Unfortunately SVT Öppet Arkiv is not available to anyone outside Sweden,
which is a pity. A great source.
This interest for computers and election vigils come from the fact that I
had a email conversation with a person that was involved when DEC won the
contract to for the election in 1976 in Swed
2015-10-10 5:42 GMT+02:00 Josh Dersch :
> Hey all --
First of all I haven't poked around in the PSU of my 11/44 since it worked
fine when powered up. But the design of the H7140 is a lot similar to the
design of the H7104, the PSU of the VAX-11/750 which I worked quite a lot
lördag 10 oktober 2015 skrev Josh Dersch :
> > On Oct 10, 2015, at 2:15 AM, tony duell > wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> Once again, I find myself in over my head debugging a power supply, this
> >> time an H7140 from a PDP-11/44. Here's the skinny:
> >
> > That doesn't surprise me, the H7140 is one of t
lördag 10 oktober 2015 skrev Josh Dersch :
> > On Oct 10, 2015, at 4:15 AM, Mattis Lind > wrote:
> >
> > 2015-10-10 5:42 GMT+02:00 Josh Dersch
> <mailto:dersc...@gmail.com >>:
> >
> >> Hey all --
> >>
> >>
> > F
2015-10-11 5:44 GMT+02:00 Josh Dersch :
> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 2:38 PM, tony duell
> wrote:
> > >
> > > From a quick glance at the schematic I think that this part is related
> to
> > > the fan driving circuitry. The diodes look like some kind of protection
> >
> > Yes.
> >
> > > diodes whic
2015-10-11 21:07 GMT+02:00 Brent Hilpert :
> On 2015-Oct-10, at 8:44 PM, Josh Dersch wrote:
> . . .
> > Thanks for the explanation. I tacked on some wires to the bias board (to
> > bring them out for safe probing); the wires are connected to the 5V logic
> > supply and the +12V bias supply and I
söndag 18 oktober 2015 skrev dwight :
> I think it was Wang that used the outside holes.
> Dwight
And the Incoterm intelligent terminals used them as well.
> > Subject: Re: Oddball floppies for trade - 8", HS (oute
2015-10-30 13:54 GMT+01:00 Jay Jaeger :
> No, not looking for a reproduction. Just posted it in case it would help
> folks with a possible RK11-C display panel concept.
Interesting. We also have a RF08 / RS08 combo. It came with two PDP-8/L
machines. I am not sure if both PDP-8/L CPUs were con
söndag 1 november 2015 skrev Robert Jarratt :
> Some of you may recall I have a faulty H7864 PSU, which failed a while ago
> with a loud pop, but no obvious physical damage. I replaced the blown
> transistor (on the primary side of the large transformer), but when I power
> it on, the transistor
2015-11-01 15:04 GMT+01:00 Robert Jarratt :
> > -Original Message-
> > From: cctalk [mailto:cctalk-boun...@classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of Mattis
> Lind
> > Sent: 01 November 2015 12:46
> > To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
> >
2015-11-01 17:35 GMT+01:00 Robert Jarratt :
> > > > Maybe you can publish your schematic somwhere. It is much easier to
> > > > come
> > > up
> > > > with ideas to pin point problems if we all view the same schematic.
> > > > I
> > > think it
> > > > would be possible to identify the problem w
2015-11-02 22:05 GMT+01:00 Robert Jarratt :
> I have just uploaded all the corrections. So the connector names on the
> risers should now correspond. I have also corrected the area on the primary
> control module around C403 and R407.
> Regards
> Rob
Checked the new one. There are st
Anyone know more about this old 16 bit computer / controller?
According to the current owner it is based on a 16 bit machine made by
Computer Automation. It has core memory and is programmed in assembler and
Fortran. It is from the late seventies.
I found very litt
2015-11-14 23:45 GMT+01:00 William Maddox :
> >According to the current owner it is based on a 16 bit machine made by
> >Computer Automation. It has core memory and is programmed in assembler and
> >Fortran. It is from the late seventies.
