Re: Reproduction DEC 144-lamp indicator panels

2021-12-09 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Noel said > The only PDP-11 devices which used indicator panels which I know of were: > > - the DX11 (I don't think anyone's got one of those) > - the RF11 (ditto - although Guy was discussing emulating one at one point) > - the RP11 (but the indicator panel is built into the controller rack there,

Re: TU56 DECtape takeup reel needed

2021-12-17 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Mike said > I am also in need of emtpy reels.  I purchased a TU56 that had been > taken apart to restore and the restoration had never been finished. The > empty reels were not in the box of parts. > > Has anyone tried 3D printing these? I haven't tried printing a TU56 one as I don't have that per

Re: PDP-11/44 gas struts

2021-12-24 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Alan asked > I have a PDP-11/44 system in the DEC 41" high cabinet. > It is designed to be tilted up for service, aided and > supported by two gas struts, one on each side. > > Unfortunately, after all these years, the struts have > failed and do not provide any assistance. That box is > heavy! >

Re: Also WTB: DEC VSXXX-AA Mouse or Compatible

2022-02-12 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Jonathan asked > If available, I'd like to purchase a bunch. I am setting up a lab to work on > X11 (and then accelerated X11) support for NetBSD, on: > - Vaxstation II > - Vaxstation II/GPX > - vaxstation 2000 with 8-plane GPX, and mono if I can find another chassis > - microvax 3100 with. mo

Re: Seeking paper tape punch

2022-02-21 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Ben said > This requires a REAL MACHINE SHOP ... none this 3d printer stuff. I > would recommend a building a 35mm film punch and reader, as film stock > is still easy to find compared to paper tape. Zuse used them for his > computers in Germany on the 40's. Quality Mechanical stuff is lost high >

Re: Seeking paper tape punch

2022-02-22 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
John said > At 08:24 PM 2/21/2022, Steve Malikoff via cctalk wrote: >>Consumer-grade CNC stencil cutters are fine at cutting plastic sheet and >>should be ok with film stock. >>My ptap2dxf (latest version 1.3) will produce output to cut tapes for ... > > Meaning the Cri

DEC ME11-L core memory expansion unit drawings

2022-03-24 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
I have finally got around to scanning the print set for the DEC ME11-L memory expansion unit and you can find it at The quality is acceptable given that the office supplies shop where I (DIY) scanned them on an A3 s

Re: Glass memory?

2022-04-06 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Paul and others said >> What if you can't make ICs any more? Or rather, what level of IC >> fabrication would it be possible to construct from scratch? > For semiconductors, you'd start with machinery to make ultra-pure materials > (silicon, I'd assume). A Czochralski crystal growing machine to

Re: idea for a universal disk interface

2022-04-12 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
shad said > Hello, > I'm a decent collector of big iron, aka mini computers, mainly DEC and DG. > I'm often facing common problems with storage devices, magnetic discs and > tapes are a little prone to give headaches after years, and replacement > drives/media in case of a severe failure are

[cctalk] Re: Soviet PDP clones

2022-12-05 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
About 5 years ago I saved these pics off eBay of what looked to me like an Eastern Bloc PDP-11/15 console. As I have a (rebadged) 11/15, I thought they were interesting. These aren't my photos, I don't own them, saved for educational purposes only.

[cctalk] DLV11 M7940 SLU header wire colours?

2022-12-21 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Sorry this post isn't about whether something is regarded as classic or not. I am almost done putting together a little 4-card Qbus machine using a H9281-BA card frame. Eschewing a piece of plywood, the frame, power supply, fans, Heeltoe POR board are all mounted on a clear acrylic A4-sized offic

[cctalk] Re: DLV11 M7940 SLU header wire colours?

