Hi Steven,
Imagine finding help (and the correct answer by the way) right here on campus! You seem to be right on the mark. If I ripmime one of my quarantined files and then clamscan the results, it finds the virus everytime.

Thanks, Phil

On Friday, May 7, 2004, at 02:05 PM, Steven Dean wrote:

        I am attempting to replace our e-mail virus scanner (RAV) with
clamav.  I am running it under OS X 10.3. I have about 250 e-mail
messages that  RAV has quarantined as being virus infected. If I use
clamscan to scan  these files, it only finds a few files that are
infected (with  I.Frame). If I use McAfee Virex, it finds no infected
files. Yet RAV  steadfastly insists that most of these files are
infected thusly:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name:
1083955063-460226.msg. The file (part0005:postcard.zip)->(Zip)
attached to mail (with  subject:test) sent by <not disclosed> to <not
disclosed> is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

        All of the messages in question seem like bogus e-mails with spoofed
addresses. I'm really confused as to whether i can trust clamav or
not.  I have downloaded the latest definitions with freshclam and run
clamd  in debug mode to make sure it's using the newly updated
databases. Any  suggestions?

Thanks, Phil Ershler


I don't think clamscan has any way to deal with the mime attachments. If you
want to test against the messages you will need to de-mime them to get to the
attachments. We use ripmime but I'm sure there are others out there.

I'm over in CADE (EMCB building) if you need any help.

--Steven Dean

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