I worked with STL some but am much more familiar with structured text as
used by Rockwell/Allen-Bradley. However, my first exposure to PLCs after
getting out of the Navy back in 1991 was the Mitsubishi A series with a GPP
for a programmer. I found that one interesting because you could program in
ladder mode or switch to the other mode (which I can't remember the name
of) that looked exactly like assembly. The two modes were interchangeable
as far as I could tell.

On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 10:32 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk <
cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> On 04/11/2017 07:03 PM, Charles Dickman via cctalk wrote:
> > The Balkanized nature of programming is interesting.
> >
> > I make a comment about C and get a flurry of responses, but ask a
> > question about a programming language that is also very common for
> > machine control and get no response at all. Not even a recognition
> > of its existence.
> I don't think that you're being quite fair.  There are boatloads of
> specialized application programming languages--I rarely pay attention to
> any of them, figuring that after your first dozen or so, it's easy
> enough to add another one.
> Heck,  I may even have some STL stashed away in my collection of Siemens
> PG-685 floppies.   I never was interested in looking.
> --Chuck

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