have in
> common will be identical, and very quickly comparable. The slowest part of
> comparing them would be comparing their non-identical parts.
I was wondering something...
Would (= {:x 1} {:x 1}) be just as fast as (= 1 1) since maps are
immutable? The idea is that since clojure data structures are just values
can they be compared much faster than there mutable counter parts? Thanks.
You received this message because you are sub
ot;snapshots" {:url "
> https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots"}]]
> c.
> Il giorno mercoledì 3 giugno 2015 18:12:44 UTC+2, Jacob Goodson ha scritto:
>> How would I get this to work?
>> ...
On Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at 12:12:44 PM UTC-4, Jacob Goodson wrote:
> How would I get this to work?
> ...
> snapshots-repo
> https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/
How would I get this to work?
Then add sphinx4-core to the project dependencies:
Hey David, would you mind replying to this topic? Thanks!
Dang typo!
On Saturday, April 25, 2015 at 7:12:31 PM UTC-4, David Nolen wrote:
> You need to make sure some other dependency isn't pulling in a different
> version of tools.r
Hey Davis, would you mind replying to this topic? Thanks!
On Saturday, April 25, 2015 at 7:12:31 PM UTC-4, David Nolen wrote:
> You need to make sure some other dependency isn't pulling in a different
> version of tools.reader.
> D
Well you just went and took it all the way didn't you? =P
On Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 8:49:30 PM UTC-5, Mikera wrote:
> Very nice!
> People interested in this topic may also be interested in Expresso, which
> supports analysis / transformation of mathematically expressions in Clojure:
> h
It's nice but take it a step further and include the order of operations
On Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 1:29:10 PM UTC-5, Divyansh Prakash wrote:
> maya - A DSL for math and numerical stuff.
> https://gist.github.com/divs1210/b4fcbd48d7697dfd8850#file-maya
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What does this mean for clojureclr, arcadia, vsClojure, etc?
Does anyone want to speculate a little?
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Groups "Clojure" group.
To post to th
all the time.
> HTH,
> /thomas
> On Monday, November 10, 2014 8:21:57 AM UTC+1, Jacob Goodson wrote:
>> Sometimes, when writing code that loops with a good bit of branching, it
>> can be quite annoying to stay immutable.
>> (loop [way
Sometimes, when writing code that loops with a good bit of branching, it
can be quite annoying to stay immutable.
(loop [way 1
too 2
many 3
args 4
makes 5
things 6
annoying 7]
(cond (and (= way
I did this same thing and called it defmatch. You can use vinyasa to
inject functions into core through leiningen. I did that and it allowed me
to have defmatch anywhere I wanted to have it. Anyway, I guess someone
else had this idea lol =P.
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Hey Sam. I too had great difficulty with clojure interop until I became
more familiar with Java. I find that it is quite difficult to use clojure
unless one knows Java, which I believe to be a barrier to new comers. So I
suggest that you learn some Java and start trying to hack simple interop
o I have to increment the version
> number and try again.
> On Thursday, July 3, 2014 3:29:17 AM UTC-4, Adam Clements wrote:
>> Have you tried upgrading leiningen to the latest version? I don't think
>> you can deploy from old versions, at least that'
I have been deploying the same project to clojars for quite a while now(5
months?); for some reason it decided it no longer wanted to work. After
giving my pass phrase I get "peer not authenticated". I have not changed
computers nor do I have a new internet connection. Does anyone know what
Hey guys I have seen this...
Now, I want to know... has anything developed since? Is it available to
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Thanks for the code.
On Friday, March 21, 2014 4:41:34 PM UTC-4, Gary Trakhman wrote:
> Check out my collision detection here:
> https://github.com/gtrak/quilltest/blob/master/src/quilltest/balls.clj#L117
> I build a map of collided pairs first, then I run through the whole thing
> to update
Lol...my goodness...
I am just using this as a learning exercise, I do not need to be lectured
about how to write a game loop... I said obviously since that was my
original request, I am only asking to learn clojure a little better. I
could just drop into java and write a serial loop that doe
rned. A faster update function means
> less contention and restarts.
> On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 4:13 PM, Jacob Goodson
> > wrote:
>> If they were nested what would I use to update them simultaneously?
>> Futures, then roll a loop that would wait till bo
t; ability to observe certain changes at a granular layer and you drive the
> contention to a single point (which has been discussed recently on another
> thread). On the flip side you end up with a single value that represents
> your application's state that is easy to work w
Say I have two data structures..
I want to update them like so...
