on 12/17/04 1:09 PM, Carnegie, Martin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Pardon, I didnt mean to imply that clamav doesnt provide the name of
> the 
>> virus as well.  The point i was trying to make was that clamav itself
>> doesnt know or care about what is actually done after the virus is
>> detected.  That part is left up to something else (qmail-scanner in my
>> case).
>>> Also, as Jim points out, the real issue these days is why send
>>> notifications at all? Almost all viruses are mass-mailing these days
> (I 
>>> haven't seen a macro virus [that isn't a mass mailer] for several
>>> now), so it is WRONG to notify the sender - AS THEY DIDN'T SEND IT
> :-)
>> If i had a nickle for all the stupid "VIRUS DETECTED IN SENT MAIL"
>> notices i receive daily....
>> -Jim
>> _______________________________________________
>> http://lists.clamav.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/clamav-users
> Thanks for all the replies.  All I would want clamav to do is put
> something like @mm (does not have to be that, but just some unique
> identifier for mass mailers.  I could then use Exim or amavisd to drop
> it based on the virus name.  I really do not want to have to maintain a
> maunally populated list of mass mailing viruses.
> I guess we could look at deleting any email with an infected file, but I
> know that would come back and bite me on the @55. It is good to know
> that I could probably use Worm* or @mm and drop based on that.
> As far as notifications, I would never send someone a notification
> saying there was a virus in an email they sent, does not make sense
> anymore.
> Again thanks for the feedback.  Looks like I can drop Symantec :)
> _______________________________________________
> http://lists.clamav.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/clamav-users

Does your e-mail system have the means of using RTBL (Real Time Black List)
servers? If so you might want to try that. Our spam load decreased
remarkably after we implemented our RTBL.

My 2 cents,



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