2022-12-23 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Thank you Martin and Fritz for figuring out the DLV11 wiring colours, that's exactly what I needed and I appreciate it very much! Also there is a lot that I hadn't looked at before in those links, much appreciated. Certainly hadn't considered the wire gauge size too critically but I'll use what I

[cctalk] Re: best C compiler(s) for varied vintage programming

2022-12-26 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
On 27-Dec-22 12:19 PM, Chris via cctalk wrote: It cannot rely on bios/ms-dos services for compiling preferably. Iow I'd like to perform what I want to do on the target machine itself, LOL which is hysterical as I've never even seen it boot even once. I could complie on a standard pc I suppose a

[cctalk] Mechanical Selectric keyboards on video terminals (was Re: Typing class in high school)

2023-01-28 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Chuck said > Speaking of keyboards, were there any computer keyboards or typewriter > keyboards with interposer mechanisms such as used on IBM keypunches? I > recall that was one thing that had a very different "feel" from a > typewriter keyboard. It changed my keyboarding style. There were som

[cctalk] Re: Mechanical Selectric keyboards on video terminals (was Re: Typing class in high school)

2023-01-28 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
> On 2023-01-28 11:10 p.m., Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote: >> On 1/28/23 17:34, Steve Malikoff via cctalk wrote: >>> Chuck said >> >> How does your setup differ form the 1052 keyboard? I know that uses a >> modified 024 keyboard, so interposers. >> Under

[cctalk] PDP-11/05 early print set for download

2023-03-18 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
G'day all, I have just uploaded the engineering drawings for the early PDP-11/05, the one with the solid (no slots) Mazak lower bezel and the M7261 with the unpopulated region. The latest date I can find in this print set is October 1973, Drawing release 11/05-49. You can view or download it

[cctalk] Re: PDP-11/05 early print set for download

2023-03-18 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Jon said > On 3/18/23 04:34, Steve Malikoff via cctalk wrote: >> G'day all, >> I have just uploaded the engineering drawings for the early PDP-11/05, >> the one with the solid (no slots) Mazak lower bezel > > Huh?  Mazak made machine tools.  Did you mean Zamak

[cctalk] Cards in the PDP-11/05 just sold on eBay

2023-03-24 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
G'day all, Just followed the sale of the 11/05 on eBay (#175655196586) that ended a short time ago. It's a remarkably clean and complete machine and am not surprised at the hammer price. I was curious what the quad-height card with two ribbon cables coming out the sides was? It appears to hav

Re: PDP-11/20 in Iowa (x3)

2017-03-27 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
>> On Mar 27, 2017, at 9:15 AM, Ethan Dicks via cctalk >> wrote: >> Was there ever a quad MOS memory board for the 11/20? It would have >> to be 4K or less, I'd expect, given the era and size of RAM. I know >> by a few years later, with the 11/04, MOS was becoming common. > > I don't know of MO

Re: Info Needed: DATARAM DR-111 PDP-11 Unibus 16KW Core Memory

2017-04-05 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Systems Glitch said > Looking for any information and/or documentation on DATARAM DR-111 (assembly > 61101) 16Kx16 core memory boards for the Unibus. I've got four in unknown > condition, one with a clearly destroyed 8T37. > I have a large format scanner with ADF and can digitize print sets if >

VideoBrain APL/S (Was: APL and descendants - was Re: If C is so evil why

2017-04-16 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Dwight said > I have a tiny APL that was written for the 8080 someplace. > It has input that use ASCII keyboard input instead of the > funny characters. > I played with it a little on my IMSAI. The fellow had hand > written and assembled it by hand. > Not something I'd ever like to do. > I make to

Re: Vintage computers for sale

2017-05-07 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Amardeep said > A friend of mine was asking if anyone wanted an old CoCo 1 or 2, Apple IIc, > TI 99/4A and one or two other machines he was looking to rehome. I > realized I had several vintage machines that I'd like to rehome myself. We > were discussing the possibility of collaborating on a vin

RE: FTGH Large amount of DEC/Misc Classic computer hardware

2017-05-07 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Dave said: >> -Original Message- >> From: cctalk [] On Behalf Of Rob Jarratt >> via cctalk >> Sent: 07 May 2017 18:21 >> To: 'Adrian Graham' ; 'General Discussion: On- >> Topic and Off-Topic Posts' >> Subject: RE: FTGH Large amount of DEC/Misc Classic co

Re: Need captive panel screw for unibus mounting

2017-06-08 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
> I need (1) of the 8/32 x 1 3/8 captive screws that are at either end of a > unibus backplane to mount it to the chassis. > > I've looked online and not only are they expensive (~ $10.00/ea) but you > have to order 5 of them at a time. > > I'm hoping that there's someone on the list that has one t

Re: RC11 manuals / schematics online?