> The packaging doesn't look like anything from Computer
2015-12-01 20:58 GMT+01:00 Joseph Lang :
> The current loop is actually "proper" .
> There are 3 parts to current loop
> 1) transmitter (switch)
> 2) receiver (opto coupler in dec stuff)
> 3) current source
> You will have problems if things don't match. An active transmitter has to
> connect to
2015-12-08 15:01 GMT+01:00 Jay Jaeger :
> But not these - PDP-11's didn't use dual-height connectors on memory.
> Anyway, they are indeed PDP-15. (Whether or not they are actually MM15
> I don't know). The page on the memory on the provided link indicates:
> G100
> G613
> G614
> The module
I just recently had a RXV21 board that I inserted into the backplane and
then completely hung a few bits on the bus. It was a DC005 bus transceiver
chip that had failed.
First it seemed impossible to find such a chip, but then I recognized that
Signetics had put their own code own them as well, C2
2015-12-14 17:12 GMT+01:00 william degnan :
> Just to change the subject..
> There were "S" and an "NC" version of 11/05 high profile system. Why?
> I am curious if any DEC historians here know the reason for two versions of
> the same DEC PDP 11/05 *high profile* computer (not talking about
2015-12-15 3:15 GMT+01:00 william degnan :
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 1:33 PM, Mattis Lind wrote:
> > 2015-12-14 17:12 GMT+01:00 william degnan :
> >
> > > Just to change the subject..
> > >
> > > There were "S" and an "NC" versio
Has anyone dumped the contents of the bipolar PROMs of the M7859, KY11-LB,
programmer's console form the 11/34 and 11/04? Dump for both the program
PROMS (512x4 4 pieces) and the decoding PROM (32x8 one piece) are sought
It has a 8008 chip onboard but my logic analyzer trace is not matching
We have this Precision Instruments PI1200 7 track tape drive. It can do 200
bpi, 556 bpi and 800 bpi. It should be an incremental type tape drive.
Once upon a time (read seventies) it was used for experiments storing PCM
audio on tape. But has since then not been used. The manual is somewhere
I have one side panel for a DEC corporate cabinet. It should fit VAX-11/780
or similar cabinets.
It is in good shape. Anyone need one? It is in Stockholm, Sweden. Also has
some other parts for the cabinet, like wheels and other steel parts.
I have in mind to connect a machine to an IBM 1627 (CALCOMP 565) plotter
and then the XY11 which just arrive would fit nicely, I think.
But I cannot seem to find any manual for the XY11. Anyone know of a manual?
The board is rather simple so it should be possible to work out the details
on how to
2015-04-30 22:34 GMT+02:00 Noel Chiappa :
> > From: Johnny Billquist bqt at update.uu.se
> > The per-device code are in separate PROMs that are used in both the
> > 9301 and 9312. Those are the ones with the device code as constants
> in
> > the beginning of memory space for the
I was trying to archive a bunch of 8 inch floppy disks. Everything was well
until I tried an Inmac brand disk. It had severe sticky shed problems.
Since it was a non-important disk it wasn't that bad. Baking might solve
the problem so before continuing with the rest of the Inmac branded disks
Some comments inline. Mostly is maybe obvious...
2016-01-16 18:44 GMT+01:00 tony duell :
> Powering up gives the expected ROM> prompt on the terminal. Of course all
> you can
> do at that prompt is load the microcode from the TU58, so that is what I
> am trying to
> get working. And getting no
Short: R27 in my VT100 PSU is hot and smelling. Why?
Long: I think it has been 20 years since I powered up this VT100 so I did
it carefully. Used a Variac and a bench supply. It switched just fine and
delivered the steady 5V out when the input was at approx 50V (115V input).
All the other voltages
2016-01-22 21:48 GMT+01:00 j...@cimmeri.com :
> On 1/22/2016 2:54 PM, Mattis Lind wrote:
>> Short: R27 in my VT100 PSU is hot and smelling. Why?
