[cctalk] Re: Typing class in high school

2023-01-27 Thread Brian Marstella via cctalk
Speaking of good keyboards, my typing class used IBM Selectrics for the lucky people but we also had some older Underwoods and Royals in the class. You got those when you irritated the teacher. I took Typing I & II and it's worked out great as every job I've had since required lots of typing. On F

Re: Programming Bipolar PROMs

2021-09-27 Thread Brian Marstella via cctalk
I recently picked up an EPROM+ programming unit ( https://www.arlabs.com/eprom_plus.html) from eBay used in order to program a couple of PROMs. Unfortunately, I haven't actually tried it yet but the 82S23 and others are supported. The owner of the company seems to be extremely responsive to any and

Re: Apple ][+ Keyboard

2019-05-22 Thread Brian Marstella via cctalk
Just ran across this a few days ago on different search... https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.sys.apple2/kJ4SosdZTb4 May have some helpful info. On Wed, May 22, 2019 at 11:56 AM John Many Jars via cctalk < cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote: > I feel like I'm falling down a rabbit hole with

Re: FTGH: Unknown extender card

2018-03-03 Thread Brian Marstella via cctalk
I have a CPU board with similar format that I bought thinking I'd eventually figure it out. Same boat, though, I haven't run across the system it goes with. It does look very similar to many S-100 designs, though. On Sat, Mar 3, 2018 at 9:39 PM, Jon Elson via cctalk wrote: > On 03/03/2018 04:48

Re: Looking for a home

2018-02-13 Thread Brian Marstella via cctalk
Have you determined a price for the HP? Regards, Brian On Feb 4, 2018 19:46, "Pete Lancashire via cctalk" wrote: > Need to start cleaning aut, will have more/better pictures soon > > The Alphas have full True64 feature certificates, at least one ran > before going into storage and has 2 72 GBs

SOL-20 and Helios-II in Louisville

2017-12-02 Thread Brian Marstella via cctalk
Hope this isn't too far off topic, but noticed a SOL-20, Helios-II, and several disks available in Louisville via Craigslist. Can't afford more stuff this year myself but price doesn't seem too bad. i don't know the person that has it, just found it as I was searching. https://louisville.craigslis

Re: formatting MFM drives on a IBM PC

2017-09-26 Thread Brian Marstella via cctalk
IIRC, the first time I had problems with the low level format was with one of the early IDE controllers and a 230MB Maxtor. Crapped out the entire firmware, was never able to get it to admit who it was again. Seemed to work okay with earlier MFM/RLL 40 MB and 80 MB Conner drives (I think, it's been

Re: Does anyone here know Siemens STL?

2017-04-11 Thread Brian Marstella via cctalk
I worked with STL some but am much more familiar with structured text as used by Rockwell/Allen-Bradley. However, my first exposure to PLCs after getting out of the Navy back in 1991 was the Mitsubishi A series with a GPP for a programmer. I found that one interesting because you could program in l

Re: Macintosh Portable

2016-11-26 Thread Brian Marstella
Chris, I remembered seeing this post from a couple of years ago when I was looking at a Mac Portable. I ended up not buying it so I can't speak for whether this will work, but it might point in the right direction. See especially the links around the 4th post in the thread as it shows a 34 pin con

Re: Looking for info on a CAMAC module - Kinetic 3912 Unibus Crate Controller

2016-10-31 Thread Brian Marstella
Pete, I think I might have a few Kinetic CAMAC brochures and user manuals. I'll have to dig around but if you don't have another source, maybe I can scan them. We had a 2 large crates in our testing lab that I kick myself for not taking. I had no use for them but it's still some interesting hardwa

Re: the value of old test and repair equipment

2016-07-28 Thread Brian Marstella
I enjoy using vintage test equipment as well, but I'm not usually willing to pay more than $5 or $10 for a piece unless I know it works. Generally, the only time I'll pay more without testing is when it's an automated piece of equipment that included some computer interface capability as part of as

Re: Resurrecting the DB-19

2016-06-05 Thread Brian Marstella
You might check iec.net; I recently purchased several DB19M and DB19F connectors from them at a reasonable price. They were out of the male DB19 solder-tail type connectors but substituted the pin-insert type instead. For my purposes, either would work. They also had a 25 pin to 19 pin cable for th

Re: Hamvention

2016-05-21 Thread Brian Marstella
After Alex mentioned it, I'd thought about driving up if anyone saw anything of interest, but sounds like there isn't a great deal to pick from for older computers. I really can't justify the drive anyway, this year... Brian KI4GTD On Sat, May 21, 2016 at 11:48 PM, Jerry Weiss wrote: > I saw on

Re: Here's what happens when an 18 year old buys a mainframe...

2016-03-29 Thread Brian Marstella
I'm still kicking myself for passing up an IBM mainframe and a Sun 2000 that my previous employer no longer needed. I reasoned that I didn't have space or power for them; never let logic and good sense dictate your actions :) Connor picked a great learning experience... EE, CS, and other disciplin

Re: The list seems very quiet today

2015-10-30 Thread Brian Marstella
I saw a couple of posts; thought it seemed a little slow today as well. I did see Liam's post regarding Fortran, which I did have a semester of back in '93. Probably a little rusty as there just isn't a lot of need for it... On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 10:55 AM, Fred Cisin wrote: > On 30 October 201