Hi Jerry,
Welcome to the next challenge.
I have found a procedure in the RT-11 Documentation, which automatically
creates the two tapes.
The output of the msb process is too long, so you can find them here:
The creation has worked like a charm, and without any problem.
When I boot via "b ms0" I get instantly this error, but the tape doesn't
move noticeable.
001120 is the configured Last byte address. As the code ends by 001116 I
have set it a little big higher, which was recommended somewhere in the
11/84 PROM documentation.
Many Greetings
The first thing I would do is check the contents of 1000-1116 after
the halt occurs
against the what you have in the eeprom.
1120 is not a location I would expect this to halt, so either there is
a problem in
loading the the eeprom bootstrap or perhaps the first records of the
tape are being loaded.
Do you see any tape motion?
For RT-11, you need to load device specific files at the beginning of
the tape.
The tape primary and secondary bootstrap which load the monitor, need
to be first.
The following (rough) example is for MS: @1600BPI and the RT11SJ
Ini/Que/Vol/File:MBOT16.BOT MS:
Cop MDUP.MS MS:/Pos:-1
Cop SWAP.SYS MS:/Pos:-1
Cop RT11SJ.SYS MS:/Pos:-1
Cop MS.SYS MS:/Pos:-1
Cop DU.SYS MS:/Pos:-1
Cop MDUP.SAV MS:/Pos:-1
Cop PIP.SAV MS:/Pos:-1
Cop DUP.SAV MS:/Pos:-1
… + other OS files.
j...@ieee.org <mailto:j...@ieee.org>