Wow! That's a lot of great research.  I'm impressed.

My only concern is that some of the internals *could* change over time
(I see Rich's commit stream) and some indication in the doc
identifying what's design level (won't change) vs. implementation
level (might change) would be useful.

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 10:42 AM, Mark
Volkmann<> wrote:
> I think we'd all agree that STM is a very important feature of
> Clojure. I trust that it works as advertised, but until recently I
> didn't feel that I understood exactly how it worked. This left me
> unable to defend it when pressed by developers that aren't using
> Clojure. I wanted to change that, for me and for the Clojure
> community. For the past few months I've been working on an article
> about STM in general and the Clojure implementation in particular. I
> hope the Clojure community derives some value from it.
> Consider this a beta version of the article. I have tried very hard to
> get all the facts straight and have reviewed it many times. It seems
> inevitable though that I may have stated some things incorrectly. This
> is complicated stuff ... which it must be in order to make concurrent
> programming easier.
> If you have an interest in this topic, I'd appreciated getting some
> feedback on the article. In particular, search for "Question:" in the
> article. I'll make suggested updates quickly to avoid spreading any
> misinformation.
> You can find the article at
> Thanks!
> --
> R. Mark Volkmann
> Object Computing, Inc.
> >

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