Re: Wanted: IBM PC compatible 8 or 16 bit Arcnet cards

2021-12-12 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 12/12/21 3:05 AM, devin davison via cctalk wrote: Greetings, Hi Devin, I had quite a few arcnet cards laying around a while back, I had picked up a ton of them from the back storage of a datacenter that was clearing out surplus equipment. I am uncertain of how many I still have in storage.

Re: Wanted: IBM PC compatible 8 or 16 bit Arcnet cards

2021-12-13 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 12/12/21 10:28 PM, Ethan Dicks via cctalk wrote: I haven't used ARCnet since we used to use it for 4-player Doom (especially since not everyone in the gaming group had Ethernet at home yet and it was easy to make a passive 4-port ARCnet hub. I find this statement interesting for a couple of

Re: Wanted: IBM PC compatible 8 or 16 bit Arcnet cards

2021-12-14 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 12/13/21 2:44 PM, Ethan Dicks via cctalk wrote: The Doom application contained a network stack that would handle the higher layers. IIRC, you still had to load a packet driver shim, but perhaps not. It's been a lng time since I've done it. I know that Doom was an IPX capable network g

Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-01 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/1/22 11:46 AM, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote: Having 240 in your house does not necessarily mean you have 240 outlets anywhere and not everyone is capable of doing their own house wiring. There may even be 240 V outlets but not available when / where needed. E.g. in use (stove, dryer,

Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-01 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/1/22 11:51 AM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote: True. But if you're trying to get > $5000 for something, it doesn't seem unreasonable to suggest that investing a bit in getting an extension cord run to the location of the machine would be a good idea. The absence of that effort makes me wond

Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-01 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/1/22 11:49 AM, Jonathan Chapman via cctalk wrote: Indeed, Tuscon Buying Group deals in a lot of industrial stuff -- we buy from them at $day_job sometimes. I'd be really surprised if they don't have 240V available for testing somewhere in their shop. There's a difference in having somethi

Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-01 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/1/22 11:49 AM, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk wrote: TU77: (The 11/780 is visible in the background of the first picture) The TU77 has a 3ɸ power plug on it. That probably explains why testing it would be problematic in a residential settings. 1ɸ240V

Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-01 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/1/22 12:17 PM, Dennis Boone via cctalk wrote: IIRC nothing in the VAX cpu actually requires 3 phase. The PDU(s) just eat that from the wall. I think that's the same with all the /computer/ equipment that I've seen which connects to 3ɸ power. A single phase could be used for all of it.

Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-01 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/1/22 12:33 PM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote: And mainframes may use 3-phase power supplies; CDC 6000 mainframes do, though with those it's 3 phase 400 Hz produced by motor-generators (which in turn run off 3-phase mains power). I know that some IBM mainframes prefer 3ɸ power but I know of

Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-01 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/1/22 12:43 PM, Dennis Boone via cctalk wrote: My Multiprise 2003/205 claims to want a pair of 3-phase inputs. Is it assumed that those 2 x 3ɸ inputs are feed from different paths, thus path redundancy? I'd think that the phases would be the same. I've run it on two "phases" on a singl

Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-01 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/1/22 12:44 PM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote: Could be. For the CDC case, I see actual 3-phase DC supplies, i.e., 3 phase bridge rectifiers fed by 3-phase transformers. Interesting. That brings to mind 6ɸ DC supplies. -- Two typical 3ɸ rectifier networks (making DC pulses be 60° apart)

Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-01 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/1/22 12:59 PM, Jonathan Chapman via cctalk wrote: They're 180 degrees out. Sufficiently different for a number of applications, but certainly not all! They are 180° out of phase with respect to each other. But they are the same single phase when viewed by anything outside of them. --

Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-01 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/1/22 2:00 PM, Chris Zach via cctalk wrote: This is wise, but 240v is quite nice for computer equipment. I had an electrician run a 240v 30a (10g wire) circuit out to my work shed, where a subpanel is installed with 120v 15a and 240v 15a circuits for the equipment. I had two 120v 20A circ