2017-06-10 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Mattis said > Well. Nobody has posted any thing about RC11 schematics, unfortunately. > Maybe someone has a paper copy that could be scanned? Or that I can borrow > to scan? > > With the RS64 and the RC11 it would be possible to run DOS/BATCH 11. Could > be interesting to test it on the real hardwa

Re: DEC archives

2017-06-16 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Gene suggested: > Instead of that, why not just upload the scans to the Internet Archive? I > suspect they'd love to have the material. > > g. Thanks for that! After grabbing this-that-theother off, it had never really occurred to me to actually join and upload bits and pieces of old

Re: Repurposed Art (ahem...)

2017-07-18 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Ed said > Re-purposed art or vandalism? > > > > Ed > -- > Ik email, dus ik besta. I would guess that the paint used was acrylic rather than oil enamel. Being water-based it ought to be easier to remove if the casings were taken off and pressure washed, than hav

Re: Diskette size (was: Repurposed Art (ahem...)

2017-07-20 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Eric said: > I think Shugart settled on 5.25" for the size of a minifloppy at least a > year, and more likely two years, before Steve Jobs would have visited. I > don't have proof, but SA400 public intro was in 1976, and they probably > took more than a year of development to get to that point. Fo

Re: Replacing flat drive belts alternatives?

2017-07-24 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Craig said > I would like to have both the drives in my HP 9895A working. Since flat belts > for old equipment are becoming nearly impossible to find, has anyone had > success replacing a flat belt with a toothed? Either by reversing the belt > or by also replacing the pulleys? Or by the insta

Re: VCF?

2017-08-13 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Marc said > I just put up one video > > Warning: it's selective, mostly centered on my own favorites and interests, > the people I could interview, and of course our Alto which was on exhibit. > Almost no micro or post 1970's stuff, of which there was a lot more of cou


2017-08-13 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Marc said: > The overall Chordset dimensions are 5 3/4 for width and 6" for depth. Keys > are spaced like regular piano keys, whatever that is. That should help you > dimension the drawing you have. We found very few programs that would use it. > Marc Thanks, I appreciate it. Would I be able to

Re: VCF?

2017-09-03 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Marc said > Problem is, it's not like this simple drawing at all, it's much more > complicated. Every surface is slanted, edges are rounded, edges are > beveled... Quite a refined industrial design actually. > Marc > > On Aug 13, 2017, at 11:26 PM, wrote: > > Marc said earlie

Re: Xerox Alto Chordset Pictures (was RE: VCF?)

2017-09-06 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
towards the back. Way more engineering and industrial design that > you'd ever think for a research device. Beautiful piece of hardware, deserves > to be 3D modelled. Good luck! > > Marc > > -Original Message- > From: cctalk [] On B

Re: Alto 5-Key Keyset pictures

2017-09-16 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Al said: > I had to fix a key on CHM's keyset today, so I shot a bunch of pictures while > it was apart > > > They spent a lot of money on this. There are two castings of the same > material as the keyboard > and monitors, and two injection mo

Re: DEC H9xx rack parts needed

2017-09-16 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Paul and others said >> On Sep 16, 2017, at 4:10 PM, Paul Koning via cctalk >> wrote: >> >> >>> On Sep 16, 2017, at 9:52 AM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk >>> wrote: >>> does anyone have any spare "pivot bushings" for the DEC H9xx series cabinets (H950, H960, etc)? (These are the short piec

Re: 40pin Berg connectors, the DEC alphabet, and pin numbering

2017-09-18 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Chuck said > Is pin AA == pin 1 or pin 40 ? > > When using modern replacement connectors with keys and marked pin 1, > the translation seems to be pin AA == pin 40. > > Did DEC have an accepted mapping between the alphabet and numbers? > > -chuck Not sure if this helps, as its the serial connector

Re: 40pin Berg connectors, the DEC alphabet, and pin numbering

2017-09-18 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Bill said: AA is the 12th pin on the lower row. On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 8:50 PM, Steve Malikoff via cctalk wrote: Chuck said > Is pin AA == pin 1 or pin 40 ? > > When using modern replacement connectors with keys and marked pin 1, > the translation seems to be p

RE: HP 7970E - interest to split?