>> Long: I think it has been 20 years since I powered up this VT100 so I did
>> it carefully. Used a Variac and a
2016-01-23 0:32 GMT+01:00 Peter Coghlan :
> >
> > R27 is part of the snubber network on the primary side of this
> forward-type
> > SMPS PSU. But why it it getting so hot. Is it normal? I have completely
> > forgotten how a VT100 smell when running...
> >
> Snubber as in a resistor in series wit
> Speaking generally, I don't know that that will necessarily save one (in
> using a variac on a SMPS).
I for one think it is a good practice to start carefully. I like the idea
of bringing up the voltage over capacitors and other electronics in a
controlled manner. Electronics that had been s
>> Well. It depends if you read the schematics before you do so.
> Assuming they're available for the particular PSU one is attempting to
> test.
Yes of course. If I have a PSU where I have doubts about the function and
there is no schematic I spend a few hours trace out the relevant p
>> I don't have a ESR meter or similar. It is not shorted at least and the
>> resistance is in the several mega ohm range when measuring in circuit. Are
>> they likely to go bad in a non catastrophic way?
> They can. The translucent yellow Rifa (now owned by Kemet) class X/Y
> safety capac
2016-01-23 13:54 GMT+01:00 Noel Chiappa :
> > From: Mattis Lind
> > I don't have an capacitance / ESR meter so I cannot check it.
> If you do a lot of work with analog components (and it sounds like you do),
> it's probably worth getting capac
I found some 8 inch floppies with distribution kits for MU-BASIC V2 and
RT-11 V03B. I imaged those and put them here
if anyone is interested in playing with MU-BASIC. There are both RAW disk
images and to be used in SimH an
2016-01-16 17:42 GMT+01:00 Chuck Guzis :
> On 01/16/2016 03:02 AM, Mattis Lind wrote:
>> Try this for your Inmac disk (I used to buy cables and such from
> them--Inmac blue):
> Bake the disk first.
> Get yourself some cyclomethicone (D5 lubricant) and coat bo
> Deoxit D5? Is that cyclomethicone?
Oops. It was what came up when I searched for "D5 lubricant". I tried to
check the contents but it looked very secret.
Maybe "Deoxit D5" is the wrong stuff. Anyway the good thing is that the
disk read very well.
> --Chuck
While browsing various 8 inch floppies I have found a couple of disks that
seems to contain ISIS-II stuff.
I discovered a document specifying the format of the disk and managed to
extract the contents:
arbetsrumsdatorn:ISIS mattis_lind$ ls UNKN2
tisdag 2 februari 2016 skrev Chuck Guzis :
> If these are 52-sector 8" ISIS disks,
> Yes. Double sided. 26 sector per track. Double Density. 256 byte per
> I can probably help with a bit of C code to extract files from the
> images. Drop me a note and I'll pass it along.
Not really
Hello Jay!
I think I sent a message related to these floppies before and since now is
long since the original message they're probably gone, but I need to check
to be sure.
I am interested in those oddball floppies with sector holes at the edge for
my Incoterm SPD 10/25 machine, are they still fo
Sorry. Should have been off-list.
My fault.
2016-02-07 13:35 GMT+01:00 Mattis Lind :
> Hello Jay!
> I think I sent a message related to these floppies before and since now is
> long since the original message they're probably gone, but I need to check
2016-02-07 18:55 GMT+01:00 Jos Dreesen :
> Yesterday I picked up the PDP11/04 that Jay mentioned a few days ago.
> Less than 15 miles from home !
> The machine spend its early days as a processor in chemical analysis
> apparatus, and was subsequently bought by the employee using it.
> Befor
> Mine was a DEC MSV11 w/128Kbytes installed, solder filling the holes
> for the other half of the memory positions. I did not have problems
> with traces lifting from that board (I was using an adjustable Weller
> soldering station and had fine control over the temperature).
> Installing the
>> I assume they didn't buy a service contract with that machine? I doubt
> DEC would be real happy with that. Also, the 64K RAM chips need an extra
> address pin, were the boards laid out with that signal already in place?