Re: 11/785 on ebay (2018) - was Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-02 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/2/22 2:03 PM, Toby Thain via cctalk wrote: From that last picture, it looks like one of the plugs is five pronged, and looks very similar to the 120/208V 30A 3ɸ plug in one of the pictures about the current 780 auction. I can't tell if the other plug is

Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-02 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/2/22 12:16 PM, Jonathan Chapman via cctalk wrote: In North America? Good luck! Part of what got me to buy a smallish industrial building was needing three phase. It's usually cheaper/easier to either use a VFD if it's for motor equipment, or a rotary converter, than trying to get the power

Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-02 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/2/22 5:20 PM, Chris Zach via cctalk wrote: I keep thinking about it, but no. The 780 was neat from a historical perspective, and the 785 at UMBC (UMBC5) ran Ultrix (and was on the ARPANET, not the crappy Bitnet the 8600's were on) Is that Bitnet as in the Because it was there network that m

Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-02 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/2/22 6:18 PM, Zane Healy via cctalk wrote: VAX-11/780 = 1 VUP VAX-11/782 = 1.8 VUP MicroVAX 1 = 0.3 VUP MicroVAX 2 = 0.7 VUP Thank you Zane. -- Grant. . . . unix || die

Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-02 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/2/22 6:59 PM, ben via cctalk wrote: But can the Pi handle a gazillion students all time sharing at once @ 2400? I think that will depend on how you connect the serial terminals. I know that it's possible to establish network connectivity to serial terminal servers. I don't know how many

Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-03 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/3/22 4:01 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote: Interesting series of tweets. I'm surprised by the tweet about Seymour Cray founding Control Data Corporation. I know that Cray /worked/ for CDC, and left to found Cray Re

Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-04 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/4/22 12:14 AM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote: Seymour Cray, along with Bill Norris and Jim Thornton and others left Remington Rand/UNIVAC after Rand bought the near-bankrupt ERA. Apparently, the work environment at Rand was felt to be stifling. Norris had all of the Navy connections and was

Re: cctalk Digest, Vol 88, Issue 2

2022-01-04 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/4/22 8:06 AM, Jonathan Chapman via cctalk wrote: Yes, that's open delta. There are one or two small commercial buildings here in town that still have open high leg delta service -- that's 240V delta, and one of the 240V transformers is center-tapped to give 120/240 split phase for small lo

Re: cctalk Digest, Vol 88, Issue 2

2022-01-04 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/4/22 8:52 AM, Jonathan Chapman via cctalk wrote: Indeed. This is not corner-grounded delta. Once you figure out open delta, look at dog-leg. I did some brief reading on open delta and now think that it requires three lines, independent of ground. So I fail to see how open delta would be

Re: 3-phase power; was: cctalk Digest, Vol 88, Issue 2

2022-01-04 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/4/22 4:46 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote: In fact, in my neighborhood, each house has a big green disconnect box on the street fed by 3-phase 11KV. Every so often, the utility sends out a notice that they'll be "re-balancing" the distribution. I imagine that that involves nothing more

Re: cctalk Digest, Vol 88, Issue 2

2022-01-04 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/4/22 7:43 PM, Patrick Finnegan via cctalk wrote: It's the even more obscure corner-grounded delta, which requires even more care and can't provide 120V power, since the phase to ground voltage is 240V. Why couldn't 120V be derived from either of the 240V phase and the grounded corner via

Re: 3-phase power

2022-01-04 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/4/22 11:04 AM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote: I've said that too, and I've been told that this is not a good idea for power supplies. Something about the waveforms involved in VFDs. My limited understanding is that VFDs simulate / emulate various frequencies by turning the output on and o

Re: IBM Model C typewriter

2022-01-12 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/12/22 5:49 PM, Van Snyder via cctalk wrote: I have an old IBM Model C typewriter. I can't bear to throw it away, even though it doesn't work well. The carriage doesn't advance, and the A key doesn't work. Do you know how to tune it up? If you want it, it's yours for the price of shipping. I

