Re: [Clamav-users] Totally Confused

2004-05-07 Thread Philip Ershler
Hi Steven, Imagine finding help (and the correct answer by the way) right here on campus! You seem to be right on the mark. If I ripmime one of my quarantined files and then clamscan the results, it finds the virus everytime. Thanks, Phil On Friday, May 7, 2004, at 02:05 PM, Steven Dean wrote

Re: [Clamav-users] Totally Confused

2004-05-07 Thread Philip Ershler
Thanks for the reply, but clamscan --mbox quarantine (where quarantine is the directory where RAV has stored the infected messages produces the same output as clamscan quarantine Am I still being stupid about something? Thanks, Phil On Friday, May 7, 2004, at 03:24 PM, Tomasz Kojm wrote:

Re: [Clamav-users] bug in clamdscan

2004-06-21 Thread Philip Ershler
If you don't like the software, and are unhappy about how much you paid for it, contact the Clamav team and ask for a job. Just my 2 cents. Phil On Jun 20, 2004, at 10:25 PM, Dan Egli wrote: Fajar A. Nugraha wrote: Dan Egli wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# clamdscan $PWD /root: Can't access the fi

Re: [Clamav-users] OpenSource Clamav not ready?

2004-08-12 Thread Philip Ershler
On Thursday, August 12, 2004, at 07:41 AM, Damjan wrote: Although, he does bring up a good point about the ScanMail option still not being officially supported. While I haven't had any problems with the feature on my work's server, it certainly does raise problems with some network admins. ScanMa

[Clamav-users] Freshclam cron interval

2004-08-12 Thread Philip Ershler
What do folks think is an appropriate interval for a cron job to run freshclam? Is once an hour reasonable? Thanks, Phil --- SF.Net email is sponsored by price on Blank Media 100pk Sonic DVD-R 4x for only $29 -100pk Sonic D

[Clamav-users] Messages that got through clam

2004-08-31 Thread Philip Ershler
I am running clam in series with RAV on CommuniGate Pro via cgpav. The messages go through clam first and if clam says OK then they go through RAV. Today RAV caught 4 messages that clam thought were OK. The following lines are from the RAV log. Should I provide the original messages to the clam

Re: [Clamav-users] Messages that got through clam

2004-08-31 Thread Philip Ershler
On Aug 31, 2004, at 8:02 PM, Niek wrote: On 9/1/2004 1:52 AM +0200, Philip Ershler wrote: I am running clam in series with RAV on CommuniGate Pro via cgpav. The messages go through clam first and if clam says OK then they go through RAV. Today RAV caught 4 messages that clam thought were OK

Re: [Clamav-users] Mail antivirus help

2004-09-10 Thread Philip Ershler
What kind of hardware/software are you running on? On Sep 10, 2004, at 7:33 AM, Stelian wrote: Please help me, i have a very urgent problem. I must provide a virus free mail service for my employer, and I must do it fast or my job is on the line :) We curently have about 6 POP3 acounts stored on ou

[Clamav-users] Odd messages in clamd startup

2004-09-23 Thread Philip Ershler
Hi, I'm running clamav 0.75-3. I just happened to notice when I started clamd I got some odd messages. Are these anything to worry about? Or are these Not supported signature types for the .80 release of clamav? LibClamAV debug: Loading /var/tmp/clamav-7762060f263cf476/daily.db LibClamAV debug:

[Clamav-users] Newcomer to MPP

2004-10-31 Thread Philip Ershler
Hi, I have just installed MPP with built in clamav for use with CommuniGate Pro on an OS X 10.3.5 system. I picked up the most recent version of MPP. Does this version of MPP utilize clamav .80? I was running the standalone clamav with cgpav. I assume I should replace my cron entry that I used

[Clamav-users] I'm sorry

2004-10-31 Thread Philip Ershler
I'm sorry, I just realized that I sent my last message to the wrong mailing list. Sorry, Phil ___

[Clamav-users] Virus Tests from

2004-11-24 Thread Philip Ershler
I am running the .80 release. Tonight I ran the current set of tests from Tests 4,5,7,8,17, and 19 got through. Any idea what's going on. The last time I ran this suite of tests on the .75 release, I seem to recall it did much better. Thanks for any thoughts, Phil ___

Re: [Clamav-users] Virus Tests from

2004-11-24 Thread Philip Ershler
On Nov 24, 2004, at 9:29 PM, Tristan Griffiths wrote: Philip Ershler wrote: I am running the .80 release. Tonight I ran the current set of tests from Tests 4,5,7,8,17, and 19 got through. Any idea what's going on. The last time I ran this suite of tests on the .75 relea

Re: [Clamav-users] Virus naming

2004-12-17 Thread Philip Ershler
on 12/17/04 1:09 PM, Carnegie, Martin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > >> Pardon, I didnt mean to imply that clamav doesnt provide the name of > the >> virus as well. The point i was trying to make was that clamav itself >> doesnt know or care about what is actually done after the virus is >> dete

Re: [Clamav-users] Virus naming

2004-12-17 Thread Philip Ershler
on 12/17/04 1:26 PM, Dennis Peterson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >> >> on 12/17/04 1:09 PM, Carnegie, Martin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >> >> Does your e-mail system have the means of using RTBL (Real Time Black List) >> servers? If so you might want to try that. Our spam load decreased >> rema

Re: [Clamav-users] Virus naming

2004-12-17 Thread Philip Ershler
on 12/17/04 2:31 PM, Carnegie, Martin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > >>> >>> on 12/17/04 1:09 PM, Carnegie, Martin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: >>> >>> Does your e-mail system have the means of using RTBL (Real Time Black > List) >>> servers? If so you might want to try that. Our spam load decr

[Clamav-users] The new e-mail exploit

2006-02-21 Thread Philip Ershler
Hi, Will ClamAV be able to catch executable scripts hiding as e-mail attachments any time soon? Thanks, Phil ___

Re: [Clamav-users] Can I give clam a list of files to scan

2006-09-08 Thread Philip Ershler
On Sep 8, 2006, at 11:34 AM, Dennis Peterson wrote: On Fri, Sep 08, 2006 at 10:05:48AM -0700, Dennis Peterson wrote: Hopefully the list is also properly escaped and or quoted. xargs is pretty unhappy with filenames that have special characters in them, or spaces. This is true no matter h