Probably not since the new address signal used to be the +5V supply vo
2016-02-08 16:25 GMT+01:00 tony duell :
> >
> > I have one of these on my restoration list. I know the PSU does not
> work, and that others
> > have tried to fix it before me, who probably know PSUs much better than
> I do. It has core
> > memory so I really would like to get his one fixed. I hav
2016-02-09 10:48 GMT+01:00 Holm Tiffe :
> Christian Corti wrote:
> > On Mon, 8 Feb 2016, Mattis Lind wrote:
> > >layers of of a multilayer PCB. As mentioned earlier in this thread I
> did
> > >such a conversion on a MSV11-D board more than 25 years ago and then
2016-02-17 21:02 GMT+01:00 Rik Bos :
> > -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> > Van: cctalk [mailto:cctalk-boun...@classiccmp.org] Namens Jay West
> > Verzonden: woensdag 17 februari 2016 19:43
> > Aan: 'General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts'
> > Onderwerp: RE: Possible HP 250 available
2016-02-25 0:05 GMT+01:00 John Wallace :
> [snippage for brevity, sorry]
> Some readers may remember (but most won't) that in 1999, QNX released a
> freely distributable demo containing their QNX kernel, their Photon
> MicroGui, an IP stack including Internet connectivity capability, and a
> gra
2016-02-25 14:55 GMT+01:00 Noel Chiappa :
> > From: Paul Koning
> > FWIW, I have always heard 11/05 and 11/40 respectively.
> Good to know that others have the same vibe that I do.
> > From: Bill Degnan
> > putting all of that original 11/10 stuff aside :-)
> :-)
2016-02-26 4:01 GMT+01:00 Chuck Guzis :
> A few more (I have source):
> Hockey
> Fleet (sort of battleship game)
> Football
> Lunar Lander (of course!)
> Blackjack
> Lots and lots of printer art
> --Chuck
When at Retrogathering in Västerås (Sweden) a month a ago we demonstrated
2016-02-26 15:04 GMT+01:00 Noel Chiappa :
> > From: Mattis Lind
> > The NC is in the BA11-D 10 1/2 inch box. It uses the H750 PSU.
> Odd. I have an -11/10 in a 10-1/2 box with an H750; the metal plate on the
> back of the box just says "PDP 11-10" (w
>>> When at Retrogathering in Västerås (Sweden) a month a ago we demonstrated
>> ASCII Mandelbrot (BASIC) on a VT100 generated by a PDP-11/03 . Takes quite
>> a while for it to do it.
>> http://i.imgur.com/v6FI5Cd.jpg
>> There is also a poker game that's work well under RT-11 BASIC and
>> CAP
> Finally I removed the Foxboro paper tape reader. The tape holders each
> side slide up to reveal the rack mounting
> screws. Onto the ute it went.
> There were some other racks of gear, but all custom idustrial control
> equipment. One rack had a DEC A-D Converter
> in it with some serious ca
2016-03-03 9:36 GMT+01:00 Mattis Lind :
>> Finally I removed the Foxboro paper tape reader. The tape holders each
>> side slide up to reveal the rack mounting
>> screws. Onto the ute it went.
>> There were some other racks of gear, but a
images from http://shop-pdp.net/rthtml/tcpip.htm. simh can't read
> the
> individual DSK images, but could read the *.PKG with the disks inside, and
> from that, I could (RT-11) MOUNT each disk to a logical device.
Did you have problems with my RAW files as well? Which? I tested
I have been going to our HP 21MX paper tapes that come with a M-series
system that we received many years ago:
I tried to check if they already were available online somewhere but didn't
find them when doing quick checks on random ta
2016-03-08 4:56 GMT+01:00 J. David Bryan :
> On Monday, March 7, 2016 at 22:14, Mattis Lind wrote:
> > I have been going to our HP 21MX paper tapes that come with a M-series
> > system that we received many years ago:
> >
> > http://www.datormuseum.se/documen
We are considering (haven't decided 100% yet) to not keep the Q1 Lite
system we have.
