S: Dilog SU726A Documentation

2017-07-29 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi All, Is someone here, who has the documentation for an Dilog SU726A Rev. C, Unibus SCSI Controller? Looks like the documentation is not on the Web, as google doesn't return any helpful link, and Bitsavers miss it also. Many Greetings Ulrich

WTB: RX02 Floppy Disks

2017-08-01 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi all, I'm interested on RX02 Disks, and would be happy to get some of them, to create RT11 installation and diagnostic disks. I know there are RX01/02 emulators available, but I would like to use the original way and equipment. Destination would be Germany. Many Greetings Ulrich

Re: WTB: RX02 Floppy Disks

2017-08-02 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi All, Looks like I was wrongly under the impression, that there is no way to reformat, disks to work in an RX02. I have two working IBM System /23 with 8" Floppy drives, which can format also in IBM3740. So when I have understood it correct, it could be worth to simply format an 8" SSSD Disk

Re: WTB: RX02 Floppy Disks

2017-08-02 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi All, Have managed to find and pick a bunch of SSSD 8" Disks in my basement, and have formatted them now via the IBM /23. Over the weekend I try the next step,and will "format" them under RT11. So fingers crossed, that my only running RT11 system, installed on an DEC RC25, will still boot.

Re: WTB: RX02 Floppy Disks

2017-08-03 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi All, All my 8" SSDD /SSSDdisks are non formatted, which was the reason for my initial troubles. Nevertheless, my IBM System /23 (Type 5324) can format disks in three different formats: _1. IBM System /23 Format_ 512 Bytes per Sector Possible Disk: SSSD, SSDD, DSDD _2. Standard Format_ 128

Re: WTB: RX02 Floppy Disks

2017-08-04 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi Jerry, You’ve made pretty good progress. Yes with the right input and help this can happen. ;-) And all the help is much appreciated! If you haven’t already, Google for and look at the manual for the SQ739. I think you will find that most of the commands for the on-board diagnostics are th

Re: WTB: RX02 Floppy Disks

2017-08-05 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Output: .SET DU CSR=17760340 ?DU-W-Patch handler bootstrap, put CSR at 3264 As you may have already learned, use only 16bit addresses for this. Hi Jerry, Thanks, you found the failure! (it's always the same with Copy and Paste). After I have corrected this to 160340 and afterwards all was run

Re: RL drive bulkhead connector

2017-08-07 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Each drive has this adapter internally at the flat ribbon cable, so if you have a spare drive you could think about using them. I have done this also, but my drive was damaged by water, so it was ok for me to cannibalize the adapter. It's also possible to go direct from the controller to the driv

PDP-11/84 Bootstrap for TSV05 (Dilog DU142)

2017-08-09 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi All, I have some trouble to get the Bootstrap for an Dilog DU142 (TS11) Controller running on my PDP-11/84. The bootstrap on page 3-2 of the following documentation was used: http://bitsavers.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/pdf/dilog/2120-0090-1_DU142_Jul87.pdf That's, what I have saved to the 1

Re: PDP-11/84 Bootstrap for TSV05 (Dilog DU142)

2017-08-10 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi Jerry, Welcome to the next challenge. I have found a procedure in the RT-11 Documentation, which automatically creates the two tapes. The output of the msb process is too long, so you can find them here: http://www.pdp-11.de/index.php/dec-devices/tsv05ts11-rt-11-and-create-magtape-distribut

Re: PDP-11/84 Bootstrap for TSV05 (Dilog DU142)

2017-08-10 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Am 10.08.2017 um 17:19 schrieb Paul Koning: On Aug 9, 2017, at 2:58 PM, Ulrich Tagge via cctalk wrote: Type a command then press the RETURN key: B MS0 Trying MS0 001120 @ You're getting an I/O error halt. That case is supposed to go to the HALT at 1114, which would mean you'

Re: PDP-11/84 Bootstrap for TSV05 (Dilog DU142)

2017-08-10 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi Jerry, I have now also checked the content, and it is exactly what I have saved to the ROM. Many Greetings Ulrich Am 10.08.2017 um 15:01 schrieb Jerry Weiss: The first thing I would do is check the contents of 1000-1116 after the halt occurs against the what you have in the eeprom. Je

