While browsing various 8 inch floppies I have found a couple of disks that seems to contain ISIS-II stuff.
I discovered a document specifying the format of the disk and managed to extract the contents: Disk1: arbetsrumsdatorn:ISIS mattis_lind$ ls UNKN2 ATTRIB DSPERR ICE80.OV1 ISIS.LAB PLM80.OV0 PLMCOD.CSD COPY EDIT ICE80.OV2 ISIS.MAP PLM80.OV1 PLMNOC.CSD DELETE FORMAT ISIS.BIN ISIS.T0 PLM80.OV2 RENAME DIR ICE80 ISIS.CLI PLM80 PLM80.OV3 SUBMIT DSP ICE80.OV0 ISIS.DIR PLM80.LIB PLM80.OV4 SYSTEM.LIB Disk2: arbetsrumsdatorn:ISIS mattis_lind$ ls DISK2 ALIAS DEBUG EXEC LINK RELEAS TTY ALLOC DELETE FORMAT MDUP REMAP TXT ANALYZ DGEN FRAPP MEMDMP RENAME TXW ASM DIR HEXBIN MOVE RESCUE XREF ASSIGN DIRPAC INIT MYLOAD SEDIT ATTRIB DROP ISIS.DIR O SYS DCONVA DRSTC ISIS.ERR PAGE SYSTEM DCOPY EDIT ISIS.LAB PROM T2 DDUMC ETX ISIS.MAP RASM TPGEN If someone is interested in these I put them here: http://www.datormuseum.se/documentation-software/isis-ii-floppy-disks There were also a DSDD format on some disks which seemed a little bit different. The ISIS.DIR used 32 byte entries rather than 16 byte entries and the directory linkage block structure seemed to be different. I didn't spend any time other than recognize the difference. Is there any documentation that specify the various ISIS disk formats there is? /Mattis