2017-09-25 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
> Well, as others have pointed out, a "tape transport" is not the whole > ball-of-wax. You need the ability to format the tape into blocks and then > control tape motion in terms of those blocks. That's what you'd be > responsible for in your added electronics. From the Introduction in the >

Re: HP 7970E - interest to split?

2017-09-29 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Chuck said: > On 09/28/2017 08:57 PM, Anders Nelson via cctalk wrote: >> Update: I bought the Kennedy 9800 as it pushed all my buttons at once. >> >> Now I'm looking for 8" mag tapes/reels that will fit! Anyone know where I >> can find these, maybe 3pcs? I could laser-cut some frosted acrylic or >>


2017-10-06 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
After the discussion last year about lifting and racking heavy gear, I bodged together some hardware and came up with the PDP-Lifter. It allows easy movement, lifting and lowering for racking and unracking equipment in 19" racks. Specifically for PDP-11's and the H960, but could be used for pret

Re: HP 7970 1/2" 9-Track Reel-to-Reel Tape Drive...

2017-10-18 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Jack said > Good points all and I appreciate the input. > > The $700 freight is what the eBay seller near DC quoted by e-mail. Having it palletised definately sounds the safest option, but for "cheap and cheerful" I have found removalists wanting a backload to be pretty good. However that's here

Re: Image de-warping tool, and Multics/GCOS panels

2017-10-27 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Noeal asked: > I'm having an issue with the images, though: taking a picture of a flat, > rectangular panel with a camera usually produces distortion (even with the > lens set to the narrowest angle possible). > > Does anyone know of any freeware which will fix this? The image tool I > normally use

PTAP2DXF - make paper tapes without a punch

2017-12-01 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
If you have a paper tape reader and no punch, you can now make real working paper tapes using a normal home stencil-cutting machine. I've written a small command line utility that can take a .PTAP (or any other binary or textfile) and generate output that these machines will cut. that your reader

PTAP2DXF - make paper tapes without a punch

2017-12-01 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
(posted this just as the list went down earlier, apologies if it appears twice) If you have a paper tape reader and no punch, you can now make real working paper tapes using a normal home stencil-cutting machine. I've written a small command line utility that can take a .PTAP (or any other binar

Re: Looking for AMP / TE coaxial connectors - Memorex 651 drive

2017-12-11 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Mattis said > Hello! > > I am about to start with the project to archive disks from the Incoterm > system. > > This system makes use of the Memorex 651 drive which is somewhat odd. It > has 64 tracks,is hard sectored with 32 sectors and spins at 375 rpm. > > But I do have the drive which hopefully

eBay: MEMOREX 3693-2 & 3690-2 Disc Drive Mainframe IBM 3370-2 VINTAGE

2017-12-15 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
eBay: MEMOREX 3693-2 & 3690-2 Disc Drive Mainframe IBM 3370-2 VINTAGE No connection to the seller, but they mention it will be scrapped if no takers. $150 Buy it now. or eBay item number: 272983

Re: Font for DEC indicator panels

2018-11-12 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Guy said > Hmm, I posted to the list about this 3 hours ago, and it hasn't appeared yet. > Is there an extra vetting process for posts that include links to web sites? > I included various links to font searching sites, cleaned-up samples of the > DEC fonts > from my own scan (online) of a DEC PDP

Re: Teletype cheap

2018-11-24 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
> I wonder if anyone made a 3d printer file for a 33 chad box? > Dwight ...working on it :) Steve.

Re: Teletype cheap

2018-11-24 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Bill said > I suggested a shallow box does not have to be so tall. > > On Sat, Nov 24, 2018, 7:56 PM Steve Malikoff via cctalk < > wrote: > >> >> > I wonder if anyone made a 3d printer file for a 33 chad box? >> > Dwight >> &

Re: OCR old software listing.

