It could be handy to have this shortcut implemented as you suggest.
Solving ambiguities may be done through an explicit proxy or with some
meta data to point to the proper
method match.
On Mon, 2009-08-31 at 19:34 -0700, Timothy Pratley wrote:
> If I understand correctly it could be impleme
If I understand correctly it could be implemented with the following
change to
static Object boxArg(Class paramType, Object arg){
if(paramType.isInterface() && arg instanceof IFn)
return makeAProxy( findMethodMatch( paramType, arg ),
arg );
Which would then
Hi guys,
Am I missing something here?
We define SWING listeners with proxies and find that it's already short
in terms of code lines:
(proxy [MouseAdapter] []
(mouseClicked [event]
(if (= 2 (.getClickCount event))
(display-details (.locationToInde
The reason your byte-seq fails is because you coerce the int result to
a byte before comparing to -1. You should compare the int result to -1
and coerce to a byte after:
(defn byte-seq [rdr]
(let [result (. rdr read)]
(if (= result -1)
(do (. rdr close) nil)
(lazy-seq (cons (byte
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 3:45 PM, freddi301 wrote:
> are there a complete clojure documentation ?
There's the documentation at; you could spider it with wget,
though with some sites you need to spoof the user-agent and/or hack wget to
disable retrieving robots.txt to do that. (Ethi
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 5:04 PM, Brian Hurt wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 9:31 AM, Jason Baker wrote:
>> On Aug 30, 2:24 am, Dan Fichter wrote:
>> > The Clojure version is more concise and radically safer but a little
>> more
>> > conceptually packed. Is it worth your trouble?
>> Being
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 5:15 PM, Brian Hurt wrote:
> If I recall correctly (and correct me if I'm wrong), Python uses a
> reference counting garbage collector. Which means as soon as the reference
> to the object goes away, the object gets collected and the handle closed.
> Most JVMs use some fo
security=> (count byte-arr)
tprat...@neuromancer:~$ wc public.der
5 11 294 public.der
your byte-seq does not do what the java version does :)
On Aug 31, 9:19 pm, Sam Hughes wrote:
> Hey,
> I'm trying to write a Clojure security library. My first step is
> porting some working Java co
Rhino provides a similar facility
but AFAIK it uses reflection.
On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 12:03 AM, Kevin Downey wrote:
> I think this would necessitate an added layer of indirection and
> reflection, which wou
I think this would necessitate an added layer of indirection and
reflection, which would mean taking a performance hit.
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Stuart
Sierra wrote:
> That's a clever trick. How does the block know which interface method
> was invoked?
> -SS
> On Aug 31, 2:41 pm, rb
That's a clever trick. How does the block know which interface method
was invoked?
On Aug 31, 2:41 pm, rb wrote:
> Hi,
> After using Jwt from Clojure, I did it with Jruby and discovered that
> Jruby has what they call Closure Conversion (
> jruby/pages/CallingJav
On Aug 31, 10:44 am, wangzx wrote:
> I just want to learn clojure by using it to parse log file and
> generate reports. and one question is: for a large text file, can we
> use it as a sequence effectively? for example, for a 100M log file, we
> need to check each line for some pattern match.
Can you give the exact REPL session, with the exception you have, and also
the clojure version you're using ?
8/31 wangzx
> I just want to learn clojure by using it to parse log file and
> generate reports. and one question is: for a large text file, can we
> use it as a sequence effec
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 9:03 AM, Konrad Hinsen
> In this particular case, there is no reason to worry: open() returns a
> file object that is fed to the method read(), but after that method
> returns, there is no more reference to the object, so it is garbage
> collected. Upon destructi
I remember a discussion about the Ant example in Lisp and Clojure,
the response for Rich shows some important point that establishes the
difference with a naive implementation of the Ant example.
I think you can add a link to the Ant example and the incorrect Lisp
implementation of it.