Re: IBM Model C typewriter

2022-01-12 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/12/22 9:06 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote: Indeed there are. I only found one Usenet newsgroup free.typewriters and it only had one message int he last 2+ years. So not exactly what I would call active. Here's one that I'm subscribed to: That's a m

Re: WARNING: Clear QIC Tape Bands

2022-01-18 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/18/22 8:33 AM, Jonathan Chapman via cctalk wrote: Ouch! With my luck, that would have been the index / start of tape marker rendering the rest of the tape mostly unusable. That's after sitting parked a couple months. Um I would naively think tha

Re: WARNING: Clear QIC Tape Bands

2022-01-18 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/18/22 11:09 AM, Jonathan Chapman via cctalk wrote: Not archival storage, just day-to-day operation on old stuff, like Sun3/Sun4, AT&T UNIX PC, etc. Okay. I can see that. However, "couple (of) months" seems incongruent with "day-to-day". I am assuming that the day-to-day operation to mea

Re: WARNING: Clear QIC Tape Bands

2022-01-18 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/18/22 11:21 AM, Jonathan Chapman via cctalk wrote: I don't do a reinstall of SunOS every day, though! Fair enough. If I had a process where something might fail in between uses, I'd augment the process to re-write the image to a (new instance of) tape before I try to use it. Yeah, it'

Re: AOL diskettes

2022-01-18 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/18/22 1:38 PM, Adam Thornton via cctalk wrote: I wish I'd kept some. I had some AOL CDs from slightly later that made decent coasters for decades. Although I guess with the shutter, the floppy wouldn't really have made a very good coaster. Chuckle. When I think of "coasters" I think of

Re: AOL diskettes

2022-01-18 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/18/22 2:21 PM, Peter Coghlan via cctalk wrote: I like it! But I hate the price. -- Grant. . . . unix || die

Re: Origin of "partition" in storage devices

2022-01-31 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 1/31/22 2:43 PM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote: Partitions may have appeared in DOS/Windows for much the same reason; with 32 KB clusters, FAT16 filesystems were limited to 2GB. I think the same type of problem happened with the really old FAT-12 to FAT-16 conversion. Wasn't FAT-12 limite

Re: Origin of "partition" in storage devices

2022-02-01 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 2/1/22 2:14 AM, Joshua Rice via cctalk wrote: There's several advantages to doing it that way, including balancing wear on a disk (especially today, with SSDs), as a dedicated swap partition could put undue wear on certain areas of disk. I thought avoiding this very problem was the purpose

OT: Who? What? Was: Re: Origin of "partition" in storage devices

2022-02-01 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 2/1/22 11:23 AM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote: Did any DEC MSCP disks use it? Please expand "MSCP". My brain is failing to do so at the moment. -- Grant. . . . unix || die

Re: OT: Who? What? Was: Re: Origin of "partition" in storage devices

2022-02-01 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 2/1/22 2:40 PM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote: Mass Storage Control Protocol... Thank you Paul. My brain was trying to expand to a company, and ending up at MASSCOMP before failing. -- Grant. . . . unix || die

Re: FTGH: DEC Networks & Comm Buyer's Guide, Letterprinter 210/LA50 manuals

2022-03-28 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 3/27/22 8:50 PM, Toby Thain via cctalk wrote: Hi, Hi Toby, Digital Networks & Communications Buyer's Guide 1987 April-June Can I get a bit more of a description as to what might be in that document? I've got an (unhealthy) interest in old networking equipment and might be interested in

Re: Webinar: Ethernet's Emergence from Xerox PARC: 1975-1980

2022-03-28 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 3/28/22 12:09 PM, Nigel Johnson Ham via cctalk wrote: OK, it was wireless, but that brings up another surprise, that wireless ethernet came before wired :-) As others have indicated, I think not. ;-) I recently watched the following videos of Bob Metcalfe: - Link - Ethernet Briefings in

Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-11 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
Hi, Does anyone know of any communities / mailing lists / newsgroups / et al. for retro networking / WAN technologies? I find myself interested in (at least) the following and would like to find others with similar (dis)interests to chat about things. - 10Base5 / 10Base2 / 10BaseT - ISDN

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-11 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/11/22 11:27 AM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote: I still have 10 Mb Ethernet at home (on my Pro, and while it's not in use I have a few 10Base2 bits). Please expand "my Pro". There's not much to go on. #LivingRetroVicariouslyThoughOthers And I did ATM for a living for about 5 years, back

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-11 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/11/22 2:58 PM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote: I don't have a 10Base2 switch, but I have an old repeater with 4-5 10BaseT ports and a 10Base2 port. And I have a 10Base2 transceiver (as well as 2 or 3 10BaseT transceiver). Good thing because the Pro has an AUI connector. I have to ask ...

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-11 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/11/22 4:18 PM, Cameron Kaiser via cctalk wrote: Were there ever actual true 10b2 switches? I've seen 10Base-T versions of -- what I would call -- bridges in box for sale. I've seen /many/ different software products that could be installed on computers with supported interfaces to be b

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-11 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/11/22 1:59 PM, Lars Brinkhoff via cctalk wrote: For your consideration: - Arpanet (NCP) Is that "NCP" the same NCP that's in ancient BSDs? Or is it a term collision? - Tymnet I think of Tymnet as a service and not as much as a protocol. Though maybe it implies a protocol and I'm

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-11 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/11/22 4:47 PM, Warner Losh via cctalk wrote: NCP was the forerunner of TCP/IP. Net Unix had it as its supported protocol and that was old enough that BSD had at least one implementation. Thank you for confirmation of what I thought might be the case Warner. I've thought about messing wit

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-11 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/11/22 4:39 PM, Cameron Kaiser via cctalk wrote: I'll also throw in SLIP, since I imagine most remote access nowadays is all PPP, If you're adding SLIP, I'm going to add PLIP. and maybe even old school EtherTalk or LocalTalk. Oh wow. Ya. That's more easily done / emulated on many syst

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-11 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/11/22 11:12 AM, Ethan O'Toole via cctalk wrote: There is a Central Office list (which migrated from Yahoo Groups) located at . It is low traffic. I've sent a subscribe request. There is a Discord server related to PBX and Telephone stuff, but wi

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-11 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/11/22 6:16 PM, Paul Koning wrote: I think "hub" is another word for "repeater" (just like "switch" is another word for "bridge"). Interesting. Do you know of any documentation, preferably not marketing materials, that used "repeater" in lieu of "hub"? From my naive point of view, hubs

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-11 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/11/22 6:33 PM, Paul Koning wrote: DECbridge-90: AUI or 10Base2 to 10Base2. Interesting. That's not accurate. "Switch" is a marketing term invented by certain companies that wanted to pretend their products were different from (and better than) other people's bridges. It never was tr

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-11 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/11/22 9:55 PM, Tony Duell via cctalk wrote: I am not sure what the actual distinction is, but a 'managed bridge' turned up at the local antique market (!) some weeks back. It has a pair of AUI ports and from the amount of logic/processor power inside it does a lot more than just pass packe

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-11 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/11/22 11:38 PM, Wayne S wrote: In the beginning there was thick ethernet limited to 100 m. Um I *REALLY* thought the 5 & 2 in 10Base5 and 10Base2 was the number of hundreds of meters that the cable segment could exist on it's own. My understanding is that the 100 meter limit came a

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-12 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/12/22 12:21 AM, Lars Brinkhoff via cctalk wrote: Are you saying there's a BSD Unix with Arpanet NCP? If so, where? My understanding is that 4.3BSD that ran on VAXes had support for NCP. My naive assumption is that there is enough of it still around that it may be possible to bring up an

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-12 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/12/22 7:49 AM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote: DEC documentation. Thank you. The concept of a repeater goes back to day 1 of Ethernet; you'll find them in the D/I/X Ethernet spec. And they were part of the first batch of Ethernet products from DEC. Repeaters existing from day 1 of Ethe