2018-12-26 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Mattis said > Finally I got hold of the sources for the PDP-11 SPACE WAR that was > submitted to DECUS by Bill Seiler. > > The format is scans of the PAL-11S listing output. It is easy to crop the > image to only contain actual source. Then running OCR on it. Tried a few > online versions and tesse

Apollo 8 Mission Control printers, or not?

2018-12-28 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Being the 50th anniversary of the flight of Apollo 8, I was watching a newly-uploaded informational film of the mission on Youtube: At 18:02 and 18:13 there are what appeasr to be small blue/green tabletop printers on trolleys positioned next to the consoles.

Re: OCR old software listing

2019-01-02 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
I timed myself how long it would take to clean up Mattis' supplied image so it might be able to be OCR'd more accurately. Using Paint.NET it took me 23 minutes to get to the following: There are still a few little bits I missed, but hap


2019-01-12 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Ben said > I am building a TTL computer from 1973 as I said earlier. This is to > compiete > with the PDP 11 and the PDP 8. Major design features a single memory bus > and character I/O (10 bits) and word/character addressing. It sounds like you are building a machine similar to the EDUC-8, which

Re: "Plug and Play" adapter for PDP-11/70 panel - BlinkenBone update

2019-01-17 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
That's really nice! Looking at your photos there seems to be an ability to re-jumper the console ribbon cable on your new board, if so would it be able to be then used with other original PDP-11 consoles? I am doing up the CAD model for the 11/05 console (it's really quite a simple shape) and its

Re: VT52 stand

2019-02-23 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Marc said > Does anyone on the list have or have seen the stand that DEC sold with the > VT52? I'm just curious; does the stand screw into holes on the monitor or > does it just sit on top? > > From what I've seen before it just looks like an office chair base with a > top that is the correct size

Model 40 Re: IBM 360 Model 50 information?

2019-04-01 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Marc said > Which brings us to the real problem: we don’t have 360 Model 50 ALDs. Anyone > has them? > > Marc And same for the Model 40 ALDs. All I have is one or two pages of the 2040 ALD's and some peripheral ALD's only saved because I'd drawn artwork on the back, or they got used for book cov

Re: Daisywhell typewriter emulating a TTY

2019-04-10 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Gerard asked > I would like to emulate a TTY, using a daisywheel typewriter. > One immediately think : " Find an IBM Selectric, a Friden flexowriter or a > like " > But NO, I want something less complex, mechanical wise. > That's why I want to investigate on daisywheel typewriters. > I am aware of

Re: Modern Rack Rails in Classic Racks?

2019-04-27 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Zan said > How safe is it to put modern rack rails (HP) in a classic DEC Rack? The DEC > racks have small holes, while the new HP racks, IIRC, have big square holes. > It looks like the rails will work, they just won’t clip flush. > > Zane I have been modifying quite a few hodgepodge pairs of

IBM 4506 Digital TV display unit (System 360 peripheral)

2019-05-07 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
I was going through some items of my fathers-in-law and found a photocopy of a 1972 conference paper that mentions the IBM 4506 Digital TV display unit being used by reporters and editors at the New York Times. These and other terminals (2741 I/O selectric, 2265 VDU) were connected to a 360/40.

IBM 1052 keyboardless printer on eBay

2019-05-09 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Sadly, way out of my price range. I'd dearly love it though: Seems to be missing the 1052 / 2741 platen knobs unique to the printer-keyboards and I/O Selectrics BUT if anyone is interested I have almos

Re: How were 32-bit minis built in the 70s/80?

2019-05-11 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Warren said > I'm building my own 8-bit CPU from TTL chips, and this caused me to think: > how were 32-bit minis built in the late 70s and early 80s? In particular, > how was the ALU built? I know about the 74181 4-bit ALU, and I know (from > reading A Soul of a New Machine) that PALs were also use

Re: "industrial" PDP-11

2019-05-15 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
> Hey all, > > I bumped into someone who has some early (mid 1970 on some of the photos > I've seen) PDP-11 bits - front panel and a handful of boards (the > backplane, PSU, rack, peripherals etc. are long gone). The front panel's > branded as "Industrial 11" though, which isn't something I've seen