On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 9:31 AM, Jason Baker wrote:
> On Aug 30, 2:24 am, Dan Fichter wrote:
> > The Clojure version is more concise and radically safer but a little more
> > conceptually packed. Is it worth your trouble?
> Being primarily a Python programmer, I can say that the first thing
are there a complete clojure documentation ?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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I'm using Clojure together with Processing and JBox2D to write small,
2D physics-powered games.
The constraint given by JBox2D is, that the physics simulation has to
be run in and only accessed from the same thread.
So the whole game simulation is confined to the physics simulation
thread and
Hey Emeka,
No problem. Yeah, the reason I used the above configuration is because
it ultimately returned the same primitive byte array, to be passed
into the X509EncodedKeySpec constructor.
On Aug 31, 1:27 pm, Emeka wrote:
> Sorry, I was too quick. I misunderstood your code.
> Regards,
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
> Wow! That's a lot of great research. I'm impressed.
> My only concern is that some of the internals *could* change over time
> (I see Rich's commit stream) and some indication in the doc
> identifying what's design level (wo
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Lau wrote:
> Hey Mark,
> Congratulations on a very good article - I helped me get a lot of
> facts straight.
> The final part of the article where you comment on the various
> functions like
> add-watcher etc, is not very insightful and the UML charts
After using Jwt from Clojure, I did it with Jruby and discovered that
Jruby has what they call Closure Conversion (
jruby/pages/CallingJavaFromJRuby#Closure_conversion ) where a Ruby
block or closure is converted to an appropriate Java interface. From
the wiki: "When
Sorry, I was too quick. I misunderstood your code.
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 6:10 PM, Emeka wrote:
> Hello Sam,
> From the Java version you used created array ,byte[] encodedKey = new
> byte[(int) keyFile.length()];, but in clojure version you did (into-array
> Byte/TYPE (byte-
Hey Mark,
Congratulations on a very good article - I helped me get a lot of
The final part of the article where you comment on the various
functions like
add-watcher etc, is not very insightful and the UML charts didnt help
me all
that much. But with such a small amount of critis
Hello Sam,
>From the Java version you used created array ,byte[] encodedKey = new
byte[(int) keyFile.length()];, but in clojure version you did (into-array
Byte/TYPE (byte-seq stream)) , why not use make-array here.
(byte-seq stream) returns list, is that the right argument for constructor
(via SVP)
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Clojure" group.
To post to this group, send email to
Note that posts from new members are
Ooh, or maybe not. I just reread and line-seq and read-lines should
implement pretty much the same thing. (In the demo code it isn't clear
to me where you are using line-seq.)
Are you holding on to the head of the sequence somewhere?
On Aug 31, 12:52 pm, Jonathan Smith
> Look at clojure
Look at clojure-contrib/duck_streams.clj
(specifically the read-lines function)
I think it should be sufficiently lazy to do the job that you are
looking for. (although I don't have any 100mb txt files to test with
handy right now...)
On Aug 31, 10:44 am, wangzx wrote:
> I just want to learn c
I mostly revert to good ole loop/recur for these large file processing
exercises. Here's a template you could use (includes a try/catch so
you can see errors as you go);
(import '( BufferedReader FileReader PrintWriter File))
(defn process-log-file
"Read a log file tracting lines matchi
Wow! That's a lot of great research. I'm impressed.
My only concern is that some of the internals *could* change over time
(I see Rich's commit stream) and some indication in the doc
identifying what's design level (won't change) vs. implementation
level (might change) would be useful.
On Sun,
On Aug 31, 4:44 pm, wangzx wrote:
> Is there other APIs like the Sequence but provide stream-like API?
You can try this, which I've used on short files recently:
(defn #^Class class-identity [#^Class c] c)
(defn #^ reader-from-classpath [#^String s]
(-> (. (class-ident
I have two minor minor suggestions for Clojure changes.