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-12 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/12/22 10:11 AM, Wayne S wrote: Wiki says ethernet became commercially available in 1980 and invented in 1973. So if enet was 1980 what were routers routing 10 years earlier in 1970? I feel like IMPs were "routing" and could be considered "routers" long before Ethernet was a thing. --

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-12 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/12/22 8:50 AM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote: A device that doesn't do address learning and floods unicast frames is not a bridge but rather a non-standard piece hardware. I feel like a "hub" qualifies as "a device that doesn't do address learning and floods unicast frames". To me, the f

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-12 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/12/22 7:56 AM, Todd Goodman via cctalk wrote: The big difference in my mind between bridge and switch is:  * Switches learn what port given MACs are on and only sends unicast    traffic destined for that MAC address on that port and not all  * Bridges send unicast traffic to all ports

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-12 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/12/22 11:23 AM, Wayne S wrote: What’s an IMP? Don’t know that acronym. Interface Message Processor. #ARPANET -- Grant. . . . unix || die

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-12 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/12/22 11:44 AM, Paul Koning wrote: In my experience, "hub" is a vague marketing term. ... Non-learning layer 2 packet switching devices to me are hypothetical beast, I never met one and I'm glad I didn't. Nope. Hubs are definitely not a marketing term, nor a hypothetical beast. See the

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-12 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/12/22 11:41 AM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote: I don't know anything about the 3 Mb/s prototype other than that it existed. When I speak of Ethernet and its "day 1" I mean 10 Mb/s Ethernet as defined by the DEC/Intel/Xerox spec. Okay. Fair enough. I surmise that we're talking about Ethe

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-12 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/12/22 1:05 PM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote: But that's a marketing document. Eh ... Maybe. Cisco has plenty of purely technical documentation on the same subject with effectively similar technical information. That was just the first link that I found that wasn't a "hub" in the social

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-12 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/12/22 11:44 AM, Todd Goodman via cctalk wrote: To me a hub is a layer 1 device (physical layer) that doesn't look at the traffic at all while the bridge does look at the traffic and generally implements 802.1d Spanning Tree Protocol and processes BPDUs. I think that you touch on a very ge

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-12 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/12/22 12:08 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote: Hub is a nebulous term. Yes and no. Hub can be a generic "connects things" a la. hub of wires. Or it can be a technical thing, e.g. layer 1 device. For example, I've got a couple of NS "Datamover" 10Base boxes that take the WAN connection

Re: Retro networking / WAN communities

2022-04-12 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/12/22 3:03 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote: I'll bow to the experts and refer to the things as a "boxes with in the blank>n capabilities". I'm definitely not an expert. Just some random term> on the Internet who has things to say. ;-) That should pretty much cover the terrain. As so

Re: AlphaServer 2100s available

2022-04-14 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/14/22 6:10 PM, Antonio Carlini via cctalk wrote: I will learn to get this right eventually :-) Some (if not many) of those that do eventually learn how to do it still make mistakes. So, try to do it correct, but be accepting of those that oops. ;-) Read: Don't beat yourself up for a

Re: AlphaServer 2100s available

2022-04-15 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/15/22 4:30 AM, Peter Coghlan via cctalk wrote: However, it doesn't seem to have any commercial value. I suspect that the recent VAX Hobbyist License Program's expiration will be a shot in the arm for older Alpha systems value as some people migrate to Alpha to legally run OpenVMS as a ho

Re: AlphaServer 2100s available

2022-04-15 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/15/22 12:43 PM, Alan Perry via cctalk wrote: The note on it says that it doesn't boot, but they had the same note on the Axil 320 (SS20 clone) that I got from them and it booted up fine once I put a HDD in it. There's posting and then there's booting into an OS. The former is most impor

Re: PCI floppy controller

2022-04-21 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/21/22 5:47 PM, Charles Dickman via cctalk wrote: Were there ever any floppy controllers for the (parallel) PCI bus? Didn't some of the Adaptec SCSI cards have a floppy controller on them? Could that be made to work? -- Grant. . . . unix || die