Re: IBM lifting tool

2019-05-27 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Evan said > While I'm on a roll, I saw this one randomly also - seems to have been a > topic of interest to the list not long ago? > It's a bit short & limited in terms of load but might suit someone >

Re: looking for an old IBM knob from a 609 calculator panel

2019-05-28 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
> On Tuesday, May 28, 2019, 10:36:10 AM PDT, William Donzelli via cctalk > wrote: > > Those knobs look like they are cast pop metal or zinc or something, > not Bakelite. > > -- > Will > They are metal for sure. Probably cast. They are smooth, though there's a bit > of corrosion and pittin

Re: 9-Track Magtape Drive ID

2019-06-01 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Mark said > Does anybody here recognize the make and model of this tape drive? > > > > -- > Mark J. Blair, NF6X > As Al said, Kennedy 9000. Slide the test buttons door panel upwards on the top left and all will be revealed :)

RE: 9-Track Magtape Drive ID

2019-06-02 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Henk said > Regarding the rubber rings on the hubs of the tape drive, I remember that > somebody > once told that when the rubber tension is weak (because the ring diameter got > a bit > bigger, you can get the ring back to its original shape by putting it in warm > water. I tried this. It didn

[no subject]

2019-06-15 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Looks like the recent recovery in Germany had a precedent. These two happy guys have lugged their 360 out of the building BUT look at the extra they snagged with theirs, and in great condition too!

Re: Missing posts in archive and no Subject: line

2019-06-18 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Noel said > I'm not sure what happened, but I note the next post had no Subject: line, > and I'm wondering if that caused it. So best to make sure your posts have > Subject: lines. > > Noel When I posted the bit about the 360 + car photo the other day, I had a subject line ready to go and I

Ep. 5 Thirteen minutes to the Moon Re: Apollo Guidance Computer Article

2019-06-19 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Chris said > You might want to be explicit that the article is about the Apollo Guidance > Computer, not about Apollo Computer the workstation manufacturer. > > — Chris I'd like to mention the great podcast series 'Thirteen minutes to the Moon' the BBC is running right now. Episode 5 is 'The F

Re: unix developed on 11/20 with 20 on panel or machine that just said pdp/11?

2019-06-21 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Warren said > According to this page that Dennis Ritchie wrote, the original PDP-11 > they used was indeed an 11/20 but it was before there were PDP-11 model > numbers: > > > > And, of course, the PDP-7 Unix development came before the PDP-11 versi

Apple ][ EPROM programmer Re: Lots of Apple 1 computers @ VCF West

2019-07-06 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Guy said > I just _love_ being reminded of the circumstances of my NOT buying an Apple > I, and what that mistake cost me. > > You mention you were not aware of any EPROM programmer boards for the Apple ][. I had one for my taiwanese FORMOSA Ap

AGC software bloat 'what if' musing

2019-07-17 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
It's well documented that in 1967 or so the AGC code was bloated (amongst other problems) and looked like it was not going to be ready in time for the landings, so much so that NASA sent in Bill Tindall to MIT to kick heads. Could they perhaps have given the under-pressure programmers some breat

Re: UNIVAC IBM AND APOLLO - -History --Background

2019-07-21 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Ed said > Great > info! > Here's an all-employees memo my dad kept about IBM's part in the success of the mission:

Re: Scanning question (Is destruction of old tech docs a moral crime?)

2019-07-23 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Paul etc said >> On Jul 21, 2019, at 12:16 PM, Jon Elson via cctalk >> wrote: >> >> On 07/21/2019 05:16 AM, Joseph S. Barrera III via cctalk wrote: >>> What dpi qualifies as not "crappy"? 300dpi? 400? 600? >>> >>> >> Most of the text of these documents don't need super high resolution. But, >>


2019-08-05 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Ben said > Where are all the articles about a TTL designed computer? > Yes I know about (Homebuilt CPUs ring) but that is mostly > today. What about the Late 70's and Early 80's? Well there's the EDUC-8, based on the PDP-8 instruction set and was published from 1974 to 1975 by Electronics Austral

Re: OT: shortening eBay URLSs (Was: IBM PT-2

2019-08-21 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Guy said > Or to just the item number: > 253997593352 > > Assuming your browser is going to expand typing eb to, then you > enter the item number in the ebay search box. > > Guy > > At 08:45 PM 21/08/2019 -0700, you wrote: >>A small off-topic trivial tip: >>That URL can be reduced to:

Re: PDP-11/34 rails?