Re: PDP-11/84 Bootstrap for TSV05 (Dilog DU142)

2017-08-10 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi Paul, Yes it's an 11/84 so 22Bit. I corrected 1050 to 100421 and have now these outcome. ROM ODT> 001000/012700 ROM ODT> 001002/172520 ROM ODT> 001004/012701 ROM ODT> 001006/172522 ROM ODT> 001010/005011 ROM ODT> 001012/105711 ROM ODT> 001014/100376 ROM ODT> 001016/012710 ROM ODT> 001020/001

Re: PDP-11/84 Bootstrap for TSV05 (Dilog DU142)

2017-08-10 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi Paul, I have changed the values. Tape turns and I get the following after less than a second. ROM ODT> 001000/012700 ROM ODT> 001002/172520 ROM ODT> 001004/012701 ROM ODT> 001006/172522 ROM ODT> 001010/005011 ROM ODT> 001012/105711 ROM ODT> 001014/100376 ROM ODT> 001016/012710 ROM ODT> 0010

Re: PDP-11/84 Bootstrap for TSV05 (Dilog DU142)

2017-08-10 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
I missed a Line: @17772522/100210

RX02 *.DSK convert to PDP11GUI Image format

2017-08-13 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi all, maybe someone can help. I would like to install TCP/IP on my RT-11 system. After a short search I have found the following, which I would use: http://www.classiccmp.org/PDP-11/RT-11/freeware/decus11/110939/rthtml/tcpget.htm But the images are in DSK format, but I can't write them with PD

Re: RX02 *.DSK convert to PDP11GUI Image format

2017-08-13 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
es. Reading and writing is based on block numbers. The file format is that of SimH: a file image is just a stream of blocks. >> Kermit would be a possibility, and I will try it later on. Many Greetings Ulrich Am 13.08.2017 um 19:25 schrieb Jerry Weiss: On Aug 13, 2017, at 11:00 AM, Ulrich Ta

Re: RX02 *.DSK convert to PDP11GUI Image format

2017-08-14 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Am 13.08.17 um 20:34 schrieb Jerry Weiss: On Aug 13, 2017, at 12:59 PM, Ulrich Tagge wrote: Hi Jerry, I have tried with PDP11GUI, but the first message says "The image contains only 505856 bytes, but disk has 512512 bytes". I have written some disks, and have ignored this message, but none of

Re: RX02 *.DSK convert to PDP11GUI Image format

2017-08-14 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi all, I have tried to find a specification about the DSK Image format, but have only found the the following: http://www.cpctech.org.uk/docs/dsk.html , which looks like the focus is more on CPC related Disks. Is there any detailed description somewhere in the www about the DSK format? Man

Re: RX02 *.DSK convert to PDP11GUI Image format

2017-08-14 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi All, After all the replays and discussions I was more and more the impression, that the images couldn't be in DSK, as this would mean some extra work, as this format can't be created on a PDP. To be more or less sure I have tried to open them with some DSK capable tool, which I had on an ol

Re: RX02 *.DSK convert to PDP11GUI Image format

2017-08-14 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi Glen, a mirror is here: http://rtk.mirrors.pdp-11.ru/_pdp-11/shop-pdp.net/pub/tcpip/tcpip/ Please have a look onto my last reply, as the problem seams to be solved. Many Greetings Ulrich Am 15.08.17 um 06:49 schrieb Glen Slick: On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 9:00 AM, Ulrich Tagge via cctalk

Re: SOLVED: PDP-11/84 Bootstrap for TSV05 (Dilog DU142)

2017-08-14 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi All, It was possible to solve the issue with much help from Jerry and Paul. 1. Bootstrap Loader as printed in the Dilog Documentation is wrong and was fixed. Here is the fixed and running version: Device name = MS New = Beginning address = 001000 New = Last byte address = 001400 New = Sta

Re: PDP-11/73 and 11/94 update

2017-09-20 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi Rod, I'm sure you are aware about, ... the /94 have a MDM card/module, where you can set the NPG jumper via switches. Is this set correct for all the slots, no mismatch in counting the small switches? Have you checked the flat ribbon cable - I had much fun with damaged cables? Have you trie