Re: PCI floppy controller

2022-04-22 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/22/22 11:46 AM, Warner Losh via cctalk wrote: By the time there were PCI Adaptec cards, there was no longer a floppy controller on them that I ever saw. As others have pointed out, though, it would need special drivers and/or BIOS support because PCI devices mixed poorly with ISA DMA that

Re: Advice on Desoldering an IC

2022-04-22 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/22/22 12:03 PM, Rob Jarratt via cctalk wrote: I decided to invest in a Hakko FR-301. It worked almost immediately. Hours of trying before, I did it in 10 minutes! Thank you for the feedback and the comparison of without and with it. -- Grant. . . . unix || die

Re: PCI floppy controller

2022-04-22 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 4/22/22 1:26 PM, Glen Slick via cctalk wrote: Swearing about it doesn't make it so. Agreed. Though swearing about it does speak to how strongly I /thought/ it was the case. Clearly I was wrong. It's only been about two decades since I would have messed with this. Maybe my grey matter

Re: "newer" vintage computers, parts, electronics for sale $100 LARGE lot

2022-05-09 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 5/9/22 3:54 PM, Bill Degnan via cctalk wrote: What are the two (identical) 1U servers that are missing the face / bezel in picture 17? They look suspiciously like a Sun 1U server I have. If they ar

Re: "newer" vintage computers, parts, electronics for sale $100 LARGE lot

2022-05-10 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 5/10/22 3:13 AM, Bill Degnan via cctalk wrote: Correct, they are Sun servers. I forgot they were there in the pic when I made the listing. I have been trying to find a home for them for months. Not "vintage enough" Does "trying to find a home for them" mean in your collection or somebod

Re: "newer" vintage computers, parts, electronics for sale $100 LARGE lot

2022-05-10 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 5/10/22 10:12 AM, Bill Degnan via cctalk wrote: They're yours if you or someone can pick them up here. Thank you for the kind offer. Unfortunately I'm multiple states away and am in no position to make such a journey. I have other Sun hardware, but I only can support one or two Sun's of

Re: IBM PC Connecting to DECNET

2022-05-31 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 5/31/22 10:48 PM, Dennis Boone via cctalk wrote: If the stack that's installed is DECnet/DOS, then there are a few docs on bitsavers. I'd guess that the command "C:\CJR" leads to the stuff that loads the network stack and tries to set up the connections. I have zero experience with DECnet

Re: I can't sent to gmail either with my domains

2022-06-22 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 6/22/22 3:18 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote: gmail recently switched their security to OAuth2. The change was very sudden. I don't know how sudden it was. I see a post on a form that indicates that Google probably gave (at least) three months notice of the change. The post in question

Re: I can't sent to gmail either with my domains

2022-06-22 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 6/20/22 5:58 PM, jim stephens via cctalk wrote: I can't sent to gmail either with my domains What errors are you getting? Are you talking about trying to email people at Gmail directly or are you seeing problems with Gmail recipients not getting messages you send via a mailing list (cctal

Re: I can't sent to gmail either with my domains

2022-06-22 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 6/22/22 4:18 PM, Frank via cctalk wrote: Email sent from my personal domain to friends’ gmail accounts started going to their spam folders several months ago. Adding SPF and DKIM DNS records for my domain allowed my emails to get delivered to their inboxes. Yep. Gmail has been ratchetin

Re: Xerox 800 Word Processor 1974 promo film

2022-07-02 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 7/2/22 3:50 AM, D. Resor via cctalk wrote: This video just popped up in my YT view. It was posted a couple days ago. XEROX Word Processing Machines & Computers 1975 (Xerox 800 vintage promo film) That was an interesting video, thank you for sharing Don. I don't know that I've ever heard /

Re: tape drives, oscilloscopes, and test equiment in Austin, TX

2022-07-14 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 7/14/22 2:37 AM, Mark Linimon via cctalk wrote: Closing this Friday the 15th (sorry for noticing this late). At the University of Texas in downtown Austin. I have no association with the University, etc. I'd pay the current bid of $11 for