Here are some pictures:
It is a 8080 system with PL/1 built into to ROMs. Vintage 1975-76.It has a
plasma screen and comes
Sorry. Should have mentioned that it is in Sweden.
2016-03-09 14:33 GMT+01:00 Todd Killingsworth
> Looks interesting. Where are you located?
> Todd Killingsworth
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 6:48 AM, Mattis Lind wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > We
2016-03-10 18:51 GMT+01:00 Richard Cini :
> Is there a listing somewhere of what versions of RT-11 work with which
> CPUs? The Heath H11 uses the LSI-11 which I think is an 11/03 equivalent.
> Is there a specific version (or maximum version) designed for this CPU?
I have been using RT11 v5.3 on
> SIMH has never directly supported mounting/attaching virtual TU58 devices.
> Altho the required serial interface
> is emulated (ie, a plain DL11 at 776500/300) the TU58 drive behind the
> serial interface has never been emulated.
I just tested the latest SimH from github and it is indeed
2016-03-12 9:56 GMT+01:00 James Vess :
> Howdy there folks,
> I've been kicking myself for giving away a dying Sun4/260 due to space
> issues and moving about 15 years ago and since then my life has settled
> I've started looking occasionally to see if I can find another one.
> Has anyone seen
2016-03-13 8:23 GMT+01:00 Don North :
> Ok, filed as: https://github.com/simh/simh/issues/285
> On 3/12/2016 11:14 PM, Don North wrote:
>> Fixed!
>> sim> set cpu 11/34 256K fpp
>> sim> set tdc enable
>> sim> attach tdc0 tu58.dsk
>> sim> b tdc0
tisdag 15 mars 2016 skrev Josh Dersch :
> Hi all --
> My call for a VAX-11/750 a month or so ago actually bore some fruit
> (locally, even!) and as of a couple of weeks ago, I now have a very nicely
> configured 11/750 system taking up most of the basement. The previous
> owner got it after it
2016-03-17 15:24 GMT+01:00 william degnan :
> >
> >
> >
> > If one read notes in the PDP-11/04 printset it says: Do not insert a M930
> > or M9302 in a MUD slot. Only in the Unibus slots or you will have short
> > circuit. On the other hand it does not say that the M9301 (or M9312)
> cannot
> > be
> > Yes. That is pretty clear from pin assignment list that bad things WILL
> > happen if you try to install a Unibus-slot-compatible device into a MUD
> > slut. But the vice-versa? Installing a MUD-compatible device into a
> > Unibus-slot?
> Most of those are memory boards and from my recollect
> >
> I am not 1/2 as knowledgeable as others here, but what comes to mind is
> "backplane change",
You mean that I have to do modifications to the backplane. No, that is not
what I want...
> I think you'd leave the M930 where it is and on the 2nd
> backplane segment install the M9301. If
I was thinking of using a M9301 board to get a console emulator and some
different bootstraps with the 11/05. But can I just put the M9301 in the
slot where the M930 normally goes? Slot 4 AB.
>From looking in the schematics I get that:
1. The bus grant pull ups on the M9301 is through jumpers. Ac
> I took a look at my 11/40, it has a 9312 in pos 1/2 in the middle of the
> 2nd/rear of two backplanes here:
> http://vintagecomputer.net/digital/PDP11-40/NPG.JPG
> With this arrangement I can boot into the console monitor installed on the
> 9312.
> http://vintagecomputer.net/digital/PDP11
I saw that there were a post on PDP-8/a systems (and parts).
I have a few 8A100 chassis. These are H9300 with a G8016 regulator board.
No CPU, no memory, no frontpanels. Just the H9300 chassis including the 10
slot backplane, the 50Hz transformer assembly and the G8016 MOS memory
2016-03-17 13:49 GMT+01:00 Noel Chiappa :
> > From: Mattis Lind
> > I was thinking of using a M9301 board to get a console emulator and
> > some different bootstraps with the 11/05. But can I just put the
> M9301
> > in the slo
2016-03-17 17:27 GMT+01:00 Guy Sotomayor :
> > On Mar 17, 2016, at 6:01 AM, Mattis Lind wrote:
> >
> >>>
> >
> > If one read notes in the PDP-11/04 printset it says: Do not insert a M930
> > or M9302 in a MUD slot. Only in the Unibus slots or you w
> > This means that you not have the terminator in the last slot of the bus,
> > right? Since your bus is so short it won't probably matter.