Re: PDP-11/73 and 11/94 update

2017-09-20 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi Rod, I had an similar issue, when trying to boot a RX02 Disk created on my /84 on a /34a. Have bypassed this and have installed a fresh RT11, but had no time to figure out the problem. Would it of interest for you, to get RX02 Images (PDP11GUI) of my RT-11 V5.4 G Distribution Set? With them

Re: PDP-11/73 and 11/94 update

2017-09-20 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi Rod, I missed this in my last reply. You can also verify the Bootstrap code placed in the KDJ11 EEPROM, maybe there is an error in. Many Greetings Ulrich

Re: PDP-11/73 and 11/94 update

2017-09-20 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi Rod, I have not the chance to go into the basement before Weekend, but have document the installation here: http://www.pdp-11.de/index.php/pdp-11/rt11-5-4g-installation/ My 11/84 have the KDJ11-B (m8190). Many Greetings Ulrich

DEC H7750 Battery Backup Unit

2017-10-09 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi All, I have a PDP-11/24 which is connected to a H7750. There is not much about the H7750 in the documentation of the /24, and I would like to know how to check the H7750 and to verify it's correct operation. So schematics and documentation for the H7750 would be welcome - any hint how to

Re: Retarded ebay prices

2018-12-19 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
We had three HP250 Desks here in Germany over the last Years. They have found a new Home for approx. 200.- to 250.- Euro. This one is since months on my whatchlist, and the price is defnitly too high. We had also a VAX 11/785 incl. 9-Track Tape, VT100, RA Disk Drive, ... ... which was gone for u

IBM 360? on eBay.de

2019-04-08 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
I'm not affiliated with the seller. https://www.ebay.de/itm/seltene-Anlage-Puma-Computer-IBM-2020/202646831828?hash=item2f2eb142d4:g:izoAAOSwhV1cpwr2&frcectupt=true

Re: UNIBUS RK611 (RK06/RK07) controller available

2017-03-06 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi Noel, I'm really interested to get a Backplane and Board Set (RK611), for my two RK7 drives. I think we are not on the same continent, but I'm willing to spend some bucks for shipping, ... . So happy to hear from you. Many Greetings Ulrich

Re: RX01 wants

2019-11-17 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi Fritz, I'm interested in the RX01 Drive and equipment. Where is the stuff located? Many Greetings Ulrich

Re: Portlock Storage Manager?

2020-01-02 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi Benjamin, I was a Novell CNE for a longer time, and have started to work with NetWare 2.10 (non dedicated server) with the age of 15 in 1993. Have made my first real money with the migration of this NetWare 2.10 which was running on a small 80286 PC server to 3.12 on a Compaq SystemPro in 199

Re: Maxtor full-height 5.25" drives of death

2018-02-22 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
/Here is my list. 6x RD54 (Maxtor XT2190) >2x OK, 2x Media Error, 1x Actuator Issue, 1x Head issue 3x RD53 (Micropolis 1325) >2x Actuator issue, 1x actuator issue followed by spinning issue (speed sensor?) 4x Seagate ST251 >4x OK 3x Seagete ST225 >3x OK 3x IBM Type 068 >3x Dead On the 3.5" side

DEC Field Guide > equivalent available for Data General?

2018-03-21 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi all, is there somewhere a list of DG modules which includes also 3rd party/OEM, ... like it is available for DEC? Would be good to know what the following is: 107-000621 02 107-000621 03/11 107-001632-00 107-0016320/02 107-000718-00 107-000181-04 107-000187-16 107-000187-15-30 AB020116-00

Re: DEC Field Guide > equivalent available for Data General?

2018-03-22 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Hi all, thanks for your comments. They has helped a lot, to understand the DG numbering schema, and will help identifying the modules. Many Greetings Ulrich

PDP-11/23 with RL02 on - eBay US

2018-07-25 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Just spotted this auction on eBay US Item: 263824036905 Location is: Glenview, Illinois Not cheap, but the seller is open for offers. Not affiliated with the seller.

Re: DECstation firmware archive?

2018-08-04 Thread Ulrich Tagge via cctalk
Maybe this helps: http://home.iae.nl/users/pb0aia/vax/vs-scsi.html & ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/vms/ka420/README.txt On 08/03/2018 01:53 PM, Glen Slick via cctalk wrote: /On Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 2:26 AM, Jan-Benedict Glaw via cctalk />/ > wrote: />>/