(update enemies)
(update bullets))
If I wanted to make sure that both structures were getting updated at the
same time instead of
enemies and then bullets; would I use refs here or would
Also, you can use straight up java as well inside of loops. I, sometimes,
will write a static method, dump the clojure data strcuture over to java,
mutate like a crazy man, then slap it back into clojure. I find that loop
recur are not as elegant as imperative styles of looping(an opinion of
You can use proteus with a while loop and be as imperative as you like,
however, I think the point of 4clojure is to learn the functional approach
to solving problems(I do not really advocate one over the other honestly;
multiparadigm ftw)
On Thursday, March 20, 2014 4:35:14 PM UTC-4, Andy Smit
I suggest using proteus https://github.com/ztellman/proteus for performant
local mutation.
On Thursday, March 20, 2014 3:34:20 PM UTC-4, Andy Smith wrote:
> Is is very bad form to use local mutable state to solve problems like :
> https://www.4clojure.com/problem/114
> i.e.
> (fn [n f
I use mutation generously inside of functions. I do not consider that
impure at all, pragmatic yes, impure no. Has anyone used Azul's jvm and
gotten a big bump in performance?
On Wednesday, March 12, 2014 7:28:44 PM UTC-4, raould wrote:
> > pure way or the mutate objects in place way? I can
I find Criterium useful for benchmarking parts of my code in
> isolation to get an idea of how its running.
> - James
> On 12 March 2014 21:53, Jacob Goodson >wrote:
>> How many people have heard of this GC?
>> http://www.jclarity.com/2014/02/19/she
How many people have heard of this GC?
I want to know if this would benefit clojure. I wrote a small asteroids
game in clojure and the performance was not good. I stuck to puri
Let me rephrase your question to show you something...
Should I learn LISP in order to learn LISP...
Clojure is a dialect of LISP as is common lisp; when you learn Clojure you
are learning LISP. Clojure "has its opinions" about how to do its list
processing, however, all other list processing
into it myself yet but it sounds like
> what you are after.
> On Thursday, January 9, 2014 4:43:07 AM UTC, Jacob Goodson wrote:
>> I created a Java object which I called from a clojure repl... it works
>> great! As the project progresses I learn that my wel
I created a Java object which I called from a clojure repl... it works
great! As the project progresses I learn that my well thought out and
amazing object sucks #$%^%$#%^... So I change the object a little then I
recompile the object, expecting to see the updated changes in my repl of
If you want to see a LISP that has been trying to improve LISP itself then
I suggest looking at... http://shenlanguage.org/ and more specifically Shen
has been ported to Java!...https://github.com/artella-coding/Shen.java
Although, it desperately needs contributions(wink,wink).
On Wednesday, S
The people is not a sufficient answer(I am sure you knew that but I had to
say it anyway). It is really simple...
1. Homoiconic syntax
2. meta programming facility(macros in the case of clojure but other LISP's
have gone farther with this than clojure has)
These two "powers" are what draws so
Here is where I started...
I personally disagree about being so timid with macros, however, I do not
code Clojure with a team of other people =P.
The one thing you will find about Clojure is that it slaps a limit on the
types of macros you ca
I wanted to see if people know/knew about this. According to the website
it states that the VM converts JVM bytecode to native... could clojure take
advantage of this(I assume it can but I would like to hear from people with
a true understanding if I should be excited or not =P)?
You r
Check it out, please support it if you think it has potential...
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You need to know something... it's a dialect of LISP, the only limitation
is you.
On Thursday, February 14, 2013 5:08:57 PM UTC-5, AtKaaZ wrote:
> Thank you! I didn't know you could do .newInstance
> oh that's a nice trick with eval and list 'new
> So it's not impossible after all, thanks A
I would love to improve upon core.match
On Thursday, February 14, 2013 1:10:29 PM UTC-5, David Nolen wrote:
> I'm of course more than happy to mentor any projects around ClojureScript,
> core.logic, and core.match.
> David
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 1:03 PM, Daniel Solano Gómez
dth)] *
> * image)*
> Cheers,
> Juan
> On Tuesday, January 8, 2013 11:38:35 PM UTC-3, Jacob Goodson wrote:
>> (let [frame (doto (JFrame.)
>> (.setSize 100 100))
>> height (.getHeight a)
>> width
(let [frame (doto (JFrame.)
(.setSize 100 100))
height (.getHeight a)
width (.getWidth a)
image (.createImage a b c)]
Why does this return nil?
Thank you!
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Anyone thinking of targeting dart with clojure?
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