2017-03-05 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Original Message Subject: Re: PDP-11/34 rails? From:"Todd Goodman via cctalk" Date:Mon, March 6, 2017 1:48 am To: "Noel Chiappa" "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" --

Re: DEC frontpanel switch replica!

2017-03-15 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
> Hi folks, > > this might be quite interesting for the folks that miss front panel > switch handles! > > As some of you might know I'm currently working (a bit) on a new batch > of Omnibus USB boards. And I have announced that there will be a kind of > handle for the boards this time... I went to

FTGH VME Microsystems VMEbus DMA interface card manual

2019-09-26 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
VME Systems VMEbus DMA Interface card manual. 1991 reprint from 1986. About 100+ pages, schematic, asm test routines I didn't see it on bitsavers. I don't have any VMEbus gear so no point it taking up space here. Yours for postage from Brisbane, Oz. Ste

Re: IBM MST extender cards

2019-10-10 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Al said > > > are these extender cards for IBM MST modules? > > Very nice, great find. That wire wrap tool is identical to one my dad had in his CE toolkit (now lost unfortunately). Are there any other markings on it apart from the IBM p/n?

Re: IBM MST extender cards

2019-10-10 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Mark said > On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 10:16:34AM +1000, Steve Malikoff via cctalk wrote: >> That wire wrap tool is identical to one my dad had in his CE toolkit > > I ... should take it from this that people don't just *own* these anymore? > > This was an "essntial de

Re: IBM MST extender cards

2019-10-11 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Jon said > On 10/11/2019 03:50 AM, jim stephens via cctalk wrote: >> >> >> On 10/10/2019 10:49 AM, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote: >>> >>> >>> are these extender cards for IBM MST modules? >> > Oh, and by the way, that is an UNWRAPPING tool in the > picture, not a

S100 2716 programmer was Re: IBM MST extender cards

2019-10-11 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
I thought I might have had some notes of the S100 2716 eprom programmer I mentioned (dad just called it the eprom burner) somewhere, and sure enough I did. I'm surprised they didn't go along with all the peripherals and doco when the S100 machine was sold sometime in the late 80s. It's on fools

Re: General Automation SPC 16 on eBay

2019-10-12 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Bob said > There's a cheap General Automation SPC 16/45 on eBay that someone needs > to get. It's for pickup only > in Royal Oak, MI otherwise I would go for it. Includes a disk drive. > Looks like it needs to be gone in a week. > See: > >

pull-out console tables Re: General Automation SPC 16 on eBay

2019-10-12 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
> There's a cheap General Automation SPC 16/45 on eBay that someone needs > to get. It's for pickup only > in Royal Oak, MI otherwise I would go for it. Includes a disk drive. > Looks like it needs to be gone in a week. > See: > >

Re: Systems Engineering Laboratories SEL 810a Mainframe For Sale

2019-10-13 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Thomas said > I am taking offers on an SEL 810a mainframe computer. It includes three > cabinets, a Teletype Model 33 ASR, as well as a vintage wooden box filled > with spare cards. This machine was installed in 1969 and retired in 2006. > It is in excellent condition. It has a front panel with bli

Re: Yahoo Groups going away

2019-10-17 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Cameron said > Yeah, it sucks. The Tomy Tutor users group has been there for years, and I > guess we'll jump over to I managed to archive everything last > night. What's your strategy for archiving material off YahooGroups? Their Files and Photo (photostreams) sections are so heavily Ja

Re: Yahoo Groups going away

2019-10-23 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Jim said > On 10/17/2019 6:52 PM, Cameron Kaiser via cctalk wrote: Yeah, it sucks. The Tomy Tutor users group has been there for years, and I guess we'll jump over to I managed to archive everything last night. >>> What's your strategy for archiving material off YahooGroup