[cctalk] Re: Mime Attachments in Digest

2022-07-18 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 7/18/22 10:59 AM, Robert Adamson via cctalk wrote: I don’t know what’s changed but I’m receiving the cctech digests as a collection of mime attachments now. I’m using an iPad and used to just get a lengthy plain email. The mime attachments are a real PITA to try to read! My preference is t

[cctalk] Re: cctalk Digest, Vol 94, Issue 24

2022-07-18 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 7/18/22 11:00 AM, Jan Mleczko via cctalk wrote: Dziękuję za twoją wiadomość. Przepraszam, jestem na wczasach i odpowiem później. I've seen at least five of these messages in the last few days. I sent an email to cctalk-request@ and asking if there is anything that they

[cctalk] Re: ReGIS converter

2022-07-21 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 7/21/22 3:56 PM, Dennis Boone via cctalk wrote: Does anyone know of a tool that can convert from one or more vector image formats to ReGIS? For use on unix-ish platforms. I'm conflating my Sixel work with my ReGIS work. I know that there are a number of utilities to work with Sixel, but i

[cctalk] Re: ReGIS converter

2022-07-21 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 7/21/22 5:53 PM, Grant Taylor via cctalk wrote: You might do some sleuthing to see if any vector programs will do what you want. My Gentoo system w/ ReGIS and Sixel USE flags has the following things installed that include ReGIS (case insensitive / whole word) in the man page

[cctalk] Re: ReGIS converter

2022-07-21 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 7/21/22 6:30 PM, Dennis Boone via cctalk wrote: Indeed. I've fiddled with Sixel in xterm, for example. I've got both Sixel and ReGIS support in my Xterm. Not that I'm actually doing anything with it at this time. Grand plans are still waiting for sufficient Round Tuits. It turns out R

[cctalk] Re: ReGIS converter

2022-07-21 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 7/21/22 6:30 PM, Dennis Boone via cctalk wrote: I'm basically working on a GIGI demo, and would like to be able to take existing vector files and convert them to ReGIS. Is there somewhere that I can read about your efforts? Do you have a blog, et al. that I can follow? I'm also curious h

[cctalk] Re: ReGIS converter

2022-07-21 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 7/21/22 8:02 PM, Jonathan Stone via cctalk wrote: Digital Equipment Corp. VK100, aka GIGI. Try searching for "DEC GIGI" Thank you for that information. It seems as if GIGI is an acronym for General Imaging Generator and Interpreter. The DEC VK100 seems to be something similar to a DEC VT

[cctalk] What is an "FS/2" connector?

2022-07-30 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
Hi, I just saw an unknown to me connector listed on an eBay auction and was wondering if anyone knows more about an "FS/2" connector. Link - FS/2 to IBM PC-AT P-1940-0042 CABLE 6 FOOT FREE SHIPPING - I assumed it was a typo / poor original copy that shou

[cctalk] Re: What is an "FS/2" connector?

2022-07-30 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 7/30/22 10:15 AM, Grant Taylor via cctalk wrote: I just saw an unknown to me connector listed on an eBay auction and was wondering if anyone knows more about an "FS/2" connector. Thank you all. It seems as "FS/2" is not a /type/ /of/ /connector/ so much as i

[cctalk] Re: Connecting a physical terminal via LAN to Serial Port

2022-07-30 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 7/30/22 11:23 PM, Ali via cctalk wrote: I am ideally looking for a ready to go, low power device, I can hide away as opposed to setting up a PC of my own running some *nix flavor that I know can do this but is way over kill. I feel like a Raspberry Pi or similar would fit the bill for this

[cctalk] Re: Connecting a physical terminal via LAN to Serial Port

2022-07-31 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 7/31/22 11:05 AM, Ali via cctalk wrote: Well after looking around a bit last night and my Google fu failing to provide anything worthwhile :-/ Grant may be right i.e. there is no device that make a shell or a telnet client available to a terminal and I will have to roll my own. I somewh

[cctalk] Re: Connecting a physical terminal via LAN to Serial Port

2022-07-31 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 7/31/22 11:38 AM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote: One easy way would be to plug in a USB to RS232 adapter into any old Linux device, like a Pi. Another is to use an RS232 converter card for the built-in UARTs. I don't know about the Pi, but I've used such a device for the BeagleBone Black.

