Zan said
> How safe is it to put modern rack rails (HP) in a classic DEC Rack?  The DEC 
> racks have small holes, while the new HP racks, IIRC, have big square holes.  
> It looks like the rails will work, they just won’t clip flush.
> Zane

I have been modifying quite a few hodgepodge pairs of modern server rack slides 
H960's. It's the same set of steps to go through on each one.

The very first consideration is to pick a pair of slides that are firstly a) 
enough construction to hold heavy (Unibus) gear and b) thin enough so they will
accommodate the gear widthwise. Not all slides I've done could have worked for 
PDP-11/15 in a 19" rack as the box was really taxing the maximum width. Measure 
slide widths and gear with some degree of accuracy before committing time and 
to modifying a pair of slides.

The next thing is to remove all the modern quick-release latches, levers, 
buttons, pins,
pivoting plates and other crap. Also the riveted rear bracket has to come off, 
so I use
a die grinder and cutoff wheel to do all these. It's very satisfying to end up 
with a bare
set of slides.

All ,modern slides are too long, so I set them up on the H960, scribe the 
length at the
back then disassemble and cut the outer rails to length then drill the outer 
ends for a
removeable backstop screw so the inner rails don't slide out the back.
Using the rear bracket removed in step 1, I cut to size and refit these at the 
back with
small countersunk screws so the inner rails can traverse over them. Often an 
extra pair
of rack unit-spaced holes are required to be drilled. Use an engineer's square 
to check
things are really square and accurate, or the slides will bind a bit when in 
use with heavy
equipment (you can almost bet on this).

The next inner rail is then fitted, 90 deg scribed and trimmed at the front. I 
use an air body
saw for this but sometimes also a plain old hacksaw. Each pair needs to be 
accordingly to its locations of the front and rear roller guide wheels, the 
latches and
so on. Wipe everything clean of metal shavings.

The innermost rail is then fitted and cut to length at the front. Sometimes 
some extra
retract length can be obtained by repositioning something, or cutting away an 
stopper or spring-lock latch. Again a stopper screw may be required to prevent 
gear falling out the front this time.

Then the mounting holes for the gear are drilled in the inner rails. For the 
I needed to have a pivoting arrangement so I machined a pair of thin stepped 
which worked well.

I use modern M6 server rack screws as they are easy and cheap to buy on eBay. 
Even some
of these need occasional fitting, for instance the Digitronics paper tape 
reader had
inset mounting screw holes in the front panel that were a tiny bit small for 
the pan-head
screws, so I machined the head diameter down a fraction.

For the square holes, I use soft aluminium washers which the rack srew draws 
into the
square and centres up when it is tightened.

In summary - you can adapt modern rack slides to fit old gear and racks, but 
it's a
surprising amount of metalwork even with a good arrangement of tools. I still 
have a lot
of them to do.


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