1) Consider this function:
user> (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
user> (defn reader-from-classpath [s]
(-> (.getResourceAsStream java.lang.String s)
Reflection warn
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 09:14:38AM -0400, Chas Emerick wrote:
> > You could define your own let-like construct for this:
> >
> >
> > (defmacro letmap [[m kvs & mkvs] & body]
> > (if m
> > `(let [~m {}
> >~@(mapcat (fn [[k v]] `(~m (assoc ~m ~k ~v))) kvs)]
> > (letmap ~mkvs
It looks like there is a thrust to rewrite Qi (http:// in Clojure. With the impending departure of Dr.
Mark Tarver the effort could use some help from the Clojure
community. There has been discussion in the past few weeks at Likewise
I just want to learn clojure by using it to parse log file and
generate reports. and one question is: for a large text file, can we
use it as a sequence effectively? for example, for a 100M log file, we
need to check each line for some pattern match.
I just using the (line-seq rdr) but it will ca
Usually the java libraries explicitly mention not to place OS resource
handles on the finalize() method called by the GC, that why I had the reflex
of thinking it was generally applicable to all languages with a GC.
2009/8/31 Konrad Hinsen
> On 31 Aug 2009, at 14:08, Laurent PETIT
On Aug 31, 2009, at 6:56 AM, Achim Passen wrote:
>> I would like to simplify it to something like:
>> {:radius 20
>>:diameter (* 2 (% :radius))
>>:circumference (* pi (% :diameter))}
>> where % is the map itself.
> You could define your own let-like construct for this:
> (d
On 31 Aug 2009, at 14:08, Laurent PETIT wrote:
> [Python]
> open(filename, 'r').read() # who cares about closing files opened in
> read-mode?
> "who cares about closing files opened in read-mode" ?
> I would say anybody concerned about blowing up the underlying OS if
> not releasing fil
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 14:08, Laurent PETIT wrote:
> Hi,
> Just one point:
> 2009/8/30 Dan Fichter
>> Read the contents of a file.
>> [Clojure]
>> (slurp filename)
>> [Python]
>> open(filename, 'r').read() # who cares about closing files opened in
>> read-mode?
> "who cares
Just one point:
2009/8/30 Dan Fichter
> Read the contents of a file.
> [Clojure]
> (slurp filename)
> [Python]
> open(filename, 'r').read() # who cares about closing files opened in
> read-mode?
"who cares about closing files opened in read-mode" ?
I would say anybody concerned
I'm trying to write a Clojure security library. My first step is
porting some working Java code into Clojure. The Java and Clojure
snippets below are more or less the same, but with the Clojure code,
I'm getting: " IOException: null
[Thrown class java.securi
Am 31.08.2009 um 11:27 schrieb Timo Mihaljov:
> I have some code that looks like this:
>(let [radius 20
> diameter (* 2 radius)
> circumference (* pi diameter)]
> {:radius radius
> :diameter diameter
> :circumference circumference})
> I would like t
On Aug 31, 11:27 am, Timo Mihaljov wrote:
> When defining a map literal, is it possible to reference the map that is
> being defined?
I don't think this is possible.
> I have some code that looks like this:
> (let [radius 20
> diameter (* 2 radius)
> circumference
When defining a map literal, is it possible to reference the map that is
being defined?
I have some code that looks like this:
(let [radius 20
diameter (* 2 radius)
circumference (* pi diameter)]
{:radius radius
:diameter diameter
:circumference circu
On Aug 31, 1:35 am, ""
> I was not sure from the documentation if conj, seq, etc are generic
> functions (multimetiod functions). Is there any easy way to define
> these for a new type?
Shameless commercial:
2009/8/31 J. McConnell :
> The Ant tasks have only been tested against Clojure 1.0, since I assumed
> that's what most people would be using in a production context.
For my personal projects the HEAD version is stable enough. :)
> I am
> thinking about going the Contrib route and tagging a 1.0-
46 matches
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