[cctalk] Re: Connecting a physical terminal via LAN to Serial Port

2022-07-31 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 7/31/22 12:14 PM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote: It's like Pi, I believe, another ARM based Linux device. ACK I started using the BBB some years ago when the Pi was using a chip whose specs were secret. Supposedly that's been cured. The BBB is built on TI silicon that comes with a downlo

[cctalk] Re: Connecting a physical terminal via LAN to Serial Port

2022-07-31 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 7/31/22 2:54 PM, Ali via cctalk wrote: Can you expand on this? I am not sure how this is supposed to work out. So in my scenario I have a dumb terminal connected to one of the suggested devices. On the other side I have the out of band serial port controller for my RAID connected to a termin

[cctalk] Re: Connecting a physical terminal via LAN to Serial Port

2022-07-31 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 7/31/22 3:57 PM, Ali via cctalk wrote: I am throwing a monkey wrench in it by trying to use a 1980s dumb terminal as my I/O device. :) It's not that big of a monkey wrench in and of itself. It just does mean that you're in the minority use case. :-( -- Welcome to the club. :-D As we

[cctalk] Re: Connecting a physical terminal via LAN to Serial Port

2022-07-31 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 7/31/22 4:46 PM, Rich Alderson via cctalk wrote: What you have been describing, and what no one else seems to have twigged to, is what we called a TIP ("terminal interface processor") or EtherTIP (because it sat directly on the 3Mbit/10Mbit Ethernet, unlike the ARPANET TIPs that sat on a 56K

[cctalk] Re: BBS memorabilia

2022-08-01 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 8/1/22 9:00 AM, Ethan O'Toole via cctalk wrote: Just a heads up in case you aren't familiar, there is a project out there where someone was pulling data from Prodigy cache directories (from installed software that was used, on old computers.) They were working to re-create Prodigy. I'm fri

[cctalk] Re: DECnet to be dropped from Linux

2022-08-02 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 8/2/22 11:52 AM, Robert Armstrong via cctalk wrote: Umm... The problem is that there are a lot more DECnet systems than just VMS. Please elaborate. I naively assumed that anything that was running DECnet was doing so to be able to communicate with a DEC system / OS. It sounds like you a

[cctalk] Re: DECnet to be dropped from Linux

2022-08-02 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 8/2/22 12:42 PM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote: I think the context was TCP as an alternative transport, given the fading DECnet support in Linux. And yes, that's an option for Unix and VMS, but not for a number of other DEC operating systems that have no TCP option. Okay. I hadn't consid

[cctalk] Re: DECnet to be dropped from Linux

2022-08-02 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 8/2/22 1:56 PM, Robert Armstrong via cctalk wrote: AFAIK, VMS was the only DEC operating system (well, excepting the Un*x derivatives) that supported TCP/IP. There were several third party TCP/IP implementations for VMS (e.g. Wollongong, CMU, Process Software, ...) and eventually DEC came o

[cctalk] Re: DECnet to be dropped from Linux

2022-08-02 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 8/2/22 1:56 PM, Wayne S via cctalk wrote: Does dropping Decnet mean the the commercial versions like Redhat and any others that you pay support for will also lose Decnet? I imagine that even commercially supported distributions will eventually loose DECnet support. -- I don't see how they

[cctalk] Re: DECnet to be dropped from Linux

2022-08-02 Thread Grant Taylor via cctalk
On 8/2/22 2:37 PM, Wayne S via cctalk wrote: I naively assume that since Decnet is a mature product supporting it just means testing it with new versions of Linux so not too much work is needed. If a linux distro keeps it it adds value to that distro. Fair enough. I think the problem is goin

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