I have two minor minor suggestions for Clojure changes.

1) Consider this function:
user> (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
user> (defn reader-from-classpath [s]
  (-> (.getResourceAsStream java.lang.String s)
Reflection warning, NO_SOURCE_PATH:2 - call to getResourceAsStream
can't be resolved.

In general, I think every call of form (.instanceMember Classname
args*) will generate such a warning since it expands to, e.g.,

user> (macroexpand ' (.getResourceAsStream java.lang.String s))
(. (clojure.core/identity java.lang.String) getResourceAsStream s)

And identity doesn't have any type information. A simple fix would be.
user> (defn #^Class class-identity [#^Class c] c)


and then expanding (.instanceMember Classname args*) to

(. (class-identity Classname) instanceMember args*)


2) I can do:
user> (into {} '([:k :v]))
{:k :v}

This works for two-element vectors. However, I cannot do the same for
two-element arrays:

user> (def str_array (.split "k=v" "="))
user> (into {} (list str_array))
; Evaluation aborted.

It would be a simple addition to clojure.lang.ATransientMap:
import java.lang.reflect.Array;//change
        public ITransientMap conj(Object o) {
                if(o instanceof Map.Entry)
                        Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry) o;

                        return assoc(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
                else if(o instanceof IPersistentVector)
                        IPersistentVector v = (IPersistentVector) o;
                        if(v.count() != 2)
                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vector arg 
to map conj must be
a pair");
                        return assoc(v.nth(0), v.nth(1));
                        }//begin change
                else if(o != null && o.getClass().isArray())
                        if(Array.getLength(o) != 2)
                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Array arg 
to map conj must
have exactly two elements");
                        return assoc(Array.get(o,0), Array.get(o,1));
                        }//end change

                ITransientMap ret = this;
                for(ISeq es = RT.seq(o); es != null; es = es.next())
                        Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry) es.first();
                        ret = ret.assoc(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
                return ret;

After this change I have:
user> (def str_array (.split "k=v" "="))
user> (into {} (list str_array))
{"k" "v"}

The use-case arose from wanting to create a map from a properties file
using split ("=") on each line of the properties file (and not wanting
to copy the array into []).

N.B. the cost is an additional null-check and o.getClass().isArray().

What do you guys think?
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