On 7/21/22 3:56 PM, Dennis Boone via cctalk wrote:
Does anyone know of a tool that can convert from one or more vector image formats to ReGIS? For use on unix-ish platforms.

I'm conflating my Sixel work with my ReGIS work. I know that there are a number of utilities to work with Sixel, but it seems like there are fewer that work with ReGIS.

You might do some sleuthing to see if any vector programs will do what you want.

Aside: I think that GNU Plot can be made to output ReGIS. So maybe you can abuse it / press it into service.

I'm also curious what you're wanting to do. I run into few people that work with ReGIS and am always curious what others are doing with ReGIS (and Sixel).

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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