> >
> >
> Dave McGuire and I went over the system and concluded the same, basically
> it's either put it there or I can't have an RL02 drive controller becaus
2016-03-17 18:50 GMT+01:00 Paul Birkel :
> 11/70: M9301-YC -- E-F Slot #1. It's specially wired like everything
> else in Slot #1 through Slot #39. SPC doesn't start until Slot #40. M9302
> goes in Row A-B Slot #44.
> KW11 (clock) goes adjacent in Row D Slot #1.
> Row C Slot #1 is empty.
>>> Good news - mine worked so fingers crossed for yours too. I now have a
>> functioning PSU again though I've not tried it back in the chassis yet...
>> Nice! My replacements arrived today and unfortunately I did not have
> such good luck. No smoke or fire, but now I get nothing at all out o
While archiving a bunch of old 8 inch disks I found disks that apparently
contain an old RSX11S system. I think it has been used in some kind of
railroad CTC system.
It is possible to boot this image in SimH (when s
2016-03-22 20:47 GMT+01:00 Noel Chiappa :
> > From: Josh Dersch
> > I have no excuse, I just get nervous working on these things.
> I should hope you do get nervous! Anytime one is working around equipment
> that
> contains lethal voltages, one _should_ be nervous! It helps with...
> So I had a few minutes tonight to investigate a few things:
> - The startup PSU is running, and the relay in the 5V supply is firing and
> stays energized until the supply is powered off.
> - The +5V, and +/-12V bias voltages are being properly generated. This
> makes sense, since the 2.5V supp
Just saw this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/331820201025
In case someone is interested. I was unable to quickly figure out if it
already was archived on bitsavers.
I have been given a PDP-11/44 and I was running through all sorts of
diagnostics to check out the machine. It seems to work fine except for the
trap test KKABD1 which fails at 23252. It passes an earlier version of the
same trap test.
The listing (thank you Jörg) is at: ftp://u58104846-pub:open4yo
The revival process of the 11/750 continues. The power supplies is working
good and then I started testing the actual machine. But that was not a very
smooth journey to success. I have in total at least three complete CPU
board sets and just after quite a lot of board swapping it got running (I
2015-06-15 17:32 GMT+02:00 Mark J. Blair :
> I wasn't aware that you are working on a 750 repair. Congratulations on
> the progress you have already made! Are you using real console tapes,
> tu58em, or something else?
Well. I am probably working on to much simultaneously. But this machine is
In my efforts to understand the problem with the Cache/TB Diagnostics I
tried to run it under 11/750 simulator in SimH. It fails too!
ECKAL -- VAX 11/750 Cache/TB Diagnostic
HALT instruction, PC: 2608 (MTPR #F,#26)
Although not the same location.
On the real machine:
@?ECKAL -- VAX 11/750 C
When repairing machines it is some times hard to find the data sheet for a
particular component.
Sometimes google hasn't been able to find the the data sheet for me.
My father worked in the electronics business for his entire career and kept
a lot of the data books that he received.
I have compil
2015-06-16 22:52 GMT+02:00 Dale H. Cook :
> At 12:30 PM 6/16/2015, Mattis Lind wrote:
> >I have compiled a list of them, mostly for my self, so that I somewhat
> easier would find what I look for.
> That is a nice list, and includes many that are not among my ~80 (which
2015-07-02 7:31 GMT+02:00 tony duell :
> Not all minis came from the States :-)
That's right. There were one odd swedish mini as well.
Datasaab manufactured a line of minis called D5 in the early seventies. The
D5/10, D5/20 and D5/30. 16 bits.