Remex reader/punch PDP-11 interface board manuals on eBay

2019-11-12 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Just wondering if anyone on the list is going after these 1973 Remex manuals for the PDP-11 interface to their reader/punch units? I have two of the reader-only version of this board I bought relatively cheap off eBay

Re: Remex reader/punch PDP-11 interface board manuals on eBay

2019-11-12 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Paul said > I have a few of the boards, If anyone is interested, I can find them and > post the part numbers. > I think they made a few for PDP-8s, and if so, I could have a few of those. > > Paul > > On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 5:15 PM Steve Malikoff via cctalk < > c

Re: Discord

2019-11-15 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
J said Discord is great for real time text chat back and forth. There are also audio and video channels if people want to use that to talk verbally or via video. > > I’d rather not turn this into a long debate of whether discord is good or bad > or anything like that. I’m just saying it’s there,

Re: UniBone: Linux-to-DEC-UNIBUS-bridge, year #1

2019-11-16 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Joerg said >>> *What it is:* >>> In case you forgot: UniBone is a plugin board to DEC PDP-11 UNIBUS >>> systems containing a BeagleBone Black. >>> >>> See Is it possible to get it as a "kit+" where the SMD components only are already soldered onto the bare bo

Re: Key for IBM 9370 - 20

2019-11-26 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Fred said > For $60 or $70 on eBay, you can get the KLOM tubular key cutter. It is > similar, but not the same as the more expensive HPC TKM-90 "Pocket Cut-Up" > > > With a little careful work, you CAN cut them with a drill press. The barrel key sounds like something that could be done in OpenSCA

Re: FW: [GreenKeys] DURA Selectric ASR terminals free

2019-12-15 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
> On 12/15/2019 01:19 AM, Dave Wade via cctalk wrote: >> I wonder if there is any interest here... >> >> -Original Message- >> From: >> On Behalf Of John Lawson >> Sent: 10 December 2019 17:41 >> To: >> Subject: [GreenKeys] DURA

Unidentified peripheral in Tektronix PDP-11/20 system

2020-01-25 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
I was idly browsing some old electronics magazines on and saw this Tektronix testing system from 1972 that clearly has an 11/20 and TU-56. Just curious as to what the piece of gear is sandwiched between the two. It sort of looks like a paper tape reader, but for the two white buttons

Re: Unidentified peripheral in Tektronix PDP-11/20 system

2020-01-26 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Thanks everyone for the comments. I think Jay's notion it might be a chart recorder sounds plausible, and the images of vintage recorders Mr Google has found for me seem to be types that might have fitted the upper right rectangular area. I know it is not a good picture but it seems there might be

Wire list for the RKV11-D Qbus RK05 controller backplane anywhere?

2020-02-12 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Would anyone know whether there is a backplane wire list diagram anywhere for the RKV11-D Qbus RK05 controller like the one on eBay a few days ago? I didn't get that one but I have a pair of NOS H803 4x dual-height socket blocks kicking around that I guess could be wire wrapped into a replica RK

Re: Wire list for the RKV11-D Qbus RK05 controller backplane anywhere?

2020-02-12 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
Noel said > > From: Jay Jaeger > > Yeah, info does seem to be scarce. Not even in my LEVAX fiche set. > > My fiche set has the Technical Manual, and also (in the wirelist > section) the wirelist. > > Not sure how to get it to you, though. I stuck it in my industrial-grade > scanner at its

What is this System 360 peripheral/maintenance console?

2020-03-02 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
I was watching this video on highway construction in the 1960's (as you do) and noticed what appears to be a System 360 console, that I couldn't place. Presumably it's some peripheral or CE maintenance panel. I didn't find it in the Physical Planning Guide (not that that's comprehensive) nor from

Re: What is this System 360 peripheral/maintenance console?

2020-03-03 Thread Steve Malikoff via cctalk
> On Mon, Mar 2, 2020 at 10:51 AM Chuck Guzis via cctalk < >> Will's right - the 16-bit register display should have been a tipoff. >> >> See for lots of images. >> 1800->industrial control version of the 1130. >> >> --Chuck >> > Thank you, I will update how I have

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