They were used among others in banks for controlli
2015-07-02 16:02 GMT+02:00 Paul Koning :
> > On Jul 2, 2015, at 1:31 AM, tony duell wrote:
> >
> > Not all minis came from the States :-)
> >
> > One of my favourite non-mainstream families is the Philips P800 series.
> It's
> > a 16 bit machine with 16 registers (0 is the program counter and 1
/usr/adm/install.DEV.log- special device log file
2015-06-16 9:59 GMT+02:00 Mattis Lind :
> In my efforts to understand the problem with the Cache/TB Diagnostics I
> tried to run it under 11/750 simulator in SimH. It fails too!
> ECKAL -- VAX 11/750 Cache/TB Diagnos
2015-09-11 17:06 GMT+02:00 Paul Koning :
> > On Sep 11, 2015, at 10:58 AM, Noel Chiappa
> wrote:
> >
> >> From: Ed Sharpe
> >
> >> well SMECC needs one hopefully to make work so we can show the youn'ins
> >> how cards were punched!
> >
> > Well, here's an 029 (not quite what the OP was looking
Not really a 026 but maybe contemporary with the 029:
Not mine.
I have started to work slowly with the PDP-11/05 I received a year ago. It
is the big BA11-D chassis type machine. The power supply is now fixed and
working fine. A few smaller capacitors were leaking. But also one of the
big input filtering capacitors was bad and had to be replaced.
The f
söndag 27 september 2015 skrev tony duell :
> >
> > The plan is to get it to work with the 8kW core memory, M7800 connected
> to
> > a good old teletype and PC05 paper-tape reader / punch and then run paper
> > tape BASIC on it or other paper tape software.
> > The problem is that I am lacking
The same seller is apparently selling a lot of punched card machines:
2015-09-21 22:32 GMT+02:00 Henk Gooijen :
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht- From: jwsmobile
> Sent: Monday, September 21, 2015 8:37 PM
> To: General Di
10 left 27 sold.
Once they could have been used by someone. Now they can only be used as a
conversation piece hanged on the wall.
I just found these on SVT Öppet Arkiv (Open Archive).
Aside from the fact that they are fascinating time documents (cloths,
haircuts, way of speaking), these are a little bit of interest to this
community. I guess that since computers were not very commonplace at that
time, SVT really liked to emp
tisdag 6 oktober 2015 skrev Charles Anthony :
> [Google translate]:
> "The setup program can only be seen if you are in Sweden"
Oops! I didn't know that they used that kind of geograpical lookup on this
old content.
I think you could use some kind of proxy to circumvent it.
> -- Char
2016-04-14 16:04 GMT+02:00 Rod Smallwood :
> On 14/04/2016 14:39, Tor Arntsen wrote:
>> On 14 April 2016 at 09:45, Rod Smallwood
>> wrote:
>>> Whats the matter with Vintage Computer Forum ?
>>> Its got walls like Mordor
>>> I thought I might register. I filled out their form (tedious
> Almost :-)
> The NORD-10/S was a NORD-10 plus caching and paging, while the
> bitsliced version was to be called NORD-10/M (M for 'micro'), and was
> so fast that it was renamed NORD-100, which was shortened to ND-100
> later that same year (1978 - but the machine itself was released in
> 1979, s
> >
> > Hey, this is useful.
> > Thanks for doing it!
> Yep!
> Already investigating. IMD gave me some trouble, had to resort to
> dosbox. Source for PED (Programmer's Editor) version G? I've never
> seen source. I have version F as a :PROG file. I'm guessing that Planc
> version C may compile it
2016-04-26 3:45 GMT+02:00 Ken Seefried :
> Is there an equivalent to the DSV11 for Unibus? Or other quick Unibus
> sync serial that my Google-fu isn't good enough to find? The DMC11
> looks like it can do 56Kbps over V.35, which is better than the
> 19.2kbps on the DMF32, but it would be useful
I found a really nice PDP-8/e sales brochure while browsing through our
heaps of documentation.
Plenty of nice close up photos and as last picture a system with everything.
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